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Spicy McHaggis

The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

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Guest EQ

Judging by the preview, it looks like Jack gets back into the field, so he can't be in shit all that deep.

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Q: What does 24 and WWE have in common?

A: They've never heard of VIDEO CAMERAS...

Bah, thats not true.


Remember when everyone thought Jamie committed suicide in season 1 and then they actually went and checked the tape, albeit several hours later, and found out it was Nina that killed her.

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Judging by the preview, it looks like Jack gets back into the field, so he can't be in shit all that deep.

Well, when you can say "I'm Agent Jack Bauer, supreme badass," how can mere bureaucracy stop you?

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Guest ToddRoyal

The episode was REALLY boring and blah, up until the point where Nina's neck exploded all over Tony. Everything from then on was good shit. Still don't care about the Palmer storyline, but whatever.

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Guest drdrainoscott

Who else was cheering loudly at the ending??? My roomate thought I was watching a game.

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Who else was cheering loudly at the ending??? My roomate thought I was watching a game.

When Jack said "No you don't" I jumped up and started yelling YES YES YES!

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Guest OctoberBlood

Boring? The hell? Ok Mr. Short attention span.


Fucking awesome ending! And next weeks looks great too! Ahh!


I was hoping Kim would nail her in the head, but hey .. the ending was great nonetheless~! Kiefer rocks.

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Kim couldn't kill Nina, only someone as completely badass as JACK FUCKIN BAUER could kill sinister Nina.

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Guest drdrainoscott

I still want to know...when are they gonna revisit Palmer's hand????? They better not have abandoned that story.

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I just want to say I haven't completely loved a TV show like I do 24 in a long time, it's one of the few things I still watch on Broadcast TV.

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Jack is baddest SOB on TV....comes in neck-and-neck with Vic Mackey though.


Could you imagine those two working a case together?!?!?

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YES~! IT finally happened! Jack gets his revenge baby! That death certainly goes up high on the list of 24 deaths :D


Guess we'll never find out what Jack whispered to her in season 2....that's gonna drive me insane everytime I watch that season now, heh




Ohh a 24/Shield cross-over, that would be badass....Jack would totally own Mackey if they got into a fight though

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That was a GREAT episode of character-building, parallel arcs (multiple interrogations, cases of distrust between spouse figures), and a...WOW...ending.


It's too bad, because she was one of my favorite characters in the 24 universe. But godDAMN was that incredible. Wow.

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Guest OctoberBlood

Great fucking episode!!!





............... Last week.


Can't wait for this weeks. ;)


10 more minutes.

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WHOOO 25 mins in. This ep isn't exciting me so far. Im only interesting in the virus, not that other guy(His name slips my mind right now, but im not interested in the Palmer,"Other Guy whose dead" storyline). Something big oughtta happen at the end of tonight.

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Guest El Satanico

But Tony Todd is now involved with Palmer's dead guy...it has my attention and interest now.

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