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Guest Waldo

One and Only "Stone Cold Truth" thread

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Guest Waldo

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Stone Cold Truth: WWE star Stone Cold Steve Austin discusses his life and career as one of the most popular wrestlers of all time.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I can't watch TNA til later because I'm taping the Rangers/Panthers game on InDemand PPV.

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Guest Waldo

"One of the guys said Owen fell...a few minutes later Owen was dead"


This should be good.

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I bet one of Austin's biggest regrets is he and Owen never got to have a sitdown.

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Guest Waldo

That was some good stuff.


Who was the new guy that introduced himself to Austin in the back at Survivor Series?

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Matt Morgan you mean? cuase I'm sure he said his name or someone did.


Or maybe theirs some other guy I couldn't recognize.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

While laughing my ass off at King of Queens, I think it's an excusable mistake, seeing he's only been on SD for 4 wks., but the fact someone (or himself, I didn't look) said this is Matt Morgan, kinda gives it away.

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I also missed the show so I found this quick report.


The Stone Cold Truth Report

by Doug Brown


(Note: I missed the first 15 minutes of the special due to VCR difficulties.)


Joined in progress

Steve Austin and his ex-wife Jeannie are telling the story of how he got the Stone Cold nickname. Austin says that he watched a documentary on TV called the Iceman, which was about serial killer Richard Kuklinski, and that he wanted to take on the personality trait the guy exhibited of not caring about anyone. He pitched the idea to creative team about being a character that was cold blooded. They came back with all these really bad nicknames (Fang McFrost, Ivan the Terrible, Ice Dagger etc.) Jeannie was making tea for them one night, and she told him to drink it before it becomes stone cold. They both looked at each other and she said, "That's it. Your name will be Stone Cold Steve Austin." They show clips of Austin raising hell in the ring. Austin does a voiceover that states although they refer to it as sports entertainment, in the ring everything he does is 100% real. Vince McMahon says that no one in the history of World Wrestling Entertainment has wanted to succeed as much as Austin. (Commercial Break)


Next, they start discussing Austin singing. Austin says that growing up KISS was his favorite band. One day he was singing one of their songs with headphones on, and his brother Kevin comes along and slaps the headphones off his head and tells him he sucks. Austin listens at himself sing without the headphones on and agrees. Austin's brother Kevin Williams says Steve can't sing worth a lick. (That's Texan for he's not very good.) Vince says Steve does a lot of things well except for singing. Austin's sister Jenny, brother Jeff, mom Beverly, and father Ken all agree. They then show clips from back during the WCW Invasion angle when Austin was singing "I am the Champion," to Vince in the locker room and the Williams family is laughing the entire time. They then show more clips of Stone Cold singing on TV. The program then shifts towards his three ex-wives, Kathy (who is shown but not mentioned by name), Jeannie, and Debra. Each one is mentioned only briefly. Austin then discusses recently calling up his daughters and found it odd that they were now speaking with British accents. (Their mother Jeannie is from England and they are currently living with her over there.) Austin's oldest daughter Stephanie, who's 11 years old, says they mostly communicate by telephone or e-mail. She says that she watches him on Raw Saturday and Sunday nights. However, Stone Cold mentions that if he ever sees one of his girls flip somebody off they are going to have a conversation. Because if his parents would have seen that him do that when he was a kid, "They would've whipped my ass." Austin says he was there for Stephanie's birth, but was working a show when Jeannie went into labor with their second daughter Cassidy. Austin got a call that her water broke, and headed back to Georgia to be with her. 20 minutes after he arrived, Cassidy was born. Jeannie said that Steve told her it was like the baby was waiting for him to show up so she could be born. Cassidy, who's now 8, says she wants to be a wrestler. Austin says that Stephanie is turning into quite a little athlete and that she is currently running cross country. Stephanie claims that her sister looks more Austin, but that she has more of his attitude. Austin says he wishes they lived closer to Texas, but the fact that Jeannie is a great mom makes it a little easier to swallow. He closes the segment by saying that everything he has goes to his girls. (Commercial break)


Steve Austin vs. Owen Hart from Summerslam 1997. Austin says after taking the tombstone piledriver he couldn't feel anything. He whispered to referee Earl Hebner to tell Owen not to touch him because he can't move. While Earl is checking on him, Owen starts messing with the crowd to buy time. When Austin starts moving around they jump ahead to the finish, which was five minutes sooner than they had originally planned. Austin called it the worst looking cradle ever. Jeannie said she received a call from the hospital that Steve was in bad shape. Austin's brother Kevin says that he called her to ask if she heard anything and she was crying. She called him back at 3am the next day and said that he was hurt badly. Austin's mother Beverly said they didn't know if he'd ever be Steve again. Austin said he still feels the effects of that piledriver to this day. Jeannie says that he would watch the tape of that incident over and over again. Austin said the reason he watches it is that it makes him feel lucky he's no longer in a wheelchair. He wishes Owen would've at least called him to check on him, and apologize, because if the roles were reversed he that's what he would have done. Stone Cold says that Owen was great ribber, and they remained friends, but he no longer found him as funny after that. They then show J.R. from that infamous night in Kansas City making the announcement that Owen had died. Austin said that guys were asked to wrestle the next night and/or give their comments about Owen. He didn't really want to do either, so he came up with the idea of going out and giving him a toast. (Commercial break)


A portion of this next segment aired a couple of weeks ago on WWE Confidential. Austin describes the process of shaving his head. He shows a big scar on the back of his head that is courtesy of a Vince McMahon chairshot. Mick Foley says a lot of people tried to copy the look. Austin says he originally had a really short haircut, but then just decided to shave it all off. His daughter Stephanie and sister Jenny both liked the shaved look better. The segment closes with clips of Austin drinking beers in the ring. (Commercial break)


The next segment is Austin at the Survivor Series in Dallas. Austin is shown hanging out backstage talking at various times to Gerald Brisco, the Dudleys, VInce McMahon, Hardcore Holly, the Undertaker, Mark Jindrak, Chuck Palumbo, Shaniqua, and Shelton Benjamin. They show Matt Morgan coming up and introducing himself to Austin. Austin says that it is alright for the younger guys to come and ask him for advice. He states that he wants to see them get over, and help the business get hot again. Footage is shown of him backstage preparing for the match, followed by clips of the in-ring farewell. Somebody asked what he's going to do now, and he says he doesn't know. (probably the only kayfabed thing on the show) Mick Foley says that Austin gave folks a chance to live vicariously through his anger, which was a positive anger. Austin's mother Beverly says that it's still her boy with that attitude. The Rock says that Stone Cold revolutionized the business, and that he is proud to Austin his friend. Kurt Angle claims that Austin is one in a billion. Austin's daughter Stephanie says that she is happy that he's happy at his job, and is doing what he really enjoys. Austin says his daughters are the biggest positive in his life, and that he is looking forward to more good times. The special ends with him driving around in his truck.


Credit: 1wrestling

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Fang McFrost... only the WWE creative team could think of something so lame.


That should be the new gimmick of Maven.


I still get a chill down my spine when JR says Owen Hart has died. God, hearing that even now is eerie as ever.


I only caught the back end but what I saw was rather funny and informative. And how he talked about his marriage to Debra was interesting


"Then I met Debra and that....ended so I've been divorced three times"

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I only caught the back end but what I saw was rather funny and informative. And how he talked about his marriage to Debra was interesting


"Then I met Debra and that....ended so I've been divorced three times"

Apparently even when telling the "stone cold truth" he can't admit to being a drunk and beating the shit out of his wife.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I totally forgot JEanie was from England. Then I remembered that she was married to Chris Adams....unless I got my facts mixed up...which I probably do.

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