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Flair brought up a good point

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I'm taking this idea from something Flair said in an interview....


Why didnt WCW put out a best of Flair DVD set....I mean seriously, he had been there way longer then the nWo and just about everyone else on the roster. The money they made off it would have probably paid for the disaster that was Ready to Rumble. And all politics aside, how could they NOT see money in it, everyone pretty much loves Flair.

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They could have at least done a VHS tape (both WCW and WWF were doing a lot of VHS releases in the late '90s, WWF probably more than WCW). WCW was never good at utilizing any of the resources they had at their disposal. Too disorganized.

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Kahran hit on the head, and plus, how could you do Ric Flairs career justice on a 2 hr VHS tape? And if it spanned more than 1 tape, it would cost too much to both produce and buy. You'd be looking at spending $20 for 3 or 4 hours of VHS stuff, vs how ever much is on the DVD set for just about the same price..

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I'm taking this idea from something Flair said in an interview....


Why didnt WCW put out a best of Flair DVD set....I mean seriously, he had been there way longer then the nWo and just about everyone else on the roster. The money they made off it would have probably paid for the disaster that was Ready to Rumble. And all politics aside, how could they NOT see money in it, everyone pretty much loves Flair.

By 1999, WCW was bleeding so much money that they killed off releasing their stuff on video, especially after a series of spotlight videos that recounted the dreaded "Summer of Suck" bombed. It's also why none of the last two years of WCW PPVs were released on PPV.


I would also assume that even if they did put out a Flair VHS set that it would have gotten shitty distribution that would have fucked up people's ability to get their hands on it. Not to mention content issues as to what would get included on it....

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I don't think that R2R had any financial burden on WCW. It just so happened that another part of the Time Warner conglomerate was making a wrestling movie and they could easily get access to WCW people.

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I actually have that tape and even though it only runs about an hour or so, I have to give the devil their due, it is a good effort for WCW standards. Quality and production-wise, its pretty good. The matches are clipped, obviously, but it tells a good story. Not a bad tape at all, especially for WCW.

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Guest Mad the Swine

2 Decades of Excellence (early 1996)

20 minutes of interview, about halfway kayfabed hitting on various points in his career. Also features short comments from Sting, Gordon Solie, Arn Anderson, and Dustin Rhodes as well as some childhood pictures. Clipped matches of Flair-Vader (Starrcade 1993), Flair-Race (Starrcade 1983), and Flair-Steamboat (WrestleWar 1989)


Superstar Series (mid 1999)

45 minutes of interview, with a few touches of kayfabe. He mainly talked about happenings from late 1996 to early 1999. Thankfully, it cuts right before the nuthouse skits.

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Guest FrigidSoul

I think the DVD lacking Flair's stuff vs Vader and his stuff vs Randy Savage is bullshit...just my opinion though

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PLUS the Starcade history tape is basically all Flair.

What was the 2 tape set that NWA/WCW made that was a best of tape? I remember it had the Great American Bash series of matches of Flair vs Koloff and Flair vs Magnam TA and maybe Flair vs Dusty.

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Does anyone vaguely remember there being a pole on WCW.com to pick matches for an upcoming video/dvd compilation?

That was WCW Fan Favorites. The 4 matches on it are:


- Steamboat/Flair - Chi Town Rumble

- Vader/Cactus - Halloween Havoc 1993 Texas Death Match

- Outsiders vs. Sting/Lexy/Savage - Bash at the Beach 1996

- Sting vs. Hogan - Starrcade 1997


3 Goodies and a REALLY baddy . . . Picked it up for $5.

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The one I am referring to is a clipped (though pretty long) version of Magnum TA vs. Tully, Black Scorp vs. Sting, Flair vs. Race, Flair vs. Dusty. I believe there is a longer version out there, though.

Did it have a Jimmy Valiant hair match or include a Ron Bass match?

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I doubt the 3 matches on that ONE HOUR tape are in their entirety. The only match on the tape not on the DVD is vs Vader from Starcade 93.


Not even worth 8 bucks today, let alone whatever it would have cost back in 1995.

Well, what the hell do you expect? Boxed sets and anthologies weren't exactly as much as a trend when that video was released as they are now... Christ, WCW is dead, who even cares why they didn't release a Ric Flair collection?

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Does anyone vaguely remember there being a pole on WCW.com to pick matches for an upcoming video/dvd compilation?

Yeah and that the poll in question was rigged by WCW so that everytime you voted, the Sting/Hogan match received a vote reguardless of whether or not you voted for it....

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Do you all think the Flair v.2 will come soon, or will they run through the HBK, Austin, 'Taker, etc. first?

I would say the earliest they put out the next Flair DVD set would be Christmastime again. You wouldn't want to have to Flair sets competing with each other for sales.

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Guest FrigidSoul

they already did an HBK DVD set


I hope to god they don't have a Taker DVD set...whenever he's had great matches its been other people carrying him (Mick Foley, HBK, Bret Hart)


If they do an Austin one I hope to god it has some of his work in the Hollywood Blondes along with his TV title matches

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Guest ravman77

Personally speaking, DVDs seem to shift more than VHS anyway. I know I probably wouldnt have bought Flair if it had been on tape, DVD I didnt think twice...

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