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What were your grades...

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I got a 2.67. I got a B+ in Journalism, B in Radio Production, C+ in Marketing, and a C in Media Ethics and Law.


That doesn't look too good, but I was failing Radio, Marketing, and Media at midterms because I was slacking. I brought them all up, so I am proud about that even though I crammed hardcore. That will not happen next semester, I am going to work my ass off and get a 3.0.


Your grades?

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B+ in Western Literature

B+ in Non Western Studies: Ancient Nile/Nubia

A in Creative Writing

B- in Crime & Criminal Justice


3.4 GPA.


Edit: And with that comes post 8000.

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These are all 1st quarter grades as I don't know my 2nd quarter grades and I'll be taking my mid-terms this Tuesday on *shudders*. I never do well on mid-terms & finals no matter how I study, it sucks cause my quarter grades are always solid. Also I'm still in High School(Senior Year)


Project Physics = B+

Short Fiction and Poetry = A

Beginning Latin = A-

Pre-Calculus, Calculus Statistics = A-

Law and American Society = B+

Flash: Website Animation = A

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A- across the board in all five courses. The cumulative GPA tumbles by .12. I am overcome with sorrow.


Damaramu, I'm actually surprised that a big public university like OU doesn't use + and -. It's really the only way to have any sort of subtlety in the grading when you're on the grade-point system, and with so many students I'm surprised they don't try to separate them more.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

You fuckers do well in school...expcept mole.

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Philosophy - B

Criminal Law - B+

Juvenile Law - C-

Geosystems - C+


Not my finest work, but whatever. I passed, that's good enough for me.


Cumulative GPA for three semesters: 2.7, if I remember correctly.

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I go through 6 week blocks of night classes, and I am on my 3rd block......so for my first two blocks I had a 4.0


Windows Ops

Microsoft Word

College Success course


Mathematics in Business


Kind of easy, I know but I kind of just started :)

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A- across the board in all five courses. The cumulative GPA tumbles by .12. I am overcome with sorrow.


Damaramu, I'm actually surprised that a big public university like OU doesn't use + and -. It's really the only way to have any sort of subtlety in the grading when you're on the grade-point system, and with so many students I'm surprised they don't try to separate them more.

Individual professors do it on tests and such but it shows up at just the straight letter on our Permanent record.

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Individual professors do it on tests and such but it shows up at just the straight letter on our Permanent record.

Same here

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C in Chemistry

B in English

B+ in Criminal Justice

C in Political science


I had A's in in english and political science right up until the last week, but fucked up *badly* on my finals. I damn near failed that Chem class thanks to my dumb ass teacher (the second worst teacher I've ever had), but my final saved me.


On every level, this was the worst semester I've had since starting college.

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Philosophy and the Matrix: A

Canadian Politics: A-

Myth & Religion in the Ancient World: A-

Paralegal Principles & Procedures: B+

Epistemology: B


Semester GPA: 3.521

Overall: 3.387


My GPA's deliciously average, but my LSAT score seems to make up for it.

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A in Algebra

A in Database Programming

B in Computer Concepts

B in Web Page Design

C in English Comp. 1


3.00 GPA

How does that equal a 3.0

Don't ask me, thats what they told me.

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A in Algebra

A in Database Programming

B in Computer Concepts

B in Web Page Design

C in English Comp. 1


3.00 GPA

How does that equal a 3.0

A - 4.0

A - 4.0

B - 3.0

B - 3.0

C - 2.0


Assuming they're all for the same amount of credit, it'd be a 3.2. One of the B's or the C must be for more.

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What sucks the most is that I went from having a 3.8-4.0(it always varied) in High School to a 2.49 in College. Damn you OU.

You pretty much have to be a dumbass to get lower than a 3.8 in high school.


Well, either a dumbass or a slacker.

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What sucks the most is that I went from having a 3.8-4.0(it always varied) in High School to a 2.49 in College. Damn you OU.

You pretty much have to be a dumbass to get lower than a 3.8 in high school.


Well, either a dumbass or a slacker.

Well then there were a lot of dumbasses and slackers around here.

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C in Developmental Psych, due more to the teacher not being too specific when it came to what she expected us to know for exams. It was like "OK, read the chapter", despite most of our notes coming from handouts/overheads. I'm not too bothered though, it was an elective.


As for Human Sexuality, the class I raved about here before, I got an A. We had a final project which could either be an oral report that took up 10-15 min., or do two short papers. My papers (one on the double standard in society, and the other on how pornography has blended in the mainstream of entertainment) each got high praise.

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Guest SP-1

Old Testament Survey: C+

Introduction to the World Christian Movement: D+

Historical Perspectives on Culture and Civilization 1: C

Foundation of Christian Life and Ministry: A~!

Written Composition: C

Team Ministries (Performing Arts): Satisfactory


GPA: 2.09


Considering I haven't been a student in 4 or 5 years before last semester (not for any real length of time anyway), I don't think I did too badly. The insane amount of reading for Old Testament is behind me now and I've jumped ahead for New Testament Survey and have two complete afternoons off every week (out of 4 class days because we rarely have any classes on Mondays), I expect to 0wnz0rs this semester.

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B in Psychology

B in English

B in Human Development (worthless class that means nothing for transfers

A in Government


3.25..not too bad for my first semester in college.

That's what I got my first semester of college, and it all went down hill from there.

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B in Psychology

B in English

B in Human Development (worthless class that means nothing for transfers

A in Government


3.25..not too bad for my first semester in college.

That's what I got my first semester of college, and it all went down hill from there.

Really I did terrible my first year of college......and now I'm moving up.

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