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The OAO Paul "Triple H" Levesque Hate Thread

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Inspired by that recently posted Triple H hate thread


If you hate Triple H and want to bitch, come here


Hated his most recent match? Drop your hate in here


Want to make wisecracks about his position in the WWE, go ahead.


I thought I'd do my part in cleaning up TSM, if only a little bit.


Personally I don't hate Trips, I just like to mock him, but as many of you have seen, I like to mock a lot of things in my life. I'm also curious to what he's like as a person (totally isolated from the wrestler), as I think it'd be really funny if, for all the hate smarks pile on him, that he was a pretty cool guy to hang around with.

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Guest Choken One

If his Name was Triple L or something it wouldn't be as cooll HHHATE him.


Ya Know...


I wonder WHHHO...





Shit like that.

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If his Name was Triple L or something it wouldn't be as cooll HHHATE him.


Ya Know...


I wonder WHHHO...





Shit like that.

You mean like...



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If his Name was Triple L or something it wouldn't be as cooll HHHATE him.


Ya Know...


I wonder WHHHO...





Shit like that.

Then people would come up with even lamer things. Like "Triple L is such a LLLoser." Or "What a crippLLLe."

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So did this forum change its name to NHB Jr. or what?

You didn't get the memo?


It's just like NHB, except you can't use any of Carlin's seven words


...and definitely no cockshots

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If his Name was Triple L or something it wouldn't be as cooll HHHATE him.


Ya Know...


I wonder WHHHO...





Shit like that.

Then people would come up with even lamer things. Like "Triple L is such a LLLoser." Or "What a crippLLLe."

But then I could change my name to "AngeLLLslayer" and be all k3wl and shit

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Whoa, whoa whoa! There is already an anti-Triple H thread up, so why is this necessary? I've already gotten my disliking of him off my chest. Further more, most of my reasons for disliking the guy are old reasons. My hate is pretty low at this period in time, so I don't really have anything more to contribute here.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

HHH is still the best pure heel in the business, despite his faults.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I remember once someone defended HHH by saying he is the best because he is that damn good or something.


Anyone remember?



Oh, and....HHH = still ahead of 75% of the RAW roster in my favorites list.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
I like him.

You would

What are you implying?

He seems like your kind of guy


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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
I liked him when I watched wrestling. Apparently he's started wearing pink trunks since then. Now he's a FAG!

He's actually only worn Purple, not Pink. I'm not sure if thats a + or -

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I liked him when I watched wrestling. Apparently he's started wearing pink trunks since then. Now he's a FAG!

He's actually only worn Purple, not Pink. I'm not sure if thats a + or -

It's fine...except when he wears the matching purple booties.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
I liked him when I watched wrestling. Apparently he's started wearing pink trunks since then. Now he's a FAG!

He's actually only worn Purple, not Pink. I'm not sure if thats a + or -

It's fine...except when he wears the matching purple booties.

It pains me to watch your futile attempts at humor.

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