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So...who here would be interested

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Tomorrow night, there's some lesbian pudding wrestling going on at my friend's house, which means that we're all getting drunk and watching girls in various states of undress fight. Now, there will be videocameras and the such present, but I'm just wondering...if I took pictures on my digital camera, would you guys care to see them? And, if so, where would I post them?


Remember...10 lesbians. Wrestling. Pudding. Naked.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

As an authority figure I think such violation of their privacy on an internet message should be prohibited. Therefore, I highly suggest you send them to the aim name of "memoirsofchevy" - that user will find a suitable and constructive use for these scandalous images.

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I've only seen three of them, they were semi-attractive...none of them are Rosie O'Donnell, but they're not exactly Pink quality. They kinda fall in between there. I don't really know how to explain it. They're not ugly, but they're not exceptionally attractive, but...why are you complaining? 10 lesbians wrestling naked in pudding and you're complaining?

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
What kind of pudding?

Agreed. If it was tapioca pudding, I'de hafta balk at the offer.

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As long as I don't see excess cellulite and trailer trash smiles, I'm willing to give it a gander.


Are they fighting for anything? Like is there a pink vibrator hidden under the pudding somewhere? Or is it just a recreational activity?

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
:::slaps forehead:::


Chocolate. 90% sure that it's chocolate.

It'll look like they're rolling around in feces. I can't say that'll turn me on too much.

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As long as I don't see excess cellulite and trailer trash smiles, I'm willing to give it a gander.


Are they fighting for anything? Like is there a pink vibrator hidden under the pudding somewhere? Or is it just a recreational activity?

Everyone that comes is donating money towards a cash prize for the winner.


There's no excess cellulite, but no one of the quality of that Greek girl of yours, Zack. And if they're ugly and/or fat lesbians, I'll be sure to exclude them from the photos.

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:::slaps forehead:::


Chocolate. 90% sure that it's chocolate.

It'll look like they're rolling around in feces. I can't say that'll turn me on too much.

They could always lick the chocolate off each other when they're done.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
:::slaps forehead:::


Chocolate. 90% sure that it's chocolate.

It'll look like they're rolling around in feces. I can't say that'll turn me on too much.

They could always lick the chocolate off each other when they're done.

So they are gonna be bare-bum-naked under the feced colored pudding?

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
BBW girls?

Punk girls?

Goth girls?





They went to the Distillers show last night, so I met a few of them...they're the punk type.

Many punk chicks don't shave.

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:::slaps forehead:::


Chocolate. 90% sure that it's chocolate.

It'll look like they're rolling around in feces. I can't say that'll turn me on too much.

They could always lick the chocolate off each other when they're done.

So they are gonna be bare-bum-naked under the feced colored pudding?

Some of them only want to go topless (like in Old School), but most of them are going to be entirely naked.

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BBW girls?

Punk girls?

Goth girls?





They went to the Distillers show last night, so I met a few of them...they're the punk type.

Many punk chicks don't shave.

Are you ever happy?

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
BBW girls?

Punk girls?

Goth girls?





They went to the Distillers show last night, so I met a few of them...they're the punk type.

Many punk chicks don't shave.

Are you ever happy?

Fece-incrusted pubes? Let alone pit hair? I dunno man, I might just have to stick with jerking off to pictures of Nena of 99 Luft Balloons fame.

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BBW girls?

Punk girls?

Goth girls?





They went to the Distillers show last night, so I met a few of them...they're the punk type.

Many punk chicks don't shave.

Are you ever happy?

Fece-incrusted pubes? Let alone pit hair? I dunno man, I might just have to stick with jerking off to pictures of Nena of 99 Luft Balloons fame.

...you baffle me, Banky.

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There's no excess cellulite, but no one of the quality of that Greek girl of yours, Zack.

You know, comments like that will only further my relationship with her. It's a great way to butter her up. Keep 'em coming.


ShooterJay actually gets a chance to meet her this weekend. If anyone feels like roadtripping to Rhode Island, we're celebrating Malibu's birthday a few days early. You and the lesbians are welcome to join in the festivities.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
BBW girls?

Punk girls?

Goth girls?





They went to the Distillers show last night, so I met a few of them...they're the punk type.

Many punk chicks don't shave.

Are you ever happy?

Fece-incrusted pubes? Let alone pit hair? I dunno man, I might just have to stick with jerking off to pictures of Nena of 99 Luft Balloons fame.

...you baffle me, Banky.

Likewise, Paco.

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BBW girls?

Punk girls?

Goth girls?





They went to the Distillers show last night, so I met a few of them...they're the punk type.

Many punk chicks don't shave.

Are you ever happy?

Fece-incrusted pubes? Let alone pit hair? I dunno man, I might just have to stick with jerking off to pictures of Nena of 99 Luft Balloons fame.

...you baffle me, Banky.

Likewise, Paco.

My name isn't Frank.

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Guest RoyalBlue
I've only seen three of them, they were semi-attractive...none of them are Rosie O'Donnell, but they're not exactly Pink quality.

A bunch of girls uglier than Pink wallowing around in "pudding"? I think I'll pass.


Just think of this, in the time you're watching them you could be getting a slightly more attractive girl drunk enough to fuck you. It's all about time management bro...

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Psssst.....my girlfriend's coming with me.


But, I like your story, too. Thank you for teaching me another valuable lesson. Without your constant support, I don't know how I'd make it through the day. I mean...drunk girls are easy? WHODA THUNKIT?

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