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1 year anniversary of Scott Steiner in WWE

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It's been officially one year since Scott Steiner made his on-screen debut on WWE television.


How do you feel now about Steiner after one year as opposed to how you did on the night he debuted?

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I'll admit that I'm impressed that he's gone a full year without any real injury problems. I've been VERY impressed by that. However, I was at RR 2003, so I was part of the crowd that booed him out of the building. He's gotten somewhat better, but he's still pretty shitty in-ring. He's better, and he's healthy, so it worked out better than I thought it would, but still not the best signing they've had.

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When he started out, he was a challenger for the World Title, and he was terrible.


Now he's a midcarder who just plain sucks.


That's an improvement, at least.


Still, he's given us so many great moments over the past year. The Rumble match, his pants falling down on national TV, his part in Raw is Gay Porn (featuring the posedown) where he told HHH "you go up and see who thinks you're tough" or something like that.


Of course, there's him breaking the F barrier, or talking about slurping up Stacy's peach-like juices seconds after JR called him a "gentleman" and belittled Test, the Great Debate, and decking Austin.

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Guest BionicRedneck

I enjoyed it when Steiner questioned Miss Jackie with "Are you gonna suck my dick, or what?".


and him falling on his face.


and "gimme the fuckin mic".


and for breaking up that horrible angle at last years Survivor Series between Nowinski and Hardy.

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Guest Choken One

Sadly, Steiner came into WWE in a great way...As the loose cannon that he was known for but WWE decided that Steiner should be HHH's Nemesis for a couple shitty months and that made a rusty steiner be a face.


Steiner's of course one of the greatest wrestlers of all time but right now he obviously has nothing left and his only talent is really on the stick and drawing heat.


Still, He's been a bigger success then most other late term WCWers.

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Wow, it's been a year?



Has he had ONE good match in WWE?

I don't know if it was "good," but his best match so far was against Chris Jericho (hey, this is the guy who pulled watchable matches out of KEVIN NASH and HULK HOGAN for God's sake) back in February 2003 when they battled on RAW for the No Way Out World Title shot.

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Guest Sylvan Grenier
Steiner's of course one of the greatest wrestlers of all time


This was true at some point but I fear that his last few years may hurt his standings in that regard.


Ah non! Je parlais anglais! Mon gimmique est mort!

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Wow, it's been a year?



Has he had ONE good match in WWE?

I don't know if it was "good," but his best match so far was against Chris Jericho (hey, this is the guy who pulled watchable matches out of KEVIN NASH and HULK HOGAN for God's sake) back in February 2003 when they battled on RAW for the No Way Out World Title shot.

Sure Hogans not that good of a wrestler, but the crowd is ALWAYS involved in his matches, and everything he does makes the crowds get louder.


So trying to COMPARE Him to Scott Steiner is laughable not because Hogan wasn't a better worker than him in their primes, but because Hogans drawn 100000% more than Steiner has and ever will.

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the rumble match is most certainly the worst non-comedy/non-garbage/non-guys that are just there cos they're fat/this actually means something and it's our main event match I have ever seen. He's not done anything approaching such levels of heniousity since, but I've seen nothing to dissuade me that he should have been fired stright after that, either. They fired Kronik.

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the rumble match is most certainly the worst non-comedy/non-garbage/non-guys that are just there cos they're fat/this actually means something and it's our main event match I have ever seen. He's not done anything approaching such levels of heniousity since, but I've seen nothing to dissuade me that he should have been fired stright after that, either. They fired Kronik.

Well, the NWO match stunk too. It was just less fun because it was flat out boring rather than an instance of the match falling apart before your very eyes.

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

I'd say the No Way Out Match was shittier but as mentioned, it was the "Oh My God, please stop" shitty and not the "Oh Dear Jesus, what next!?" shitty, which the RUmble match was. Him looking near death and going belly to belly suplex crazy is gold.

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Can't wrestle like he used to, but WWE has stripped him of everything that was good about his character. Ever since turning heel, he hasn't had one decent length promo to get over. Nobody draws heat as quickly as Steiner can, but WWE just books him like they book everyone else. I know the last thing RAW needs is less wrestling, but when was the last time someone not named Bischoff, Austin, McMahon, Undertaker or Helmsly got a decent length spot to cut a promo? How are we meant to care about guys like Steiner, Jericho, Booker and Eddy when all we see them in is 4 minute matches and backstage vignettes?

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