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Lil' Bitch

I might have cancer

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During a routine check-up with the doctor today. He noticed a strange discoloration on my shoulder blade so he numbed me, cut it open, and removed a mutated skin cell the size of a BB gun pellet. I find out in 3 weeks if it was cancerous or not. I've never been so scared in my life. :(

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I'm very sorry to hear this bro, just keep your spirts up. For what it's worth, have you be religious or not, I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


Just try to stay busy for the next three weeks, keep doing something, just don't let this keep you down.

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Shit, I know this doesn't console a lot but don't worry about it too much. You're not going to find out about the results for 3 weeks, and there's absolutely no point in making these next 3 weeks a living, nervous hell. Just try to relax a little. If you happen to have cancer, you can get treatment for it and hopefully you got it while it's still young. If you don't have it, then, of course, that's amazing news.


I know it's extremely hard to try not to think about it, but at least attempt it. No point completely stressing over it at this point if there's nothing you can do.


Just relax. I wish you the best of luck in this and very sincerely hope you don't have it. If you do, I sincerely hope you get it 100% cured. I know how difficult dealing with cancer could be. Good luck.

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Relax, keep yourself occupied these next three weeks, as hard as it may be. I esspecially recomend sleeping pills because the minutes before falling asleep are always the worse. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers, but just don't let it get you down too much...you'll be fine. Even if it is cancer, they probably caught it early enough...thank goodness you went for that checkup.

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Guest mesepher

Whatever the result of the tests it is VERY important for you to remain positive in your outlook on life and during your struggle with this disease (if things turn out for the worst). If you can remain strong mentally, you will greatly aid your fight, man.


peace and blessings

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Guest FrigidSoul

My father's had cancerous moles removed. Even if it does turn out cancerous they're just gonna cut about a 3 inch radius out...since it was caught so soon and its very small from what you're saying the worst you'll have to deal with is stitches.


Also if it does turn out cancerous(and they'll probably tell ya this too) ya gotta be careful with the amount of sun ya take in during the summer.

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As others have said here, if it is cancerous, it's probably early enough to take care of it. Of course, we're all hoping it's benign. Rico, man... Although I have never chatted with you, you're one of the few guys whose posts I always make sure to read. Besides, you're one of the only people I've seen besides myself who actually, ya know, likes Rico. You will honestly be in my thoughts and prayers. I know it's impossible not to be scared right now, but think of it this way- The chances of it being non-cancerous are far better than the chances of it actually being a serious problem. And even if it is cancerous, it can likely be taken care of thanks to the early detection. Nonetheless, good luck, man.

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Guest El Satanico

This is what happens when you play with nuclear waste. I told you not to taste it.



Humor is what you need in a time like this and it's what I use to deal with such things. Without a sense of humor, we'd all go insane. It's quite unfortunate if humor about such things offends you or anybody else, but I apologize if it does.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

To add humor to the thread, I recommend getting really drunk, so by the morning, you'll forget all about it for a while.

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Guest Flyboy
To add humor to the thread...

Change your name to "Cancer Rico" if it's true... like 'Cancer Marney'.. only better.

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Yes, the worst things in this world are cancer and the WNBA.


Best wishes Rico, I am sure everything will be okay. The best thing is that it seems he found it early, and that is always a good thing.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

If your doc just applied a topical deal, and popped the sucker out, you had a benign sebaceous cyst, which I've had a couple of myself. It's just calcified deposits under your skin that gather in certain spots and do nothing traumatic. If he sent it to the lab, it was only to make sure.


Do you have a family history of cancer?

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Guest SP-1

I'll certainly include you in prayer time, man. I hope it will come out alright, but if it doesn't keep a sense of humor. A positive mindset helps the body do what it's supposed to do. I believe that, anyway.

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I went through this same scare a couple months ago when my doctor dug out some weird shaped mole in my leg. You're young and early detection is key so don't sweat it to much. I'll say a special prayer to Goddess Victoria for you.

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Best of luck with it Rico, I'm sure it's nothing but I'm not going to feed you that "Don't worry about it" line either.


If anything, blame Vince and Joe Don Baker.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Hey Rico,


From the conversations on AIM we've had you seem like a cool guy, and I really, really, hope and pray that this turns out OK for you man.


I have faith that it will.

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