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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Ranthology: Analysis of a roster

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Honestly, my head hurts from reading this thread.


Stupid, Stupid, Stupid.


I'm stupid for reading this thread.

The best thing for you is an asprin.


Just HOPE that you know better in the future.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Honestly, my head hurts from reading this thread.


Stupid, Stupid, Stupid.


I'm stupid for reading this thread.

My intelligence has gotten worse as a result also. So don't feel alone in the matter........

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Guest Mulatto Heat

So I'm supposed to hate Paul London because Vince supposedly does, even though he signed him.


Now how is this different from hating someone because someone like Scott Keith also does?

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
Why do you let Vince McMahon decide your opinions on wrestling?

Because if it's good enough for him - it's good enough for me.

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Well, at least SOMEONE is willing to take what they get.


It's not as if Vince is gonna listen to people anyway.


Oh, and Paul London SHOULD get a better push, basically because he IS an exceptional case.

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Guest Loss
Because if it's good enough for him - it's good enough for me.

I give up.



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Guest Goodear
Oh, and Paul London SHOULD get a better push, basically because he IS an exceptional case.

I'll take your word for it since I haven't had the chance to even SEE the poor guy yet. Don't get me wrong folks, I don't have anything against cruiserweights, I can just give you a rationale as to why Vince doesn't use them/uses the ones the he does.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Hey, just in case, I watch Puro and stuff when i want to watch WRESTLING. I watch the WWE to see the same story driven nonsense I've watched since I was seven

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Why do you let Vince McMahon decide your opinions on wrestling?

Because if it's good enough for him - it's good enough for me.

Do you have an unhealthy liking for hillbillies as well? Did you clap along to Henry O. Godwinn's music too?

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
Why do you let Vince McMahon decide your opinions on wrestling?

Because if it's good enough for him - it's good enough for me.

Do you have an unhealthy liking for hillbillies as well? Did you clap along to Henry O. Godwinn's music too?

No, because at that time - I was probably watching Nitro

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Because if it's good enough for him - it's good enough for me.

You've lost ALL credibility at this point.

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Because if it's good enough for him - it's good enough for me.

You've lost ALL credibility at this point.

You lose all credibility by taking what you can get.


The most credible thing to do is moan your ass off about everything that's wrong and then watch as NOTHING happens.

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New Japan has better workers than WWE.

So does RoH. Your point?

Go back a few posts and actually READ what he says about watching WWE for storylines, and then you might just get the point.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Actually, I watch ROH aswell, and for the most part, I like it

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Guest Coffey

My analysis of the Raw roster:

(I went to WWE.com for the roster and only skipped Shane McMahon)


Al Snow - He's a good worker. He can talk decent too. The problem is, the WWE just straight doesn't want to use him to wrestle. Sure, now he's a heel color commentator on Sunday Night Heat, but if the WWE doesn't do a Tough Enough IV, what the hell is Snow going to do? He could've been so much more. It's a shame he doesn't get thrown into a competitive Intercontinental division.


Batista - I really like his look. I don't like the belly-button tattoo or the fact that he walks like a woman, but other than that I see a lot of potential. I like his finisher too. He just manages to make it look like it's not just another generic powerbomb. He surprised me with his mic skills too. Assuming he stays healthy, or at least somewhat healthy, he has a good future in the WWE. He needs to go solo sooner rather than later however.


Booker T. - I don't know. I'm kindof in the middle on Booker T. At one time, I thought he would make a great World Heavyweight Champion. Now, he's kindof lost in the shuffle. I think he's above the IC title but below the World title. It's not WWE's fault either. He's just getting older and less exciting. He should've beat Triple H at Wrestlemania, at least I think so. However, I would've pushed him harder before that. A couple months after the Invasion angle is when I would've jumped at the opportunity with Booker. He's still a decent worker, but I can't stand when WWE makes him a comedy character. I admit that the Booker T./Goldust stuff was funny. However it pretty much eliminated him as a title contender. The spin-a-roonie was an ok move when he did it to get up faster, kindof like a kip-up. Now it's like the Worm.


Bubba Ray Dudley - For his size, Bubba is a great worker, talker and bumper. I've been a mark for the Dudley Boyz since Hardcore Heaven 99. On his own, he does ok, but no one seems to care. He needs to be in the Dudley Boyz. Great finisher and tag team chemisty with D-Von.


Chris Jericho - Well, he's definitely not dead. He can still work, talk and entertain. Obviously. His storyline with Trish is pretty much the most entertaining thing on Raw. At least in a non-wrestling sense. If WWE had a television title, you would have to give it to Jericho. They don't. He's in the same boat as Booker T. to me. I feel he's above the IC title, but below the World title. To me, him winning the World title is believable, but keeping it isn't. Pretty much the same way I feel about AJ Styles in NWA:TNA.


Chris Nowinski - Is he ever coming back? He took decent bumps and could talk. He was good at getting heat too. That's enough to be successful in WWE. I saw potential. He didn't have the best look nor was he the best worker, but he excelled in a couple of categories that really matter in this business.


Christian - It's all been said before, however he does too many restholds. Especially when he's slapping on side headlocks in three minute Raw matches. He has to have more stamina than that. I like Christian though. The worst thing WWE ever did to him was take away his last entrance. With the rain of pyro and CHRISTIAAAAN music. I don't mind the haircut so much, but it sucks that so many people get their hair cut the exact same way. It makes everyone bland. Christian could be a very strong IC contender.


D-Von Dudley - Well, without Bubba, D-Von pretty much brings nothing to the table. Well, not nothing but very little. He's actually really strong for his size. No one ever seems to talk about it. In ECW, he was extremely over as an angry black man that would cheat to win at all costs. That's part of the reason why the Dudleyz were so over. Of course, he could curse like a sailor in ECW, which obviously he can't do in WWE. Somehow he makes the Dudley Boyz work. Limited worker and bumper, but he gets the job done. Pretty good brawler. Much better as a heel.


Eric Bischoff - I don't mind him as a "evil owner" or whatever. It's just that WWE has beaten it into the ground so much that it gets to a point where you don't want to watch anymore. The McMahons, Austin, Bischoff, etc. It's boring. It's not Bischoffs fault though. He is still a good heel non-wrestler.


Gail Kim - She's a joke. She was brought in way wrong, got too much too quick, and blew everything that was given to her. She started to not suck as much when teaming with Molly, then she goes and gets hurt. I don't think she's that attractive either. I think she's a lost cause. I see very little potential.


Garrison Cade - I see nothing. Bland look. Bland wrestling skills. Can't talk that well, although he's better than a lot of people. I think he should be in OVW longer. He needs a gimmick too. Something other than the up and comer who could get a random victory.


Goldberg - He entertains me. He brings an intensity that is unmatched in this business. As far as his love of the business goes, I can't blame him for treating it like it's a job, because it is a job. Besides, he came from WCW and we know how bad politically that place was, so now he comes over to WWE and sees the seeds of the same thing happening, so of course he tries to protect his character. He's as strong as an ox and the crowds seem to like him. At least now they do. He gets some of the biggest pops on the shows. He's gotten better at selling too. A lot better actually. I don't mind him, but he's definitely over paid.


Ivory - I have nothing against her, I just really don't understand why she still has a job. She seems like a good person who is willing to do what is ask of her, so maybe that's why.


Jacqueline See Ivory


Jazz - Best thing to happen to the WWE Women's Division. Great female worker who pushes the other women to work harder. Adds a lot of much needed credibility to the division. She's not just about T&A.


Jerry Lawler - I really am in the middle with Lawler. I can't stand the bastard on commentary, but I know that most of his lines are fed to him. He was great earlier in his commentary career. He can still work a decent old school match. I like him outside of the booth. Basically, I guess I like him when he's not acting like a sexist.


Jim Ross - He doesn't have it anymore. Hang it up.


Jon Heidenreich - Bad career choice. Yeah, you have size, but that's it. You're too old, too green and too shit.


Jonathan Coachman - The heel turn seemed to come out of nowhere, but it's the best thing that's ever happened to him. He was a no name that people only knew as another person whom the Rock clowned on backstage. Now he's his own character. He's pulling it off pretty well too.


Kane - He's a decent big man. Pretty good in the monster role. I can't stand when he talks. His moves aren't so crisp. I'm always afraid he is going to hurt someone when watching him wrestle. His offense is generic too. Classic WWE big man moveset.


Lance Storm - I think he's good, but he's not as good as a lot of the IWC make him out to be. He's not some technical master. He should never be listed in the same breath as Bret Hart or Chris Benoit although he often is. He can't talk. His look isn't that good either. He has a nice physique, but his head is fucking goofy. He is capable on putting on decent to good matches and for that he should be an IC contender. I can't see him ever being above that however. I loved the Impact Players. JC and him seemed to complement each other well.


Lilian Garcia - Well, I guess the Fink had to get out sometime. During this day and age, why would he not be replaced by an attractive woman? She can sing too. As long as she's never involved in angles again, I have no problem with her.


Lita - She can't wrestle. Anyone who thinks she can is obviously seeing something that I'm not. She got over because she showed thong and looked decent. Then she was over as a babyface that interfered in matches. Ok, that's kindof backwards logic, but it worked. What does she have now? She's trying to ride her career out on what she used to be. Blah! Sometimes I think she looks good, and other times she looks like a vile gorgon. The true definition of "two-faced." She's capable of being carried to a watchable womens match as long as she stays ground based and the match is short. She should never have the Women's title.


Mark Henry - Ugh. I feel sorry for him. Although I shouldn't because of the contract he got. He's had to go through so much shit, but he gets paid, so I guess he can't complain. I can't stand his look. I can't buy into his character. I think he'd best be used as the powerhouse of a tag team. Like Jim Neidhart in the Hart Foundation or Hercules in Power & Glory.


Mark Jindrak - I didn't like him in WCW and he hasn't got any better. He's bland. OVW didn't do anything for him. Yay, he has a dropkick. That's not enough. Him being a southpaw makes it more odd to watch him wrestle too.


Matt Hardy - His mic skills are still improving. He could be over in an instant if WWE would let him. Ring work is miles ahead of where it was when he started. I think he's right around where he should be career wise. He still has a lot of time left in the business and he's climbing the ladder slowly just like Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart did.


Maven - I don't mind Maven so much. You can tell that he's trying to get better. He's definitely gotten bigger. I see something there but it will take some time.


Miss Jackie - She's a joke and a waste of time. WWE has enough eye candy. If they must keep her, move her to Smackdown.


Molly Holly - She's the second best thing to ever happen to the Women's Division. She makes a great Women's Champion. She can work, bump and talk. Besides, I think she's pretty. Great heel too.


Randy Orton - Great look, great tradition, getting better on the mic and improving in the ring. That's all you can ask of someone who's been there as long as he has. I just hope WWE doesn't give him too much too soon. I don't think he should be on TV as much as he is now, but I don't think it was too soon to give him the IC title. He's an odd equation.


Rene Dupree - Great look, horrid gimmick. He can't go anywhere with the garbage he is currently stuck with. I do see him as a huge name in the future though. Once he gets his wrestling up to a better level, leaves the french gimmick behind and becomes a new character, he has unlimited potential.


Ric Flair - He shouldn't wrestle another match ever again. Giving him a title is a joke. Would be a great heel manager or color commentator. Just like Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.


Rico - He's actually really good. Too bad he's too old. I think his gimmick is trash too, however he's funny so he makes it work to an extent.


Rob Conway - Hands down the man I'm watching for the future. Great look. Already showing signs of great mic skills. Rapidly improving in the ring. He reminds me a lot of Ric Martel or Rick Rude. He needs to ditch the gimmick though. I think he'd be a money babyface.


Rob Van Dam - In a word: carryable. He can bump, but his offensive is fucking terrible. He can't talk and never could. Sometimes people try to argue that point, but they're just in denial. There's a reason Paul Heyman gave him a manager and a stoner gimmick in ECW. It's to help hide his lack of mic skills. Alfonzo could help in promos, and if RVD looks like an idiot during them anyway, it came off as if he was "just high and didn't care." His constant taunting in ECW seemed, to me, make his matches seem like they were better than they were. Why? Well because it made them longer and spread out the action. If you take away the taunting, you have WWE RVD. What is WWE RVD? Broke. He can bump and has a good finisher. That's all he brings to the table in my eyes.


Rodney Mack - I never liked him and I never will. Horrible look and I don't like his work.


Rosey - I actually liked 3MW. I don't like S.H.I.T. Will he ever be out of training? I don't think anyone cares anyway. It's just like WWE to cop out on his character too. It's what they always do. When they run out of ideas for someone, turn them into a comedy character. What a joke. He's really not that bad. Especially for his monsterous size.


Scott Steiner - WWE dropped the ball with Steiner. They should've let him get back into ring shape, or at least better ring shape, before throwing him into their top World Title program. Because of that, his WWE career is doomed. I don't think he'll ever be taken seriously again. Had he been brought in and put into a midcard feud, he would've stayed over and gotten better without having a lot of pressure on him. I love his entrance and loved him in WCW. Now? He's done.


Shawn Michaels - Even with his age and health, he's the best thing going workrate wise on Raw right now. I wouldn't mind him with the title again at all. He still brings great emotion to his matches. I get lost watching his matches. Just like when I was a kid watching Hulk Hogan. The "classic comeback" is annoying, but I've been used to it for years. I don't care if a little psychology goes out the window so that he can "Hulk up."


Spike Dudley - I really don't know why he ever got into the business, why he stayed in the business or why WWE picked him up. He's like the little brother that follows you wherever you go. I can't deny that the little fucker is tough and takes bumps like a madman though. He'll never go anywhere however. He should be released.


Stacy Keibler - She's hot, but too skinny. She's in the same boat as Miss Jackie. She doesn't matter. Send her to Smackdown or ship her out.


Steven Richards - I've always liked him and I probably always will. He's not a bad worker and he had decent talking skills. He's just a victim of one bad thing after another. At least he gets to be around Victoria a lot now. That can't be a bad thing.


Stone Cold Steve Austin - Well, you can't deny what he has done for the business or his popularity. He doesn't wrestle anymore, so I don't know why he gets so much TV time. Actually, I do know why, it's because he is still more over than almost anyone. I wouldn't mind Austin going to the commentator booth either. The head figure role is played out though. Goodness.


Sylvan Grenier - I see nothing. He has a decent look, but that's it. I guess he could get better, but WWE shouldn't wait for it to happen.


Terri - See Ivory


Test - At one time I really liked Test and enjoyed watching him in the ring. Then Triple H powerbombed him through an announce table. It was all downhill from there. His move set has been nerfed. His hair should've never been cut. His entrance has always sucked. His outfits have always sucked. Hell, his character has pretty much always sucked. Still, I saw something. I don't anymore. He's been chipped at for too long.


The Hurricane - Decent worker in a lost gimmick. I liked him in WCW. His size and speech problem will hold him back from ever doing anything important. Would be great in the cruiserweight division, assuming such a thing existed in WWE.


The Rock - Don't really have to say too much. When he's on-screen, it's must watch television. Well, at least when he's on wrestling TV. Brings an unmatched electricty. Can still work, bump and talk. Probably the most popular guy in the company. WWE needs the Rock a lot more than they realize.


Theodore Long - I don't like him nor do I think he's funny.


Tommy Dreamer - Tommy Dreamer makes me sad. I know how much he loves the business. I know how much getting into WWE meant to him. He just can't bring too much to the table. He's alright on the mic and he can brawl. That's it. I'm sorry, but that's not enough. I really like Tommy, but I can't fathom WWE ever doing anything with him. He would probably make the best road agent of all time because of his love for the business though. If I could meet, befriend and talk to any wrestler in the business, it would be Tommy.


Trish Stratus - Leaps and bounds better than what I ever expected her to become. Her offense is too contrived now however. She needs to switch some shit up a little bit. She still looks good too. Helps make the women's division what it is by making the crowd care. Great bumper and good at playing the sympathetic babyface.


Triple H - Great a lot of negative flak because of political shit. He can still work though. I've always though he was boring on the mic. Just something about his tone. At least during D-X days when he was cracking me up weekly, I could tolerate him getting the mic.. Still, I think he makes a good champion.


Val Venis - Again, another horrid ass gimmick on a wrestler with unlimited potential. Sean Morley could easily be a main eventer. He can talk and work. That's what you need to be successful.


Victoria - She's so fucking hot. She can work decent too, which seperates her from people like Stacy and Miss Jackie. Great character. Add to the Women's division pretty well.


William Regal - Is he ever coming back? Bah, I don't care. I never liked him, his character or his work anyway.

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BTW, if I get banned because I like Randy Orton, as some people here clearly want - I'll laugh my head off.


I'd rather see you banned because you're an annoying fuckwad who's opinions on who is the "future of wrestling" and who is "shit" are so inconsequential and mean so little to anyone other than yourself that the word "insignificant" is not a sufficient adjective.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
Theodore Long - I don't like him nor do I think he's funny.

I disagree strenuously

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Guest Dynamite Kido
BTW, if I get banned because I like Randy Orton, as some people here clearly want - I'll laugh my head off.


I'd rather see you banned because you're an annoying fuckwad who's opinions on who is the "future of wrestling" and who is "shit" are so inconsequential and mean so little to anyone other than yourself that the word "insignificant" is not a sufficient adjective.

In the words of Dave O'Neill, Journalist:


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I would dispute that the OVW guys can't do the basics. Even Jindrak, Cade and Orlando can do the basics in the ring as far as simple match construction and bumping are concerned.


Wow, give them a medal. Obviously, your standards for "basic" are lower than mine.


That's terrific if you're a jobber waiting for a push, but as a guy on TV, winning, and being put over by the announcers--not good enough. Basic is boring. It's a waste of time to use those sorts of guys on what should be WWE's flagship shows.


Point made, but I don't see how that translates to "good enough for prime time."


They are up on Heat for the most point in order to get comfortable in front of a audience while hopefully coming up with a hook that will help them get over. They are 'sound' in my opinion just not good.


They're on the "big" shows more than guys who already are developed workers (albeit from other companies) who could be fleshing out their characters, having interesting feuds and matches, and making money.


Let them develop their "hook" and characters on the small shows and keep them off the big time ones.


The Hoss guys like Heidenreich and Morgan are up because no one else in the country seems to have the ability to develop super heavyweights other than Vince right now.


Vince has developed one recently that's any good. The others are getting injured, sucking, or getting apathy. Morgan's not outright terrible, but isn't fit for prime time yet either. Hossenfeffer sucks right now.


Brock's strength and ability IS his character. They pushed him as a big monster with mad skills. That's his character... its actually a whole lot like Benoit's except with more size.


That's how they pushed him, but he didn't show his skills until after the heatless God-push ended. However, he had the ability and power to set himself aside from the slugs who lack the natural charisma, ability, and mobility he does. We had heard about it from OVW reports but it took a while for WWE to apparently let him play to all his strengths. Until then, he was a generic monster heel.


Shoving a guy into a gimmick they aren't comfortable with and aren't good at working can ruin a guy. Plus its easy to forget that Cena was Blando for a while since it was so bland. If he had been a rapper first and it bombed it would be a whole lot harder to move beyond that (see Bob Holly). Put guys out there in smaller roles until you get a feel for their personalities and can have a gimmick that fits them well.


Er, no.


There's a huge difference between a character and a gimmick. You don't have to "shove" some one into a character. The ones that have worked were just exaggerated versions of the real person's personality: Rock, Austin, Foley, Cena, the current Taker, etc. They WILL be comfortable in it. It's not a gimmick, it's them being themselves, but turned up to the nth degree.


As it's been said, the goofy cartoon character gimmicks are done with, so I doubt there's any persona that's flat-out so bad that it would hurt future chances at success.


Also, wasn't it stated already that few people watching WWE now probably even remember Spark Plugg? That's not Holly's problem, his problem is that he's Bob Holly and he's not going to be a star,ever.


Kidman got hired in the WCW buy out and they most likely thought he would be able to bring his audience from there to WWE. That didn't happen. Turns out Kidman managed to catch lightning in a bottle in WCW and had a hot couple of years.   They hired Ultimo because they thought he would be more 'fan friendly' and people would be able to get into him pretty quickly. Didn't happen.


That's all WWE's fault. Kidman was gotten over in WCW by a combination of push and good opponents. He could never get himself over because his blandness. Since he doesn't have a ton of other cruisers to work with now he isn't getting much attention. Big surprise.


Vince hired Dragon because he thought he was going to be a Japanese Rey Mysterio. A little bit of checking would have made it unnecessary to hire him because they would have realized he wasn't what they were looking for.


He's been rusty since he came back from a career-ending elbow surgery botch, and hasn't been up to even his old self since. Again, this is a surprise to WWE?


If WWE checked their shit before signing people (Nathan Jones?!) then their roster would be used more efficiently. As it is, Vince will sign damn near anyone.


Because they signed contracts and still have time on them? Vince doesn't normally just fire guys anymore regardless of their lack of whatever it is that WWE is looking for.


Again, CHECK TO SEE IF THEY HAVE WHAT YOU WANT (the right style, basic motor skills) before signing them. It's not that hard.


Yes. It could have. But it didn't.


You're trying to tell me that the fans could have cared about a feud involving Test?


But offense is EASY to work on. How else do you think The Rock managed to change his over the years while still working with the company. I'm simply telling you what Orton's in-match problem is from a pure wrestling perspective and saying its not a big deal.


Yeah, because everyone follows the model Rock did.


It's also not a big deal that they're ready for any excuse to get him a championship run when his problems are little things like "lack of heat" and "lack of wrestling?"


What you call a "developing wrestler" WWE calls a "fully developed sports entertainer." Teach them the same uniform style and moveset, have them find a couple signature moves, and they're ready to go as far as Vince is concerned.


Rather than encouraging them to develop different styles from the ground up, they just get them into the habit of doing the same old shit.


WWE doesn't encourage or care if their "sports entertainers" develop their wrestling. Orton just needs to stay healthy and he's virtually guaranteed a little run. Show me where the incentive is for him to improve his wrestling.


If anything, he has less incentive. If he wrestles a slowly, more boring style instead of something more fast-paced and exciting (a guy Orton's size should have pretty decent paced matches), he's less likely to get injured. If he tries to improve as a performer, does he get anything as reward? No.


The only ones who want to improve as wrestlers are the ones with the "wrestler" mentality. Cena seems to have it, as does Brock. Kurt and Benoit have it almost to their total detriment.


If you improve your ring skills and put on better matches, WWE officials say "big fucking deal." In fact, if you develop your own character, it gets over, and WWE doesn't think it fits into their plans, all the pops in the world still amount to "big fucking deal. Get your ass out there and lay on your back for Orton."


They're heels because they're EVIL FOREIGNERS who hate America. It's not rocket science and it isn't even a really big part of their matches anymore now that they are just waiving a French flag around... Dino Bravo did the same thing with the Quebec flag for years and had almost nothing to do with his feuds.


So, what kind of persona are they going to be able to transition to that this gimmick won't hurt? You said yourself that you think a GIMMICK that doesn't really fit a guy could be a detriment in the future. Wouldn't this kinda fit that description? If they wiped the slate clean it would be easier to work with them from there rather than leaving it as-is. Of course, they're counting on the fans completely forgetting it before they give them something else to do.

Edited by AndrewTS

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Those guys are not ready yet. Pushing them in that position suggests that you want them to fail. Right now, the time is right for the Benoits and Jerichos and Guerreros and RVDs and Bookers to carry the torch until they're ready and transition from there.


Collectively, that's what we've been saying for four years. Going from HHH and Taker to Orton and Batista is going from Point A to Point C while skipping over Point B completely.

Exactly. Push the midcarders to the main event, push the OVW guys to midcard. When the OVW/midcard guys are ready, have the current midcard/should-be-future-main-eventers job out to the young guys and make them the top stars, and so forth.


Yeah, the current midcarders may not have a long shelf life, but Austin had a good 4 years (give or take absences) as an active wrestler after he became a bonafide main eventer and that's considered a long time. Even the biggest stars often have a limited shelf life.


In the meantime, let the guys with the experience work with the younger ones, teach them to improve and get better. Have them learn from the mistakes to prevent certain injuries.


Of course, this is all crazy talk...

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Theodore Long  - I don't like him nor do I think he's funny.

I disagree strenuously

Care to explain why, or are you just going to reply "BENOIT SUCKS Y00 ST00PID SMARK WWE R0X0RS 4 LIFE".

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Guest Your Olympic Hero
Rey and Matt Hardy had a good rating for it's time. So I wouldn't exactly say they sank.

No, but it didn't get the insane rating a lot of people thought it would

Didn't it get like a 4.0+ rating?

I'd call it like ***1/4 maybe.

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If HHH and HBK can go out there and hit **** without trying


What the fuck, the only time HHH-HBK hit **** was at SummerSlam 2002, where they clearly DID try very hard. How can not trying include use of tables and ladders and all kinds of foreign objects.


Also, if they CAN hit **** without trying, what the fuck happened at Armageddon, in that 3 Stages of Hell (for the viewer) fiasco? They must REALLY have not being trying that day.


Just because HBK carried HHH to a semi-decent match a few weeks ago, it doesn't mean it's going to be a regular occurance

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I'm not going to reply to every single comment Coffey made (because most I agree on at least in part), but there were a few I wanted to touch on.


Al Snow - He's a good worker. He can talk decent too. The problem is, the WWE just straight doesn't want to use him to wrestle. Sure, now he's a heel color commentator on Sunday Night Heat, but if the WWE doesn't do a Tough Enough IV, what the hell is Snow going to do? He could've been so much more. It's a shame he doesn't get thrown into a competitive Intercontinental division.


Same problem as Rico: too old or he'd be on to something. Despite the shit Mick "Russo was great" Foley gives him, he's able to put on good matches when motivated. However, when he's not he's the pits, and that, his age, bad gimmicks, the false start in WWF, getting pretty over in ECW--he was doomed when he signed to WWF again.


Chris Nowinski - Is he ever coming back? He took decent bumps and could talk. He was good at getting heat too. That's enough to be successful in WWE. I saw potential. He didn't have the best look nor was he the best worker, but he excelled in a couple of categories that really matter in this business.


I think my fandom for my ex-avatar is well-known. Yeah, he's ex-TE but he was a great natural heel on the mic, very good in the ring for his experience, and could still be a manager if he is unable to wrestle again. In my opinion, for the year or so he spent in the indies, he seemed more composed and crisp than some guys who spent twice as long in OVW.




I think he's got that "intensity" i.e. natural charisma that Brock and Benoit have, but without anywhere near the skills. He's improved at selling but seems to be disinterested in improving his moveset.


I also agree he's immensely overpaid. It baffled me why Vince would bother signing him when his drawing power had apparently evaporated in 2000 and Vince himself had been able to make a version of him superior in every way, and for far less money.


I don't hate him as much as usual, and while he's been a far more worthwhile investment than the nWo and a number of guys WWE hasn't even tried to use, he wasn't worth the money.


Steven Richards - I've always liked him and I probably always will. He's not a bad worker and he had decent talking skills. He's just a victim of one bad thing after another. At least he gets to be around Victoria a lot now. That can't be a bad thing.


Pretty much agreed. Although I remember him mainly for being an HBK knockoff with about half the skills. I don't know how good or bad he is now because he's in short matches where he almost always loses. If Heidenreich would quit injuring him he might be able to get a good gimmick and be an opening card comedy act.


In the meantime, he can recoup and sneak long gazes at Vicky's ass. :D




When he started out, he was an RVD of power wrestling: spot, spot, spot, with no logical transitions or flow. He'd do some kick-ass looking power moves, had that awesome Savage elbow, and moved pretty well. He looked like he would be the freakish love child of Nash and HBK.


However, he put on muscle and turned to absolute shit in the ring. Instead of learning how to progress, pace, and transition, he simply had his move set castrated and resorted to punchy, kicky, big boot. Add that to his Billy-Gunn-level mic skills, and you have a completely worthless addition to the roster.


Theodore Long - I don't like him nor do I think he's funny.


Aside from rare moments like "Heartbreak Cracker," I agree and I'm glad I'm not the only one. No one gives a shit about him, Henry, or Mack, but he had a lot to work with with D'Lo. Didn't happen though. I want to see male managers return, but Teddy isn't going to help the case for it much.

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I'm glad you mentioned Test. At one point, he was decent and improving, and I thought he'd eventually be a big star. He was one of the guys that was often supported by the Internet as someone who should receive a bigger push. He was being called one of the best big men in wrestling. He was coming along just fine.


But every time Test takes one step forward, he takes two steps back and it's killed him. He used to genuinely try to improve and had mixed results. It's like he's given up on that aspect of his career now and would rather rest on his laurels since he knows he's not moving up the card, nor should he.


Most of what happened prior to 2002 can be blamed on creative, but Test can shoulder the blame for most of what has happened since.

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