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The Mandarin

The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

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So Kane can no sell against HHH and Goldberg, but can't in matchs against Shane?

That's because McMahons are unstoppable ;)

Oh damn i forgot.

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Wow, you guys must all be world class bodybuilders to be calling HHH fat.  He's out of shape and not as ripped as usual, but cmon let's not exaggerate

Yeah, if I was in half as good of shape as Triple H is in now, I'd be happy (minus the groin injuries).


Start shoving roid needles in your ass and you can have the body of Triple H.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight.......shooting steroids magically gives you a great physique. Jesus Christ

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Agreed on Christian(I don't do the "X" thing, I'm too cool for that) joining Evilution. It would give him something to do, and enhance his character, by taking it in a more serious direction.


Now, if he can just quit the whole resthold shit...

Thats what helps him fit in Randy Orton was busting out the rest holds a fair bit tonight.

true, even though it's for two different reasons



Christian needs more conditioning, as he's never had much for long singles matches.


Orton just plain SUCKS.

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Wow, you guys must all be world class bodybuilders to be calling HHH fat.  He's out of shape and not as ripped as usual, but cmon let's not exaggerate

Yeah, if I was in half as good of shape as Triple H is in now, I'd be happy (minus the groin injuries).


Start shoving roid needles in your ass and you can have the body of Triple H.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight.......shooting steroids magically gives you a great physique. Jesus Christ

I thought I just had to take Stacker 2 and drink YJ Stinger?

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Wow, you guys must all be world class bodybuilders to be calling HHH fat.  He's out of shape and not as ripped as usual, but cmon let's not exaggerate

Yeah, if I was in half as good of shape as Triple H is in now, I'd be happy (minus the groin injuries).


Start shoving roid needles in your ass and you can have the body of Triple H.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight.......shooting steroids magically gives you a great physique. Jesus Christ

I thought I just had to take Stacker 2 and drink YJ Stinger?

That stuff is cool but you forgot about the Metacuts HHH was pimping a few years ago

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20





Wait... it's over ?

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This match only has my intense interest due to the fact that I fear another HHH reign of terror.

be verrrrrrrry afraid, dude...



God, that match blew chunks. And TubbyH winning the damned belt was pointless...

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Can someone, ANYONE, please for the love of all that is good explain what in the hell this company is doing???




I'm begging you, tell me now.

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