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Angle re-injures neck

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Guest Quik
Um, Bret Hart has trouble MOVING at this point. 90% of wrestlers put themselves in situations like this where they can get hurt. No Bret didn't do 97,000 suplexes, but he allowed himself to get hit in the head repeatedly when he had a concussion already.



Bret also had a stroke. I think that's the prime contributing fucking factor in his lack of movement nowadays.

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Guest Ray
Um, Bret Hart has trouble MOVING at this point.  90% of wrestlers put themselves in situations like this where they can get hurt.  No Bret didn't do 97,000 suplexes, but he allowed himself to get hit in the head repeatedly when he had a concussion already.



This reply was dumb.


Bret Hart had a fucking stroke after he fell off his bike.


Bret "allowed'' himself to be kicked in the head? He was knocked loopy by a stray Goldberg kick. A freak accident.


Angle's injury is a result of constant suplex-a-mania. Obviously, if he didn't wrestle that way, he probably wouldn't have such a severe injury.


Angle says he loves Bret, but he sure doesn't wrestle like him...

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Angle should retire. And true fans of his should be more concerned with his ability to walk in the next 10 years, than chanting, "you suck" at him at house shows. He probably should not have even come back from the other neck injury but he made a decision to.

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Unless the rumors of him main eventing XX are true, I think it's time to go. I'd love to see him come back and have a non-wrestling role after some significant time off.

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Guest Ray

Any bets on when Benoit's neck is done?


He takes the same bumps...it's only a matter of time before he's injured again as well. :(

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Guest Choken One

Benoit took the traditional Surgery and we saw that Austin held up for about 2 years...So Benoit has about 6 months left...

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Guest Mulatto Heat

I'm surprised no one here posted the interview where Angle gave a 'grocery list' of his injuries.


They included, as well as the repaired neck:

-Three operations on both knees

-Dislocated shoulder

-Hamstring that 'peeled off the tendon'

-Four documented concussions, and "probably more"


When contemplating all of this, AS's sentiment doesn't seem so unreasonable.

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Guest Ray
Benoit took the traditional Surgery and we saw that Austin held up for about 2 years...So Benoit has about 6 months left...

They said Austin's neck was the worst though. Maybe Benoit will last longer.


I cringe every time he does the flying headbutt. :(

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Guest JumpinJackFlash

No! Is he leaving? Will he wrestle at Survivor Series? Have these questions already been answered?(Note:I have not looked at the first page of this post)

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Um, Bret Hart has trouble MOVING at this point.  90% of wrestlers put themselves in situations like this where they can get hurt.  No Bret didn't do 97,000 suplexes, but he allowed himself to get hit in the head repeatedly when he had a concussion already.



But that was the result of one career-ending injury, not long-term wear and tear. In addition, it was an injury in which the other wrestler, Bill Goldberg, was completely at fault. I would argue that he was so in the wrong that FGB owes Bret Hart a pension for what he did to Bret.

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Guest Anglesault
They better start giving Cena, Benoit and Eddie some real pushes to the main event if Angle is on his way out.

Hell, they never gave Angle one. You expect these guys (some of which are smaller than Kurt) to get one?

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They better start giving Cena, Benoit and Eddie some real pushes to the main event if Angle is on his way out.

Hell, they never gave Angle one. You expect these guys (some of which are smaller than Kurt) to get one?

Yeah, Angle never had a main event push.....

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Um, Bret Hart has trouble MOVING at this point.  90% of wrestlers put themselves in situations like this where they can get hurt.  No Bret didn't do 97,000 suplexes, but he allowed himself to get hit in the head repeatedly when he had a concussion already.



But that was the result of one career-ending injury, not long-term wear and tear. In addition, it was an injury in which the other wrestler, Bill Goldberg, was completely at fault. I would argue that he was so in the wrong that FGB owes Bret Hart a pension for what he did to Bret.

Bret was suffering from multiple concussions, and that is what ended his career. Due to all the head trauma, if he didn't retire when he did, he would have suffered from serious head trauma and brain damage. His mobility problems are from the stroke.

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They better start giving Cena, Benoit and Eddie some real pushes to the main event if Angle is on his way out.

Hell, they never gave Angle one. You expect these guys (some of which are smaller than Kurt) to get one?

Yeah, Angle never had a main event push.....

Angle had a bunch of main event pushes. Whatcha talkin bout, Willis?

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Guest cpac

Oooo the wwe will give pushes to new people all right. But instead of it being eddie g, benoit and cena getting the limelight it is going to be Matt Morgan, Nathan Jones and whatever big dumb talentless hoss Vince orgasms over when thinking about.

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Guest JudasSault
So, if Angle was to be unable to wrestle at WMXX, and Lesnar and Taker are penciled in for cross-brand matches, who's carrying the belt into Mania? Apart from Big Show, I think they're the only former WWE champions on Smackdown.

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Guest Anglesault
They better start giving Cena, Benoit and Eddie some real pushes to the main event if Angle is on his way out.

Hell, they never gave Angle one. You expect these guys (some of which are smaller than Kurt) to get one?

Yeah, Angle never had a main event push.....

I don't call holding the belt for three months and then being shafted right back down to a comedy midcard feud a "real push to the main event"

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Guest Username

man, this is horrible news.


i wonder if i'm still going to be watching wrestling once angle and benoit are out of the picture.


there's definitely some up and coming talent that i enjoy, but no one solid enough. i absolutely love benoit and angles wrestling style...their whole technical/mat wrestling style. not many of the younger superstars wrestle that style.


they're either high flyers or just plain like jindrak and cade...orton even.


haas and benjamin got similar styles but not nearly as good or polished...i think after a few years they'll both be really good though.


i look forward to paul london getting a push in the WWE...he can put on some great matches...he's more of a high flyer though, i don't know if he impliments the psychology into his matches.


cena might great in a few years...i just don't dig his gimmick...it's funny, but i don't take him seriously. he needs to change his gimmick and add a submission finisher to his movelist haha. most of my favorite wrestlers have a submission move as a finisher ha.

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Guest Besus

^May not agree with me but I dont give a damn. Charlie and Benjamin is better than Kurt "overated" Angle and Chris Beniot.


Charlie and Benjamin aint "alright",They aint "good",They are "GREAT".

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So, if Angle was to be unable to wrestle at WMXX, and Lesnar and Taker are penciled in for cross-brand matches, who's carrying the belt into Mania? Apart from Big Show, I think they're the only former WWE champions on Smackdown.

You are forgetting one of the greatest champions of all time! How dare you forget Vince McMahon.

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Guest NCJ

Angle really needs to take a step back and think about what he is doing. He could easily kill himself when he really dosen't have to. I hope and pray that he makes the right decision.


As far as Anglesault saying he never got pushed as a main eventer, some people will never be happy unless their favorite wrestler gets a HHH or Austin push. Yes they have done some stupid things with Angle, but are his mid card fueds as bad as you make them out to be. When Bret Hart wasn't holding the world title he was having a fued with an announcer who thougth he was a king that was talking about his mom, an evil dentist with rottent teeth that the king announcer brought in, a pirate who stole his jacket, and an asian guy with weird facial tatoos. When the Rock wasn't the champ or in a tag team he had a fued with the second string star of the Corporate ministry, a fued with Billy Gunn over his ass, a fued with the British Bulldog that involved dog doo, a fued with Al Snow over who gets to be Mick Foley's friend, and a minni fued with the Huricane. He jobbed to everyone on the list at least once in either a tag team or singles match and jobbed cleanly multiple times. The only people Angle has loss somewhat clean to are Benoit, Edge, and Brock. He is seen as a main eventer. Maybe not the way that I would have booked him, but he hasn't been treated like a joke either.

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Guest BionicRedneck

I don't see why Angle marks complain that he is booked as a goof. Without it, he would be nothing. Playing the goof is all Angle can do.

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Guest Anglesault
Angle really needs to take a step back and think about what he is doing.  He could easily kill himself when he really dosen't have to. I hope and pray that he makes the right decision.


As far as Anglesault saying he never got pushed as a main eventer, some people will never be happy unless their favorite wrestler gets a HHH or Austin push.  Yes they have done some stupid things with Angle, but are his mid card fueds as bad as you make them out to be. When Bret Hart wasn't holding the world title he was having a fued with an announcer who thougth he was a king that was talking about his mom, an evil dentist with rottent teeth that the king announcer brought in, a pirate who stole his jacket, and an asian guy with weird facial tatoos.  a joke either.

Angle's 2002 non title feuds.


Kane, for no real reason, Edge for some reason that was never adequately explained, Hogan over a fucking hair piece, Rey because Rey is short, and Benoit for no apparent reason.


Not as goofy as 95, but just as bad.


And Rocky never fought Al Snow or the Hurricane on a PPV, they were nothing more than slight diversions during larger feuds.


and Rock's 1999 is equal to Angle's 02.

Edited by Anglesault

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