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Better Steve Austin fued?

Which is the better SCSA fued?  

35 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is the better SCSA fued?

    • Steve Austin vs. Vince McMahon
    • Steve Austin vs. The Rock
    • Steve Austin vs. Bret hart

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Austin/McMahon was revolutionary for the business, as was Rock/Austin to a lesser degree, but from a personal standpoint I enjoyed Austin/Bret. They dragged Austin/McMahon much longer than they should have, and there was never really a huge blowoff. Austin/Bret is my all time favourite fued, namely due to the Canada/US angle and the mark inside me truly hated Austin at the time - back in the day when RAW was must watch TV.

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Guest wildpegasus

Austin-Hart for pure awesomeness. This is the feud that made people stand up and take notice of Austin. Bret was right on the money when he told Austin that pushing up from the sharpshooter at Wrestlemania would win the fans over for him. That move which was one of the most signifigant in wrestling history was just so instrumental in helping Austin propel right into the stratosphere.

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This might be the most obvious opinion question ever answered on this board. Austin-Hart was absolutely phenominal, led to Austin being a major player in the industry, and led to some fantastic matches. Hands down.



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Guest krazykat72

Matchwise, obviously Austin/Hart is the winner, but from an impact standpoint, nothing is close to Austin/McMahon. Austin/Hart was phenomenal for what it was, but various things got in the way of it getting paid off in an incredibly satisfying way since Austin never managed to get that clean blowoff win over Bret. (ie Austin's injury, Montreal, etc)

Their last match, IYH April '97 was very good along with the brawl the next night, but there was never any real closure to the program. Whereas, the McMahon/Austin saga was very compelling at the time and carried the company for the better part of 2 years.



-Paul Jacobi-

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What's the criteria for this question?



If you mean business wise, it's Austin vs McMahon hands down.


If you mean what feud produced the best matches, it's Austin vs Hart.


If you mean which feud was more entertaining, there are arguments for Austin vs Hart and vs Rock.


You need to set parameters for these kind of questions, you know.

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Guest JumpinJackFlash

I picked Austin-Hart only for the great mathes at Survivor Series and Wrestlemania.

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Guest Choken One

It's a two sided question here, While Austin/Hart was great for the fans that were still around and produced a series of classic moments and matches, It didn't have much economic impact in the sport like Austin/McMahon did...


Austin/McMahon DID have a Blowoff but they revived the angle again, hell Vince even said it "Looks like it's Austin/McMahon II".

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austin/hart had a pretty damn big long-term impact. without austin/hart, there would be no attitude.


not only was austin/hart the better austin feud, i'd go so far as to say it was the best feud that bret ever had as well.

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yes there would. DX was a series of risky skits that never really went anywhere, vince could've easily carried the wwf into the attitude era on austin's bad ass image alone.

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Guest Ray
Without DX, there would have been no Attitude.

Uh....Austin was doing "attitude" long before DX.

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Guest krazykat72

People need to realize that the 'Attitude' era was built around Steve Austin, but that DX were a great supporting cast, you can almost say it was 50% Austin, 25% DX, 25% everyone else (Rock, Nation, etc). I also don't like when people say that the 'I Quit' match launched Austin, because he was getting over just fine beforehand, and while it did push him higher, to insinuate he never would have become wildly popular is unfounded. The attitude era was coming whether there was Hart/Austin or not, it was just a matter of time. I believe people severely underestimate the effect that the Tyson/Austin/DX/McMahon saga had on the business as that's what really kicked off the last golden era of the WWF.



-Paul Jacobi

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