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Punch Out Me Too!s

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I loved Super Punch Out for SNES. Hell, I never actually has an NES or played the arcade version, but it was a great game on its own merits. Oddly, we never got an N64 update. Now, two console generations later, we still have no Punch Out update (though a new, cel-shaded Punch Out for GC would rawk).


I've noticed that there's been some attempts to revive arcade-style boxing by other companies, though. Ready 2 Rumble Boxing's in the same vein, but doesn't play much like PO. Then of course--there's the GBA.


I've seen Punch King, Boxing Fever, and there's another Punch Out style title reviewed in the new Nintendo Power (gave it away, don't remember the title). Are any of them actually any good? If so, I want check them out. I heard Punch King sucked, but I haven't played the others.

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I loved SPO, I got so good that I could beat most everyone in under a minute, but I wasn't one of those beyond-good people who could beat everyone in under 20 seconds (I could for some of the lower guys, but not the higher ones)


If you're into MAME, I recommend the two arcade POs. Fun times

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Hoy Quarlow was a bastard

Yeah, I hated him. I made it up to the Bruiser Brothers, but never actually managed to beat the whole game.


Oh, and Mad Clown my ass--I know it's you, Bear Hugger!!

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Out of couriosity, who here has beaten the NES version, and also the SNES version?

Right here


Though it's much harder for me to duplicate success in MTPO, since, while I can blow through most of the game easy, sometimes my timing gets off against Tyson and I get my ass kicked.


With some refresher practice I can beat SPO in short time

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Guest Fook
Out of couriosity, who here has beaten the NES version, and also the SNES version?

*points to self*


I was actually playing SPO earlier today. I can still beat everyone in under a minute although barely with Nick Bruiser.


As for the original, I can breeze through everyone except Tyson, where it'll take me a couple of matches before I get used to the timing.





And Soda Popinski > Piston Honda. Accept it.

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807 - Hanjime No Ippo: The Fighting is a boxing game based on an anime on the GBA that is almost like a RPG.

807? Huh? Is that the full title?


Is that an import or a domestic title?

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Out of couriosity, who here has beaten the NES version, and also the SNES version?

*points to self*


I was actually playing SPO earlier today. I can still beat everyone in under a minute although barely with Nick Bruiser.


As for the original, I can breeze through everyone except Tyson, where it'll take me a couple of matches before I get used to the timing.

It's like looking in a mirror...


And Soda Popinski > Piston Honda.  Accept it.

Vodka Drunkinski > Soda Popinski

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Guest Kamui
807 - Hanjime No Ippo:  The Fighting is a boxing game based on an anime on the GBA that is almost like a RPG.

807? Huh? Is that the full title?


Is that an import or a domestic title?

It's an import game. However, not sure if you know this or not, but the GBA has no territorial lock-outs, so you can import it and play it on your GBA without any problems.

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Never beat the SNES version of PO. I downloaded a ROM, but didn't find it as fun as the original NES version. Man, that fucker Super Macho Man used to give me such a hard time. :P My favorite had to be, of course, Soda Popinski.

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Guest Boo_Bradley

I beat everyone but the Bruiser Bros...was it possible? They no sold, broke arms, and drained your enery woth hugs!

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Never actually beat Punchout. Never actually owned it, but was able to walk through it until Mike Tyson or his successor Mr. Dream a few times but failed against them.


If any one ever gives me trouble besides those two it's Mr. Sandman. Super Macho Man is a cakewalk but I fucking hate Sandman.

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I beat everyone but the Bruiser Bros...was it possible? They no sold, broke arms, and drained your enery woth hugs!

So far it looks like Fook and I are the only ones who've posted who have beaten it


After you win the whole game, your W-L record is shown, and there's a slight difference between if you lose a match en route or if you go undefeated, and I would go through the whole game undefeated again and again and rack up my record to like 200-0...


I had too much time then as I do now

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Guest Fook
And Soda Popinski > Piston Honda.  Accept it.

Vodka Drunkinski > Soda Popinski

Well yeah, but they never actually named him that did they?



And yes, you have (or had) way too much time on your hands. I'd usually stop after beating the game the first time.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I've beaten both countless times, although now I forgot Tysons rhythm for the first 90 seconds.



Lets see...Left, Right, Left, Left, Right, Left repeat is one of his paterns I think (or the reverse, I'm probably going by my point of view)

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And Soda Popinski > Piston Honda.  Accept it.

Vodka Drunkinski > Soda Popinski

Well yeah, but they never actually named him that did they?


He was in the arcade version, where many of the boxers from both series were drawn from


The original PO arcade had Glass Joe, Piston Hurricane (complete with mid-80's jerry curl), Bald Bull and Mr. Sandman (rounding out the five in the middle was Kid Quick, who wasn't in any of the consoles), while SPO arcade had Bear Hugger, Dragon Chan, Vodka Drunkinski, Black Tiger and Super Macho Man


And yes, you have (or had) way too much time on your hands.  I'd usually stop after beating the game the first time.


Okay, 200-0 was an exageration, but I did have too much free time as a youngin, yes... I still have quite a bit it, admittedly

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Guest Boo_Bradley

I think my buddy racked up something like a 325-196 record before he beat the game...

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Guest Fook
I think my buddy racked up something like a 325-196 record before he beat the game...

that's pretty shitty...


not the record (although it's not very good), but the fact that it took him over 520 matches to beat the game.

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807 - Hanjime No Ippo:  The Fighting is a boxing game based on an anime on the GBA that is almost like a RPG.

807? Huh? Is that the full title?


Is that an import or a domestic title?

It's an import game. However, not sure if you know this or not, but the GBA has no territorial lock-outs, so you can import it and play it on your GBA without any problems.

Yup, I know it. Nothing struck my fancy so far that I'd have to import. However, if you're gonna import you usually have to get reamed by those bastards at The Rage. ;)


That or get lucky on Ebay, depending on the game.


If any one ever gives me trouble besides those two it's Mr. Sandman. Super Macho Man is a cakewalk but I fucking hate Sandman.


In SPO I remember Sandman not being much of a problem, although I'd get my ass kicked today because it's all about learning the patterns.


Still not much regarding my original question--but if the thread stays alive long enough surely some one can answer.


Who do you guys think was the most fun to knock the hell out of? Personally--Narcis Prince. EAT GLOVED FURY PRETTYBOY!!

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Still not much regarding my original question--but if the thread stays alive long enough surely some one can answer.


Problem is, beyond PO, I never enjoyed any other boxing games...


Who do you guys think was the most fun to knock the hell out of?  Personally--Narcis Prince.  EAT GLOVED FURY PRETTYBOY!!


PO - King Hippo (shame you could only knock him down once, I would've liked a full three knockdowns) and the second Don Flamenco (when he stalls worse than Zybyzsko on painkillers, it really makes me want to kick his ass)


SPO - Again, the two fatties were the most amusing to knock around, even if you could only use face shots.


Back when I first played SPO in late '94, I thought Narcis Prince looked a fair bit like the then-blond-pretty-boy Steve Austin.

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Guest Fook
Who do you guys think was the most fun to knock the hell out of?


PO - Don Flamenco. Just the way he would twist back and forth in midair made his falling into an art form.


SPO - Tie between Piston Hurricane and Hoy Quarlow.


Piston because if you knocked him down with a super punch to the gut, he would go flying back and smack the turnbuckle.

As for Hoy, that bastard always cheated with that damn cane, so it was always satisfying to knock him on his decrepit ass.

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Who do you guys think was the most fun to knock the hell out of?

In the NES Punchout (never played the SNES one), I always liked knocking down Glass Joe after he backed up and taunted me. Felt so satisfying.


And wasn't there a sequel to Punchout on the NES that had Little Mac going to space to fight monsters?

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I've got my record on every single boxer in Super Punch-Out down to below 20 seconds. I lived off that game when I was younger. I still play it with some regularity. It's so incredibly fun, and I can't believe they haven't ported it over to GBA yet. F the "me toos," SPO is where it's at.

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Out of couriosity, who here has beaten the NES version, and also the SNES version? I beat NES but only rented the SNES and I don't recall beating it.

Bam, right here. Both NES versions, in fact. I feel more comfortable fighting a guy who's not going to bite my pixelated ear off.

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