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EVIL~! alkeiper

The ONE and ONLY World Series Thread

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The man who rode Jordan's coattails to six rings, and the person who gave up on his team with 1.7 seconds left in the playoffs.


That's how Scottie Pippen will be remembered.

But, does quitter = failure, though?


And Pippen may have indeed rode Jordan's coattails, but as true as it is that Pippen never won without Jordan, it is equally true that Jordan never won without Pippen.

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I don't understand how society has come to the point where it's okay and often accepted and dare I say rewarded to be a loser.

I don't understand how society has come to the point where people are raised to believe that if you aren't the undisputed king of the hill, and Lord and Master of all you survey, then you're a failure in life.


Everybody can't be on top; there's not enough room.

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If you have the potential to succeed and instead decide to give up, then being a quitter does mean being a failure.


The only time quitting is acceptable is if there is no humanly possible way to achieve your goal/s. None whatsoever. And even then a person should try first.

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I'm sorry, but you guys just won't find much sympathy since your team has 26 FUCKING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS, the most of any team in American professional sports!!!


I can understand anger after losing the World Series, but c'mon, it's not like the Yankees haven't been successful in the past 20 years. The team is on a downturn you say? Well, making the World Series 3 out of the last 4 years is a downturn I'd like to have.

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I don't understand how society has come to the point where it's okay and often accepted and dare I say rewarded to be a loser.

I don't understand how society has come to the point where people are raised to believe that if you aren't the undisputed king of the hill, and Lord and Master of all you survey, then you're a failure in life.


Everybody can't be on top; there's not enough room.

Someone has to lose, I'd just rather do everything within my power to ensure that that someone isn't me.


And refuse to give up until I'm no longer that loser.

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Guest Anglesault
I don't understand how society has come to the point where it's okay and often accepted and dare I say rewarded to be a loser.

I don't understand how society has come to the point where people are raised to believe that if you aren't the undisputed king of the hill, and Lord and Master of all you survey, then you're a failure in life.


Not in life.


In the specific field that you failed at.


For all I know, the 2003 Yankee team could take the world baket weaving tournament by storm and win it all.


Doesn't change the fact that this team failed in baseball this year.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Weeeeeell Jeff Loria had done it

Once again the Marlins won it

The D-Train carrying them all the while

Jeff Tolberg's tragic firing made us smile

While AJ Burnett lay on the injured pile!


We're talking baseball

From Talhassee to Daytona

We're talking baseball

Jeff Conine and Carl Pavano


Ramon Castro and his run in with the law

Josh Beckett's grotesquely swollen mom

We're talking McKeeeeeeeon

Cabrera and I-Rod!

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Guest Anglesault
Main Entry: fail·ure

Pronunciation: 'fA(&)l-y&r

Function: noun

Etymology: alteration of earlier failer, from Anglo-French, from Old French faillir to fail

Date: 1643

1 a : omission of occurrence or performance; specifically : a failing to perform a duty or expected action b : a state of inability to perform a normal function <kidney failure>; compare HEART FAILURE c : a fracturing or giving way under stress <structural failure>

2 a : lack of success b : a failing in business : BANKRUPTCY

3 a : a falling short : DEFICIENCY <a crop failure> b : DETERIORATION, DECAY

4 : one that has failed


Pronunciation Key


© 2001 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated

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Someone has to lose, I'd just rather do everything within my power to ensure that that someone isn't me.


And refuse to give up until I'm no longer that loser.

You make it sound like the Yankees walked off the field in the middle of the game, and never came back.

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Someone has to lose, I'd just rather do everything within my power to ensure that that someone isn't me.


And refuse to give up until I'm no longer that loser.

You make it sound like the Yankees walked off the field in the middle of the game, and never came back.

They played like they had.

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Guest Anglesault
Weeeeeell Jeff Loria had done it

Once again the Marlins won it

The D-Train carrying them all the while

Jeff Tolberg's tragic firing made us smile

While AJ Burnett lay on the injured pile!


We're talking baseball

From Talhassee to Daytona

We're talking baseball

Jeff Conine and Carl Pavano


Ramon Castro and his run in with the law

Josh Beckett's grotesquely swollen mom

We're talking McKeeeeeeeon

Cabrera and I-Rod!

Damn you.


You make it sound like the Yankees walked off the field in the middle of the game, and never came back.


You make it sound as if they showed up.

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Main Entry: fail·ure

Pronunciation: 'fA(&)l-y&r

Function: noun

Etymology: alteration of earlier failer, from Anglo-French, from Old French faillir to fail

Date: 1643

1 a : omission of occurrence or performance; specifically : a failing to perform a duty or expected action b : a state of inability to perform a normal function <kidney failure>; compare HEART FAILURE c : a fracturing or giving way under stress <structural failure>

2 a : lack of success b : a failing in business : BANKRUPTCY

3 a : a falling short : DEFICIENCY <a crop failure> b : DETERIORATION, DECAY

4 : one that has failed


Pronunciation Key


© 2001 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated

Merriam-Webster Privacy Policy

So, basically what you're saying is that there's only one standard for success?

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Main Entry: fail·ure

Pronunciation: 'fA(&)l-y&r

Function: noun

Etymology: alteration of earlier failer, from Anglo-French, from Old French faillir to fail

Date: 1643

1 a : omission of occurrence or performance; specifically : a failing to perform a duty or expected action b : a state of inability to perform a normal function <kidney failure>; compare HEART FAILURE c : a fracturing or giving way under stress <structural failure>

2 a : lack of success b : a failing in business : BANKRUPTCY

3 a : a falling short : DEFICIENCY <a crop failure> b : DETERIORATION, DECAY

4 : one that has failed


Pronunciation Key


© 2001 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated

Merriam-Webster Privacy Policy

So, basically what you're saying is that there's only one standard for success?

Exactly. Being better then anyone and everyone else in your given field.


In a nutshell, winning.

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Guest Anglesault
Main Entry: fail·ure

Pronunciation: 'fA(&)l-y&r

Function: noun

Etymology: alteration of earlier failer, from Anglo-French, from Old French faillir to fail

Date: 1643

1 a : omission of occurrence or performance; specifically : a failing to perform a duty or expected action b : a state of inability to perform a normal function <kidney failure>; compare HEART FAILURE c : a fracturing or giving way under stress <structural failure>

2 a : lack of success b : a failing in business : BANKRUPTCY

3 a : a falling short : DEFICIENCY <a crop failure> b : DETERIORATION, DECAY

4 : one that has failed


Pronunciation Key


© 2001 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated

Merriam-Webster Privacy Policy

So, basically what you're saying is that there's only one standard for success?



No one goes into a year saying "I hope we make the world series and play like little leaguers"


They say "I hope we win it all"

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Boy and people thought the Cubs fans were bad.


First of all, despite the fact that I've made it clear that I didn't care for either team, congrats to the Marlins. Regardless of who owns them or where they come from or whatever, they were the best when it truly mattered. The turned it on the last couple weeks of the season, against the Giants, against the Cubs, and finally, against the Yankees.


You've got a team right there that took nothing for granted, didn't hold much stock in stats, most of which worked against their favor. They worked hard all season, making a 30-game turnaround during the regular season, and finishing off all three of their postseason series with three straight wins, two of which came on the road, no easy task.


I give the Yanks credit for putting it together occassionally, and the majority of the time when it mattered most, but that still doesn't take away from the fact that they seemed to go through the motions the majority of the time. Perhaps the thing that bothers me most about the Yankees isn't that they hold a monopoly over the game, or that they can sign anyone they want, or have a payroll that most teams could only dream of. No, it's more because the team and face it, the fans have come to take winning for granted. I'm sure there are fans out there who remember what it was like to not make the postseason or win it all, but the point is, winning is pretty much a staple over there and it's something that everyone affiliated with the club has taken for granted.


Taking nothing away from the Marlins, the Yanks looked awful the majority of this series. They only started to come to life in the later innings in most of the games, while making mistakes on simple plays and showing little hustle the rest of the time.


And let us not forget all of the drama that was tied in with the club this year. Perhaps one of the things the Marlins had that the Yanks didn't have was unity. Looking at that Marlins team, you see a group of players and coaches that get along famously, having a good time and looking like they're just out there to have fun. On the other end of the spectrum, you have a senile old man declaring that he's going to start dropping the pink slips if the team doesn't win it all. While talent is a huge element of success, I think that a team that gets along and play as one are often stronger than pure talent.


Now as for the specifics, stop blaming Jeff Weaver. Yes he blew the game, but need I remind you that the Yanks DID have a runner at third in the ninth, with the score three up, or did you all forget that? They score that run and Rivera most likely shuts it down in the ninth, allowing the Yankees to go up 3-1 in the series.


Then you have Wells who's clearly out of shape and it finally cost them. No one can say for sure if the Yankees would've won or not had Wells stayed in the game and not gotten hurt, but it was pretty clear that it was that factor that cost them the game.


So instead of pointing fingers at individuals, remember that the Yankees, a team that have been called the team in baseball, had all the chances in the world to make the series go in their favor, including home field advantage, and they still blew it. A truly great team can rebound and work past problems like a starter being taken out after one inning, and the Yanks didn't do that. That isn't to say that they're not a talented team, but had they been a truly deserving team, they would have gotten the job done and they simply didn't.


I'm sure things will blow over, but in the meantime, how bout laying off the deaththreats on the scapegoats for the NY Yankees? They had a rocky season and it finally caught up to them. Maybe they'll play with more heart next year instead of assuming that it's all coming to them. The Marlins didn't play with that notion in their minds and where are they now? Living it up as the 2003 World Champions, while the majority of the Yankees schedule escapes to Mexico until Big Stein's fit of rage dies down. Live and learn.

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Guest Anglesault
I'm sure there are fans out there who remember what it was like to not make the postseason

For Christ sakes, it was ten years ago. Of course I remember it. And the thought that we might be heading back in that direction isn't appealing.

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God help you two if (and when) you are banging some girl she doesn't take the cumshot exactly right.

That's a candidate for Forums Quote of the Week right there.

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Guest FrigidSoul
God help you two if (and when) you are banging some girl she doesn't take the cumshot exactly right.

That's a candidate for Forums Quote of the Week right there.

What about my Simpsons "Homer at the Bat" parody song? I came up with that on the shitter...Fuck the CumShot! *L*

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What? Were you guys expecting the Yankees to make the postseason every year for the next 30 years or so? It happens. Guys come and go. Guys get old and lose their skills. It happens to the other 31 teams in MLB, so it's not unusual.


The New York Yankees.....becoming........*gasp* NORMAL!!?? Perish the thought.

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I'm sure there are fans out there who remember what it was like to not make the postseason

For Christ sakes, it was ten years ago. Of course I remember it. And the thought that we might be heading back in that direction isn't appealing.

And you have fans of 22 teams that are already fucking there, and they wish you would realize that.


With Steinbrenner's money, the only way for that team not to make the postseason is to pull a Florida Marlins post-1997: clear out everybody and rely on rookies and people who suck.

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What? Were you guys expecting the Yankees to make the postseason every year for the next 30 years or so? It happens. Guys come and go. Guys get old and lose their skills. It happens to the other 31 teams in MLB, so it's not unusual.


The New York Yankees.....becoming........*gasp* NORMAL!!?? Perish the thought.

Steinbrenner obviously did, as the thought of not winning the WS was apparently too much for the old man.


And to me, the Yanks have been pretty normal for a while. They're able to make things happen in big games (some of them, anyway), but you should expect that when you shell out the coin like they do.

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Guest Anglesault
What? Were you guys expecting the Yankees to make the postseason every year for the next 30 years or so?

Of course not.


I'm pissed because this was probably the final gasp for this dynasty and they just gave up on me.

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Once you request a post of your own, you immediately get eliminated Plunderin.


Question to Yankees fans (any, but AS and Sandman specifically): Do you guys appreciate the championships? I'm not asking as in "you ungrateful fucks", I am just wondering if you get the type of joy that Mik for example is getting right now.

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You know what, for all this bitching, I hope the Yankees become the Braves of the 90s: making the playoffs every year and losing.


Time for someone else to shine, fellers.

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God help you two if (and when) you are banging some girl she doesn't take the cumshot exactly right.

That's a candidate for Forums Quote of the Week right there.

What about my Simpsons "Homer at the Bat" parody song? I came up with that on the shitter...Fuck the CumShot! *L*

Well, yours doesn't need the three pages before it to get the full point. The cumshot made me laugh out loud though.


It's a tossup really.

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Guest Anglesault
I'm sure there are fans out there who remember what it was like to not make the postseason

For Christ sakes, it was ten years ago. Of course I remember it. And the thought that we might be heading back in that direction isn't appealing.

And you have fans of 22 teams that are already fucking there, and they wish you would realize that.


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Guest Anglesault
Once you request a post of your own, you immediately get eliminated Plunderin.


Question to Yankees fans (any, but AS and Sandman specifically): Do you guys appreciate the championships? I'm not asking as in "you ungrateful fucks", I am just wondering if you get the type of joy that Mik for example is getting right now.



There's always a joy in knowing a team that you poured your heart, time and money into has returned the on the investment.

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He means that teams like the Royals and Orioles haven't made the playoffs in a while, and have a reason to gripe while Yankees fans are getting all in a huff after losing one Series after dominating the 90s and making the Series 3 out of 4 times in the 00s (winning one).


I'll say it: You guys have no reason to be getting this angry and pessimistic. The Yankees have had their time; it's time to move on.

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Well I could personally see AS making her do it again until she get's it right while ranting on and on about her "doing her best".


While Sandman would probably just break a light tube over her head.

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