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Guest Frank_Nabbit

WiLd NiGHt ouT

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Guest Frank_Nabbit

met my buddies Matt and Nathan out at the Lexus around 11:10, we sat around, drank a bit, talked, whatever, nothing exciting....Around midnight Matt's co worker Johnny J. found us and said "Our lesbian friends are over at the gay bar, we gotta go watch'em"


Me and Nate looked at one another and I said "Sober at the gay bar? That's pushing the boundries of my hetreosexuality" (Or something like that). Nate was all "F--- that" and he went to a different party, Me John and Matt piled in Matt's car and headed for the GAY bar..... Along the way we showed our incredible wit by giggling about how "going to the gay bar is so gay!" Yes alcohol was kicking in....


One good thing about the gay bar, is the drinks are cheap....and the bad thing are.....the drinks are cheap............ I drank way to much way to fast.........


The 3 of us mingled in the gay bar for a while, watching 4 lesbains do a semi erotic dance, John and Matt were all turned on....I was too busy being bothered by the oily shirtless men who were walking around me.....that's just messed up...I'm sorry, lesbians are nice and all but....yuck..........


At this point I did something in the bath room that made little sense, and is somewhat embarassing......yeah I mis aimed and pissed on my underoo's.... I had to tear them off in shreads...So the rest of the night i went commando


Around 1:00 I was completely wasted, and I basically blacked out.... all I remember about the remainder of the night is:


1> We left the gay bar and went back down town (I have no recollection of leaving the bar but.......it lead to......


2> I don't recall going in any bars at this point, the next thing i recall is being lost from the rest of my gang and sitting out on a park bench, jacketless and freezing my gonads, while trying to stay awake, a couple of people inquired about my well being, but i said I was "fine" or something....


3> Somehow I ended up wandering 3 or 4 blocks to my car and when I got within 50 feet of it, a guy I met only once (I only know him cause he looks like actor Jeff Daniels)stopped me and told me I was too drunk too drive, I told him I was freezing and only wanteed to sleep in my car..... he made me go with him to a pay phone and he called me a cab..... then he "borrowed" 10 bucks from me.......shit.......


4> So the cab came and some how I was able to convey to him I needed to go to Velp Ave, maplewood...... I really don't know how i did it....

I basically slept the whole ride i think....all I remember is that the cabbie was listening to some really odd music (I don't remember what it was)


5> I awoke at 8:30 at matt's house, shocked as I didn't even recall leaving the gay bar at 1st..... I awoke with roughly 30 bucks missing out of my wallet (ten to Jeff Daniels, 20 to the cabbie I figure...) At this point I called Matt (He didn't come home) and left a message to him about "Freezing my ass off, sleeping on a park bench, no clue where I am, Help me!" ..... that was fun .....

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*scratches head and leaves*

Gimmick infringement!


Friday I got smashed at a club, which in hindsight wasn't a good idea given the mood I was in. Saturday I passed up the opportunity to go to a motel party by seeing.....Timeline. *hangs head in shame*

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Bar and party Friday, bar and party Saturday. I also had the distinction of being hit on by the UGLIEST girl I had ever seen Friday night. Then the second night, I hung out with a girl who I could've gotten with in the past, but was too stupid to read the signals. Now she's all hot to trot with the new boyfriend who she claims she wants to marry. Ugh.

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Guest JacK

Well, I started drinking at 3pm on Saturday, and I was still going at 8am on Sunday . . . does that count?

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Guest Olympic Slam

I had a pretty wild weekend as I beat Super Mario Bros 3 on the NES, SNES and on Game Boy Advance.

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Argh, I've gotta cut down getting shitfaced all the time. I work 30 hours a week basic, sometimes 38 so i have a fairly decent balance between money and drinking time, but i've still not done my university application, that needs to get sorted in the next week or so really, a big part of that is getting a reference from my old college and hoping I find the right guy, then I have an interview for promotion tomorrow, which I didn't think would be until after christmas. And I'm going to be doing a sociology A level in my spare time. So everything kinda happened at once. But I'll save a LOT of money.

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