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Guest Devin
The game is already in production, and has been for months.

Although I agree with the rest of your points, the deal with EA was a rumour by IGN that was shot down by TNA and EA a few days later. Mike Tenay said that there were numerous parties interested in the game but he did say that it probably wouldn't be made by EA. That was about two weeks ago on his column on NWATNA.com. So yeah, a video game deal is pretty much guaranteed, but nothing has been signed (that we know of) yet.

Oh, my bad. There was a stint there where I stopped checking news on the internet, and that must have been during that time frame. I thought TNA had the wrestlers signing contracts for the game? Still, the fact they are even having talks of making a video game shows there not exactly on the brink of collapsing.

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**Hello Warriors. Those of you who have continued to follow my career going-ons know Ultimate Warrior has long been waiting for the perfect (and principled) time to unleash a ring return. Amidst the never-ending rumors and mistruths spread by others, the time to return has come and is now and it is with Acclaim! An entertainment promotion with class, pride and integrity. After many years of absence, I am thrilled to be working again with Acclaim’s talented, creative and professional staff on the new, next-level of their Legends of Wrestling: SHOWDOWN video game! Acclaim has assured me that Ultimate Warrior rises and soars and rules, shakes ropes, shatters hopes and awakens the Gods of Parts Unknown again in this incredible opportunity to settle ALL SCORES, unfinished business and even new beefs!, in the ULTIMATE place to do battle -- THE SHOWDOWN RING! The intensity of Ultimate Warrior lives again. AWESOME! F-F-F-e-e-l t-h-e P-o-w-e-r!! For more lowdown on Showdown go here: http://www.LegendsShowdown.com**



What a cheesedick............

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At least now you can kick his ass with Bret Hart all day





(PS- Isn't that arena a dead ringer for MSG, circa WMX? In the other pics, you can see that it most definitely is based off of it.)

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Guest PhantMan



Bret - "Damn! Not even 2 minutes in the ring and this fucktard's already talking with his hands".


See? Hellwig's an idiot even in video games! He's about to get a giant kick in the balls and he doesn't even recognize it!

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So, the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT from Warrior is his return...to a video game?


Anyone want to bet he starts talking about his matches on his website and about how much of an asshole that Bret Hart is for using a chair in the southwest territory?

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Guest PhantMan



For all of Warrior's bullshit about being a semi-God, he flies in mid-air pretty damn good.




Poor Bret selling a Warrior snapmare?! Have you noticed that every pic on the Legends site features Hellwig kicking someone's ass? The game's not even out and he's already buried the whole roster!




Come one, the guys's just lost his father, give him a break!




And you wonder why Bret is so paranoid? he's jobbing to fucking Jim Hellwig! Go Bret Go! Go Bret Go! Go Bret Go!




Go Bret Go! Go Bret Go! Go Bret Go!




Go Bret... aw, fuck it! Let end this thing right here!


Hmmm, on the premise that the site's entire pic gallery revolves around Bret Hart getting squashed by Hellwig... this game's a winner!

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