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Guest wildpegasus

"New" Astroboy trailer 2003 series

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Guest wildpegasus
BTW, I ordered Grave of the fireflies yesterday. Look forward to recieving it, should be a great watch.

Cool. I hope you enjoy it. I actually haven't seen this movie yet but I've just heard so many reccomendations for it.

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Guest Ray
BTW, I ordered Grave of the fireflies yesterday. Look forward to recieving it, should be a great watch.

Cool. I hope you enjoy it. I actually haven't seen this movie yet but I've just heard so many reccomendations for it.

You NEED Grave of the Fireflies, WP. I had the pleasure of watching it last week. A heartbreaking masterpiece of film. I think you would like it.

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Guest wildpegasus
BTW, I ordered Grave of the fireflies yesterday. Look forward to recieving it, should be a great watch.

Cool. I hope you enjoy it. I actually haven't seen this movie yet but I've just heard so many reccomendations for it.

You NEED Grave of the Fireflies, WP. I had the pleasure of watching it last week. A heartbreaking masterpiece of film. I think you would like it.

Yeah, I do need it Ray. Yesterday as the deathvalleydriver guys like to say. THe story sounds like something I'd take to and would want to think about. Where I live at though you don't have the best selection of all time for picking up stuff. I'd probably have to order it in.



WP -- Devoting his Christmas day to the Astroboy/Samurai Jack thread.



Merry Christmas to all!

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Guest wildpegasus

Here is some information I found about the Astroboy movie at





Recent Updates to This Page:


9/17/03 - Production Company

8/10/03 - Greg's Preview Thoughts, Status, Release Date

5/06/03 - Based Upon







Greg's Preview Thoughts:

Sort: By Most Recent | Chronologically


8/10/03 - Talking to Comics2Film last month, producer Don Murphy expressed frustration about the state of this project at Sony. It looks like this movie is still a few years away from happening:


"First Sony was gonna make it live-action, then they didn't make it live-action because of 'A.I.' Now they spent the last year and half trying to make it [CG] animated... Of all the projects I have right now it's certainly the most frustrating. I can't tell you what's going on with it because I don't really understand what's going on with it at the moment. It was always Amy Pascal's favorite film. I happen to think whoever made that film would make a lot of money, it would be a big hit, and have a franchise. It's not even that hard. It's Pinocchio."


That may indeed be the problem, Mr. Murphy. People keep trying to make 'Pinocchio' movies, and they keep failing. Maybe Sony is feeling which way the marionette strings are yanking? I'm not absolutely excusing Sony from ditching what could be a fun, touching and visually spectacular movie, but I can sort of see their point. If 'Astro Boy' makes most people think 'Pinocchio' and people appear to not be hungry for a 'Pinocchio' movie right now, maybe the project should just rest for a few years. In the case of any "cool fan adaptation," I'd rather have a great film that will put lots of butts in seats (since that's how movies are ultimately judged) than for a project to be rushed and fail.


1/29/03 - Looking a lot like the American restaurant spokesman "Bob's Big Boy", if he could actually move, fly through the air on rocket boots and shoot lasers out of his fingers, "AstroBoy" is to Japanese "Anime" (and "Manga", the comic book equivalent) what Mickey Mouse is to American animation... one of the first big stars/icons. AstroBoy is also basically a fairly straight-forward combination of the Pinocchio story with superhero archetypes. A few different American comic book heroes got their starts as robots/androids (Marvel's original [Golden Age] Human Torch, the second [silver Age] Vision, and Jocasta of "The Avengers", in particular), but AstroBoy stands out as the Pinocchio parallel goes so far as to actually be a boy (the aforementioned characters all look like adults). As Anime slowly continues to pervade the American consciousness, it was probably inevitable that an attempt would be made to adapt him into a movie, and relatively speaking, the five years between Sony's 1999 acquisition of the rights and the expected 2004 release are a lot shorter than the waiting time many other properties have in getting adapted. Like Pixar's The Incredibles, this project is a sign that the technology is ready to allow filmmakers to create entire worlds out of CGI so that superheroes, science fiction, fantasy and other genres that used to be impossible (or prohibitively expensive) to realize in live-action can now be plumbed. I'm looking forward to this movie quite a bit... I've admittedly never read the mangas or seen the TV shows, but I recognize the image and concept of AstroBoy as being this admirably optimistic (and glaringly shiny) robot boy (who would basically be a flying instrument of potential destruction if he wasn't so earnest and humanely boy-like!).


Page Created: 1/29/03

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Guest wildpegasus

Interesting fact I don't think has been mentioned here before. I hope I didn't get any of this mixed up.



For the US, the Right Stuf anime company has the rights to the 60s Astroboy series. The reason Madman can distribute it is because they have the Austrailian rights I believe.


Manga has the rights to the 80s version for the US. Likewise Madman can release Astro because they're from Australia.


Both companies have promised to hold off production?? until after the movie is released.

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Guest wildpegasus

Just thinking about the best way and time to watch Astroboy lately.



Well, first off I've got to watch my Astro in silence. THere can be no distractions. Some shows you can get away with watching when other people are around but not Astroboy. It has to be watched in complete and utter silence so all of its intricate beauty can be sucked into the deepest and most intricate parts of the human brain.



Secondly, Astroboy is best watched after a weightraining workout. As with everything in life things are just better after a gruelling hard fought workout. There's no better feeling than plopping in an Astroboy DVD while still on the endorphin high a workout provides. For those who don't know, I'll be quick here. Excercise releases endorphins with are great for two watching Astroboy reasons.


#1 -- They reduce pain in the body as they essentially are painkillers


#2 -- They put you on a high. People may have heard the term "runners high" before but in my personal tests and trials a runners high is not as good as a weightlifters high. This high is esentially what is needed to watch Astroboy in all its glory. In fact, I don't think one should be allowed to watch it without partaking in this high and if I could make that a law I would.


But above all that there is still one more high that can be achieved. It is rare though. Once in awhile one can get an extreme high from a workout. This can not be described in words. It would be somewhat equal to someone describing a skydiving experience or in my case talking to a member of the opposite sex. "I jumped out of the sky and it was totally radicola man!" See, as that setence cleary illustrates certain things can not really be explained. You have to experience them first hand to truly comprehend what the other person is talking about. Skydiving experience = this extreme high. Both can not be truly described.


Anyway, you will know when this extreme high happens to you. One key to achieving it although this high is truly random and spontanious is to have a great workout where everything goes right. Your reps increase, you looked death in the eye during a 20 rep breathing squat body sacrifice (only to strip it down and do more) maybe your joints feel better than usual -- all that good stuff. When this happens GET AWAY from the gym as SOON as possable to your nearest TV screen and start watching some Astroboy. Sit down and enjoy. *Life doesn't get any better.



*A warning. If you do decide to get to your Astro after your workout it might actually have negative side effects. By doing this you will have experienced the ultimate in life and have nothing else to look forward to. Once someone has nothing else to look forward to life there is of course nothing to shoot for. If you want to know what happends when someone doesn't have anything to shoot for watch Star Trek TOS. That will save you for a little while. If you have already done this may God have mercy on your soul. Also don't make the mistake by thinking that by risking having nothing to shoot for that you're living on the edge and that by walking that thin line it will save you. It won't. Trust me. I just live now to warn others which is what keeps me going but only so many people can do that.


A 2nd warning -- When at the gym and experiencing the ultimate high you have to be careful of a couple more things. One being females. I do not reccomend going to watch Astroboy after an exteme high under these circumstances since the brain can simply not handle it. I've seen brains explode after trainees doing all 3 things on one day. If you could imagine this -- Remember that commercial warning about drugs where they showed your brain in a frying pan. Well that my friends is nothing!


A)One or more females give you a lovely smile


B)You get too into watching the women on the abductor ("inner thighs") machine or watching them do hyperextensions


C)Recieve oral sex


D)A woman right in front of you moves back and forth touching her toes


E)You orgasm on the leg curl hamstring machine. This is how WP lost his innocence and virginity. That is a true story by the way.


It's been all downhill since then. If you do this while looking at a woman and experiencing an extreme high you are done for my friend.



I know I should've done this earlier and for that I apologize. But in writing this I hope everybody reading this can forgive me.


In conclusion this is how to get the ultimate Astroboy experience. Walk tenatively though. It can be a dangerous experience but it can also be the best time of your life. Your experience should be a better one now with this information.




WP -- I'm curious about how many people are actually reading this thread and who you are. If you are reading it please just make a quick post saying that you are indeed reading. Thanks very much. All cooperation is sincerely appreciated.




Remember this is now a Samurai Jack combined with an Astroboy thread so feel free to talk about Samurai Jack as well.



WP -- I've seen Tawren's name reading this thread. You're welcome to post in here my friend.

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Guest The Ohtani of Time
I thought this would be very intriguing. It's also something I've never seen done before. Since this thread is really starting to get off the ground I thought we'd take a peak at the "most" loyal Astromaniacs.


wildpegasus 142 posts as of this post


Downhome 1 post


ravishing rick rudo 7 posts


ravenbomb 1 post


theohtanioftime 27 posts


vivisectvi 2 posts


AndrewTS 4 posts


Ray 20 posts


El Physco Diablo 2 posts


Rob Edwards 1 post


Positively Kanyon 4 posts


Monday Night Jericho 11 posts


Regina Phelange 1 post


Highland 3 posts


Vyce 1 post


EricMM 3 posts


Spunk 1 post




In order from Most Posts to Least Posts




wildpegasus 142 posts as of this post -- obsessed


theohtanioftime 27 posts -- Very loyal follower


Ray 20 posts -- Can he overtake theohtanioftime?


Monday Night Jericho 11 posts -- dedicated Astroboy trainee and a good guy


ravishing rick rudo 7 posts -- Hanging in there. Positively Kanyon's starting to get withing reaching distance though.


AndrewTS 4 posts -- Maybe if AndrewTS plays a few more Astro games

we'll see his post count go up. .


Positively Kanyon 4 posts -- One of the most loyal readers of the site An underrated Astroboy fanatic.


Highland 3 posts


vivisectvi 2 posts


Downhome 1 post


ravenbomb 1 post


Rob Edwards 1 post


Regina Phelange 1 post


Vyce 1 post


Spunk 1 post




Well, there you go. THis is the best thread on the internet so everyone who's contributed to it take a bow and be proud of yourselves. A thank you from the bottom of my heart. You're the reason I get up out of bed every morning.


Sincerely, wildpegasus

I will NOT be overtaken. I'm just like naked snake trying to defeat the Boss, I will never surrender. (EYE OF THE TIGER!!!!!)

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Guest The Ohtani of Time
Please help WP!! This is a picture of a woman who I can't remember the name of. I was talking to my friend and he knows who she is but he just can't think of her name at the moment. It's been bugging us both. According to my friend who has never, ever been wrong about anything in his life this is what he remembers.


She's an Asian porn star who's been in at least a couple of movies.


Last name starts with a K


She as everyone else is of course a big Astroboy fan



One of the hottest pictures WP has ever seen. Please help him and his friend identify this life long Astroboy fan.



Case solved. The lovely female in question is kailayu who is a model/singer.




WP -- I'm curious about how many people are actually reading this thread and who you are. If you are reading it please just make a quick post saying that you are indeed reading. Thanks very much. All cooperation is sincerely appreciated.




Remember this is now a Samurai Jack combined with an Astroboy thread so feel free to talk about Samurai Jack as well.

Arrrrrgggggghhhhhhh!!!!!!! My friend still insists this woman is a porn star. Which isn't a bad thing but a good thing because that means we have two babes of unbelievable hotness walking on this earth. Well, kailayu has done Playboy stuff so that counts as pornography but I believe he's talking about more hardcore stuff. Does anybody know who this woman is? Please help me!! If there are more pictures of her in this outfit she's wearing I HAVE to see them.

Who the hell is she? She's really hot. I'm gonna do some research and find out who she is.

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Guest wildpegasus
I thought this would be very intriguing. It's also something I've never seen done before. Since this thread is really starting to get off the ground I thought we'd take a peak at the "most" loyal Astromaniacs.


wildpegasus       142 posts as of this post


Downhome         1 post


ravishing rick rudo  7 posts


ravenbomb          1 post


theohtanioftime    27 posts


vivisectvi             2 posts


AndrewTS            4 posts


Ray                     20 posts


El Physco Diablo   2 posts


Rob Edwards        1 post


Positively Kanyon  4 posts


Monday Night Jericho 11 posts


Regina Phelange    1 post


Highland               3 posts


Vyce                     1 post


EricMM                  3 posts


Spunk                   1 post




In order from Most Posts to Least Posts




wildpegasus       142 posts as of this post -- obsessed


theohtanioftime    27 posts -- Very loyal follower


Ray                     20 posts -- Can he overtake theohtanioftime?


Monday Night Jericho 11 posts -- dedicated Astroboy trainee and a good guy


ravishing rick rudo  7 posts  -- Hanging in there. Positively Kanyon's starting to get withing reaching distance though.


AndrewTS            4 posts -- Maybe if AndrewTS plays a few more Astro games

                                         we'll see his post count go up. .


Positively Kanyon  4 posts -- One of the most loyal readers of the site An              underrated Astroboy fanatic.


Highland               3 posts


vivisectvi             2 posts


Downhome         1 post


ravenbomb          1 post


Rob Edwards        1 post


Regina Phelange    1 post


Vyce                     1 post


Spunk                   1 post




Well, there you go. THis is the best thread on the internet so everyone who's contributed to it take a bow and be proud of yourselves. A thank you from the bottom of my heart. You're the reason I get up out of bed every morning.


Sincerely, wildpegasus

I will NOT be overtaken. I'm just like naked snake trying to defeat the Boss, I will never surrender. (EYE OF THE TIGER!!!!!)

We shall see my friend. Time will tell all. Take care. You got your work cut out for you though. Ray can post with the best of them.






Ahhh, but who is MR.T and who is Rocky?

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Guest wildpegasus
Please help WP!! This is a picture of a woman who I can't remember the name of. I was talking to my friend and he knows who she is but he just can't think of her name at the moment. It's been bugging us both. According to my friend who has never, ever been wrong about anything in his life this is what he remembers.


She's an Asian porn star who's been in at least a couple of movies.


Last name starts with a K


She as everyone else is of course a big Astroboy fan



One of the hottest pictures WP has ever seen. Please help him and his friend identify this life long Astroboy fan.



Case solved. The lovely female in question is kailayu who is a model/singer.




WP -- I'm curious about how many people are actually reading this thread and who you are. If you are reading it please just make a quick post saying that you are indeed reading. Thanks very much. All cooperation is sincerely appreciated.




Remember this is now a Samurai Jack combined with an Astroboy thread so feel free to talk about Samurai Jack as well.

Arrrrrgggggghhhhhhh!!!!!!! My friend still insists this woman is a porn star. Which isn't a bad thing but a good thing because that means we have two babes of unbelievable hotness walking on this earth. Well, kailayu has done Playboy stuff so that counts as pornography but I believe he's talking about more hardcore stuff. Does anybody know who this woman is? Please help me!! If there are more pictures of her in this outfit she's wearing I HAVE to see them.

Who the hell is she? She's really hot. I'm gonna do some research and find out who she is.

THANK YOU !!!!! Best of luck to you. Live long and prosper.

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Guest wildpegasus

Here is a site selling some Astroboy French episodes on DVD-R



BEWARE all French Astroboy fans reading this though. This site has been deemed very suspect by our good friends at www.astroboy-online.









ASTRO LE PETIT ROBOT, Série Intégrale en DVD-R

Émission D'enfance






Vous cherchez a voir vos ancienne émission d'enfance ?




Voici votre chance !!!




Venez Voir Colargol dvd-r et Plein d'autres !




Ecrivez-moi ici


















Version d'enregistrement














DVD-R peut ce lire avec lecteur compatible a ce type de dvd ,tout les models de lecteur dvd de salon recent depuis l année 2000 peut lire ces dvd-r






NTSC et PAL c est pour separer les regions entre l Amerique et Europe






NTSC 60 hz




PAL 50 hz






de Montreal, au Quebec, Canada.








Cher client,






Merci pour l’intérêt que vous portez à notre collection Astro le petit Robot sur DVD. Nous visons en tout temps votre satisfaction, et vous assurons de la qualité de cette reproduction vendu de collectionneur a collectionneur, sans aucun droit d'auteur donné ou prit..








$ 70 CAD tout inclus pour les 7 dvd-r




*Autre que Canada, ajouter $25 (comprend frais d'envoie et signature sur livraison)










J'accepte les method suivante pour paiement;




1 - Mandat poste




2 - www.paypal.com (je vous envoie une demande d'argent)




3 - Ce mode paiement C.O.D est accepter ,mais tous ces frais seront ajouter a votre facture








Les 7 DVD sont en format DVD-R




Région 1 NTSC








Liste des 51 épisodes

Qualité video 8.5/10


Votre Courriel

Les paroles du générique






Ce héros du futur


Qui nous fait vivre de vraies aventures


Toujours là


Quand il faut


C'est Astro le Petit Robot




Ce nouveau chevalier


Qui nous apprend à nous entraider


Toujours là


Quand il faut


C'est Astro le Petit Robot




Celui dont on est fier


D'être l'ami du bout de la Terre


Le formidable




C'est Astro le Petit Robot




*** Break musical ***




Celui que rien n'arrête


Qui va tout droit par vents et tempêtes


Toujours là


Quand il faut


C'est Astro le Petit Robot




Celui qui n'admet pas


Que l'on s'amuse à défier la loi


Toujours là


Quand il faut


C'est Astro le Petit Robot




Celui dont on est fier


D'être l'ami du bout de la Terre


Le formidable




C'est Astro le Petit Robot




*** Break musical ***




Celui dont le courage


N'a pas d'égal malgré son jeune âge


Toujours là


Quand il faut


C'est Astro le Petit Robot





Ecrivez moi votre courriel et votre question ou requete ici. Et je vous contacterai aussitot que possible





WP -- I'm curious about how many people are actually reading this thread and who you are. If you are reading it please just make a quick post saying that you are indeed reading. Thanks very much. All cooperation is sincerely appreciated.




Remember this is now a Samurai Jack combined with an Astroboy thread so feel free to talk about Samurai Jack as well.

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Guest Monday Night Jericho

I've just upgraded my connection, which means I can d/l stuff at a much faster rate. I had a quick browse through the thread but couldn't find any d/l sites other than the official one (that only has a few clips). Do you know of any decent sites where you can d/l full episodes?


Sorry for all the questions ;)

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Guest wildpegasus
I've just upgraded my connection, which means I can d/l stuff at a much faster rate. I had a quick browse through the thread but couldn't find any d/l sites other than the official one (that only has a few clips). Do you know of any decent sites where you can d/l full episodes?


Sorry for all the questions ;)

Super. It's just so satisfying to see something download at the pace it down on highspeed compared to what you're used to at slow speed. The fast speed is great for video game emulation too!


Ray knows lots of download spots and how to download. For Astroboy I'm not sure what he knows.


Are these the clips you're talking about?


http://www.astroboy-online.com/videos.php -- This is not the dub I'm used to as this is the American dub. I can't get into those clips!



All right, here we go. Go into the forums section of www.astroboy-online.com


Fafner seems to have some stuff available on a FTP server






Cybotron seem to have a few various episodes





Anapan has tons of Astro but I don't know if you can get anything from her right now. This is a rescent thread discussion




This is an "old" thread from Anapan. I think she changed servers since than but you get to see here what she's had available for download





Sorry for all the questions


Asking questions is what it's all about. It promotes discussion which is always welcome in the Astroboy folder. The more questions the better.

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Guest Monday Night Jericho
Are these the clips you're talking about?


That's them.


Fafner seems to have some stuff available on a FTP server


I'm currently downloading "The Liar Robot" (I assume it's the same episode as "The Robot Who Lied" that you previously mentioned... If not it doesn't matter, I'm sure I'll still be into it!).


Thanks for all the links and putting up with my questions. Oh and btw, I recently saw Spirited Away. Loved it. I'm glad you pimped it to me.

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Guest wildpegasus
Are these the clips you're talking about?


That's them.


Fafner seems to have some stuff available on a FTP server


I'm currently downloading "The Liar Robot" (I assume it's the same episode as "The Robot Who Lied" that you previously mentioned... If not it doesn't matter, I'm sure I'll still be into it!).


Thanks for all the links and putting up with my questions. Oh and btw, I recently saw Spirited Away. Loved it. I'm glad you pimped it to me.

I'm currently downloading "The Liar Robot" (I assume it's the same episode as "The Robot Who Lied" that you previously mentioned... If not it doesn't matter, I'm sure I'll still be into it!).


Yeah, I'm almost certain it is. Where'd you get it from? Is it in Japanese or English?


BTW, at least here in Canada I noticed that for the last couple of years some stores do have a few episodes of the English Astroboy dub in stock.



Thanks for all the links and putting up with my questions. Oh and btw, I recently saw Spirited Away. Loved it. I'm glad you pimped it to me.


You're welcome.


Yeah, it's kind of hard not to like it. I hear there's more to it than meets the eye.



Off Topic Commnet -- Not anime but I rescently watched the very cheap in price and quality somewhat "Screaming Ninja" DVD. It also goes by various other names. For anyone reading this I would like to reccomend the final fight scene which was a fun one. I did read on the IMDB that there is an edited version of this movie. I am not sure if this is edited or not.


Overall the fight scene was pretty good with the villan and hero moving from place to place while they're fighting. The fight lasts a good amount amount of time and kind of reminded me of a video game where you clear one are, the villan runs to another area and than you fight them there until you finally get the victory.


The one problem with the fight was that you never felt the hero was in any sort of real trouble. In fact it's the villan you start to feel sympthany for since he's the one who just takes a vicious control segment from the hero. Maybe we were supposed to cheer for the hero beating the villan up for so long but that only works for so long in my opinion.


And there's an absolutely classic scene with a rock in this. It's something that will stay with you forever.

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Guest The Ohtani of Time
Are these the clips you're talking about?


That's them.


Fafner seems to have some stuff available on a FTP server


I'm currently downloading "The Liar Robot" (I assume it's the same episode as "The Robot Who Lied" that you previously mentioned... If not it doesn't matter, I'm sure I'll still be into it!).


Thanks for all the links and putting up with my questions. Oh and btw, I recently saw Spirited Away. Loved it. I'm glad you pimped it to me.

I'm currently downloading "The Liar Robot" (I assume it's the same episode as "The Robot Who Lied" that you previously mentioned... If not it doesn't matter, I'm sure I'll still be into it!).


Yeah, I'm almost certain it is. Where'd you get it from? Is it in Japanese or English?


BTW, at least here in Canada I noticed that for the last couple of years some stores do have a few episodes of the English Astroboy dub in stock.



Thanks for all the links and putting up with my questions. Oh and btw, I recently saw Spirited Away. Loved it. I'm glad you pimped it to me.


You're welcome.


Yeah, it's kind of hard not to like it. I hear there's more to it than meets the eye.



Off Topic Commnet -- Not anime but I rescently watched the very cheap in price and quality somewhat "Screaming Ninja" DVD. It also goes by various other names. For anyone reading this I would like to reccomend the final fight scene which was a fun one. I did read on the IMDB that there is an edited version of this movie. I am not sure if this is edited or not.


Overall the fight scene was pretty good with the villan and hero moving from place to place while they're fighting. The fight lasts a good amount amount of time and kind of reminded me of a video game where you clear one are, the villan runs to another area and than you fight them there until you finally get the victory.


The one problem with the fight was that you never felt the hero was in any sort of real trouble. In fact it's the villan you start to feel sympthany for since he's the one who just takes a vicious control segment from the hero. Maybe we were supposed to cheer for the hero beating the villan up for so long but that only works for so long in my opinion.


And there's an absolutely classic scene with a rock in this. It's something that will stay with you forever.

I'd like to see Astroboy do that move with the rock, but I have a feeling that 100,000 horsepower would not be enough.

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Guest wildpegasus
Are these the clips you're talking about?


That's them.


Fafner seems to have some stuff available on a FTP server


I'm currently downloading "The Liar Robot" (I assume it's the same episode as "The Robot Who Lied" that you previously mentioned... If not it doesn't matter, I'm sure I'll still be into it!).


Thanks for all the links and putting up with my questions. Oh and btw, I recently saw Spirited Away. Loved it. I'm glad you pimped it to me.

I'm currently downloading "The Liar Robot" (I assume it's the same episode as "The Robot Who Lied" that you previously mentioned... If not it doesn't matter, I'm sure I'll still be into it!).


Yeah, I'm almost certain it is. Where'd you get it from? Is it in Japanese or English?


BTW, at least here in Canada I noticed that for the last couple of years some stores do have a few episodes of the English Astroboy dub in stock.



Thanks for all the links and putting up with my questions. Oh and btw, I recently saw Spirited Away. Loved it. I'm glad you pimped it to me.


You're welcome.


Yeah, it's kind of hard not to like it. I hear there's more to it than meets the eye.



Off Topic Commnet -- Not anime but I rescently watched the very cheap in price and quality somewhat "Screaming Ninja" DVD. It also goes by various other names. For anyone reading this I would like to reccomend the final fight scene which was a fun one. I did read on the IMDB that there is an edited version of this movie. I am not sure if this is edited or not.


Overall the fight scene was pretty good with the villan and hero moving from place to place while they're fighting. The fight lasts a good amount amount of time and kind of reminded me of a video game where you clear one are, the villan runs to another area and than you fight them there until you finally get the victory.


The one problem with the fight was that you never felt the hero was in any sort of real trouble. In fact it's the villan you start to feel sympthany for since he's the one who just takes a vicious control segment from the hero. Maybe we were supposed to cheer for the hero beating the villan up for so long but that only works for so long in my opinion.


And there's an absolutely classic scene with a rock in this. It's something that will stay with you forever.

I'd like to see Astroboy do that move with the rock, but I have a feeling that 100,000 horsepower would not be enough.

Maybe you should've used spoiler tags there about that rock thing. Oh well, the cat's out of the bag now.



I know you're joking around with this comment

I'd like to see Astroboy do that move with the rock, but I have a feeling that 100,000 horsepower would not be enough.
but I've got to be serious for a minute. Remember Astroboy moving those humongous boulders in the 2 part Commonturk episodes? With ease? Sorry about that man but I just can't usually joke around when Astroboy is being discussed.


Your point is well made though. By comparing the rock part of the fight to the 100,000 power of Astroboy you did a great job of bringing attention to your comments about the using of the rock during the final fight scene in "Screaming Ninja". You had to take an evil route to get their but sometimes as evident in "The Liar Robot" the laws of truth have to be bent. For this I must commend you on taking the happening of Astroboy in alternate dimension #5 and applying them in real life. That's what being a true Astroboy fan is all about!


Yes, the rock scene was something else. Glad to see someone else take note of it besides me. Live long and prosper!

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Guest wildpegasus
I'm currently downloading "The Liar Robot" (I assume it's the same episode as "The Robot Who Lied" that you previously mentioned... If not it doesn't matter, I'm sure I'll still be into it!).




By the way, I'm going to plop this one into the DVD player soon so I can talk about it some once you're done.

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Guest wildpegasus
Nope, didn't work. :( I also tried [ftp://atomu.ath.cx:6872/video_eps/], but had no luck. I keep getting messages that it is either corrupt or I don't have the software to support it.

Hmm, that's too bad. I don't download stuff from ftp servers so I don't know what's going on there.

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Guest Monday Night Jericho

I checked back a few pages and noticed you said that Madman Entertainment were realising the 80s series on in the summer. When that time comes around I'll probably get them, but I really don't want to wait that long : (. Patience is a virtue, I guess.

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Guest wildpegasus
I checked back a few pages and noticed you said that Madman Entertainment were realising the 80s series on in the summer. When that time comes around I'll probably get them, but I really don't want to wait that long : (. Patience is a virtue, I guess.

THey have released it. THere are threads over at the astroboy-online forum. Just type madman in the search engine they got over there. A couple of people may have had little problems with the DVDs. I'm not sure. It's an edited dub I they have on the DVDs. If memory serves correct they put one of the original unaired episodes unedited on thle DVD set at as a bounus. Plus as another bonus a 60s ep was thrown in but I'm not sure about the 60s ep. All information you need should come up with the search engine.



It's expensive though. And because it's Australian I would guess you probably need a region free DVD player. That's no problem in this day however.

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Guest Ray
Ray knows lots of download spots and how to download.

DC++ is the best program for downloading I've come across.


Not too familiar with the anime hubs but google.com will have info if you search for "DC++ anime hubs."

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Guest wildpegasus

Another article about the Astroboy bra!!






By: Kathy Cole

Website: http://www.bra-n-bras.com


Astroboy- dual structure bra revival




In Japan, a country usually obsessed with new fads, an old favourite is enjoying renewed celebrity. The 60s cartoon character, Astroboy, was supposedly born on the 7th of April 2003. That's today, and Japan in response, has gone mad, as Mark Simkin tells us in his Letter from Tokyo.


MARK SIMKIN: It’s morning peak hour at Takadanobaba station in Tokyo. Thousands of commuters are crowding onto trains, humming along to the music being pumped through the station’s loudspeakers, and reminiscing about their childhoods.


The music is the theme to Astroboy, a hugely popular TV series about a Japanese robot with rockets in his red shoes. Astroboy, or Atom Boy as he is known in Japan, first appeared in 1951 as a character in a monthly comic book. In 1963, he became the star of Japan’s first animated television series.


The show was set in the distant future, and in it Astroboy was created on April 7, 2003. That makes today is his birthday. The lab where Astroboy was made was located in Takadanobaba, and so this area of Tokyo is particularly excited.


Astroboy flags line the streets and there’s a giant mural outside the station. Astroboy’s likeness is appearing on coins, parades are planned, and museums are full of merchandise and memorabilia.


The rest of the country will join in the festivities, too. A new series of the TV show is about to be released, a movie is in the works, a district of Tokyo has granted the robot honorary residency, and a $1.5 million diamond, ruby and emerald encrusted Astroboy doll has gone on display.


That’s not all. Given that last year a Japanese lingerie maker brought out special World Cup soccer bras, with the cups shaped like footballs, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to learn that an Astroboy bra has been released.


The bra is a dual structure bra with an inner and outer cup in the shape of Astroboy’s head. In order to make a metallic image like a robot, the outer cup surface used a glossy enamel material. To create the face, a special hologram print was used to render Astroboy in 3D.


If the outer cups are removed, a red heart, which represents the warm heart of Astroboy, on the left cup will light up. On the right cup is printed the circuit diagram of Astroboy’s head and the pupil will blink at random in green & red.


On the strap and the side part, the energy pouring code required for Astroboy's birth is represented. Additionally, a counter is attached to the bottom of the [inaudible] skirt. The counter, which blinks red, enlivens the atmosphere of countdown of waiting eagerly for the birthday of Astroboy.


MARK SIMKIN: The press release doesn’t say what happens when the counter reaches zero. Presumably, the bra isn’t booby-trapped. So why has a 52-yearold child robot created such excitement? Commuters on Takadanobaba station believe Astroboy's message is as relevant as ever.


Astroboy appeals for the coexistence of human beings and machines. It is sending an important message to the entire world. The robot industry will continue to advance, so this issue is as important as ever.


He is just so cute. He appeals to everybody’s heart. I have read that originally, Astroboy was conceived as a girl, but became a boy because it was a boy’s magazine. In that sense, it’s sexual. He or she is sexy.


ELEANOR HALL: My dear, it sounds like that woman will be buying the bra.




WP -- I LOOOOOOVE JAPAN!!!!!!!!!!!



He is just so cute. He appeals to everybody’s heart. I have read that originally, Astroboy was conceived as a girl, but became a boy because it was a boy’s magazine. In that sense, it’s sexual. He or she is sexy.


Not quite sure what she meant by that. Anyone want to try to explain that quote?

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Guest wildpegasus

Yet another Astroboy bra article from http://mdn.mainichi.co.jp/geino/archives/02.html



Astro Boy goes bust





Astro Boy, Japan's most famous cartoon character, is the inspiration for the Atom Bra produced recently by Triumph International Japan.

Since 1987, underwear manufacturer Triumph has released an eye-catching bra to promote its collection.

Astro Boy, known as Tetsuwan Atom in his native land, was chosen for the 2003 collection because Osamu Tezuka, the cartoonist who created the character 52 years ago, made the date of the robot boy's birth April 7, 2003.

Triumph also hope the Atom bra will help show that scientific improvements will lead to richer lives.

Yumi Kudo, 23, Triumph's current face, models the bra. (Mainichi Shimbun, Nov. 7




WP's in Love!

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Guest wildpegasus

Just when you thought this thread couldn't get any better!






Oh yeah, wouldn't mind having her in a quadruple double decumight!




WP -- I'm curious about how many people are actually reading this thread and who you are. If you are reading it please just make a quick post saying that you are indeed reading. Thanks very much. All cooperation is sincerely appreciated.




Remember this is now a Samurai Jack combined with an Astroboy thread so feel free to talk about Samurai Jack as well.

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Guest wildpegasus

Astroboy picture of the Day!!









WP -- I'm curious about how many people are actually reading this thread and who you are. If you are reading it please just make a quick post saying that you are indeed reading. Thanks very much. All cooperation is sincerely appreciated.




Remember this is now a Samurai Jack combined with an Astroboy thread so feel free to talk about Samurai Jack as well.

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Positively Kanyon  4 posts -- One of the most loyal readers of the site An underrated Astroboy fanatic.

Thanks for the compliement guys... Always like to check in here from time to time, and plus my job is so boring and I just tend to browse Smart Marks Forums a fair bit... There's always something good to read on here...


And how awesome is that giant Astro Boy!!!

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