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Question about Explicit Contet stickers

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For the first time in more than five years I bought an album (new or used) -- Offspring's Splinter.


On the case there's that stupid Parental Advisory label. However, there was also another sticker that had the following:


"This album carries an explicit content sticker because it contains 11 expletives."


Now is this just the Offspring being sarcastic with having the black-and-white sticker slapped on their album, or is this some new tactic to keep our CHILDREN safe?

Edited by kkktookmybabyaway

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Yeah, it definitly is just a joke. I have never seen that on any other album I've had with a "Parental Advisory."


I hate it when there is a little note next to the PA that says "Edited Version Also Available." Now THAT really ruins the cover for me.

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I hate it when there is a little note next to the PA that says "Edited Version Also Available." Now THAT really ruins the cover for me.

Yeah, when I picked up Boxcar Racer I saw and that went "what the fu...oh, it's not the edited one."

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I hate it when there is a little note next to the PA that says "Edited Version Also Available." Now THAT really ruins the cover for me.

Yeah, when I picked up Boxcar Racer I saw and that went "what the fu...oh, it's not the edited one."

Yeah, Boxcar Racer was the first time I ever noticed it too. As you can see in my signature it's also on Ben Folds Live and I've seen it on cds by Tommy Lee and Blink 182.

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I thought it was Offspring pointing out how lame the Parental Advisory Stickers are as opposed to making a joke.


11 expletives? You see and hear much worse than that watching an hour of TV.


They were probably really surprised that the record label came to them and said they needed a PA sticker so they decided to add the other as well.

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I'm suprised that "Dookie" by Greenday slided by without one back in the day

Occassionally albums can slip by and not get stuck with the madatory PA Sticker with one or two curse words (see Madonna's "Bedtime Stories", which has the explitive filled "Human Nature" on it).

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I'm suprised that "Dookie" by Greenday slided by without one back in the day

Occassionally albums can slip by and not get stuck with the madatory PA Sticker with one or two curse words (see Madonna's "Bedtime Stories", which has the explitive filled "Human Nature" on it).

Yeah, but Green Day's "Insomniac" album drops the f-bomb on several tracks (often multiple times) and it slipped by without the sticker. Also, if you listen to "Make Yourself" by Incubus, the phrase "Fuck me in my own way" is repeated a few times and also shows up in other tracks. I think the big thing is the context that the words are being used in. Green Day just sort of throws them out, it's not as if they are being harsh with the language.

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I don't listen to Audioslave because I don't like them much.BACK ON TOPIC. If it is a small band on a small label, they will most likely NOT get PA(Example:Look at Alkaline Trio) "Fuck" is said one way or another and nearly every song is about death on ALL of their albums. NONE of them are parental advisory. It's weird. Sometimes the RIAA is REALLY strict, and other times they don't seem to care. Fuck can be "dropped" so to speak MANY times in a record with out a parental advisory, atleast 5 or 6 times. It is odd though, because on most sites, "Lateralus" by TOOL is listted as "explicit" when in reality it contains NO (I mean NONE) harsh language what so ever. RIAA is weird.

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I hate it when there is a little note next to the PA that says "Edited Version Also Available." Now THAT really ruins the cover for me.

Yeah, when I picked up Boxcar Racer I saw and that went "what the fu...oh, it's not the edited one."

Yeah, Boxcar Racer was the first time I ever noticed it too. As you can see in my signature it's also on Ben Folds Live and I've seen it on cds by Tommy Lee and Blink 182.

What actually annoys me is that there's nothing to tell you it's actually the edited version when you pick it up. At Circuit City, it's one the price sticker, but it doesn't actually say it on the CD itself. You're supposed to figure it out from there not being a parental advisory sticker on the cover.


The problem is when I buy the CD, I don't actually look for the parental advisory sticker. I look to make sure it's the artist and album I want to buy.


Then again, I never buy any CDs with a parental advisory sticker anyway, but I get tired of customers returning a CD bitching that they didn't know it was the edited version.

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