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WWE Weekend Ratings & RAW Details

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WWE Weekend Ratings & RAW Details


More ratings news...


- RAW did a 3.8 rating off hours of 3.6 and 3.9 this week. That is about the same rating as last week. The highest rated segment was a 4.4 for the overrun.


- Velocity did a 0.5; Confidential did a 0.5; Heat did a 1.0.


Credit: PWInsider.com

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Guest Ghettoman

Alright, good to know the biggest audience was the one that got to see Triple H standing above all, again.

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Wait...ohmigod...do you mean to tell me that Benoit-Shawn, with nothing on the line, and 1 week of hype, did just as well in the ratings as HHH-Shawn did with 2 weeks of hype and the world title on the line? BURY THE EVIDENCE STAT.

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I still say if Heat and Velocity were better promoted, and maybe had Cruiserweight title matches for Velocity and either IC or Women's title matches on Heat...they'd do better.


Oh, and give less recaps of Smackdown and Raw.

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Oh, and give less recaps of Smackdown and Raw.

Agreed. The amount of time given to the fucking recaps is ABSURD, it takes OVER half the shows...Heat and Velocity both last about 19-23 minutes with all that shit edited out.

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Oh, and give less recaps of Smackdown and Raw.

Agreed. The amount of time given to the fucking recaps is ABSURD, it takes OVER half the shows...Heat and Velocity both last about 19-23 minutes with all that shit edited out.

I started a thread about this (cutting recaps out of Velocity) a while ago, and the common reason for keeping them was for people who don't get UPN. Recaps on Velocity catch them up on major happenings on Smackdown.


Myself, I'd prefer to cut them out.

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Oh, and give less recaps of Smackdown and Raw.

Agreed. The amount of time given to the fucking recaps is ABSURD, it takes OVER half the shows...Heat and Velocity both last about 19-23 minutes with all that shit edited out.

I started a thread about this (cutting recaps out of Velocity) a while ago, and the common reason for keeping them was for people who don't get UPN. Recaps on Velocity catch them up on major happenings on Smackdown.

But that's what Bottom Line and AfterBurn are for.

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Guest Ghettoman

Try missing a SD and then saying the recaps are worthless, they actually do help all of us who miss a SD here or there and would like to see parts of the matches or how things went down, because no matter what seeing what happened and reading what happened are two different things.


And it's not like they don't have a good amount of matches on the show anyway, as they start good, have at least 1 decent middle match and always close with something decent.


I guess I just realized there purpose after missing SD a couple times and being glad I got to see what I missed.

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