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Betty Houle

what games come with each system?

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I'm in the middle of deciding between a PS2, XBox, or Gamecube. What games come with which? And how good are those games?

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Pack in games I have seen this holiday season:


Xbox had GTA double pack and Star Wars for $178


GameCube had the Zelda 4 pack for $99


PS2 had 2 lame games BMX something and Ricky Rachet + 2nd controller + memory cards + broadband modem for $250


I am unsure about the PS2 deal with the modem but its close enough. The PS2 and Xbox deals were at the Fort Sam Houston PX in San Antonio and the Gamecube was at Walmart.

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Sega Genesis comes with either Streets of Rage II or Sonic the Hedgehog...




Actually, there were far more than that. Aladdin was also a pack in one time, I think the Genesis 6-Pack was for a while also, among many others.


SNES: Super Mario World, later All-Stars as well, later on Donkey Kong Country, and so forth.


32X: Uh...Doom!


X-Box has Tetris Worlds and that-Star-Wars-game-that-isn't-KOTOR-so-no-one-gives-a-damn.


Isn't FFXI supposed to be the future PS2 pack in? I know it's going to be bundled with the modem, but if they sell the modem and PS2 together, that would make sense.

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Guest Smues
My Virtual Boys came with Mario Tennis!

Haha you own a virtual boy.

Actually....I own two......

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don't be hating on the Pad~!


I loved that damn Olympic Game


I did as well.


Till I realized it was freakin exercise and I stopped and sold the pad for a video game that allowed me to sit on my BUTT for a few hours.


Contra if I remember right...or was it POW?


Either way.


I know PS2 at one time had GT3 but that was many many years ago.

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Guest Smues

I bought the first one because I wanted one, then my friend who owned one found out and said he would have sold me his had he known I wanted one. I asked him to sell me his games but he'd only sell them if I bought the system to, so I did. Stupid decision yes, but you never know when one Virtual Boy might break!

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Power Pad.

Maxi Pad.

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Guest I'm That Damn Zzzzz
Why would you want to own 2 virtual boys?

Double the seizures?


/me still kicking self for not buying one for cheap when I had the chance.

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/me kicking self for not buying that sega nomad those few years back.

I've heard it was a huge battery-sucker, unfortunately.

Yeah it does more than a pack of rabid gamegears...still want one though.



Eh I'll try and steal my friends sega megajet.

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I guess I want both an XBox (for Halo and Halo 2) and a Gamecube (for the Mario games). The other games I would play (GTA, Football) are available for one or both of these.


And I just might sell a game that comes with one of those systems.

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