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WWE News from the 1/05 Observer

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Kurt Angle was telling the office that he overall feels great, which is the same thing he was telling soldiers who asked when he was on the Robin Williams tour of the Middle East last week. At this point, Angle is scheduled to return to wrestle on the 1/13 Smackdown show in Uncasville, CT, but that’s just a target date at this point. There have been reports that Angle will only work a part-time schedule from this point forward, and there is always the possibility that could end up being the case, but it is premature at this point. The plan right now is for him to work close to a full-time schedule, although he will likely get a weekend off from house shows here and there. If he comes back and asks to work less than full-time, there will be no problems in making that concession to him, but he hasn’t even suggested it to anyone yet, and when the subject came up, he denied wanting anything less than a full schedule. Angle’s blood clot in his neck, which at one point swelled to the size of a large orange and made it difficult to breathe, has disappeared.


Goldberg is in the company plans through WrestleMania, but nothing after that. Goldberg just recently told the office he wants to fulfill his contractual commitments and also said he wants to change some of the negative perceptions about him (that would be impossible because no matter what he does, he’ll be resented by the wrestlers for getting such a good contract while not being a great worker or working his way up the ladder). Regarding a new contract, no talks have started. I’d hate to put odds on it, but it won’t be easy and the smart money seems to be that he’s done after Mania. For one, it is doubtful the company would offer him anything close to what he got for the first year. If they offer him less, it would be hard to get him to accept. Goldberg is said to be more than happy just doing Japan, but he’s only got a few matches left on his Pride contract, and if the 1/4 show doesn’t do well, I can’t see Pride doing more worked shows. I don’t see anyone else paying that kind of money for Goldberg, whose appearances in Japan hasn’t been huge hits since the entire pub from his first shows with All Japan. It is not even close to 100% that WWE will make an offer to him, although that decision has not been finalized. It is believed that when he gets back from Japan and returns to the RAW roster, that he and Jim Ross will talk about if either side is interested in serious negotiations or not. Goldberg is also a lot more physically banged up than most realize and that may be part of his decision about not wanting to do another year. It has apparently been told to Goldberg after he lost his cool after his match at Armageddon, that another outburst and it would be considered as a likely final straw. Goldberg said he was going to finish his commitments and try and make the last three months work and the feeling internally is there won’t be another situation.


The latest update on Survivor Series is 384,000 buys and a 0.72 percent buy rate. We don’t have any estimates in for Armageddon as of yet.


While The Rock had talked about clearing his schedule for January to return to television, right now his schedule has not been finalized and at this point he is not scheduled for the Royal Rumble.


The plans for Mick Foley are to keep him off television until right around the Rumble and that would be when he would cut his interview explaining why he walked away from Randy Orton on the 12/15 show.


WWE in its internal marketing profiles listed the following as the ten biggest stars of the RAW and Smackdown brands. For RAW, it was Goldberg, Steve Austin, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, Booker T., Randy Orton, The Rock, Trish Stratus, and Lita. For Smackdown, it’s Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker, The Big Show, Bradshaw, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, Torrie Wilson, and Sable.


The Executive Committee for the company consists of Vince McMahon as Chairman of the Board, Linda McMahon as Chief Executive Officer, Phil Livingston as Chief Financial Officer, Ed Kaufman as General Counsel, Shane McMahon as Executive Vice President of Global Media, Kevin Dunn as Executive Vice President of TV Production, Kurt Schneider as Executive Vice President of Marketing, Jim Ross as Executive Vice President of Talent Relations, Ed Cohen as Senior Vice President of Event Booking and Live Events, Stephanie McMahon as Director of Creative Writing, and Basil DeVito as Senior Advisor of Marketing.


As of 12/12, the value of the McMahon family stock in the company with the recent rise in the stock market was $686,943,796, so Vince will be climbing the lists of the richest men on paper in the country for the next year.


Kevin Nash’s two-year contract expired this past week. No serious negotiations have gone on about keeping him in any capacity although there were talks about him working in creative. There looks to be no interest in signing him to a new wrestling contract. On creative, the way I heard it was it appeared they were giving him the opportunity to be verbally part of creative, but not seriously thinking he’d take it, as they pointed out they’d want him at all the TV tapings, so it was a way to be nice, expected that it would be easier than saying there is no interest in him. Nash did try and float the idea of going to Japan as a tag team with Scott Hall, but there doesn’t seem to be any interest in them in Japan, particularly because, as mentioned, the big money only goes to people who want to do shoots right now. Barry Bloom (Nash’s agent) was attempting to negotiate a deal with them as a package for Japan. Hall didn’t leave New Japan in 2001 with either a good rep inside or outside the ring, even though everyone liked him at first because they saw him as a legit star that had no problem doing jobs. But after a few tours, it wore off because his work was bad and his behavior outside the ring was considered embarrassing to the company. Nash has talked with friends about trying to get a deal with TNA (although Nash is going to play any angle he can to get a new deal with WWE) and go in as a tag team with Hall. He has talked already with people at TNA and the current insider betting line is that it’s the most likely option. That is quite the decision, because Hall & Nash, at first, would raise the profile of TNA a little, and it would give them guys who at one point were national stars, and if they go on WGN, they have to make an impact quick because of the costs involved. The last time Hall was around, aside from the fact he in the ring was almost making fun of the fact he had to sell for smaller guys, he really meant nothing after a while. It will make TNA more entertaining to cover, but for all the wrong reasons. I can’t see him going in there and not forcing the issue of being programmed as a top star, nor making a power grab. He’s also not going to want to take bumps with his body in the shape that it’s in. The other problem with Nash is that he’s so big he’ll really expose guys like A.J. Styles and everyone else in the 5’8’’ brigade that they push. It will be a real test of how savvy the Jarretts and the rest of the company are in 2004. Desperation and star struck means they bring them in and push them hard. Selfish savvy, and by that I mean trying to maintain morale and protect the position as top star and most powerful booker in the company, says you don’t bring them in. What the right business move would be is more debatable.


Triple H was pulled off the RAW house shows this weekend. Not sure why, but it wasn’t due to injury. The HHH vs. Kane title matches were changed to Kane vs. Jericho main events, with Jericho playing babyface.


Reports that Triple H would defend his title against the Rumble winner at Mania and the winner would come from the Smackdown roster, with the Smackdown title bout being Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg, are true based on what we’ve been hearing for sometime. Of course anything can change. It is said that the winner of the Rumble has been decided already because almost the entire top of the Mania card was done more than a month back with the idea of booking to build everything to get there right. The current plan for the RAW Title match is HHH vs. Chris Benoit, with Benoit playing iron man and winning the Rumble, despite his placement at #1. Comparisons will likely be made to Shawn Michaels’ performance in the 1995 Rumble as he won it with the #1 entry, but that really doesn’t hold up due to the fact that because of how long the Bret Hart/Diesel WWF Title match went, Rumble intervals had to be cut down to 1 minute, which meant Michaels realistically only spent about 35 minutes in the ring.


With stories that have been floating for weeks that WWE would make cuts at the first of the year, a lot of the marginal guys were stressed out badly over the holidays wondering if they’d have jobs. When Spanky & Paul London then weren’t booked in Laredo, TX, you can guess what was going through their heads.


An interesting note on the Larry Zbyszko lawsuit is that he didn’t register the name “Living Legend” with the U.S. trademark office until March 2002. Chris Jericho had started using the moniker a month earlier. Zbyszko had used the name for more than 20 years on AWA, JCP, and WCW television. The term “Living Legend” was most associated with Bruno Sammartino, but many other wrestlers had used that term in territories, such as Ray Stevens in San Francisco.


The New York Times Magazine on 12/28 in a feature on prominent deaths in 2003 included Elizabeth Hulette with a brief story by Jason Zengerle. The story claimed that Elizabeth pushed the writers to give her a more prominent role, and claimed she was the one who came up with the famous love triangle with Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage in 1988-1989, which was one of the best laid out and most successful angles in history. The Hogan/Savage match at Trump Plaza in Atlantic City, NJ, headlining an otherwise pretty bad WrestleMania V, while not as big on closed-circuit as Hogan/Andre The Giant, since that was dying, grossed more money both live (a record that only stood one year) and on PPV than any wrestling match up to that time in history. I believe the legitimate number of buys for that match (650,000) was the record until WrestleMania XIV in 1998 with Mike Tyson. Those who were around in that period with the company and knew Savage and Elizabeth don’t buy that story, and I sure never heard it described that way. “The story had lots of holes,” said someone who worked with Vince McMahon at the time and knew both, “Who knows for sure what personal dynamics were at work then, but I’d never heard of Liz proposing angles as suggested. Plus, based on Vince’s later renditions for RAW, setting up a love triangle sure fits his M.O.” It claimed she did so to in real like make Savage jealous. The story also claimed she came up with the wedding angle in 1991 as a way to save her marriage, which also wasn’t exactly how I heard the story. Asking around, the general feeling was that Savage was very domineering and Elizabeth said very little to anyone. One person close to them at the time said that as the years went on, Elizabeth became more interested in the business side of things and understood wrestling was about making money and not loyalty or anything else. However, nobody else either had any recollections of Elizabeth coming up with angles. The story mentioned her death and sort of gave an implied blame of Lex Luger, noting he was arrested for beating her, although not mentioning all the charges were later dropped, a few weeks before she died.


At RAW in San Antonio, the company sent people out when it came to t-shirts. One person, who was in the second row, had a WCW t-shirt from the 90s. They didn't approach him during Heat, but before RAW started, he was told he could not wear the shirt. The person actually told security, “You own the rights to WCW.” He said, "I know, but we don't want it on TV." They told him if the t-shirt aired on TV, he would be ejected from the building.


Also in San Antonio, it’s pretty clear Test is in the doghouse because he lost to Steven Richards clean on Heat for the second time. After the show went off the air, Steve Austin gave Eric Bischoff two stunners, drank beer with Lillian Garcia, and the brought some of his friends into the ring and they sang and drank. He kept drinking and even wiped out and took a bad bump near the ramp, but wasn’t hurt and drank some more after that. Garrison Cade, who is from San Antonio and a member of the same class of the Shawn Michaels Training Center as Bryan Danielson and Spanky (all were signed after the same tryout match) was announced as being from San Antonio in a dark match and got a big pop coming out. People weren’t much into watching him wrestle, even though the openers usually are easy pops. His job opponent was Black Gordman, Jr., who is the legit son of Victor Manuel Barajas (Black Gordman). Gordman & Great Goliath in the 70s were one of the best tag teams in history, wrestled all over the world including headlining in Japan and Mexico, and held titles everywhere.


On the new WWE Originals CD, while most of the tracks were written by Jim Johnston, the “Don’t You Wish You Were Me” song was written by Chris Jericho, Rich Ward (who is the husband of former developmental talent Shannon “Daffney” Ward), and Johnston. Jericho’s band, Fozzy, which Ward is a member, performed the song.


The current scalper’s price for third row seats at WrestleMania XX is $2,800.


There was an article in the Waynesboro Record Herald in North Carolina about Stephanie Bender, a local 20-year-old soldier from Iraq who was sent home for Christmas but goes back on 1/9. She was there last week when WWE was there and said the visit from Steve Austin was her favorite. “They (WWE performers) were there for three days and spent time with the soldiers. They were really supportive of the troops.” She said they were ordinary people and talked about how much everyone liked that Austin was throwing the football around with the soldiers.


Even though wrestling has not been any part of this case for years, most of the media reports on Lionel Tate this past week called it the “pro wrestling death” case. Tate was offered a deal where he basically could be out of prison shortly and get 10 years probation, from his life without the possibility of parole original sentence in his murder conviction for beating 6-year-old Tiffany Eunick to death. Because he was so young at the time of sentencing (12), the life without parole sentence was heavily criticized. Tate is now 16.


Here’s a funny note from SummerSlam 1994. During the Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart WWF Title cage match, Jerry Lawler asked Vince McMahon, “McMahon, could you ever imagine getting in the ring with a family member?” and Vince said, “Never in a million years, King.”


Jim Ross was on the sidelines at the Oklahoma vs. Louisiana State Sugar Bowl game on 1/4 for the college football national championship.


The 12/15 RAW in Tampa, FL, drew 3,700 paid and 12/16 Smackdown in Jacksonville, FL, drew 4,000.


12/29 RAW in San Antonio, TX, drew a sellout of about 12,000. Part of the reason was that they had a special deal where anyone who either had a ticket stub from the 1997 Royal Rumble or could provide a photocopy of a ticket stub to that show could get six tickets for $1. There were at one point around 60,000 of those ticket stubs, although one would guess the vast majority have thrown theirs away over the past seven years. 12/30 Smackdown tapings in Laredo, TX, drew an estimated 5,100.

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WWE in its internal marketing profiles listed the following as the ten biggest stars of the RAW and Smackdown brands. For RAW, it was Goldberg, Steve Austin, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, Booker T., Randy Orton, The Rock, Trish Stratus, and Lita. For Smackdown, it’s Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker, The Big Show, Bradshaw, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, Torrie Wilson, and Sable.


What exactly do they base these lists on? Benoit is left off for Torrie, Sable, and Bradshaw? What about Trish, Lita, Orton taking a spot from Jericho on Raw?

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-WWE in its internal marketing profiles listed the following as the ten biggest stars of the RAW and Smackdown brands. For RAW, it was Goldberg, Steve Austin, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, Booker T., Randy Orton, The Rock, Trish Stratus, and Lita. For Smackdown, it’s Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker, The Big Show, Bradshaw, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, Torrie Wilson, and Sable.


Kill me now.

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Here’s a funny note from SummerSlam 1994. During the Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart WWF Title cage match, Jerry Lawler asked Vince McMahon, “McMahon, could you ever imagine getting in the ring with a family member?” and Vince said, “Never in a million years, King.”


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At RAW in San Antonio, the company sent people out when it came to t-shirts. One person, who was in the second row, had a WCW t-shirt from the 90s. They didn't approach him during Heat, but before RAW started, he was told he could not wear the shirt. The person actually told security, “You own the rights to WCW.” He said, "I know, but we don't want it on TV." They told him if the t-shirt aired on TV, he would be ejected from the building.


What the hell? That's some nerve.

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Guest PowerPB13
WWE in its internal marketing profiles listed the following as the ten biggest stars of the RAW and Smackdown brands. For RAW, it was Goldberg, Steve Austin, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, Booker T., Randy Orton, The Rock, Trish Stratus, and Lita. For Smackdown, it’s Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker, The Big Show, Bradshaw, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, Torrie Wilson, and Sable.

Get my gun. I'm fixing to clear some spots.



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"Get my gun."


I'm not trying to be a cock or anything, but why does everyone need someone else to get their gun? Can't they get up, walk over and get it themselves? Are they taking a shit at the time of needing their gun?

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Guest JMA
At RAW in San Antonio, the company sent people out when it came to t-shirts. One person, who was in the second row, had a WCW t-shirt from the 90s. They didn't approach him during Heat, but before RAW started, he was told he could not wear the shirt. The person actually told security, “You own the rights to WCW.” He said, "I know, but we don't want it on TV." They told him if the t-shirt aired on TV, he would be ejected from the building.


What the hell? That's some nerve.

Someone really need to punch Vince in the face.


Oh wait...

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I remember when people shit all over WCW for doing this back in the day. They made me put on my jacket over my ECW shirt. At the WWE show a guy with a headseat threatened that I wouldn't get on tv and people in my section would be mad, I just laughed and I still ended up on TV since it is kind of hard to block me when I am in the front row and UT/Foley are wrestling outside the ring in my face.....

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Goldberg is in the company plans through WrestleMania, but nothing after that. Goldberg just recently told the office he wants to fulfill his contractual commitments and also said he wants to change some of the negative perceptions about him (that would be impossible because no matter what he does, he’ll be resented by the wrestlers for getting such a good contract while not being a great worker or working his way up the ladder). Regarding a new contract, no talks have started. I’d hate to put odds on it, but it won’t be easy and the smart money seems to be that he’s done after Mania.


Okay, so job him out to Lesnar then. Simple.


WWE in its internal marketing profiles listed the following as the ten biggest stars of the RAW and Smackdown brands. For RAW, it was Goldberg, Steve Austin, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, Booker T., Randy Orton, The Rock, Trish Stratus, and Lita.


For Smackdown, it’s Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker, The Big Show, Bradshaw, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, Torrie Wilson, and Sable.


Okay, seriously, what the fuck?!!


Reports that Triple H would defend his title against the Rumble winner at Mania and the winner would come from the Smackdown roster, with the Smackdown title bout being Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg, are true based on what we’ve been hearing for sometime. Of course anything can change. It is said that the winner of the Rumble has been decided already because almost the entire top of the Mania card was done more than a month back with the idea of booking to build everything to get there right. The current plan for the RAW Title match is HHH vs. Chris Benoit, with Benoit playing iron man and winning the Rumble, despite his placement at #1.


I can't believe they're taking tradition and turning it ass backwards. This is so retarded.


At RAW in San Antonio, the company sent people out when it came to t-shirts. One person, who was in the second row, had a WCW t-shirt from the 90s. They didn't approach him during Heat, but before RAW started, he was told he could not wear the shirt. The person actually told security, “You own the rights to WCW.” He said, "I know, but we don't want it on TV." They told him if the t-shirt aired on TV, he would be ejected from the building.


What a bunch of dicks.


The current scalper’s price for third row seats at WrestleMania XX is $2,800.


Holy shit! Fuck that.

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Reports that Triple H would defend his title against the Rumble winner at Mania and the winner would come from the Smackdown roster, with the Smackdown title bout being Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg, are true based on what we’ve been hearing for sometime. Of course anything can change. It is said that the winner of the Rumble has been decided already because almost the entire top of the Mania card was done more than a month back with the idea of booking to build everything to get there right. The current plan for the RAW Title match is HHH vs. Chris Benoit, with Benoit playing iron man and winning the Rumble, despite his placement at #1.


I can't believe they're taking tradition and turning it ass backwards. This is so retarded.



The World Heavyweight Championship is now on equal footing with the WWE Championship from both the marks' perspective and from the company's perspective. It's no longer treated as a fake title or secondary to the 'original' WWE title. Having it be defended in the ME at the biggest event in wrestling history certainly solidifies its place as better than or equal the older WWE Title.

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Guest Anglesault
I'm taking signs to Royal Rumble. And if they try to take them away, I'll say this, plan and simple...


"What ever happened to the 1st Ammendment?"

And then you can scream "It's a free country!" and stick your tongue out.

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I'm taking signs to Royal Rumble.  And if they try to take them away, I'll say this, plan and simple...


"What ever happened to the 1st Ammendment?"

And then you can scream "It's a free country!" and stick your tongue out.

Let's not get too hasty there. :P

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At RAW in San Antonio, the company sent people out when it came to t-shirts. One person, who was in the second row, had a WCW t-shirt from the 90s. They didn't approach him during Heat, but before RAW started, he was told he could not wear the shirt. The person actually told security, “You own the rights to WCW.” He said, "I know, but we don't want it on TV." They told him if the t-shirt aired on TV, he would be ejected from the building.


What the hell? That's some nerve.

Someone really need to punch Vince in the face.


Oh wait...

Under that logic, they might as well take away any NFL related clothing since they put the XFL out of business.

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WWE in its internal marketing profiles listed the following as the ten biggest stars of the RAW and Smackdown brands. For RAW, it was Goldberg, Steve Austin, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, Booker T., Randy Orton, The Rock, Trish Stratus, and Lita. For Smackdown, it’s Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker, The Big Show, Bradshaw, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, Torrie Wilson, and Sable.


What exactly do they base these lists on? Benoit is left off for Torrie, Sable, and Bradshaw? What about Trish, Lita, Orton taking a spot from Jericho on Raw?

Well, from my viewpoint, they did the 8 top males and 2 top females per brand. That would explain Trish/Lita over Jericho and Torrie/Sable over Benoit. Still, I don't agree with leaving them off.

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WWE in its internal marketing profiles listed the following as the ten biggest stars of the RAW and Smackdown brands. For RAW, it was Goldberg, Steve Austin, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, Booker T., Randy Orton, The Rock, Trish Stratus, and Lita. For Smackdown, it’s Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker, The Big Show, Bradshaw, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, Torrie Wilson, and Sable.


What exactly do they base these lists on? Benoit is left off for Torrie, Sable, and Bradshaw? What about Trish, Lita, Orton taking a spot from Jericho on Raw?

Well, from my viewpoint, they did the 8 top males and 2 top females per brand. That would explain Trish/Lita over Jericho and Torrie/Sable over Benoit. Still, I don't agree with leaving them off.

at least no McMahon's are included.

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The World Heavyweight Championship is now on equal footing with the WWE Championship from both the marks' perspective and from the company's perspective. It's no longer treated as a fake title or secondary to the 'original' WWE title. Having it be defended in the ME at the biggest event in wrestling history certainly solidifies its place as better than or equal the older WWE Title.


As clearly stated last year, the winner of the RR faces HIS brand's champion.

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I'm taking signs to Royal Rumble.  And if they try to take them away, I'll say this, plan and simple...


"What ever happened to the 1st Ammendment?"

And then you can scream "It's a free country!" and stick your tongue out.

And they'd tell you: "Yeah, well it's not a free event, so fuck off."


Seriously, though, I believe when you buy a ticket to any event, you have to abide by the host's rules. Sometimes it's in the really small writing on the back of your ticket.

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Guest Doyo

it's pretty fucking lame to copy word for word from a copyrighted publication.

i hope you don't do school papers this way. try putting it into your own words at least.

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-WWE in its internal marketing profiles listed the following as the ten biggest stars of the RAW and Smackdown brands. For RAW, it was Goldberg, Steve Austin, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, Booker T., Randy Orton, The Rock, Trish Stratus, and Lita. For Smackdown, it’s Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker, The Big Show, Bradshaw, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, Torrie Wilson, and Sable.


Kill me now.

Torrie Wilson, and Sable.




The same "put me in a storyline that doesn't involve me

showing off my tits and ass on a nightly basis and watch the ratings drop" Torrie Wilson and "hasn't been on TV very much lately--thank God" Sable?!


Oh well, consider the source...

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Remember when they tried to make Bradshaw a main-eventer on RAW at the very beginning of the brand extension?


Good times.

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it's pretty fucking lame to copy word for word from a copyrighted publication.

i hope you don't do school papers this way. try putting it into your own words at least.



Are you saying copying and pasting the observer onto this board for others to read is plagerism?

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Remember when they tried to make Bradshaw a main-eventer on RAW at the very beginning of the brand extension?


Good times.

Flair: I know you're mad about losing the title shot Austin, so I promise I'll make it up to you. Tonight you'll have a tag team match with Bradshaw against the NWO...

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it's pretty fucking lame to copy word for word from a copyrighted publication.

i hope you don't do school papers this way. try putting it into your own words at least.

It is a fuckin message board, so who gives a crap.

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Guest Loss

HHH's opponents in 2004 will probably be Shawn Michaels, Chris Benoit and maybe Chris Jericho as the year progresses. He is obviously trying to surround himself with good workers to improve his rep again. I'm surprised he didn't think of it sooner.

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An interesting note on the Larry Zbyszko lawsuit is that he didn’t register the name “Living Legend” with the U.S. trademark office until March 2002. Chris Jericho had started using the moniker a month earlier. Zbyszko had used the name for more than 20 years on AWA, JCP, and WCW television. The term “Living Legend” was most associated with Bruno Sammartino, but many other wrestlers had used that term in territories, such as Ray Stevens in San Francisco.


I didn't know that was still going on. How sad is Zbyszko for suing over the Living Legend thing? I guess cause Zbyszko knows that Jericho is more of the legend then he'll ever be.

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