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Good News About Kurt Angle

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It appears that WWE plans to keep Stephanie McMahon off TV for longer than originally planned. She was set to return to TV right after her honeymoon, but will now likely remain off TV. WWE wanted to keep some validity to their stipulations may have had something to do with the decision to keep her off.


- Kurt Angle's latest neck surgery went very well and he is expected to be back on TV next week. He won't, however, be able to wrestle again until January. He should be OK to wrestle at the Royal Rumble.


Credit: 1wrestling


::breaks out the beer::

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Guest MideonMark

Wait why are we breaking out the beer(or milk, whatever floats your boat)? I mean, its not like shes gone for good. Shes still coming back, probably before the Rumble. So I ain't breaking out anything until shes gone for good, which will be, well, never.

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It appears that WWE plans to keep Stephanie McMahon off TV for longer than originally planned. She was set to return to TV right after her honeymoon, but will now likely remain off TV. WWE wanted to keep some validity to their stipulations may have had something to do with the decision to keep her off.


Wait why are we breaking out the beer(or milk, whatever floats your boat)? I mean, its not like shes gone for good. Shes still coming back, probably before the Rumble. So I ain't breaking out anything until shes gone for good, which will be, well, never


Heh. I could just see it now.


Vince: Steph, I'm thinking about having you off TV for a longer time. You know make our stips mean something to the fans again.


Steph: (In whiny voice) But daddy I want to be on TV again.


Vince: No Steph I think you should be off TV for at least a year or two. And there is nothing you can do to make me change my mind.


*Steph gives Vince a sad puppy dog look*


Vince: Oh alright. I'll tell you what during the WWE title match at WM between Brock and Benoit, Brock will just squash Benoit untill you come out and help Benoit win the title and afterwards you become his manager and do the talking for him and get him heat. Because, if anyone needs your heat it's him. You know like you helped Jericho at WM 18.


Steph: Yeah I sure did wonders for him. To bad he screwed it up after I left him.


Vince: Then HHH will go over to SD and face Benoit for the title. You then doublecross Benoit and HHH wins the title. You both then tell how it was plan to get HHH the title all along and make Benoit look like a fool and then you and HHH get married on air.


Steph: That's great daddy I love you.


Vince: I love you to.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Can I break out beer since I don't like milk.

No, but you can break out the milk and pour beer in it.

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Guest drunkenscarredangel

Beer flavored milk, the refreshing alternative.


I still expect Stephanie back WAY too soon, so I don't buy into this whole, "she'll be staying away for a while" thing.


It's a nice thought though.

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Steph staying off TV? Not likely.......


Angle, so sad to see he has the "can't walk away syndrome" If he retires now, he may have some sort of normal life in his middle-aged years.

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Guest Fook

I'm guessing she'll be back before Mania so she can be in the corner of whoever Vince is facing (cause let's face it, he's going to book himself in a high profile match).

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Guest Choken One

Which McMahon stayed off TV the longest (not counting Linda whom wasn't really an reoccuring character)...


Is Post Alliance Pre Kane Shane McMahon?

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Guest Fook

He had that appearance on raw during Bischoff's "improve raw in 30 days or by fired" angle, as well as at WM19 after the Vince/Hogan match.

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