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Matrix Revolutions

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Given the reviews that Matrix Revolutions is getting I can't see it getting nominated for much of anything. They might nominate some stuff from Reloaded, but that film wasn't bashed as much as this one.


Either way, if ROTK wins best picture I can't see Jackson being too upset if he loses out on special effects.

Didn't Independence Day get nominated for Visual Effects? I can't imagine critics caring much for that movie.


ROTK had better damn well win Best Picture, though. I'm not confident, with movies like Cold Mountain and The Alamo, which was one of the previews I saw before Revolutions.


One thing I didn't see before the movie, though, was the stuntman anti-piracy spot. Lucky me, I guess.

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It seems likely that Return of the King will be the highest grossing movie of the year. The other two LOTRs films are in the top ten highest grossing movies of all time, and Revolutions seems to be underperforming Reloaded which is the top movie of 2003 to this point. Unless Revolutions pulls it out, it will be the second year in a row won by LOTR. Is that the first time a single series has had the highest grossing movie of the year for two years in a row?

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It seems likely that Return of the King will be the highest grossing movie of the year. The other two LOTRs films are in the top ten highest grossing movies of all time, and Revolutions seems to be underperforming Reloaded which is the top movie of 2003 to this point. Unless Revolutions pulls it out, it will be the second year in a row won by LOTR. Is that the first time a single series has had the highest grossing movie of the year for two years in a row?

I thought it was Finding Nemo?

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Guest Smues

Right now Finding Nemo is #1, I think Johnny Depp in gay douche pirate makeup is #2, Reloaded #3.

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Now do they get anal about numbers like ROTK will only get credited with what it makes between Dec 17th and Dec 31st, in regards to top movie of 2003 stats. Or is it just top movie released in 2003?

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Now do they get anal about numbers like ROTK will only get credited with what it makes between Dec 17th and Dec 31st, in regards to top movie of 2003 stats. Or is it just top movie released in 2003?

Officially, it is for any movie released in that year, although the media tends to report it differently. Same as the media tends to only report domestic numbers because they are usually the only ones that are able to come in on time.

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Right now Finding Nemo is #1, I think Johnny Depp in gay douche pirate makeup is #2, Reloaded #3.

Finding Nemo is only #1 in the US. Reloaded made $450 million to Nemo's $150 million internationally putting the Reloaded up about $250 million overall. POTC is #2. Nemo #3.


Worldwide gross is what matters. It just isn't reported that way because of different release times and it is harder to get numbers for weekend estimates.

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Guest Wildbomb 4:20

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I think that it was said best earlier in the movie, where they said that the Oracle believes in instincts and choices, while The Architect believes in equations. Agent Smith was created to balance Neo out. Without Neo around, the Architect needed to delete Agent Smith.


But with Neo as the One (Jesus) and with all the blatantly Christian happenings...it leaves the door open for a fourth, if the brothers feel like they need to re-open the Matrix door. Considering they've really created two movies (the first one, and the last two should be combined), they might think it up. Here's hoping they don't.

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I saw it today, and I thought it was great!


I think the problem with reviewers is: They are looking at it like a stand alone movie, which it isn't. Reloaded and Revolutions is one movie cut in half to make more money.


Now, I don't see where everyone says it leaves more questions. What questions are those? I also tried to just enjoy it without trying to critically analyze it. Yeah, some things don't make sense, but it sure was cool.


What i think:


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The last thirty seconds wasn't that bad. I see someone saying the Architect just said he'll free everyone, and saying that was a cop out. He didn't say he would free everyone. The Oracle asked "What about those that want to leave." and he replied with. "They will be freed."


However... I would have much RATHERED Morpehus being the one to talk with the Architect, not the Oracle. She is just a regenade computer program, Morpheus would have been much more fitting.


Neo dies? I didn't get that impression. I figured it was back into a coma. He's already shown he can be inside the Matrix without being jacked in. I think he needs to die though. He just lost his true love. He completed his mission, now let him leave to be with her. :D


Also the "Peace" felt appropiate. Face it, Zion was about to be destroyed. They were getting their ass kicked hard! If Neo didn't ask for peace then Zion would have bit it. It also ties it up as both sides need each other. Without Neo the Machines would have been destroyed by Smith, so accepting peace was the only way for the Machines to survive as well as Zion.


My thoughts on the Whole Neo/Smith deal:


In the first Matrix when Neo pulled a Shang Tsung on Smith and exploded him it kind of cross linked each other. So... to make a long story short they are the Balance of each other. Two sides of the same person. So when Smith tries to take over Neo at the end of revolutions, everything is unbalanced. A "chemical reaction" if you will that just causes the Smith program to go haywire and self destruct. That's what I think, call my nuts if you want.


Also. How come nobody ever said the first Matrix was a rip off of Terminator? With the (A.I.) Machines taking over the planet and enslaving the human race. A bit different but it's the same concept.

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Guest Urine Sane
One thing I didn't see before the movie, though, was the stuntman anti-piracy spot.


I got the set painter one. Everytime I see those spots I yell....



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People have been asking why:


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Neo can "see" the machines. They explained that by saying that Neo is connected to the Source. That's why he could "see" that machine city, since they are all presumably came from the Source.

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Just to clarify a little. When I said the 30 seconds statement, I meant that the movie should have ended as the Architect said "What do I look like? A human?". Once they started with the girl, the sunrise, "I did it for Neo" it just got too campy. Like they were trying to force feed a completely happy ending.


And I had no problem with the truce. In fact I like it, because it makes sense that the machines and humans would agree to this. Plus, it avoided any retarded explanations. People might argue it was a cop out, but I don't really care. It made the movie more enjoyable to not have some Trinity is 101 while in binary while Neo means 010 which is why they fell in love, etc. etc. etc.

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I found this joke script to be pretty funny


The Matrix Revolutons: The Abridged Script


While some of the "plot holes" this guy points out WERE explained, I did laugh at some of the lines in this thing. And one part that really made me think:


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INT: The Hammer.


Jada Pinkett Smith is PILOTING. She is an AWESOME pilot. The OTHERS in the ship note this loudly and often in SURPRISE, even though they've KNOWN her for YEARS.



Hey boys, go fire at those Sentinels that are chasing us.



But I thought we didn't have any weapons against the machines other than the EMP. At least that's what Carrie-Anne told Keanu in the first movie.







That is a pretty big plothole, unless I'm forgetting something here....

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Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

I liked the truce as well. It made sense, as the speech by the one councilmember in Reloaded foreshadowed this: the whole "We need machines, and machines need us" thing.


I really hated that kid by the end. His little "The war is over! Neo did it!" thing really pissed me off. How do you know, you tard? For all he knew, the machines were just pulling back in order to drop 50 drills over the temple or something.


Trin's death scene took 10 years, glad to see others railing on that.


I think one of the reasons people think Neo is alive is due to the cheesy lines:

Girl: "Will we ever see Neo again?

Oracle: "I think this isn't the last time we'll see him"

(something along those lines)


I was pretty annoyed with the small part of the Merovingian, and the complete absense of the Twins, who rocked in Reloaded.


They also didn't really explain the relationship between Seraph and Merovingian. "The prodigal sun has returned", the Judas line...did they explicitly explain that anywhere?


Smith calling Oracle "Mom"...what was that about? Because she was the "mother" of the Matrix?


I thought Revolutions was ok, but disappointing. Nothing in it came close to the sequence from Merovingian's restaurant through the mansion through the highway, that just blew me away last time. The Zion battle paled in comparison.

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Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

I was pretty annoyed with the small part of the Merovingian, and the complete absense of the Twins, who rocked in Reloaded.


I thought Revolutions was ok, but disappointing. Nothing in it came close to the sequence from Merovingian's restaurant through the mansion through the highway, that just blew me away last time. The Zion battle paled in comparison.

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Yeah, I was wondering when the Twins would show up. Maybe they got cut or something.


And bite your tongue about the Zion battle. That was fucking intense shit.


And that script is the funniest thing I've read in a while.

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All right, I went to see Revolutions yesterday. To be honest it was actually better than I thought it would be (then again I was expecting a disaster). It was quite a bit better than Reloaded if for no other reason than they SHUT THE FUCK UP and just let the action of the movie happen. But I gotta tell you, some aspects just sucked so much cock on so many different levels. Let's review:



Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

--Trinity sees the sun for the first time ever, then she and Neo crash and she dies. Nevermind that she died in the last movie and Neo brings her back to life. She dies for real in this. Yeah.


--Neo fights Smith and Smith finally just kicks the fuck out of him (not even using his doubles for help). Frankly I think more people like Smith anyway, haha, but this is no way to end things. Smith actually defeats Neo and turns him into another Smith, then the Head Machine unplugs Neo and thus he is destroyed along with Smith and the clones. I'm still unsure exactly WHY this killed Smith and not just the Neo/Smith clone alone.


--The entire Zion battle has no one of any note fighting in it. The sequence was stunning to watch but there is no emotional investment since it contains characters no one gives two shits about. The commander guy in the Aliens ripoff thing was cool though. The Kid however I was actively WANTING to die.


--This film completes the whole character assassination on Morpheus that began in Reloaded. He literally did nothing in this movie but play 2nd fiddle to his chick.


--I have no idea what happened to the Merovingian. He is sorta holding Neo hostage in the train station (via the Trainman) so Trin, Morph, and Co. confront Frenchie. The scene ends with a mega Reservoir Dogs gunpoint with Trinity aiming at Frenchie, making demands to let Neo go. Next scene is just Trinity getting off the train, no clue as to how that was resolved. Did they shoot everyone in the club, or did Frenchie just give in?


--Back to the sunlight part. What the FUCK was that? I know they were going for a nice moment, but the very idea of sunlight existing above the smoke and scorched earth hurts the series on so many levels. Didn't Morpheus say that humans scorched the sky so that the machines couldn't use solar power? Further, the reason for using humans for energy is because of the sun being scorched. If all the machines had to do was go up another mile for sun energy what is the point of using humans for power? That 20 seconds or so literally fucks up the entire initial premise of the series.


--The ending. Sweet Jesus. If I told you the ending to this entire series would be The Oracle (who I thought had died once she became a clone of Smith, but somehow she lived even though Neo and the other clones all die, explain that one Wachowskis) and The Architect (I covered my face once he appeared) have a short conversation in the Matrix where the Architect says "Oh, I'll just release anyone who wants out of the Matrix."




I mean we've come all this way, listened to all the rhetorical bullshit, seen major characters die, only to have the main executive heel (Architect) stay in power with no real threat to him now and basically he just throws them a bone by setting the 1% who want to leave free.


Seriously, I can't see how they can stop the whole series at this point....NOTHING was accomplished. The Matrix is still around, Architect still chilling, and so on. Thing is, after this movie no one is going to want another one. I dunno, I don't guess it was all that bad or anything, it certainly wasn't dull once Neo got out of the confounded train station.



**1/4 (if that rating exists) out of ****

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Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

--Neo fights Smith and Smith finally just kicks the fuck out of him (not even using his doubles for help).  Frankly I think more people like Smith anyway, haha, but this is no way to end things.  Smith actually defeats Neo and turns him into another Smith, then the Head Machine unplugs Neo and thus he is destroyed along with Smith and the clones.  I'm still unsure exactly WHY this killed Smith and not just the Neo/Smith clone alone. 

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Well, there's one theory going around that says something else about the end of Agent Smith. Neo and Agent Smith are supposed to be total opposities, as if Neo is Christ and Smith is the Anti-Christ. If you combine these complete opposites, nothing exists. It's like 1+(-1)=0. So if Neo is "1" and Smith is "-1", you combine them and get nothing as a result. This is supposedly why they were destroyed.


Or something.

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I'm glad this happened. I'm glad the last two movies sucked balls.


The first Matrix was a decent little movie that was totally enjoyable and interesting. But the hype got so out of control that I love to see them shit the bed like this.

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Well the thing is, the Wachowskis just SORTA fucked it all up. I mean, if you sift through these sequels you would be able to find enough good stuff for 1 really excellent movie.

I mean, I didn't feel ripped off after seeing either movie, but it's just that they made so many goofy script decisions that it can't possibly end with any satisfaction.


Reloaded had some nice scenes with Neo against 100 Smiths and also the freeway chase, but it also had so many horribly boring (and ultimately pointless) speeches and conversations. And of course the notorious Architect scene that basically killed the series.


However, Revolutions:


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--Had the wild Zion battle, which unfortunately had no one of any note fighting in it...why didn't Morpheus and Niobe arrive near the beginning of that?


--Neo and Smith in the Superman 2 "Kneel before Smith" fight.


--A generally better overall pace than Reloaded.


That said it also had:


--The lousy ending that resolved nothing (at least not in a way that viewers wanted).


--Morpheus having his heat killed in favor of his chick.


--Neo and Trinity both dying while the Architect and Machines only slightly tremble.



All I know is this: the Matrix marks who pollute sites like imdb.com and badmouth ROTK need to shut the hell up.

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The best acting was from the stuntman in the commercial before the movie asking you not to steal flicks on the internet.


A row of middle fingers rose up from the seats in front of me during that.

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::shrug:: I had a great time. It pushed past a lot of the dumb philosophy that really dragged Reloaded down in favor of two incredible action centerpieces and what I thought was actually a pretty solid ending. Really, the Zion battle was pitch-perfect, and


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I certainly don't share everyone's complaint that it was weak because no main characters were around. The city was important enough, and that Mifune guy (nice Toshiro shout-out, Wachowskis) screaming and shooting increasingly gorgeous representations of the enemy for half an hour worked for me. I actually really, really liked that Morpheus and co. weren't there for the fight; it was a tremendously interesting action structure to have them limited simply to getting there as fast as they could. I mean, a lot of people have said that we were emotionally invested and what-not in Helms Deep because of everyone being there, but I'll take this scene over that anyday. Much better orchestrated and loads more creative, and you'll never get me to give a shit about Gimli or That Retarded Elf Captain Who Shows Up And Gets His Ass Broke Like A Sucka anyway. I'll grant that a lot of that is due to the flexibility of that great 360 degrees of movement, magnificent set, and the versatility of the futuristic/machine premise, but man. Still superb.


Really, I think the half hour or so of that Zion battle is outright wonderful in pretty much every aspect. And that last battle was great, too, if anti-climactic at its finish.


Short version: nowhere near a perfect film, but it's got the best action scene of the year hands-down and certainly doesn't deserve the drubbing most have given it. I think Roger Ebert, while usually spot-on about movies, is especially on-the-ball with his 3-star review for Revolutions.

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Meh. Saw it last night. The movie was boring. One of worst I've seen this year. Cabin Fever and House of the Dead held my interest longer than this crap fest. The fight scene with Smith/Neo was cool and that's about it, IMO of course. It just seemed like the Wachowski's blew their load on the first film, half-assed the second, and no-assed the third & final flick.


And the ending... ugh, don't get me started.

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

So, the machines are all "we don't need you!" to Neo, but they SUDDENLY AND WITHOUT EXPLANATION change their mind and take him up on his offer?


And why did killing Neo kill ALL the Smith's? If that were the case, couldn't they have just killed one of the other millions of humans who were "possessed" by Agent Smith.


Biggest copout ending I've seen in a long long time.

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Okay, I assume the Helms Deep ranting was over what I wrote earlier. Now, I'll admit that I don't care about the elf capt. who dies there and his death scene was given WAY too much sad music and slo mo. But besides him everyone else is at least a notable character in the series so there is some interest in whether they live or die.


In Revolutions, yes Mifune is the man. It's just a shame he hasn't done anything else before this in the series.

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"seemed like the Wachowski's blew their load on the first film, half-assed the second, and no-assed the third & final flick."


i agree


"no-assed"? i never heard that before but i love it im stealing that and adding it to my venacular!


some people mentioned they hype and you know what even if the sequels were a tad better they may have failed to reach my lofty hype in my own mind


i loved the first film for the "mythology" behind it and i think that mythology that i had in my mind was presented poorly when expanded on in the sequels. the scenes in the real world in the first move felt very different from the ones in the sequels.. its hard to explain what i mean but maybe other had that feeling too?


im not a big star wars fan but man reloaded was very empire-ish


spoiler (if for some reason you didnt see 2)








neo in a carbonite oh excuse me, a coma and just that feeling that even though it was a non-happy ending you knew the next one would fix it and it held no real weight?





end spoiler




i just loved the cool ideas in the first like explaining deja vu ( the glitch in the matrix) and all that that was supposed to try and give you that feeling that "you" were in a dreamworld as well

Edited by converge241

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I liked Reloaded better then Revolutions, but I think I might be the only one here who did.


As fas as the ending goes...

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It would not have bothered me if we were getting another sequel, but when it is the third movie in a series I want some answers. I think that there will be a sequel of some sorts to this, maybe not a movie though. That is why it was left so open ended. The Wachowskis are big into anime and video games that is where I expect the sequel to show up. I have got a lot to say about this mess I will type more later.

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Why the machines couldn't use the sun


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Remember that they went into the storm cloud to get rid of the sentinels, and the storm cloud knocked out all power. Machines cannot go through that cloud without getting their power knocked out, that's why they can't go above it

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Well I just saw it. I'd have to say I liked Reloaded more, as well, for whatever reasons...but Revolutions just left me with a bleh feeling. This movie seemed to be too forced down our throats as opposed to the first two.


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The ending did a bad job closing the series. The purpose of this movie (at least we all thought) was to end the Trilogy...now it seems like they are pushing for a 4th one. The archetist getting no love in this movie made little to no sense. He should of been a big focus of the movie. The ending should of been the "What am I? Human?" line and then fade to black.


I wasn't sure if Neo was dead or not, but it makes somewhat sense that the Machines killed him after Smith entered his body. So does that mean if you killed ANY of the copies of Smith that he would be dead? I would think they would have to kill the original program in order to kill off the copies. It's like making a shortcut on your desktop 50,000 times and deleting the shortcut. The original is still there.


Action fucking rocked, though. The Smith/Neo finally battle was a little bit too overblown, IMO.


Trinity's death scene was HORRIBLE and I literally started to doze off. It makes me think how weird it is that if Neo is really dead, why didn't he get the fucking 10 minutes of rambling while he's dying?


And the whole "love" thing is really blah. It makes the movie seem to Hollywood-ish and not original.




Edited by HartFan86

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My perception of the "Death of Neo" is that it is highly influenced by the King Arthur legend, as if the champion will return when he is needed. When Neo was unplugged by the machines he was taken away on a platform much like King Arthur was taken to Avalon by the women of the lake.


No if there is going to be a 4th film I think it would have to be focused on either the Oracle vs Archetict or be about the Mavageion (French guy).


To me the directors had to many ideas floating around with too many sub plots in the movie which ended up being a clusterfuck. No was this suppose to be a love story, the choice to make your own fate, the ultimate action movie of pop culture?

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