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Guest Mikey2Dope

The "What Film(s) Did You Watch Today" Thread

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I saw Napoleon Dynamite for the first time. I'm not going to go out on a limb and say it's the most hysterical thing I've ever seen, but it's probably in my top ten.

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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (9/10)

A must see film about love and memory that's funny, touching and clever. The cast all give fantastic performances with Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet giving career bests. Truely it is better to have loved and lost...

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Love Potion #9: 1/10

This is one of those movies you watch with your jaw hanging open in shock, blankly staring at the screen, trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with everyone who made it. This is billed as a Sandra Bullock movie, but she's really only in about 20 minutes of it. The rest of the time, lead actor Tate Donovan makes a Herculean effort to somehow save the film all by himself, raising it above a zero, but he's fucked from the start. The writing, acting, directing, and editing are all so thoroughly incompetent that it seems like you're just watching random scenes from completely different movies. It makes me weep that movie studios will actually release crap like this.

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Puni Puni Poemy - pure insanity with some hilarious anime parodies. Hell, the whole thing is one big parody of every anime cliché there is. Don't look for a story in this one. ***1/2




The Butterfly Effect Director's Cut - strange that this movie slipped off the radar during its theatrical release. Intelligent film with some good performances, even Ashton Kutcher was decent. ****




Deep Impact - I like it as a companion peace to one of my favourite guilty pleasures Armageddon, and it's OK as far as disaster movies go. Certainly in another league as crap like Day After Tomorrow. FX have aged a bit. ***1/2




Twister - part 2 of my disaster double feature. I didn't expect much but was pleasently surprised. The FX still hold up today and the main characters are very likable, something I missed in Deep impact. ***1/2




Friday Night Lights - Good football film with a once again great performance by Billy Bob Thornton. He's one of the best American actors right now. Still liked Any Given Sunday better though. ****




The Life of David Gale - I could see the big twist coming, but the film is still very suspenseful and enjoyable. The fact that I love Spacey's work and Kate Winslet being in it certainly didn't hurt. ****

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Kung Fu Hustle - 8/10. Just the best action comedy from Asia of 2004. Chow's mendatory face turn was done a little sloppily and felt rushed which gave all other characters more time to shine. *Huang Sheng Yi's performance as a mute was on par with Samantha Morton's from Sweet and Lowdown.



*Always wanted to say something like that, even if it was completely delusive.

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Body Melt. I don't know what to think about this one. At one hand, it's gory, and one of the most disgusting films I've seen in a long time. On the other hand, it makes no sense what so ever. Still, it's amusing to see a guy gulp down liquid detergent, at least for the fact that you can say you've seen it happen.

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Garden State - 8/10


Really enjoyable. I mean, there were a lot of typical romantic comedy cliches, but it was executed better than I had expected. Braff was good (although as a director he really harped on the 'isolated' bit of his character), and Natalie Portman was great. My favorite scene was the 'infinite abyss'. Nice bit of work there.

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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Remake) - B-


Eh, it would get a C+ but I was a big fan of the lighting and the way it was directed. I haven't seen the original, but I've heard it's better than this one. And Jessica Biel did better than I thought she would. So it gets a B-, barely.

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The Bourne Supremacy (9/10)

Even better than the first film. A smart, solid action thriller with a great performance from Matt Damon.

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King Arthur



Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex dvd 1


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Paranoia 1.0-8/10 Great atmospheric, low budget mix of Kafka, Lynch and Phillip K. Dick. After seeing this, you'll never look at a carton of milk the same way again

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