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The Dames

The Dames' Diatribe on WWE Raw - Jan 19th, 2004

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Does anyone else see Jericho and Christian waking up one day having forgotten what happened the previous night.


"Awesomeness! What does mine say?"


"Jackass! What does mine say?"


"Awesomeness! What does mine say?"


"Jackass! What does mine say?"


"Awe-some-ness! What does mine say?"


"J-ack-Ass! What does mine say?"


"AWESOMENESS! What does mine say?"



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Excellent job as usual, Dames, and take pride in that you have people that appreciate your work.. it always an uplifting thing to know it, and to hear it face-to-face.


I know I'm in the minority, but I like the things that Goldberg is doing, the MMA style in the ring, even though he's stiff.... that little backroll he did in order to get distance to set up for the spear was pretty good... the little things that he does in the ring that I think are cool. His selling needs to get better, but its a damn sight better from where it was back in WCW days.


Let's face it, he's never going to be a Benoit or anything in terms of workrate, but I think he's getting better.

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Dames, where the Hell do you get "Goldberg is a lock to win the Rumble" from? I had him pegged at a #3 possibility (below Benoit, the #1 choice, and Angle), and getting #30 is the kiss of death.

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Benoit and Goldberg will be the last 2 left, Brock will come in and try to eliminate Benoit and mistakenly eliminate Goldberg.


1. Set's up Brock vs. Goldberg

2. Gives Benoit the win.

3. Overshadows Benoit's win.

4. Is a shitty finish.


It works in every way cept for the good way.

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Good recap as usual. Two things (one VERY small):


1. Dr. King's speech really isn't "infamous," but "famous." "Infamous" has a negative connotation.


2. I don't think Goldberg should be the odds-on favourite to win the Rumble at all. I think the last thing Vince is looking to set up is a Goldberg-HHH match at WM, and I think WWE would want to do a very slow build to whatever match is going to be on top by not having the Rumble winner lose his shot in February. I think there are about 4 or 5 guys who could win, Goldberg included, but Goldberg would be the last guy on my list, because I don't think they're going to go that route.

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Benoit and Goldberg will be the last 2 left, Brock will come in and try to eliminate Benoit and mistakenly eliminate Goldberg.


1. Set's up Brock vs. Goldberg

2. Gives Benoit the win.

3. Overshadows Benoit's win.

4. Is a shitty finish.


It works in every way cept for the good way.

You know, RRR just hit it on the head. That WOULD make sense and WOULD be something WWE would do.

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Dames... I don't think that Scott Keith would have a friend of a friend come up and ask him if he was THE Scott Keith. For one, he's too big to miss if you've ever seen a picture of him. For another, I'm not sure he either has friends or friends that would have other friends.

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The only redeeming part from this week's RAW (other than the semi-decent Dupree/Jericho match) was Christian saying "Oh, man! I forgot about the midgets!"


And I'm 99% sure Mark Henry's stank in a bottle is basically JR's BBQ sauce.


PS: Dames, thanks for the board upgrade. The forum runs a lot better for me now.

Edited by CM Funk

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