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Favorite TV taping moments

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The title pretty much says it all. What are your favorite moments from TV tapings that for whatever reason never made air?


Mine: A SmackDown taping in Cleveland just before No Mercy 2000. Road Dogg forgets where he is and goes "Detroit Rock City, welcome to the Dogg House!" The crowd completely turns on him and makes Raven the defacto face, pausing to chant "You're in Cleveland" for about a minute straight. The match is conveniently edited so that not only is Road Dogg's blunder off the air, but the match is cut from just over four minutes to about 2:35 to edit out the crowd chant.


What are yours?

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One that comes to mind is Rock and Mankind on Smackdown when Rock drops his glasses and Foley nicely picks them up after being verbally bashed by Rock for the past 5 minutes. At least that's what I think happened somewhat.

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At a Raw here in Philly during the Invasion, X-Pac fought Kidman for the Cruiserweight title. Now they needed Pac to work face, so before the match, they had Kidman come up on the Titantron, insult Philly and diss the Sixers (this was right after they lost in the NBA finals, so there was BIG heel heat for that one). Of course, none of this works, and X-Pac gets booed out of the building.


Also, I'm not sure if this showed up in the final taping, but when HHH fought Tazz in 2000, Tommy Dreamer tripped and fell over the guardrail when he was making his run-in.

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The title pretty much says it all. What are your favorite moments from TV tapings that for whatever reason never made air?


Mine: A SmackDown taping in Cleveland just before No Mercy 2000. Road Dogg forgets where he is and goes "Detroit Rock City, welcome to the Dogg House!" The crowd completely turns on him and makes Raven the defacto face, pausing to chant "You're in Cleveland" for about a minute straight. The match is conveniently edited so that not only is Road Dogg's blunder off the air, but the match is cut from just over four minutes to about 2:35 to edit out the crowd chant.


What are yours?

I just posted that in the old school forum.


I would've sworn the "You're in Cleveland" chant kept up for more than a minute though. I remember Road Dogg burying his head in the turnbuckle after the match and Cole saying something like, "Road Dogg obviously exhausted after that hard fought match."


They've got to release that segment unedited on a future dvd. I'd buy it just for that. (Funniest Moments Volume 2?)

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At the Raw here in August, there was a commericial break in between RVD and Jericho's entrances before their match. RVD was posing or what not, when the chant "BC BUD" started. It died down after a minute or so, and RVD then encouraged everyone to keep chanting. It was pretty funny.

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ECW did their first TNN taping in Toledo...they decided not to use the show though and to use the NY show where Raven returned as their first. At the Toledo show Spike and Mahoney beat the Dudleys for the tag titles. And durring the match Buh Buh put Spike through 2 stacked flaming tables.

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Guest Astro

I'd like to See the Rick Rude and Assassian get cheered FLUB that led to them retaping the entrance

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The title pretty much says it all.  What are your favorite moments from TV tapings that for whatever reason never made air?


Mine:  A SmackDown taping in Cleveland just before No Mercy 2000.  Road Dogg forgets where he is and goes "Detroit Rock City, welcome to the Dogg House!"  The crowd completely turns on him and makes Raven the defacto face, pausing to chant "You're in Cleveland" for about a minute straight.  The match is conveniently edited so that not only is Road Dogg's blunder off the air, but the match is cut from just over four minutes to about 2:35 to edit out the crowd chant.


What are yours?

I just posted that in the old school forum.


I would've sworn the "You're in Cleveland" chant kept up for more than a minute though. I remember Road Dogg burying his head in the turnbuckle after the match and Cole saying something like, "Road Dogg obviously exhausted after that hard fought match."


They've got to release that segment unedited on a future dvd. I'd buy it just for that. (Funniest Moments Volume 2?)

Well, they cut about 1:40 out of the match, so the chant could have gone as long as that. I really don't remember for sure. I remember being highly pissed off when the show aired and they'd edited all that out, because I had told my brother "I can't wait to hear what Lawler's gotta say about this."


The one time I actually cared what Lawler had to say and they edited the match.


Honorable mention: Ric Flair's promo during the commercial break at the November 3 Raw. "This is Batista! He'll crack your vertebrae! He'll break your spine!" Vintage "I'm about to have a heart attack in the middle of a promo" Flair.

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I remember at a Smackdown taping that I went to in 03...during the time that was building to last year's No Way Out...Big Show vs. Undertaker. Heyman came out, cut to commercial...and he cuts a great Anti-Philly promo so he wouldn't get "ECW" chants his way.

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ECW did their first TNN taping in Toledo...they decided not to use the show though and to use the NY show where Raven returned as their first. At the Toledo show Spike and Mahoney beat the Dudleys for the tag titles. And durring the match Buh Buh put Spike through 2 stacked flaming tables.


Holy shit, I remember seeing that match on TV! Not on TNN, but another channel, I wish I would remember which one though.

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This actually made TV, but it my favorite.


I attended a Raw taping at the Manhattan Center in 1993. While waiting on line to get in, they filmed an angle in where Curt Hennig got into a fight with Shawn Michaels outside and threw him into a window of a car, which by the way was rumored to be owned by Howard Finkel. Awsome angle.


Sorry to stray off topic but I was proud to be there.

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The title pretty much says it all.  What are your favorite moments from TV tapings that for whatever reason never made air?


Mine:  A SmackDown taping in Cleveland just before No Mercy 2000.  Road Dogg forgets where he is and goes "Detroit Rock City, welcome to the Dogg House!"  The crowd completely turns on him and makes Raven the defacto face, pausing to chant "You're in Cleveland" for about a minute straight.  The match is conveniently edited so that not only is Road Dogg's blunder off the air, but the match is cut from just over four minutes to about 2:35 to edit out the crowd chant.


What are yours?

I just posted that in the old school forum.


I would've sworn the "You're in Cleveland" chant kept up for more than a minute though. I remember Road Dogg burying his head in the turnbuckle after the match and Cole saying something like, "Road Dogg obviously exhausted after that hard fought match."


They've got to release that segment unedited on a future dvd. I'd buy it just for that. (Funniest Moments Volume 2?)

Well, they cut about 1:40 out of the match, so the chant could have gone as long as that. I really don't remember for sure. I remember being highly pissed off when the show aired and they'd edited all that out, because I had told my brother "I can't wait to hear what Lawler's gotta say about this."


The one time I actually cared what Lawler had to say and they edited the match.


Honorable mention: Ric Flair's promo during the commercial break at the November 3 Raw. "This is Batista! He'll crack your vertebrae! He'll break your spine!" Vintage "I'm about to have a heart attack in the middle of a promo" Flair.

Oh yeah, my cowroker and I quote from that promo every once in a while . . .


"This is BATISTA! 6 FOOT 5!! 350 POUNDS!!! He is going to take you by the neck (clutches neck) and break your vertabrae!!! WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!"


It was cool to see some of the post-Raw beer bath from the same night w/ Audtin/Goldberg. The chair down the ramp bit was gold, especially after I was sure he was about to leave since it was a good half hour after they went off the air.

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At a show in Toronto they had Christian and Jericho cutting a backstage promo to get heel heat.


They start dissing Toronto and get heat but then one of them said something like:


Yea- and the Leafs won't win the Cup until 2045!


The crowd gave that a big pop and started chanting: GO LEAFS GO! GO LEAFS GO! It was hilarious.

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