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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Edge The Moviestar?

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Edge Lands Role In Batman: Intimidation?

Posted By Ashish on 10.30.03


It could be true...


Rumor has it that Edge has landed a role in the next Batman movie titled Intimidation. He will apparently play a bad guy named Egghead.


Credit: PWTorch.com



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Guest Choken One



I have NO clue who that is but I can't get the image of An egg shaped Edge out of my mind.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

If he has to shave his head I'll piss myself laughing

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Guest Choken One




This is all Jericho's master plan...he brought Hollywood and he's getting everyone movie roles so he can his own 2 HOUR HIGHLIGHT REEL SPECIAL!

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Egghead was played by Vincent Price in the old TV series, to give you an idea.

Wonder if they're going to bring Egghead's season 3 of the Batman TV show Girlfriend up along with Egghead.

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Egghead was played by Vincent Price in the old TV series, to give you an idea.

That gives me a reason not to watch this latest Batman movie; every one of them has been campy like the 60's tv series, why can't Hollywood make a Batman flick that takes after the modern comics?

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I remember reading this rumor about Edge getting a movie role from...the Informer awhile ago.

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Guest JacK

Hey, what did Edge do in the Highlander: End Game dealy, because I've seen two of them, but missed the rest, and have been looking everywhere (well, the five free-to-air tv stations) to see them.


And if he shaves his head in this movie, I am sooo going to see it, just to see how stupid he'll look. I remember that doctored photo they stuck up before the Hair match ages ago . . .

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Edge as Egghead?


...so, Hollywood has also started using WWE logic?


Great. Wonderful.


I like Edge, but as Egghead? No.

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OMG!! Edge can't act! This movie is SO RUINED!!



...sarcasm... for those who freaked out when it was announced that HHH would be in Blade and Nash would be in Punisher. ;)

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