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The Amazing Rando

The SJL's Final Comment's Thread

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I don't know what to say really.


To Aecas -


I still hope to never have to write against you. I shake in my boots. That match made me cringe.



To Spike -


You finally made it. Have some fun...as long as you show.



To Manson -


You too, Manson... show the WF what you are made of.



To Todd -


My favorite JL character since our first match. I quote the Book of Todd on a daily basis...and I'll continue to do so as long as you keep up the good work for months to come in the WF. (I'll get to your match tomorrow)



To IL -


You mark for me. I mark for you. I was happy to see you come back...and i'll be happier to see you tearing it up in the SWF. Congratulations as well.




and finally...


To Landon Maddix -


You did it, boy. You climbed to the top of the JL Summit...now you have Mt. Everest staring you...as well as the rest of us...straight in the face. There are challenges ahead for all of us. Some will adapt better than others. Hopefully at least a few of us will go down in SWF and SJL History when all is said and done.





and on that note...


I can't believe I lost to a fucking rana... ;)



(P.S. - I'll be posting my match in a Losing Match thread... just for all of you people)

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Guest ToddRoyal

Ho. Ly. Crap. What a freakin show.


First off, congrats to everyone who made it this far. It's been one hell of a fun ride for me the last 6-7 months, and thanks to everyone who made it that way. This was just step one.


First comments go to Rando, who's stuff didn't get on the show. You were my first opponent, and my largest feud. Congrats on everything you accomplished here in the JL, and look at it this way- now we'll have the same first SWF match as well. You may be a tad schizo when it comes to character changes, but you definitely know how to have fun, and your matches are always fun to read. I'll make sure to read your 2/3 falls match tomorrow.


Aecas- not much to say here, except OW. I flinch just READING all those lighttube/barbed wire/bottle spots. That was one sick match, and I mean that in the kindest possible way. I've said all along you'll no doubt be one of the most succesful guys when we all hit the WF, and I stand by that. I'm sure we'll meet down the line, so keep kicking ass.


Landon- What a match. Glad you weren't in the "One for the Road" match, because with all those nearfalls, you'd both be wasted by the end of it. The chain wrestling at the start of the match was really nice, and some of the little stuff was great to read. I've known you could go with the best of them ever since you kicked my ass for the TV title way back when. Make us proud as the last JL champ.


Finally, to Spike, IL, Manson, Jake, it's guys like you that helped build the SJL and without you, us young guys wouldn't be here. So thanks for building it so we could tear it down.


Also- I know my match is long- (Two posts?!? Geez...) But I'd really appreciate it if you read it over and gave me some feedback, as I really think it ended the Royal/Spike feud in a fitting way.


See ya in the big time-



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I'm so very saddened after reading the show. No more SJL, that's just a motherfucker, I have so many great memories of my time. Up for debate of course, but I believe I was involved in the golden time of the SJL with guys like Dace Night, Janus, Va'aiga and Atlas tearing it up like crazy. Matches that stick in my mind would have to be Janus' Mall Brawl, Dace's DI@B, Va'aiga's crazy ladder match against Tryst and of course, THE HELL IN A CELL WITH SEAN ATLAS! A 10500 word beast that should have been read more than it was! The intenseness of the Crow vs Va'aiga feud made for some excellent reading, as it got quite personal. And who can forget my 52 day title reign (not me, because I'm an arrogant fuck)!? I loved the SJL, and I will miss it. I do hope for its return in the future.


This is arguably the best SJL champion in history (Thugg can go suck my balls :D) signing off!

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The end of an era and of a world. You walked through the valley of shadows and dust and came out bathed in fire and blood.


Congradulations guys, that was an awesome send off. You should all be very proud.

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I won? Yikes...that's a surprise to be honest...my match was slightly rushed to get it in on time, because I've been ill recently. Still...well, I'm in an honoured state of shock.


Jacob- Good to see you in form to come back to the WF...nice little promo at the end, a sufficient match. Well done...


Aecas- Hot DAMN what a sick match. In the WF you are going to thrive man. That was a great match, and a great way for you to end your long JL career. I've fought you before a good few times, and hopefully will do again in the near future. With matches like that one, you should have a good deal of success in your future.


Spike, Manson- Same as Aecas...good to see you acheiving WF status. Since the short time I've been around, you've been here too. You've stuck with the JL, and hopefully you two will have some fun in the WF. I read your match Spike and it was very promising...you'll do better than most expect, as will Manson.


Todd- Wow man, what can I say. THAT was the SJL send-off. A great match, a promo...maybe two, not sure who's the Spike/Todd preview one was. You will be a major player in the WF mark my words...just as you have been here. I got my first feud with you, a great feud, and have never looked back...which I thank you for. I look forward to maybe tagging with you in the near future.


IL- Great to see you back bud. A legend like you deserves this bumping too.



Rando- Well...what can I say? Knowing how your match was so great, I'm pleasantly surprised to have beaten you.. It was a honour to write up against you again, and who knows...maybe we'll get to re-active this little feud of ours soon. Another guy I've been looking up to in one way or another in my 6 or so months here...another I've learnt a lot off of.



To all...see ya in the big leauges and good luck there.



This is FINALLY your World Champion signing off...




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Good God, that was awesome! To be totally honest I haven't kept up real close with everything happening in the JL, but THIS has to be one of the best shows I have seen in a very long time! If you guys keep this pace up for the WF, there is going to be some damn fierce competition going on. Good job, and welcome to the next step. :)


*Sniff* Goodbye JL, I'm sure you'll be back some time soon though.

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Guest Aecas

And so the SJL finally comes to a close, but its good to see that we had a full card with no haiku's in it at the end.


Jacob just like Maddix said the promo you wrote for the end of the show was very fitting for the end of an era, and the match you submitted was short and sweet.


Manson, its a dman shame that you were not able to finish in time for the card. I tried by damndest to make it a match that seemed fair from both sides and I'm sure that you and me will lock it up in the SWF.


Spike mate, you had a nice match going and I enjoyed it, you might not have won but the main thing is that you're finally going up to the SWF and thats something to be proud of.


Todd quite simply put your match was beautiful and a fitting send off for the SJL, and don't worry we'll meet again down the line, I'm sure we will :)


Rando and Maddix, both of you wrote some very ood matches and the effort alone is worthy of note, I enjoyed reading both of them and I'msure you two will do well in the WF as well.


And finally I come to IL, and what can I say that hasn't already been said? Nothing to be honest :D save that we shall definitely meet again in the SWF.


See you all in the big league lads.

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Very nice work everyone. It was nice to see no double no-show matches for a change.


As much as I would like to take credit for the promo at the end, it was actually Pete who did that one. All I did was give the emphatic OK to use me.


This joint was a lot of fun... and I will miss it, but now we've got an even bigger pool to pee in.



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Guest Suicide King

Excellent job, guys. Excellent. I am more convinced than ever that you all will do fantastically in the big leagues.

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That's all I can say about the great JLers. You all have done a good job, and will be amazing in the WF! Thanks for closing down the JL with a bang!


Da "now off to beat the crap out of one of you" H

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