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Matrix Revolutions

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(My Opinion)


I just got back from the theater, and god did it sucked. I too fell asleep about an hour and half into it. Alot of philoshopy crap, and crappy dialogue. To much action. What do you get when you have Joel Silver, The Wachowski's, A shitload of money, and FX gear? A SHITTY MOVIE! This makes an Rodney/Test Kennel In A Cell Match look interesting. :firing:

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The action scenes redeemed everything else, the way I see it. That 45 minute stretch or so of just non-stop excitement had me drained afterward. If it were a wrestling card, I'd say the midcard stole the show.

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Guest Just J

The spoilers are pretty accurate, they just left out some things. I went ahead and saw it today and I thought it was ok. Nothing special just a good sci-fi flick.

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I thought it was the worst major film this year. I'll give my thoughts in spoiler form.


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I just got back a few minutes ago and I would definitely give this film thumbs down. It was probably the most disappointing major film I've seen this year and maybe more.


Dialogue: Easily the worst stuff in the movie. I have never heard such terrible acting in my life. The first movie worked because the actors were limited to their strengths (Reeves was kept simple and astounded, Fishburne had a few profound lines, Trinity was kept simple in her desire to see Neo safe and gets in the bit of emotion at the end). This was the total opposite. They should NEVER let Reeves try to act. He's a terrible actor and will always be as such. The best actor in the film is Fishburne and they totally wasted his talents. The rest of the characters spew such horrible dribble that it forced a few people to walk out on the film and others to start making cracks about how stupid it was.


Who? What? Why?: Was there even a point to introducing characters in Reloaded and Revolutions just to do nothing with them? The Frenchman (pardon my lack of remember his name) was very intriguing and they did nothing with him. Seraph the great fighter is... what? Smith shows up and was he infected? Was he set free with the girl? The Architect shows up at the end but where was he before? Who's this random captain they just threw into the ass kicking role? Is the machine at the end the king of machines? Loose ends everywhere.


The final battle: What in the blue hell was this? All it was missing was the Kame Hame Ha Wave and you could stamp it DBZ Live Action Movie and move on. I know the Wackowskis are influenced by Anime but this was ridiculous. The crazy flying, the big plunge into the pavement, Smith busting out of the cement. At least you know if they make a DBZ movie the fights will be possible to pull off.


Neo = Jesus: Wow this will piss off a lot of people. Neo is Christ and Smith is... The Devil? The Anti Christ? When you're done reading the DBZ Manga, sit down with The New Testament.


I'll give them credit for one thing. They did the special effects and animation for the Zion Battle really well. I don't even want to think about what that took to create. Absolutely marvelous stuff there.


Aside from that though, this film was a disappointment. It wasn't close to the great movie the first one was and it's not even as good an action movie as Reloaded. I suggest avoiding it at all costs unless someone else is paying for it and you're willing to put your brain on auto pilot for two hours. The best acting was from the stuntman in the commercial before the movie asking you not to steal flicks on the internet.

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Guest Just J
The best acting was from the stuntman in the commercial before the movie asking you not to steal flicks on the internet.

I disagree as far as the movie itself went. If a flick is good I can over look the horrible acting. But I do see your point about the above quoted.


And it made me laugh out load.

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Guest HHH123007
Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

The final battle: What in the blue hell was this? All it was missing was the Kame Hame Ha Wave and you could stamp it DBZ Live Action Movie and move on. I know the Wackowskis are influenced by Anime but this was ridiculous. The crazy flying, the big plunge into the pavement, Smith busting out of the cement. At least you know if they make a DBZ movie the fights will be possible to pull off.

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Not to mention the fact that all that 100 mph high-speed fighting is thrown out the window when Neo floors Smith with A SINGLE PUNCH.


Total bullshit.


Oh, and that stuntman line was the funniest thing I've read today. :cheers:

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I just got back from seeing it and I thought its ok. My date is religous person and she enjoyed the movie, I didn't get at first and she explained it to me and it made sense to me. So Pegasus is right about Neo. The dialogue was kind of bad and off.

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I too, was highly dissapointed in this movie. It would seem like because so many people shit on Reloaded because of their inability to grasp the plot (namely, the Architects speech); that they decided to devoid the movie of any real plot at all.


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What angers me most about the film is that nothing was explained. What was the whole deal with Neo's body and mind being seperated? How could he see things firey after his eyes were blasted? Why couldn't the machines stop Smith? (Well, I know its because he basically did his thing and turned all the people in the Matrix into a copy of himself, but they could have touched on that prior). What was all that shit with the Oracle at the end, including it being her left after Smith was destroyed? And that last fight scene was indeed not that good; too insane. And since when can Smith fly around like Neo?


There, I'm done bitching now.

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I just got back from it and thank God those spoilers weren't right about one thing:


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That stupid kid DID NOT become the architect like the spoilers said.


More questions:


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If the only reason Neo could use his powers outside the Matrix was because he was trapped between the worlds then why could he use his powers outside the Matrix at the end? They fixed the "in between worlds" thing at the beginning.


And why would the Architect release everyone? He has nothing to fear. Neo and Smith are dead. And I HATE HATE HATE how the biggest plot (freeing the humans) is blown off with ONE FREAKIN LINE! All they did was have the Architect go "oh I'll release them"

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Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

I don't think Neo was dead.



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The machines killed Neo to kill Smith. That's the only explanation of how they killed Smith. Smith entered Neo and the machines killed Neo which in turn killed Smith.

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Fuck this movie. I saw it at matinee price earlier today and I STILL wanted a refund. That ending was the biggest fucking copout ever. It was like they didn't know how to end it so they just put some shitty ending in there. It makes absolutely ZERO sense.

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Plus the whole analogy of everything that has a beginning, has an end? Well there was NO ENDING. The characters even acknowledged this when asking themselves how long exactly could this "peace" last. Oh and what the machines have some sort of ethics to actually refrain from killing all of zion anyways?
Damn this movie was a letdown.

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Lets put it this way: I was entertained for 129 mins, but I was disapointed BIG TIME. If that makes sense.


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I don't know where to start.


First off, the dialogue was the worst thing I have seen since 2F2F. It wasn't as bad as 2F2F, but it was pretty damn close.


Reeves is probably the worse actor out there next to Paul Walker. Every single time he decided to talk, I wanted to hit him. You could tell SO FUCKIN MUCH, he was trying to act. It was horrible. The best acting in the whole movie was Hugo Weaving(Agent Smith), other than that, blah.


The Wachowski brothers know how to direct action, but not acting. That's all I have to say.


Wait, Neo was dead at the end? I didn't know that.


The end was soooooooooo dumb. They should of had Smith become Neo, and have Smith take over everything. That way there was an ending, bam, a 4th film COULD not happen.


The one thing that had me so entertained was the action. When the senitals(sp?) came into the dock at one point, I had my mouth wide open in shock. The action got an A, other than that, it got a D.


Soo many questions from the second weren't answered. Like I said before, I was entertained, but was very disappointed.

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Oh I agree about the action. I think the sentinal fight was up there with the big battle from LOTR: Two Towers for being awe inspiring.


I don't think I needed spoilers for that do I?

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Oh I agree about the action. I think the sentinal fight was up there with the big battle from LOTR: Two Towers for being awe inspiring.


I don't think I needed spoilers for that do I?

No spoilers for that.


Action got an A, everything else is a D. That averages to a B-, but it gets a C+.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I thought it was a blast. A nice theme with karma, and a balance of chaos and order. It tied in free will/predestination, and the perception/reality arguments of the first two movies well enough.


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With the whole "They will be released." line from the Architect, that's only for the ones that choose to leave the matrix. The Architect's goal is to maintain balance and continuity, which he (the machines) did by maintaining the matrix, and leaving all those pod people happy in their virtual lives while generating power, and The Oracle (humans) exacted change by ending the war, so really, both sides got their way, without unplugging countless millions into a wasteland they don't want to be in, without demolishing zion, and without "Oh, it was all a dream, Auntie Em."


The DBZ fight was pretty silly in those respects, but you figure it's one guy who's absorbed all the power of everyone in the matrix, vs. "the one." What did you expect? Punchy kicky? Of course not, they're going to annihilate buildings, the street, and change the direction of rain.


All the religious metaphors came to a head with Neo basically being a christ figure, and the faith in him by the others being a central point.


Granted the dialogue was lacking, but the action more than made up for it. Stunning visuals all around. It's worth watching, if only to make up your own opinions.

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I think what cheesed me the most was that Morpheus was relegated to being pretty unimportant. To me, he should have been The One all along, being the only one who believed the entire time. That, and it would have made Fishburne take on a more important role.


The DBZ fighting was pretty phat, I thought. Considering they'd done everything they could with the hand-to-hand fighting in the first two films, they had to kick it up somehow to have the final fight be better. I will admit though, I was expecting to see one of them start using energy waves or something from their hands.


I totally thought that Smith would become Neo by the same method Smith had been using on everyone.


The Oracle was left lying there simply because the Smith that Neo was fighting used to be her. That's the only way I can explain it.


I still can't get over how hardcore that battle sequence was. That captain dude OWNED the movie for a half hour. That's a MANLY man right there.


As I said before to some people, I wanted a clear-cut, definitive one-side-wins ending. How the hell are humans supposed to survive now that the planet is devoid of all life except them? And are the machines just going to let the humans go off and re-build their civilizations again?


Finally, as others said, Neo's ability to see shit and have Jedi powers (for lack of a better comparison) REALLY needed to be explained. For a movie that talked about the "real world" so much, that being outside of the Matrix itself, it took a huge suspension of disbelief to see that crap happening in the supposed real world.


As others said. A++++ for the action, but please, no one ever tell me that the Wachowskis are geniuses again.


EDIT: Yes, I forgot: Only those who wanted to leave The Matrix would be freed. Okay, so that helps a little, but how many people do you think would want to leave knowing what was happening in the real world?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

It needed about twice as much Agent Smith, I thought. His spiel about

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the futility of human compassion, emotions, and choice
was a beautiful thing.

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Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Some people in the theater were actually snickering or looking kind of uncomfortable during that last browbeating of his on the human race. He was just growing so fucking sinister by the end there, I was getting chills.


Smith's always been my favorite character though, since he's the dude out for himself, not for some lofty dream of freedom or holding humans down. He just wants everything. I like that.


That, and every personality test based on The Matrix I take, he's the guy I end up being.

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I don't understand why everyone is going off about the terrible acting. I mean, did you somehow expect that Keanu Reeves learned to act before filming this? Come on, Reeves is one of the worst actors to come out of Hollywood in a long long time. He should stick to "Ted" Theodore Logan.. it suits his peronality.

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Well, Smith is the man. We all know this. I mean hell who doesn't have a big grin on their face when he launches into one of his "Mrrrrr. Anderrrsson!" spiels?


You know, actually from reading about that ending it actually sounds somewhat better than those spoilers. The whole idea that:


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The Architect lets anyone go who actually wants to go is actually not that bad of an idea. The problem is that it seems like a bit of a copout ending. I mean, isn't this guy supposed to be a heel? Why is he just gonna suddenly decide "Hey, I'm tired of being a pompous, boring asshole who is enslaving the human race. Anyone who wants to go can leave." Who is this guy, Ashley Wilkes?


I'm amazed that there seems to be an argument over whether Neo dies or not. When you can't figure out if the main character dies or not in the movie....that's a bit of a problem.


I don't think the Helms Deep comparisons are accurate at all here. Helms Deep has Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Theoden. In other words people we give a shit about. That's why Gandalf making the save works so well. The Zion battle has NONE of the main people fighting in it! The fucking Kid, this dude, another dude, that sort of thing. No one we give two shits about, so if they die who cares? You'd think that since Neo and Trin were off to negotiate that Morpheus would lead things in Zion...but no, he's just off with Niobe playing with himself.


Oh, and another thing regarding the ending. Why have they been fighting for 3 movies if this is all it comes down to? I mean they could have negotiated a simple truce a long time ago, kinda like "Don't fuck with us in Zion, we won't fuck with you in the Matrix."



By the way it got *1/2 in the local paper.

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Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

The final battle: What in the blue hell was this? All it was missing was the Kame Hame Ha Wave and you could stamp it DBZ Live Action Movie and move on. I know the Wackowskis are influenced by Anime but this was ridiculous. The crazy flying, the big plunge into the pavement, Smith busting out of the cement. At least you know if they make a DBZ movie the fights will be possible to pull off.

As much as the movie may have sucked - and I haven't seen it yet, but I'm not getting my hopes up - I hate it when people complain about the unrealistic fights. Like in Reloaded, about Neo flying. It's IN THE MATRIX. Virtual Reality. Anything is possible. If they were doing this anywhere else, then fine, the complaints would be valid. Jesus.. does ANYONE have an imagination these days?

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I didn't think the movie was as bad as everyone is saying it is. There were a couple of times where I felt bored, but the movie wasn't the pile of shit everyone made it out to be. If you fell asleep and then bitched about the ending, shame on you. If you don't know how they got to the ending, don't bitch about it. I also want to know how the people who hated the ending would suggest for things to end.

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Like in Reloaded, about Neo flying. It's IN THE MATRIX. Virtual Reality. Anything is possible.

It's much like how I complained about how the first film had that whole "I know Kung-Fu" karate scene and then when it came down to the final encounter they were all using progressively bigger and bigger guns.



If they could do anything from physical combat to melee weapons to guns to DBZ fireballs, then why go with the last one?


Hell, I'd rather watch Smith and Neo make monster trucks and relive the WCW MONSTER TRUCK FACEOFF than this.

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That was one of my main points on a similar Matrix thread. After Reloaded there was simply no good way to end this. I mean there isn't anything you can do that is satisfactory.


Let's face it, when everyone first heard about sequels the initial thought was "Ok I guess they will have more fights and finally destroy the Matrix, freeing everyone." If that WASN'T the plan then why make sequels to begin with (other than to make a shitload of cash)?


The whole Architect speech made it essentially impossible for them to destory the Matrix since.....


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99% of the people tested accepted the Matrix, thought it was fine and dandy.


Now, once you introduce this little plot device the entire series becomes somewhat clueless. Why are Neo and Friends doing all this? What is their goal exactly? Are they trying to free everyone from the Matrix? If so, aren't they kinda being assholes since most people prefer it anyway? It's like saying "Luke, 99% of the people think the Empire is A-OK." You simply cannot do this. It defies any sort of basic writing. The Terminator movies work because we see future scenes depicting a hellhole riddled by death and robots. Thus we have some investment in it, and hope that John Connor isn't killed (either before he's born or as a kid, and now as a young man) so he can save us from this apocalypse.


I guess what I'm saying is that while the Wachowskis excel with CGI effects and oh so thrilling rambling dialogue they have seemingly no concept of how to write compelling characters and plot.


For the trilogy to truly work the Matrix itself has to be depicted as a bad thing. This is a huge problem since the Matrix itself seems like a nice alternative to an apocalyptic hellhole. If you think about it Joe Pantoliano was completely right...but the thing is he SHOULDN'T be right! If we're supposed to invest our time in these people for 3 movies they sure as hell better be in the right, but I'm not really sure they are. I know the Wachowskis want us to think about all this stuff, but after thinking about it I'm just more pissed than I was before. Yeah you guys made me think, but did you satisfy or entertain me?


I almost think the initial scenario was totally wrong. How about a total reversal of it? Machines take over the earth, but it's otherwise in good shape. Machines clear up pollution, environment is nice, etc. Thing is, to do it they had to enslave the entire human race and use them for energy. Oh and for their own amusement they plugged everyone into a phony world that is a total nightmare, an apocalyptic hellhole known as the Matrix. Of course there are a few people on the outside like Morpheus leading an underground rebellion (think of a more sophisticated Dennis Leary from Demolition Man, heh). And of course he recruits Neo and teaches him about everything, etc. in the hope that one day Neo can destroy the Matrix and free everyone from it.


This simple rewrite now gives us: 1. Characters with actual goals we can sink our teeth into. 2. Despicable heels (well beyond just agents, who were already great heels) in the Machines. 3. A way to actually end this thing with Neo destroying Smith and the Machines and freeing everyone into a better world.

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^ - Just had to say that was one of the most intelligent posts I've read here in a long time. More logical thinking was done here than the entire Matrix series which, I completely agree, was hurt by the revelation in the second one that, in fact, 99% of the people actually LIKE the Matrix. Again, just had to say that was a great post.

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