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Guest wrestlingbs

Fire Austin!

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Guest Goodear

This "Austin shouldn't look stronger than any active wrestler" thing is bullshit. What if the wrestler is Steven Richards? He should be made to look competative against Austin? Steve Austin? Like, wrestlings biggest ever star?


Quite frankly Austin shouldn't have any interaction with Richards at all. Why the hell should he? In the General Manager role, a character can totally pick his spots and show up wherever he wants. Why the heck would he bother with midcarders he's never even talked to before and who aren't doing anything drastically heelish?


The fans still buy Austin as a bad ass, so they aren't gonna promote him as a pussy.


Hey fans love Austin and that's fine. But just about the only thing he can do at this point from a realistic standpoint is cut promos and hit a stunner now and again. The fact is that Austin really is a 'pussy' right now since just about any active worker should be able to beat the hell out of him since he has a broken neck. And if JR was the least bit good at his job, he could get physical altercations with Austin over easily in that manner as 'Austin is still fighting even though he's one moment away from a wheelchair". Of course, they could just have Austin running around like a glorious madman coming out to the entranceway, booking heels into bad spots, yell out 'Cause Stone Cold Said So' and all the world would be happy. Getting into a fight maybe once every month or two would be worlds more effective then beating up every heel on the roster other than Triple H.


The problem is when Austin looks stronger than a wrestler who actually means something (Jericho). In other words, the morons are booking Austin badly, by putting him over promosing wrestlers, but it's not really Steve Austin's fault.


Austin will do anything that makes Austin look good and there's plenty of history to support that. This is the same giy who had 12 guys shitting their pants in terror during the Alliance angle so you know he cares about just one thing... himself.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Austin in the GM Role also seems stupid because the man who once defied all authority is now the authority he once defied. Maybe some people like that, I don't

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I just think its funny how The Rock makes a movie and people hate him. And Austin walks out, smacks his wife around, and people couldn't wait for him to get back.

I don't recall The Rock getting flamed for making films. Rock is making a shitload of money for himself, and I applaud him. I don't want to see Austin on t.v. with this bad gimmick either, but it's obvious he's just trying to make money for himself. I don't think Austin would walk out again because they probably paid him a crapload to come back anyway. I just think he should've retired after he put Rocky over.

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Austin in the GM Role also seems stupid because the man who once defied all authority is now the authority he once defied. Maybe some people like that, I don't

That just shows you the WWE's complete lack of logic. The creative team really doesn't know how to book anybody (not named McMahon/Helmsley).

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This "Austin shouldn't look stronger than any active wrestler" thing is bullshit. What if the wrestler is Steven Richards? He should be made to look competative against Austin? Steve Austin? Like, wrestlings biggest ever star? The fans still buy Austin as a bad ass, so they aren't gonna promote him as a pussy. The problem is when Austin looks stronger than a wrestler who actually means something (Jericho). In other words, the morons are booking Austin badly, by putting him over promosing wrestlers, but it's not really Steve Austin's fault.


Oh, and Christian is pretty lousy. 99% of the net cry about how Christian should be pushed (and if it's not him it's Storm or Robbie V) and other than a spot of comedy, I don't see what he brings to the table.

Yes it is.


Considering Austin's battles with the creative team in 2001 and 2002- I find it funny that he's not speaking up when his character (who doesn't wrestle) gets to go over everyone.


Austin doesn't have to be a pussy but he shouldn't be beating the crap out of actual wrestlers.

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Guest Just J

Why are you guys even trying to argue with bob?


He is the person who thinks William Regal is a great talent. That alone shows his taste in wrestlers isn't that good.

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Guest wrestlingbs
Why are you guys even trying to argue with bob?


He is the person who thinks William Regal is a great talent. That alone shows his taste in wrestlers isn't that good.



I'm glad Rock went to do movies. If he'd had stayed around he would have had to put up with all this HHH bullshit, which would have probably hurt his movie career later on. As for wanting Austin back, I think it was more 50/50 to the IWC.

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From now on I want Austin to harass the women backstage.


Austin: "Drink this beer or I'll punch you like you was my wife."


Trish: "But you can't..."


*Austin cocks fist back*


Trish: "But I thought you couldn't."


Austin: "That doesn't apply to womanfolk, just the boys."


Trish: "But I don't..."


*Austin punches her in the face and walks away*


Austin: "And next week we'll do another segment. You'd better smarten up."

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I would love it if one day Jericho snaps and punches Austin in the face after Austin says: Provoke me provoke me damnit.


Austin smiles and goes to beat up Jericho- but Jericho then just beats the holy hell out of him and locks him in the Walls of Jericho.


That would be so awesome

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I would love it if one day Jericho snaps and punches Austin in the face after Austin says: Provoke me provoke me damnit.


Austin smiles and goes to beat up Jericho- but Jericho then just beats the holy hell out of him and locks him in the Walls of Jericho.


That would be so awesome

Bob, you know better. This will NEVER happen.













I bet if they got rid of all the GM/authority figure roles that are regular tv characters (Austin,Bischoff, Steph, Vince, Heyman, Shane) that there would be little to no significant increase or decrease in ratings or buyrates. I've said it more than once here in this thread.



NO ONE PAYS MONEY TO WATCH NON WRESTLERS TALK AND MAKE MATCHES!!! They do not draw. They are a relic of the Russo days. Since the creative team is too lazy to change the booking template, we are stuck having these non competing people have all the shows and storylines revolve around them. It's no wonder no one can get over. All the major action is revolved around the non wrestlers instead of the wrestlers. Again, when was the last time a mark or smark came up to you and said, " I am shelling out $35.00 to see what Austin is going to tell Bischoff this monday". No one pays to see them, yet they are booked to be important. WWE creative needs to stop this. This is one of the greatest fundamental problems WWE has RIGHT NOW!!!

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But had Stacy not touched Austin- he wouldn't have been able to stun her.


Test was pushed into Austin against his will- and he got stunned. Ditto Bisch and Coach.


DA- I know it will never happen but everytime Austin screams PROVOKE ME PROVOKE ME I want to see that happen

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Guest Rob Edwards

The bottom line is WWE needs Austin on the show, ratings are poor and they can't afford them to slide too much more before TV execs start stroking chins and thinking about what else they can run in that timeslot, When Rock's absent Austin is the only guy on the roster who's a proven draw on his own, Quarter ratings suggest he's STILL a draw even as a gm, there are always people who will want to see Steve Austin


That being said he shouldn't be going over Jericho, or Kane. Kane desrtoying him would have put him into the main, Austin as he's unable to wrestle could then have sent guys in there to get revenge for him week after week, that keeps Austin in an angle where his starpower is important but he's not wrestling or going over anyone

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The bottom line is WWE needs Austin on the show, ratings are poor and they can't afford them to slide too much more before TV execs start stroking chins and thinking about what else they can run in that timeslot, When Rock's absent Austin is the only guy on the roster who's a proven draw on his own, Quarter ratings suggest he's STILL a draw even as a gm, there are always people who will want to see Steve Austin

Even with 2.0 ratings, Raw would still be SpikeTV's biggest draw by far.

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I would love it if one day Jericho snaps and punches Austin in the face after Austin says: Provoke me provoke me damnit.


Austin smiles and goes to beat up Jericho- but Jericho then just beats the holy hell out of him and locks him in the Walls of Jericho.


That would be so awesome

I'm praying to God that might happen someday.


At the moment I can deal with Jericho not hitting Austin, because it comes over as Jericho not giving Austin what he wants. When it turns into Jericho being scared of Austin is when I'll REALLY hate Austin as GM.


Ah, I hate Austin as GM anyway. It's fine to have a GM who can't be physically intimidated, but Foley pulled that off so much better. Sure, with a bit of effort you COULD kick the crap out of Foley (ala Hunter before HIAC with Nash - I know Foley was guest ref rather than GM or commish then, but it still applies) - but he still wouldn't change his mind. Austin just kicks the crap out of everyone (or will be soon, after his team's inevitable win at SS). Incidently, what was with Steiner's "I don't have a problem with you?" when Austin "saved" Stacy? He's Scott Steiner! He has a problem with everyone! He hit members of the creative team in WCW!


I think Taker would make a good GM after he retires - virtually impossible to intimidate and with, these days, a fairly highly-developed "moral" character. As long as he limited his chokeslams.

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Funny thing about Austin, when he finally returned, RAW's ratings didn't skyrocket like they had hoped for. So bringing him back didn't really solve the problem. ;)

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Guest robvandam420

austin pisses me off. now that he's a wrestler, he should be focused on putting heat on wrestlers rather then himself. with the position he's in now, he could make a fucking superstar if he would just swallow his pride and put someone over. i mean, think about it. if a wrestler just stood up to austin and fucking snapped and beat the shit out of him, he would be viewed as a super badass. vince did it for austin , and now its austins turn. i think this would be the ONLY scenario in which i could sit thru another anti authority angle.

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