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Is the PS2 the only system

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Guest Danny Dubya v 2.0
I'm on my second.  The fan broke on my first PS2 and it would overheat and shut off after about 30 minutes or so.  This happened about a year after I got it.  I sent it away and they gave me a new one free of charge about 2 weeks later.  They said it was too expensive to fix the old one.

It's a good thing that the Gamecube is small enough to have vents on the side. As long as you're not using it in a desert and don't place too much shit right next to the sides, it'll never overheat.

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I found it odd that standing a PS2 on its end is supposedly horrible for the system, yet Sony made an accessory for the system that served that exact purpose.

Really? Huh. I've had mine on its side since I bought it. Saves space so very well.

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You can turn the PS2 off without the switch? Huh. Ah well, I've had mine since launch and it was some skipping problems with some DVDs but runs fine about 98 % of the time.

You can put in standby mode by holding down the reset button, but I when I called in about my broken fan they told me never to do that.

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You can turn the PS2 off without the switch?  Huh.  Ah well, I've had mine since launch and it was some skipping problems with some DVDs but runs fine about 98 % of the time.

You can put in standby mode by holding down the reset button, but I when I called in about my broken fan they told me never to do that.

That's strange, I leave mine in stand-by mode all the time, save for the times when I'm taking the system somewhere else and it is unplugged.

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The only reason Im on my 2nd Gamecube is because my first one was stolen.


The only thing even remotely wrong with my 2nd gamecube is that theres a scratch on the top disc thingy in the lid. OHHHH oh no a scratch! Whatever shall I do!!!


The only Nintendo system I ever had that stopped working was the Original gameboy (purchased back in 1989). It managed to last until 1997 (conveniently when they started putting out the new GBs) when the screen wouldn't show anything on it. I also had my Game Boy stolen but the Police caught the dumb idiot robbing another house and got it back. It might have been from using an AC Adaptor to run it at home a lot and it being too much voltage or something, but I still think 8 years is a good amount of time.

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I found it odd that standing a PS2 on its end is supposedly horrible for the system, yet Sony made an accessory for the system that served that exact purpose.

Really? Huh. I've had mine on its side since I bought it. Saves space so very well.

I've heard tons of people say "never stand it on its side" and "never lay it down!" "Never put it on standby" and "standby is fine!"


I've had mine in both positions with no problems. Just guesswork for why their systems failed.


Standby I haven't fooled with, I just unplug after use.

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I think the systems are just so poorly built that they all behave differently. Sony reps would never admit that, of course.


However, since I mainly play RPGs, I have to put up with it.

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Guest wildpegasus

From what I've heard and seen the Playstation 2 all have problems. The Gamecubes have absolutely none.

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I've had mine for almost three years, and I haven't had a single problem. I put it on standby before flicking the power switch off and the thing doesn't blow up or anything.


This thread has the subtle stench of fanboyism. Let's not go down that pathetic road, people.


The systems may not be to the best quality since the companies have to pump out hundreds of thousands or millions of them in a short time, and they sacrifice a bit of quality to keep the price down.

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Guest wildpegasus
I've had mine for almost three years, and I haven't had a single problem. I put it on standby before flicking the power switch off and the thing doesn't blow up or anything.


This thread has the subtle stench of fanboyism. Let's not go down that pathetic road, people.


The systems may not be to the best quality since the companies have to pump out hundreds of thousands or millions of them in a short time, and they sacrifice a bit of quality to keep the price down.

No, I wouldn't say that. I'm not byist and from people I know 5/5 have had some kind of problems with their PS2. I think a couple even got new ones and had problems eventually again. Mine's been holding up but I can tell it's getting weaker but than again I don't use it as much.


X-Box? -- I don't even know anyone that has one


Gamecube? -- 3/3 for absolutely having no problems. There's no comparison from what I've seen.

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The systems may not be to the best quality since the companies have to pump out hundreds of thousands or millions of them in a short time, and they sacrifice a bit of quality to keep the price down.

:Drinking 40 ounce haterade: So they put the power button in the back to confuse everybody?

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I must be one lucky bastard. I still have ALL my original game systems (Aside from NES< which broke after 8 years of service).


Same Sega Master System since 1990

Same SNES since 1992.

Same Genesis since 1994

Same GB since 1990

Same GBC since 1999

Same GBA since last year

Same PS2 for two years

Same Gamecube for nearly 18 months

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The systems may not be to the best quality since the companies have to pump out hundreds of thousands or millions of them in a short time, and they sacrifice a bit of quality to keep the price down.

:Drinking 40 ounce haterade: So they put the power button in the back to confuse everybody?

*Dumps Haterade in sewer*


Those people couldn't take 2 minutes to open the instruction manual? Flick the power switch on and push the disc tray button, all set.


Sorry, but I used to work in a store that sold games and had to deal with some very dumb/annoying people (most who post on the GameFAQs boards, apparently).


The only problem I've ever had with a system was when I got the Playstation, but that was because I had a cheap-ass RF adaptor from Radio Shack (My TV was still in the RF Stone Age at the time)

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I've heard tons of people say "never stand it on its side" and "never lay it down!" "Never put it on standby" and "standby is fine!"

"Never use your PS2, ever


In fact, don't even look at it."

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Guest wildpegasus
[The only problem I've ever had with a system was when I got the Playstation, but that was because I had a cheap-ass RF adaptor from Radio Shack (My TV was still in the RF Stone Age at the time)

I still use an old TV which needs an adaptor but I get around it by hooking my PS2 or whatever in the VCR which is connected to the TV.

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The systems may not be to the best quality since the companies have to pump out hundreds of thousands or millions of them in a short time, and they sacrifice a bit of quality to keep the price down.

:Drinking 40 ounce haterade: So they put the power button in the back to confuse everybody?

*Dumps Haterade in sewer*


Those people couldn't take 2 minutes to open the instruction manual? Flick the power switch on and push the disc tray button, all set.


Sorry, but I used to work in a store that sold games and had to deal with some very dumb/annoying people (most who post on the GameFAQs boards, apparently).


The only problem I've ever had with a system was when I got the Playstation, but that was because I had a cheap-ass RF adaptor from Radio Shack (My TV was still in the RF Stone Age at the time)

Since the begining of time the power button has ALWAYS been in the front of the machine. I also dislike the Dreamcast for not having a restart button on the box.

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I guess I should clarify my previous post in saying that I leave my PS2 in standby mode ALL the time...done that since the day it came out and I have yet to see any issues.

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I think I got my PS2 a couple months after launch and have never had one single problem with it. I always put it on standby mode before powering off as that seems to be the best way to shut down the system (I THINK I read it in the manual). It seems to just be luck of the draw, or taking poor care of the system.


I had a Dreamcast before which I sold so I could afford the next gen. systems (PS2, Gamecube) and just recently acquired another one. Was the Dreamcast always so LOUD when reading from the disc or is that just this system? I seem to recall it being a pretty noisy, but this just seems ridiculous.

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I'm on my second unit, a refurbished one.


I bought my first PS2 a few months after the initial release because my original PlayStation died an untimely death, rolling down a flight of concrete stairs after slipping out of my hands. I abused the PS2's ability to play original PS games and DVDs until it began to take a lot of coaxing from my can of compressed air to play DVDs and PS2 games about three months ago. Then it took damn near thirty minutes to get things to work so I decided to chuck it and get a refurbished one via Electronic Boutique trade-in.


Coincidentally, I also bought a used Game Boy Advance SP in the same purchase.

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Guest OctoberBlood

I've had my PS2 for almost 2 years, and the only problem I had was disc read error. All I had to do is buy some conpressed air, open the PS2 and clean it - works like a charm again. I never had any major problems with it though. I guess because I actually take care of it, or something.

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I've had mine for almost three years, and I haven't had a single problem. I put it on standby before flicking the power switch off and the thing doesn't blow up or anything.

Same here, although I've only had mine for a little over two years. I do the same thing when I turn it off, and it's been peachy keen. I even store it standing up in a little space between my TV and the wall of my wall unit, and it always starts up and shuts down with no problems.


It really comes down to taking care of it and perhaps not using it so often, which I don't.


That said, I'll probably break it when I finally open and start playing the SD!:HCTP I got this Christmas. Lord knows I get down-right obsessive when I start playing a new game. And this one seems to be no exception.

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Guest El Satanico

I have Madden 2004 and it's been fine for nearly a month.


Last night I went to play a game, but it freezes at the half way point on the load screen between picking your uniforms, profile and playbooks and the beginning of the game.


The game starts fine and there's no problems loading my franchise, but it freezes on the load screen for an actual game.



I've tried it with two discs of same game and got the same results. Is this a sign that my unit is going bad?

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Guest Skironox

My PS2 has been around 2 years and still going strong. For the most part, it loves DVD's and blue discs and doesn't disagree with them at all.


The only problem with a game I've had is GTA3. After not touching it for a year, I popped it back into the system and after a few minutes driving around, textures don't want to load and all the streets turn into this blue reflective crap. Vice City works just fine.

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Guest Rade

I've seen one original PS break and one PS2 break from the people i know. I've never in my life seen a problem with a nintendo system.

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My PS2 works fine, and I bought it in October 2001. It seems to have some DVD playing problems (Vengeance 01, for example, plays horribly in my PS2 but just fine on anything else).


Off topic, I really resent the fact that I have a noisy beast of a machine that can't be turned off via remote when I'm comfortably watching DVD's late at night, while my friend's new PS2 is silent and can be powered on and off via remote. Where's the justice in that?

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Damn, how do you people afford a PS2, XBox and GameCube?


I've read that the reason PS2's die quickly is because of the DVD player. The PS2 isn't really designed to play DVDs, so when people just play DVDs if fucks them up.

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