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Guest Bret Hit Man Hart

This site sucks

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Guest FrigidSoul
I hate most of you and as the spelling goes it dont matter how I write a message as long as they get what im trying to say which they do.

Maybe, but I spent 14 years in school(I count pre-school and kindergarten damnit) and you're slowly ruining everything I learned in the way of English through those years. You might enjoy killing the english language unmercifully but some of us wish to remain educated

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I hate most of you and as the spelling goes it dont matter how I write a message as long as they get what im trying to say which they do.

on this logic... a child could write "I wish bee necks pressdent" and get nominated for office. It doesn't matter intelligence level or skill...so long as the message gets across.







...and Eskimo stole my joke.

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Guest JudasSault



my "FearInAHandfulOfDust" gimmick got banned for less than this. hell, i think he got banned for saying LOL instead of going :lol:


i declare shenanegans upon the treatment of stupid newbs

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Guest FrigidSoul


my "FearInAHandfulOfDust" gimmick got banned for less than this. hell, i think he got banned for saying LOL instead of going :lol:


i declare shenanegans upon the treatment of stupid newbs

Just remember when you get banned again it's not the fault of the mods that you were dumb enough to admit to having an account that was previously banned, as I believe in the rules it says "One chance only", thus giving you a warning to what stupidity will achieve here

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Guest JudasSault


my "FearInAHandfulOfDust" gimmick got banned for less than this. hell, i think he got banned for saying LOL instead of going :lol:


i declare shenanegans upon the treatment of stupid newbs

Just remember when you get banned again it's not the fault of the mods that you were dumb enough to admit to having an account that was previously banned, as I believe in the rules it says "One chance only", thus giving you a warning to what stupidity will achieve here

4. Gimmicks are discouraged, but not disallowed. If a poster makes a gimmick and it ends up banned, the poster will be permanently banned should he come up with a second gimmick that ends up banned as well.


you should really read the rules before you even start posting here, let alone spouting them at others


silly rabbit

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Guest FrigidSoul

Personally I thought you were banned for being a dolt. If being a dolt is your gimmik then more power to you

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Guest JudasSault

Meh, there wasn't really a gimmick per se. I was just getting annoyed by the mob mentality prevalent in this folder when a new poster comes in. Regardless of what they say, or how they say it, a new poster will always get shit on when worse shit was being spouted by others. Plus, I was doing my best to steer away from being banned when I was warned about my grammar, and started posting like I normally do in NHB.


I haven't got a problem about that getting banned, as it probably wasn't nearly as much fun if you didn't understand it ws a gimmick, but when there are posters here who are doing worse than I could possibly do as a parody, and haven't even got the self-refential humor of my gimmick, then they should be banned. Just pointing out the logic gap.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Once again, I'm new and haven't been shat on. If you act with intelligence and common sense it appears all is fine around here(kinda like how things work in the real world)

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Guest JudasSault

Maybe, but if, in your first couple of posts, you had disagreed with one of the more established posters, or accidently used GameFaqs language, you would have been rounded on. This folder loves a good old fashioned witch hunt, and it's largely based around your percieved status here. If, for example, you had a beef with Zack, or even Banky, people would round on you for it. Hell, a lot of the time if you rub someone up the wrong way once, they'll throw it back in your face repeatedly.


Besides, this folder isn't about common sense and intelligence half the time...

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Guest FrigidSoul

For the most part I stay out of this folder, and I think I'm done for now as well. I've said my piece, which is basically speak with intelligence and common sense...because if you act like an idiot you'll be treated as such.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
You guys are just afraid to let the new guys make a mark because you know one day your spot as a top poster will be their spot and you will be an old poster who needs to leave.

I'm going to play my 'Just a message Board' card one more time.

::Plays same card::

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Guest JudasSault

Punderin: As I said, I have no problem with the banning of that gimmick, just the differential treatment of it and this Bret poster, as well as the mob mentality, rounding on anything remotely banworthy.


Hell, your first post in this conversation was smugly (albeit wrongly) pointing out I was going to get banned for this. Also, you didn't once adress the problems I brought up, instead simply repeating the claim that if you post properly you will be fine, whereas if you post stupidly you'll get banned. Stuff like that is hardly espousing the inteligence and common sense that your posts seem to be advocating.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

Mods, before you ban this loser, let me beat him in my shower again!

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You guys are just afraid to let the new guys make a mark because you know one day your spot as a top poster will be their spot and you will be an old poster who needs to leave.

It's like WCW all over again!

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I think I will take my leave once I get banned because I wont be coming back ever once I get banned.

Let's put forth with no delay then, shall we?

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

::Awaits Bret to make another username, and punch Dr. Tom backstage, and spit on the Dames::

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