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Guest drdrainoscott

Rumble and Mania plans

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Guest Your Olympic Hero
It also says that due to this, they have already picked the rumble winner, and he will be from Smackdown. The winner will then go to Mania and fight Triple H for the Raw belt in a cross brand matchup


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Look at it this way: At least we're in the dark about what's gonna happen, instead of us knowing exactly how shit was gonna go down last year. This is a definite improvement, and I get the feeling that things will end up fine no matter what they do. At least they've made it unpredictable, since we have a few viable Rumble winners here (Benoit, Angle, Goldberg, and some dark horses like Cena), we have no clue what the main event is gonna be, and there's the potential for some epic matches here.

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How about this one :) Gosh, I'm such a nerdy fantasy booker:


Benoit fights his way from number 1 all the way to the end of the Rumble, and wins it. The next Smackdown! Paul Heyman reveals that a contract he signed before the Rumble makes it impossible for Benoit to ever get a shot at Brock again. Benoit goes on the path of rage following the decision, and "quits", but Heyman won't let him because his contract is iron clad. In response to this, Benoit beats Heyman into a bloody pulp, and appeals the decision to the board. The board states that while Heyman's contract is iron clad, the contract of the winner to get a title shot at WM is iron clad too, so Benoit has been traded to Raw, where he will face HHH for the title at Wrestlemania. He has been traded for Bill Goldberg, who will face Kurt Angle, John Cena, and Eddy Guerrero in a 4-way at No Way Out for a shot at Lesnar at WM. Goldberg wins, duh, but now here's the twist. The night after No Way Out, on Raw, they build to a "huge announcement" at the end of the show....the winners of the two title matches face each other, on the same night, in a title vs. title main event to unify the belts.

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The night after No Way Out, on Raw, they build to a "huge announcement" at the end of the show....the winners of the two title matches face each other, on the same night, in a title vs. title main event to unify the belts.

:huh: Uh... How about, no.


I'm not in favor for uniting those titles, since that pretty much means they are giving up on the split and hence, we get our ME we like screwed out of ME by Mr. Game.

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What I reckon will happen:


Benoit wins the rumble. Because he can't get a title shot against Lesnar, he has to get his title shot against HHH. Meanwhile Goldberg and Lesnar fight because they can. At WMXX, Benoit wins the Raw title, Goldberg wins the SD title, meaning we get our Benoit/Lesnar title match-up afterwards without Benoit challenging Lesnar for the belt.


With the ex WCW title now on Smackdown, along with the US, cruiserweight and non-WWE tag titles, Bret Hart returns to reform WCW.



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With the ex WCW title now on Smackdown, along with the US, cruiserweight and non-WWE tag titles, Bret Hart returns to reform WCW.



And that same night, Raw is renamed "Nitro" and OMFG Raven reforms ~THE FLOCK~!!!!!1111

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With the ex WCW title now on Smackdown, along with the US, cruiserweight and non-WWE tag titles, Bret Hart returns to reform WCW.



And that same night, Raw is renamed "Nitro" and OMFG Raven reforms ~THE FLOCK~!!!!!1111

Don't be silly.


SD will be renamed Nitro. And moved to Monday to compete with Raw.

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First of all, WCW is beyond dead and buried. There is no way that it can be reformed as any sort of positive entity at this point.


Ignoring the rumors, I'd say Benoit should last until very late in the Rumble only to have Angle pull the "friends but not really friends" trick on him and eliminate him from the Rumble. Then, Benoit will snap on him, unleashing multiple chairshots, allowing Angle to get eliminated from the Rumble. Meanwhile, Goldberg should win the Rumble, only to reveal that he has become a member of Smackdown.


As for the upper card of Raw, I really can't figure it out. Since Foley/Orton and Kane/Taker are basically givens, you've got four major faces that need matches, (Austin, Rock, Jericho, HBK) and only one major heel (Triple H). I'm having a really hard time seeing how you resolve this.

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...and would like to see a fresh, modified and updated...


"evil authority figure bans popular wrestler with lifelong dream of becoming world champion from ever getting a title shot, so popular wrestler accepts his punishment, gives up his lifelong dream and instead pursuing a lesser title"


That's bullshit though. I don't want to see that happen.

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As for the upper card of Raw, I really can't figure it out. Since Foley/Orton and Kane/Taker are basically givens, you've got four major faces that need matches, (Austin, Rock, Jericho, HBK) and only one major heel (Triple H). I'm having a really hard time seeing how you resolve this.

Simple, a gauntlet match where Triple H beats them all one by one.

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Guest ManKinnd
As for the upper card of Raw, I really can't figure it out. Since Foley/Orton and Kane/Taker are basically givens, you've got four major faces that need matches, (Austin, Rock, Jericho, HBK) and only one major heel (Triple H). I'm having a really hard time seeing how you resolve this.

1. Are we even sure Austin will have a match?

2. Jericho's not a major face, right?

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As for the upper card of Raw, I really can't figure it out. Since Foley/Orton and Kane/Taker are basically givens, you've got four major faces that need matches, (Austin, Rock, Jericho, HBK) and only one major heel (Triple H). I'm having a really hard time seeing how you resolve this.

1. Are we even sure Austin will have a match?

2. Jericho's not a major face, right?

3) The Rock may return as a heel


4) Vinnie Mac

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The Rock just got done with a heel run and made a cameo as a gigantic face a few weeks ago, so he's definitely a face. And we don't know that Austin will come back, but I'd be shocked if he didn't wrestle at the biggest Mania of all time.


I guess if it were up to me, I'd let Shawn face Rocky since a lot of people seem anxious to see that match, even if I don't see how you'd book it. If I was pressed for a finish, I'd probably let it go to a draw via double countout, since neither man can really take the loss in that situation.


As for the (Raw) main event, I'd let Jericho beat Kane in a #1 contender's match to get the shot, only to have Austin declare that Jericho/HHH is a "boring" match and insert himself into the main event. Austin already has heat with both men, so it would work on that level, and Jericho would be righteously outraged that after he was on the winning side at SS to see Austin get eliminated, Austin not only stayed on Raw, but stole Jericho's thunder as #1 contender too. In the match, after HHH was down, Jericho would kick out of two stunners, only to have Austin go to the outside and get a chair.


Depending on whether Austin can go in a part-time HBK like role, you can either:

1) let Austin get the pinfall, and feud over the title with Jericho all summer


2) have Rock come out and stop Austin from getting a cheap WM X-7 style win and let Jericho lock in the Walls to make Austin tap after a Rock Bottom


3) have Rock come out and stop Austin from getting a cheap WM X-7 style win only for HHH to cover Austin while Jericho's still down and get the win himself

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