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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Raw is better than Smackdown. They have done so much more for everyone participating on the show. People are lagging behind and stagnating on Smackdown. Discuss.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Lately I agree that RAW has been better, but that's mostly because of Vince overkill on Smackdown.


I thought you gave up on WWE Banky?

I had, but I started skimming past it again...I don't watch Smackdown at all, just read the results and laugh. I stopped watching RAW through the summer but came back on Mondays since I don't do much else on that night.

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Guest Choken One

Raw has better management, in terms they actually know what the fuck they are doing for each main character from Austin all the way to fucking Jyndrak and Cade to Stevie.


The storylines are sensible enough to follow.

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Guest The Old Me

I agree. I always watch at least a little of RAW, but always miss Smackdown. And some of my favorite wrestlers are on Smackdown, however, RAW just has that feel to it.

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Guest Choken One

It's the live element.


With Raw, we never know when we might get a gem promo from Jericho or a actual good match.


Smackdown, we have two days in advance and when Raw sucks bad...it's amusing.


Smackdown's crap just sucks completely and demeans you as a fan.

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I was actually game enough to watch SD! last week and am confident in saying I may never watch another one again.


I've always been a bigger RAW fan anyway, as I find the characters and storylines on that show recently (Goldberg, Kane, Triple H) that are positive outweigh the negatives on that show (Shane, Shane and Shane).


RAW all the way, I agree.



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Personally it has nothing to do with whether it's live or not. As long as they still bleep out cussing it doesn't feel live to me anyway.


If I don't read spoilers Smackdown feels just as live as RAW does.

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Guest Choken One

On Raw...Everyone with a notable exception in Henry seem to be where they belong.


Smackdown just puts 4 hosses in the main event for the sake of having 4 hosses in the main event.

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Since Summerslam 2003, I have not missed one SmackDown, and I often watch the repeat. I also read the spoilers too, and that makes me anticipate it even more.


With RAW though, while I do try to watch it every week, I don't try as hard to see it every week. In fact, tonight I missed most of the second half playing HCTP.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Man, wait until Batista and Orton turn on Triple H...it'll be wonderful.

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Its Official:, Raw is better than Smackdown


And its all Vince's fault. But luckily, Heyman's back so things are getting balanced out now.

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Guest wrestlingbs

Raw started getting better when:


*HHH left. That sounds like a typical smark answer, but with him gone and Goldberg as champ things are much more entertaining.

*Kane vs. Shane wasn't on every minute.

*Storylines became less predctible.

*Wrestling became somewhat better. Jericho, Booker T, the woman's division.


SD started getting worse when:


*Vince showed up and started this whole Steph thing.

*Taker got back into the main event.

*It became clear that Eddie wasn't going to get pushed above midcarder.

*Brock got the title.

*A-Train got push #2,034.

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Smackdown just feels bush league. I think it's Cole & Tazz that really drive it home. Plus that STUPID fucking "fist" set. FUCK I hate that. Raw, no matter how bad the previous week, always has me jakked to the same level. SD has never done that once for me except the first ep in 8/99. -JM


And don't even get me started on Velocity.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
But luckily, Heyman's back so things are getting balanced out now.

Fuck I can't stand this mindless mentality especially when Heyman was endorsing NATHAN JONES last week and saying that the APA in the main event is 'worthy'.


I'm man enough to admit that Banky does have a point. Less and less of Smackdown is redeemable.

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Heyman is the only man who can save WWE from itself.

No he can't.


Heyman isn't that great of a booker. And he's just a TV role right now.....he's not booking!

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I've liked Raw a lot since Unforgiven, as it seems like there isn't too much on the show that's done for no reason, and things the show's layed out in a way that allows just about everyone on the show to get a good amount of exposure. Also, they seem to be keeping the Shane/Kane stuff to a minumum lately, which is always good.


Smackdown was never that strong storyline wise, and now that they seem to be cutting down on the wrestling for McMahon and all of that other bullshit they've been putting on there lately, the shows are only getting worse. Right now, Raw's easily the better of the two.

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No he can't.


Heyman isn't that great of a booker. And he's just a TV role right now.....he's not booking!


I don't care. As long as he is there, he can at least pitch ideas that they MIGHT be interested in, which is a good thing. And SD hasn't been great ever since he got fired from being the head writer.

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Guest The Old Me
I mark for Evolution.

I like there entrance music and entrance.......nothing more........

I pretty much like the whole Faction, HHH can get overexposed, but as I stated in NHB, I wish he was back now.

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I mark for Evolution.

I like there entrance music and entrance.......nothing more........

I pretty much like the whole Faction, HHH can get overexposed, but as I stated in NHB, I wish he was back now.

I wish HHH was back because I don't feel we got the proper payoff to his heel run. Sure Goldberg beat him and took the title but it was anti-climatic. We need him to go on his uber-heel run again and then get his ass beaten half to death. In a match where he is totally punked out and made to look like shit. That would be the ultimate payoff. And people would pay good money to see it.

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I wish HHH was back because I don't feel we got the proper payoff to his heel run. Sure Goldberg beat him and took the title but it was anti-climatic. We need him to go on his uber-heel run again and then get his ass beaten half to death. In a match where he is totally punked out and made to look like shit. That would be the ultimate payoff. And people would pay good money to see it.

Don't worry, the real payoff will happen at the SS. Goldberg will defeat HHH once again, after Evolution totally turns on the guy.

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I wish HHH was back because I don't feel we got the proper payoff to his heel run. Sure Goldberg beat him and took the title but it was anti-climatic. We need him to go on his uber-heel run again and then get his ass beaten half to death. In a match where he is totally punked out and made to look like shit. That would be the ultimate payoff. And people would pay good money to see it.

They tried that before. He got a car dumped on him.


People kind of said "meh" and when he came back without a scratch it was the first sign that something was screwy in the booking room.



And what's up with the peeps thinking Evo will turn on HHH? I hate to say he's the glue holding the thing together, but the whole thing was made so he could feel like Flair and have a Horsemen. It makes no sense for them to turn on him.

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