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Guest Frank_Nabbit

Actors dying

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Beheaded by a helicopter blade.

Well, actually he got cut in half. The little boy he was carrying was beheaded and the little girl also got cut in half.



Goddamn that was messed up.

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Fear Havoc described the scene I was referring to. The lady didn't explode, just got nailed really hard and tumbled back away from the train


Now if you want to see someone explode, there's that F1 racing footage from the 70's where a guy crossing the track gets destroyed, though you don't see in the same blink of an eye is how the extinguisher the guy was carrying hit the driver and killed him too

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What's Faces of Fear? I've heard it talked about on these forums, but don't really know what it is.

Isn't it actually "Faces of Death"?


These videos came out in the 80's. They were basically death scenes caught on tape. An alligator eating a man, death squad shootings, etc. Some questioned their validity and they even put out a volume entitled "Fact or Fiction?"


Here's their website:




A funny story about this. Back when this first came out, my cousin and I rented it on Thanksgiving and popped it in with all the family there. The grandmothers and elders freaked out, but it was on a good 30 minutes before someone made us take it out.

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Guest El Satanico

It's Faces of Death and alot of it is heavily rumored to be fake or rigged.


There's another series like this called Traces of Death that's supposedly 100% real

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There are two scenes in the original Faces of Death which were real, one where some French politician is shot, and I can't remember the other one. Faces of Death II was mostly real, but it was less impressive, with the exception of a plane crash, where you don't see the actual crash, but the aftermath with body parts strewn all over the street. That was the most dramatic thing in the whole series, I think. There are 4 in all, by the way. The Traces of Death series (5 in all, I think) is also less visually impressive. There's not much in the way of narration either, mostly death metal and some guy that's supposed to sound like Satan.

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From that urban legends website:



"Tyrone Power (died 15 November 1958)

Tyrone Power suffered a heart attack during the filming of a fencing scene in Solomon and Sheba in Madrid, Spain. He died only minutes after being loaded into an ambulance."


I remember reading an old interview with Vincent Price (who was a good firend of Powers) about this. He said he had got onto a plane on the 15th and was looking out the window when he says he saw a message in the clouds saying " Tyrone Power is dead", and when he got off the plane he was informed of his death.

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