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PPV Buy Rates at Scary Low

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The Wm before it didn't do well either.


I honestly am not worried about this at all, it can only either result in Vince realizing something is wrong or the destruction of the company and the strengthening of the Indies and Japan.

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*Vince looks at the numbers*


I knew it. I knew it, I knew it, I knew it...


It was infront of me this whole time.


*dails phone*


Yeah, that's right, put ALL the belts on a McMahon... Shane and Steph can have the Tag Titles along with the US and IC belts, I'll take the World Title, and Linda gets the WWE Title... no, jesus christ that's just insane.. what am I thinking? Linda gets the World Title and I get the WWE Title... ain't no way I'm wearing THAT belt... and give the cruiserweight title to my grandson once he's born...

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Guest Sakura

This is awesome. Best news in ages. I love seeing WWE fail. WWE being forced to close and Vince being carried out of titan towers while screaming is my dream. One step closer!!!!

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Guest MikeSC
I would only have World Title Matches on PPV - and *state* that they can only be on PPV. Have non-title matches all the time on Smackdown and Raw, where the champion *can* lose but not lose the belt (build heat on the title match), and then make it for the gold at the big show.

That is a GREAT idea --- but I wouldn't COMPLETELY eliminate World Title matches on TV. I say have one on either RAW on SD during the month where they don't have their PPV. Create a Clash-like show.




1) ELIMINATE MCMAHONS AND GENERAL MANAGERS --- They are pointless and do nothing. It simply makes the wrestlers seem almost extraneous. If kissing the ass of a GM can get guys World Title shots and the like --- what is the point of having matches anyway? And the McMahons have bloody well ruined Smackdown.


2) TAKE RISKS --- there isn't much the WWE can do to further turn off their core audience. Take some risks. Why not give Guerrero a World Title run? Why not give us a potentially excellent Bashams v London & Spanky tag title feud? It's not going to kill the product. It's not going to huty anything. Heck, give RVD the RAW Title. He may suck mule scrotum --- but he might really catch on.


3) Don't squash guys. If this kills Goldberg's ability to draw heat, so be it. The company was best when A LOT of guys seemed to have a shot at beating anybody. HHH "nearly lost" to Rikishi and TAKA. Why squash guys? Why not make it look like Hurricane, Rico, or Storm COULD beat anybody? There really isn't a need to have such HUGE differences between "top" guys and "midcard" guys as it makes promoting the midcard guys much more difficult than it needs to be.


4) MORE TAG TEAMS --- OK, you have tons of guys you have no clue what to do with. Why not throw together more tag teams? Again, you never know what MIGHT work. I happen to like the Cade & Jindrak team just fine. They're not mind-blowing, but they're good enough. Why aren't the FBI being pushed as legit tag title threats? You have a stellar talent like Jamie Noble. You apparently won't use him in the CW division where he would be a huge boon --- use him as a tag teamer.


5) KEEP CERTAIN GUYS FROM THE TITLE SCENE --- APA is popular. God himself doesn't know why. And that's fine. Use them --- but KEEP THEM THE HECK AWAY FROM THE TAG TITLE SCENE. Giving them the belts is a problem as it is hard to get the belts off of them. And they don't NEED the belts for legitimacy. Kane wouldn't either --- but if they keep letting Shane look good against him, they might need to give him the gold.


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Guest Sakura

Just imagine how cool it would be to see Vince being drug out of his office in rage. I can just picture him clinging to his chair screaming "I'm Vince McMahon damnit! You can't do this to me! It's the war's fault!" all while Linda tries to calm him down.

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Guest MikeSC

2) Realise the competition's strengths, and play to them. Attitude was inspired by ECW's style, and it worked. Vince needs to realise where his fans are going...they're not dissappearing. They're watching the ROHs. The NWA:TNAs. The MLWs.


In Vinnie's defense, NWA: TNA isn't profitable and MLW is out of business. I'm not sure following THEIR example is in the WWE's interests.


Besides, TNA is, apparently, deteriorating.


I will say, though, that taking risks on guys like Guerrero is a darned good idea.


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Yeah Mike, I was thinkin about that and the fact that the title must be defending 30 days whereas PPV's skip a month for each brand. I love the idea of a supercard like the Clash - I don't see the problem in trying it... which is a huge problem with the WWE right now and something that you mentioned; they refuse to try anything new.

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They tried the split and getting rid of the lower belts...

And the split was suppose to create new talent but the only new talent that was developed was the McMahan family and Coach...

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For anyone to say they wish that WWE goes under is a complete moron..........What wrestling would we watch on TV? And don't say TNA cause it's just as bad as WWE.


We need a new direction, and a change in style, no the company going out of business.

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Suprisingly, I don't think I've seen "Get rid of the WWE Style" yet.


Austin's not wrestling anymore, so they don't have to worry about anyone showing him up. Cut loose the restrictions, and let guys actually wrestle.

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Guest MikeSC
No need for a supercard show just make Raw or Smackdown feel like a supercard once every 5 weeks or so.

That is more along the lines of what I was thinking. I thought the SD with the Ironman match (let's not discuss our thoughts on the match) was promoted as an important SD show. They need to do that with each brand in their non-PPV months.


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Guest MikeSC
Suprisingly, I don't think I've seen "Get rid of the WWE Style" yet.


Austin's not wrestling anymore, so they don't have to worry about anyone showing him up. Cut loose the restrictions, and let guys actually wrestle.

The much-maligned WWE style produced 2000 --- the best year of American wrestling I have ever seen out of a promotion, so it's hardly bad.


The people they are pushing the hardest aren't the most competent --- but don't blame the style for it.


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I remember the hype for the eXtreme Smackdown live show. Raw had the Spin the Wheel Make a Deal show. There should be more theme shows just to keep the peeps interested.

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Guest MikeSC


It was Eddy, Angle, Benoit, Jericho and company that produced 2000.

And they can't do that now?


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My problem with the style itself is..no matter who's in the ring..they're pretty much all the same. (Barring PPV matches..)


Punch, punch, spot, punch, punch, next spot. Even the so-called "superior workers" have fallen into the track.


The only thing the style does is hide the weakness of the lesser (read: hoss) workers, and those who shouldn't be wrestling in the first place. (injuries, age, etc)

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Guest MikeSC
My problem with the style itself is..no matter who's in the ring..they're pretty much all the same. (Barring PPV matches..)


Punch, punch, spot, punch, punch, next spot. Even the so-called "superior workers" have fallen into the track.


The only thing the style does is hide the weakness of the lesser (read: hoss) workers, and those who shouldn't be wrestling in the first place. (injuries, age, etc)

And the indy style of spot - rest- spot- rest is preferrable?


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Guest Salacious Crumb

How do you expect them to steal from the competition when the HEAD BOOKER doesn't even watch the secondary WWF shows?

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Simple ideas:


1: Gimmick matches haulted on RAW and Smackdown except for a Triple threat. And except for a hardcore match. Make the gimmick matches mean something. Like Wargames was done ONCE a year. You didn't see it three PPVs in a row. Keep ladder matches and Hell in a Cell for big fueds with people who can do them. Having HHH and Nash in a Cell is a bad move. Having Taker in a ladder match is just as dumb.


2: Title matches less often. I think stwiches titles has slowed down in its madness of 2001, but still it happens too often. I can't honestly tell you who Angle beat to win the WWE title going into Mania. But I can name every IC champ in 1998. WWE and World title at PPVs only is a good start but they do this by only having the title change hands at PPVs with few exceptions since Summerslam 99. Have the IC and US titles defended ONCE a month. Have the tag titles defended ONCE a month. Have the Cruiser title defended. Hire more female wrestlers so it isn't the same 6 women in a six woman tag match. Make it seem like more than just the usual 4 with Jackie and Ivory brought in to show that, yes they are on the payroll. And yes, they are alive.


3: Push new guys to the top that are different. Brock, Angle, Taker, Show. That is the big main event scene for Smackdown. HHH, Goldberg, Austin, Jericho(?) is the main event scene of RAW. Change it up. Make midcarders seem like they can win it. You just might find a draw. Nobody thought Austin was going to be World champion in 1996. But they pushed him and put him over bigger talent. It worked, it got both over big time. NOBODY is drawing now. So everyone can be "The Next Big Thing".


4: Push Lightweights with Lightweights. Push heavyweights with the Heavyweights. Having Big Show vs Rey helps nobody. You either bury a person you just put the world title on or you kill off a hot LHW to make Big show seem to be this monster. The CW division of WCW back in 1996 and 1997 was the right idea. Put on early liven up the crowd and get them over. Have the fued with mainly each other. Have the title meaningful. Be able to put the title on the line and have ANY of them seem like they can be champion.


5: Get rid of the non-wrestling bullshit. No Al Wilson shit, No Steph being "Fired", No Sable getting fondled by Vince on TV, No Linda being attacked by Eric, No Shane vs the big bad heel in a garbage match, NONE OF this. Cut the McMahon's TV time. Make a board of Directors and have one person as the lead. Have the person only come on TV when it is something big, like others have stated. Have it be an Arn Anderson, who is old school is well off not ever wrestling again.


6: Biggest and most imporant thing: Completely make over the product to not look like Attitude. Raw set needs a new look. Maybe lose the ramp, add a bend in the asileway, get rid of the red theme, change it to make it not look so dull. Make SD look like a different product. You have wrestlers, have them wrestle. If the US title was meant to be the wrestler's title, have wrestler's wrestle for it. Make it different. Make RAW look like something completely different. Having Austin being the badass, get rid of him and not have him doing that shit. If Trips has been the game for 2 years. Tell him to do some "Evolution" to something different. We seen it all, it gets stale. Get rid of the day old bread gimmick and look. And come at it different. Remember, less is more.

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My problem with the style itself is..no matter who's in the ring..they're pretty much all the same. (Barring PPV matches..)


Punch, punch, spot, punch, punch, next spot. Even the so-called "superior workers" have fallen into the track.


The only thing the style does is hide the weakness of the lesser (read: hoss) workers, and those who shouldn't be wrestling in the first place. (injuries, age, etc)

And the indy style of spot - rest- spot- rest is preferrable?


I wasn't saying it was. (Considering I don't watch any indy wrestling..)


Why not let the wrestlers themselves decide what they want to do, as far as the time between the opening of the match and the pre-decided finish goes? After all, the company "dosen't care about anyone who won't be the next Rock", so let them go out and tear down the house if they can do it? They've got a great roster once the crap is weeded out, and a few in particular have extensive experience as far as Japan and Mexico goes.


WCW, for all it's faults..at least let the cruisers wrestle some. If your main eventers can't bring it to the table any longer, then they -should- be replaced.


If the company ran remotely like a business, instead of a high-school, half the problems today wouldn't be there.

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You know not every indy wrestler does "spot, rest, spot, rest." I've downloaded and seen some matches that actually incorporated some nice psychology. You just have to pick the good from the bad as you do anywhere.

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or the destruction of the company and the strengthening of the Indies and Japan.

Dude, if the WWE goes kaput, indies are pretty much screwed.


When people get into wrestling, they pretty much start with WWE and then branch out to other forms of wrestling. Maybe the indies could pick up SOME star power, but the federations wouldn't really have the name value of a WWE.


Japan is a WHOLE different territory. Japan's going to be the same, with or without Vince's federations.


Besides, there is little to no chance the company is gonna go down the tubes in the next 5 years. WWE is a lot stronger than most people think.


I just don't understand why a great deal of people are just waiting for the WWE's death. I can't see it happening.


I can't honestly tell you whoAngle beat to win the WWE title going into Mania.


Big Show, Armaggeddon. Then again, I can recite, by heart, every WWF Heavyweight Title champion from 1984 to now in under a minute. It's pretty sad.

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I just don't understand why a great deal of people are just waiting for the WWE's death. I can't see it happening.

I suppose it was the entire necrophilia thing that did it for some. Or the HHH burial spree..or Jericho playing second fiddle to Steph at WM18..


Me, it was the Summer of All Austin All The Time (Invasion angle, my ass) and the Kiss My Ass club..

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Guest MikeSC
My problem with the style itself is..no matter who's in the ring..they're pretty much all the same. (Barring PPV matches..)


Punch, punch, spot, punch, punch, next spot. Even the so-called "superior workers" have fallen into the track.


The only thing the style does is hide the weakness of the lesser (read: hoss) workers, and those who shouldn't be wrestling in the first place. (injuries, age, etc)

And the indy style of spot - rest- spot- rest is preferrable?


I wasn't saying it was. (Considering I don't watch any indy wrestling..)


Why not let the wrestlers themselves decide what they want to do, as far as the time between the opening of the match and the pre-decided finish goes? After all, the company "dosen't care about anyone who won't be the next Rock", so let them go out and tear down the house if they can do it? They've got a great roster once the crap is weeded out, and a few in particular have extensive experience as far as Japan and Mexico goes.


WCW, for all it's faults..at least let the cruisers wrestle some. If your main eventers can't bring it to the table any longer, then they -should- be replaced.


If the company ran remotely like a business, instead of a high-school, half the problems today wouldn't be there.

There has been a RASH of injuries.


I doubt the WWE likes the ideas of their guys "cutting loose" when they have SO many of them on the injured list.


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Guest MikeSC
I just don't understand why a great deal of people are just waiting for the WWE's death. I can't see it happening.

I suppose it was the entire necrophilia thing that did it for some. Or the HHH burial spree..or Jericho playing second fiddle to Steph at WM18..


Me, it was the Summer of All Austin All The Time (Invasion angle, my ass) and the Kiss My Ass club..

And the death of the WWE HELPS wrestling in WHAT way exactly?


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