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Priest gets life in prison

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From CNN.com



TYLER, Texas (AP) -- A former priest who fled to South America to evade prosecution was sentenced by a jury to life in prison for sexually assaulting a 13-year-old altar girl.


Gustavo DeJesus Cuello, a Colombian national who was returned to Texas in July to face charges, pleaded guilty to aggravated sexual assault two weeks ago but requested a jury trial on the punishment phase after state District Judge Cynthia Kent said she would sentence him to 50 years.


The victim, now 21, thanked the jury after the sentencing Thursday, saying, "After seven years, I can finally live in peace because this monster is going away."


She told Cuello she hated him for destroying her life and yelled to the courtroom, "To everyone supporting him, all I have is hate for you."


A number of parishioners had spoken in Cuello's defense during the two days of testimony, including one woman who said the victim was partly to blame.


Cuello, 40, was removed from the priesthood after his 1997 arrest for the systematic abuse of the victim in his office at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church in Tyler. He fled the country after he was released on bail, raised largely by parishioners.


Cuello was married and working in the private sector when he was recaptured six years later in Ecuador. In a confession to FBI agents who tracked him down, he admitted having sex with the girl once or twice a week for at least six months.

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A number of parishioners had spoken in Cuello's defense during the two days of testimony, including one woman who said the victim was partly to blame.


Because, as we learned on Raw last week, NO means YES....Oh, and whoever the lady who said that was: :stupid:

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Guest SP-1
Shit like this is why I think organised religion is a farce

Yes. Because the actions of individuals who are blatantly defying some of the standards that the organization calls them to leads to the organization itself, which was ignored, being to blame.

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individuals who are blatantly defying some of the standards that the organization calls them to

Yeah, the Church only lets you off scot-free for raping your first kid. Rape a second or a third or a twelfth and you'll have to move to another diocese, you naughty, blatantly defiant individual, you!

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

The religious pedophiles sicken me more than your token sleazebag drunken hillbilly pedophile, I think mainly because your average priest puts on airs of being honest and pure, etc. In a position of ethical and spiritual leadership and guidance, who uses trust and sanctity as a weapon to feed their own revolting sexual desires with unsuspecting kids. He's lucky I'm not a prison guard.

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Guest SP-1
individuals who are blatantly defying some of the standards that the organization calls them to

Yeah, the Church only lets you off scot-free for raping your first kid. Rape a second or a third or a twelfth and you'll have to move to another diocese, you naughty, blatantly defiant individual, you!

The sad part is that you're not that far off from the truth, Marney.

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She's pretty spot-on, actually. The Catholic Church finally took a look at this serious problem -- which has been going on for YEARS, all over the country, and has ruined many lives -- only recently. Their "solution," of course, was the limp-wristed "three tykes and you're out" policy, which has yet to do any good. I find it impossible that high leadership in the Church didn't know about some of these cases years ago. Fuck them, bring them up on conspiracy charges and let's see if THAT gets some meaningful change going.

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Guest FrigidSoul

one of the things to becoming a Priest should be castration. They aren't going to have sex and it kills levels of testosterone so they won't hunger for sex. I mean really, show your faith by having your testicles removed

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Guest SP-1

The inherent problem with that, I would think, would be that the sacrifice of the will is more important than simply removing the testicles of those involved. The choice to sacrifice that part of their lives to God is the issue at hand, and removing the physical player of the desire would detract from the need to make the sacrifice itself.


In a way, it's a big nonsensical circle of sacrifice and trying to figure out which one would be more important, though I'm inclined to disagree with both sacrifices.


But then, I'm a protestant. And a non-denominational one at that.

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An easier method would be to do away with the celibacy rule. It's not even in the Bible and was introduced centuries after the formation of the Catholic Church.

People that are willing to go for an entire life without sex or even without desires for it are abnormal. It's why the priesthood attracts so many homosexual pedophiles.

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one of the things to becoming a Priest should be castration. They aren't going to have sex and it kills levels of testosterone so they won't hunger for sex. I mean really, show your faith by having your testicles removed

Actually, a much easier solution would be eliminating the pointless vow of celibacy and allowing priests to marry like any other man. Other faiths do it, and the Catholic Church sticking to what it perceives as tradition (OMG THE APOSTLES WERE TEH SINGLE~!!!11!!!1!!) is only getting in the way of change taking place.


Of course, they should let women be priests, too, but there's no reason to expect the Church to stop becoming a patriarchal, sexist, bullshit institution overnight.

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Pedophiles aren't pedophiles because they're not getting laid, they're fucked in the head. Pedophiles also are evenly spread among people who are male, female, straight, gay, single, or married. Changing the policy on celibacy won't do a damn thing to curb this horror. Making the screening process stricter, penalties harsher, and stopping the protection of these cowardly sumbag pieces of shit, will.

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Pedophiles aren't pedophiles because they're not getting laid, they're fucked in the head.

Perhaps if they'd been able to marry and have sex like normal people in their younger years, maybe they wouldn't become "fucked in the head" and start raping little boys when they hit their 40s and 50s. Sure, these guys are sick, but I think if they were allowed to be MEN first and priests second, there would be a lot fewer problems. Devotion to your god shouldn't mean you cast all your earthly needs aside. The Catholic Church badly needs to modernize a lot of its views.


Changing the policy on celibacy won't do a damn thing to curb this horror.

Does it really hurt to find out? If ONE CHILD does not have to go through what so many others have gone through, isn't it worth it? Or is outdated dogma really that important to you?


Making the screening process stricter...

How? See if they get sized from looking at kiddie porn?


...penalties harsher...

I think 25-to-life is appropriate. Per offense.


... and stopping the protection of these cowardly sumbag pieces of shit, will.

It remains to be seen if the Church will actually follow thru with that.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
He's lucky I'm not a prison guard.

I think the priest would find a nightstick up his ass daily.


Ick, no. I'd just slip Czar and Bubba each a pack of Pall Malls, and let them get their hands dirty.

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Pedophiles aren't pedophiles because they're not getting laid, they're fucked in the head.

Perhaps if they'd been able to marry and have sex like normal people in their younger years, maybe they wouldn't become "fucked in the head" and start raping little boys when they hit their 40s and 50s. Sure, these guys are sick, but I think if they were allowed to be MEN first and priests second, there would be a lot fewer problems. Devotion to your god shouldn't mean you cast all your earthly needs aside. The Catholic Church badly needs to modernize a lot of its views.


Changing the policy on celibacy won't do a damn thing to curb this horror.

Does it really hurt to find out? If ONE CHILD does not have to go through what so many others have gone through, isn't it worth it? Or is outdated dogma really that important to you?

Again, a pedophile priest is a pedophile not because he isn't getting laid, but because he's psychologically deficient. And he's taking advantage (hard to call it an "advantage") of his position as a highly-regarded and trusted leader. Allowing priests to marry will not solve the problem, it will only provide a false sense of security. Pedophiles will be pedophiles no matter what.

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Guest SP-1

The question you raise is pretty huge, Spicy. The priesthood seems to attract alot of pedophiles. Is it not possible to you at all that the sexual repression has any role in this?


Keep in mind, that's not an attack. I'm just asking from the protestant perspective that some people are gifted with singleness and some aren't. It shouldn't be forced as part of service, especially not under the New Covenant.

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Ok. Prove that these pedophile priests have psychological problems that compel them to do what they're doing.


You also answered none of my questions. Is outdated dogma more important than the safety of a child? Does it really hurt anyone to find out if eliminating the celibacy laws will make a difference? Is blind defense of an archaic Church all you're capable of?

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Have to agree with Spicy on this one. Sorry Tom, but you're wrong. Men don't start raping children just because they aren't allowed to fuck women. That's ridiculous. A moral man would go out and hire a prostitute instead - the chance of being discovered is much lower, it should be more in line with his desires, and rape should be far, far more repugnant to him than paying for sex. What you're saying is a direct parallel to what apologists for terrorism say about the Palestinians: "They're murdering innocent people because they don't have jobs. Just give them jobs and they'll stop."


No. They won't. And priests won't stop raping kids if the Church allows them to marry. Of course, the Church should allow them to marry anyway, but what's needed is a massive federal crackdown, systematic use of the RICO laws, undercover agents, wiretapping, and sting operations to destroy the ability of a corrupt and immoral institution which feels it's above the law to protect its members from justice. And possibly sanctions and airstrikes against the Vatican, the freezing of all its funds in the United States, the seizure of its property, the arrest or expulsion of its personnel, and the investigation of its supporters. Let the Pope surrender, let him sign a treaty promising to honour the laws of the United States, and let him understand that if he or his subordinates ever again attempt to undermine, obstruct, or evade our justice system, or give aid or sanctuary of any kind to those who do, he will be held personally responsible and his filthy organisation will be pounded into rubble around his ears.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
And possibly sanctions and airstrikes against the Vatican


That is spectacular. I am all for this.

I second that motion!

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
He's lucky I'm not a prison guard.

I think the priest would find a nightstick up his ass daily.


Enjoy the anal rape Padre Dipshit!

He would find more than that if I were a prison guard.

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And possibly sanctions and airstrikes against the Vatican


That is spectacular. I am all for this.

First off, that was extremely well written. And I agree with everything you say. Segments of the church are extremely corrupt, and should be thoroughly investigated, regardless of the endless bitching that was come from the super religious nutcases.

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