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EVIL~! alkeiper

The ONE and ONLY World Series Thread

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Clemens is better than Maddux, and he didn't get the "Atlanta Braves Pitcher" strikezone for x number of years to help him.


He may have gotten something, but not to the extent that Maddux and Glavine got.

There was no "Atlanta Braves Pitcher" strikezone.


There was a wide strikezone, which the MLB did away with two years ago. It affected every pitcher in the league, but it hit guys like Glavine and Maddux the hardest.

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Guest Anglesault

I personally remember the 96 World Series where it came to a head for me.


Glavine and Maddux were consistently getting their 4 inches off the plate strike, while say, Kenny Rogers couldn't buy that call.


So someone asked the crew chief what the fuck was up.


His answer?


"Well, they (Maddux and Glavine) consistently throw that pitch"


Well, then they consistently throw balls, do they not?


It caused a huge uproar around here. If they were gonna give The Braves the pitch four inches off, they should have given it to the Yankees.


Someone like Alkeiper should verify that I'm not making all this up.


If I am, I've lost my mind.

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After watching years of Phillies games and seeing them kill them, I will vouch for the fact that if the pitch didn't hit the dirt or make the catcher dive a foot away from the plate to catch the pitch, they got the call.

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God help you two if (and when) you are banging some girl she doesn't take the cumshot exactly right.

That's a candidate for Forums Quote of the Week right there.

Christ you've lowered your standards...

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Clemens is better than Maddux, and he didn't get the "Atlanta Braves Pitcher" strikezone for x number of years to help him.


He may have gotten something, but not to the extent that Maddux and Glavine got.


Personally, Clemens would be a better bet now than Tom Glavine was going into this season. Clemens probably could have pitched 2-3 more seasons effectively.


Someone like Alkeiper should verify that I'm not making all this up.


I don't think anyone can really verify it without QuisTec or KZone. Its certainly out of the realm of my research. I will point out that the Braves walked more batters in the Series and struck out more batters as well.


Someone mentioned Randy Johnson as a free agent. He signed an extension and he's under contract until 2005. This is a good source for contract info. http://www.bluemanc.demon.co.uk/baseball/m...lbcontracts.htm

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Guest MikeSC
I personally remember the 96 World Series where it came to a head for me.


Glavine and Maddux were consistently getting their 4 inches off the plate strike, while say, Kenny Rogers couldn't buy that call.


So someone asked the crew chief what the fuck was up.


His answer?


"Well, they (Maddux and Glavine) consistently throw that pitch"


Well, then they consistently throw balls, do they not?


It caused a huge uproar around here. If they were gonna give The Braves the pitch four inches off, they should have given it to the Yankees.


Someone like Alkeiper should verify that I'm not making all this up.


If I am, I've lost my mind.

Livan Hernandez MADE his name because that fat, tubby sack of goo Eric Gregg gave him much more room off of the plate than ANYBODY --- including the Braves --- got. So let's not pretend it was a "Braves strikezone" because the zone Hernandez got in the Marlins' first WS win (hmm, isn't it great that the ONLY new team involved in the LCS was the one that won it all? Screw NY, Boston, and Chicago) was absurd.


Glavine got gifts on the outside because he'd slowly work farther and farther away, getting the ump to go along with it.


Not his fault if he plays the system.


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Guest Anglesault
Someone like Alkeiper should verify that I'm not making all this up.


I don't think anyone can really verify it without QuisTec or KZone. Its certainly out of the realm of my research. I will point out that the Braves walked more batters in the Series and struck out more batters as well.

I meant you might remember the specs of this story from the 96 Series.

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Guest Bobby Cox is God

I will give Anglesault that the Braves did get that call more often than other teams, but they certainly are not the only team to get that call..


I remember everyone getting upset about it as well, not just the Yankees.

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Guest Anglesault
I remember everyone getting upset about it as well, not just the Yankees.

Oh, certainly.


But someone actually mentioned it during the World Series and the Ump had an asshole excuse.

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Someone like Alkeiper should verify that I'm not making all this up.


I don't think anyone can really verify it without QuisTec or KZone. Its certainly out of the realm of my research. I will point out that the Braves walked more batters in the Series and struck out more batters as well.

I meant you might remember the specs of this story from the 96 Series.

I wish I had watched it more closely. Generally I don't pay attention to the umpiring unless the Phillies are involved. Generally fans' opinions of umpires are directly proportional to their rooting interests.

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Guest Bobby Cox is God

It always amused me when Bobby Cox would argue the strikes, considering that Maddux and Glavine lived over there.

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Not too bad on the Marlins side. I wouldn't mind if they got rid of Castillo and Urbina, but they should really resign Pudge at whatever cost, he's worth it. The other guys won't command big money and will probably be brought back. Looking good!


Yankees don't look that bad either, aside from 3/5 of their starting rotation (and it's a given that Clemens is done anyway)...


Next year should be fun. My friends are already talking shit on the 2004 Florida Marlins to me. I've heard the two words Anaheim Angels more times in the past 24 hours than I ever wanted to.


Oh well. It's still the best feeling in the world a day after. :)

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Jeff Loria doesn't even open his pocketbook for a decent haircut. Let's see if he tries to sign any of these guys back. The only reason they got Pudge is because no one else wanted to take the risk.

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Well, Keiper, I advise you and everyone else to check out the headline on mlb.com...


Loria promises no fire sale!! I just knew it!

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