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Steve J. Rogers

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This has to do with the same Best Buy,


Last fall I go to look for Summer Slam and its not there, so I ask a clerk A) if its in stock or B) when does it look like they are getting some more old stuff from their supplier and the guy says "Didn't it just happen? We won't be getting that untill next year some time" Obviously under the impression that I was talking about the Survivor Series that had aired a week or so earlier.


I replied, "No, it should have been out by now" to which the clerk just said "Well we don't have it"


And yesterday I'm looking for a Star Trek DVD set that was released earlier in Dec (first week to be exact) and asking about it, first the guy said it wasn't released to which I said that I saw it on a website (tvshowsondvd.com) as being released in early December. When he said "Look what we have is out there" I asked if he could check the computer to see when it would be coming


Well he typed "Star Trek Deep Space Nine" which first popped up pages of the old VHS tapes that have been released and said "We don't have any DVDs" so I asked if I could try typing something in because sometimes you have to type things in differently, (like maybe its under Deep Space Nine Season 7) to which he kept saying "We don't have it! Look I'll do it again" and typed in the same thing


I swear some days I wonder why I still go to stores this time of year

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I don't bother asking people for help at the big box stores. When I picked up DS9 season 7 I just headed straight to the "TV DVD box sets" section and found it.


Anyways, for some reason this reminds me of when I worked at Business Depot. During the Back to School sale (where it gets crazy in the store) I got stuck in the "papers" aisle - when my main job (and training) was in the copy center. Not exactly a "fun" experience from my perspective, as I got hit with all sorts of fun/stupid questions to which I had no clue how to answer.

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buyng dvds online is pretty much the way to go now unless what you want is so common that every store will have it fully stocked at all times. I can't tell you how many times I have looked for movies that weren't rare, but not in the top 20 or so of popular flicks and no store would have them.

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Only thing BB clerks seem to know is how to pimp those !@#$ warranties on you when you buy any kind of appliance.


Oh, and I was looking for the Who Framed Roger Rabbit SE DVD and this chick asked if she could help. I said yes because I wasn't sure where the DVD would be located (Comedy/Drama/etc). She looked it up on the PC and said they didn't have any copies.


She spelled the rabbit "Rodger."


I gave her a pass because her heart was in the right place...

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