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WrestleMania Top 10 Matches Special Announced

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Guest BionicRedneck
Yeah, those all sucked...except they didn't. All were solid ***-***1/2 matches. Just because I hate him doesn't mean he hasn't had good matches.


Are you shitting me? Taker-HHH was *** +? God that match was a pile of shite. Totally mediocre brawling, the worst ref bump ever (the ref was down for like 10 minutes) and then the worst "big bumps" in history. "OMG...WHAT A CHOKESLAM...ON A HUGE FUCKING MAT!" Ugh...the crowd heat and the fact that HHH jobs are the only things good about it.

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I defy ANYONE to watch that Taker/HHH match and not fast forward.


That match has been overrated since the moment it ended.


For some reason everyone decided it was ***1/2 that night...and never bothered to watch it again.


Well...I tried too. *Fast Forwards*

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Guest BionicRedneck

Yeah, I think everyone just went: "HHH JOBS CLEAN~!!!!! HOLY SHIT! ***1/2!"

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That part with HHH smacking the sledgehammer when he was about to get the Last Ride was pretty neat. Was anyone else rooting for HHH in that match? Or am I just a jackass?


****smacking the sledgehammer against UT's forehead, when he was about to get the Last Ride

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That part with HHH smacking the sledgehammer when he was about to get the Last Ride was pretty neat. Was anyone else rooting for HHH in that match? Or am I just a jackass?

Little of column A, a little of column B... ;)

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Yeah, I think everyone just went: "HHH JOBS CLEAN~!!!!! HOLY SHIT! ***1/2!"

It wasn't that big of a deal back then. Almost everybody liked HHH until he came back in 2002.


And I watched it again later and still liked it.

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Yeah, I think everyone just went: "HHH JOBS CLEAN~!!!!! HOLY SHIT! ***1/2!"

Key word there: think, cause you're wrong. I felt it was an entertaining brawl, the crowd reaction really helped, and I liked the ending, especially with the sledgehammer false finish. I'd go ***, maybe ***1/4.

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Are you shitting me? Taker-HHH was *** +? God that match was a pile of shite. Totally mediocre brawling, the worst ref bump ever (the ref was down for like 10 minutes) and then the worst "big bumps" in history. "OMG...WHAT A CHOKESLAM...ON A HUGE FUCKING MAT!" Ugh...the crowd heat and the fact that HHH jobs are the only things good about it.


The proper review for KOTR 2002. ;)

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I made a custom tape for the Top 10 WRESTLEMANIA Matches to put on my tape trading site before Wrestlemania last year. Here it is:


Top Ten Wrestlemania Matches (6hrs) (VG)





* 06) BRET "HITMAN" HART vs OWEN HART (WMX) (20:21)






I'm likin' that.

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Shouldn't it be, you know, 20 matches?


As for me, chronological ordered:


Angle/Lesnar WM 19

Austin/Rock WM X-7

Hardys/Dudleys/E&C WM X-7

Austin/HBK WM 14

Austin/Bret Hart WM 13

Bret Hart/HBK WM 12

Razor Ramon/HBK WM X

Hogan/Warrior WM 6

Steamboat/Savage WM 3

Hogan/Andre WM 3


Eh, thats just about what everyone else has.

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I'm hoping since Flair is the host either Flair / Undertaker or Flair / Savage!!! (*crossing fingers here) will be one of the picks.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Cena's Writer, I knew that someone had to capitalise on your "jackass" comment.


Everyone is talking about how, being that this year's WrestleMania is WrestleMania XX, it will be going for five hours.


Indeed, I believe that it will, but I also believe, and have heard, that this pre-show, if you will, is being put into this timeframe also.


You guys have hit pretty much all of the good/great WrestleMania matches, and flamed some of the worst.

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Rock/Austin x7



are the automatics...The other two will be wild card matches...

They'll probably be political choices, so I bet half of those won't even be MENTIONED on the show.


Has Triple H had any good WM matches?

vs Owen Hart, 4 way 2000, vs Undertaker, and vs Jericho.

The 4 way sucked, in my opinion.


The problem with the Jericho match was Stephanie's interference took too much away from it.


The one against the Undertaker was good...I'll give you that one.


I can't remember the one with Owen...but, hey, it was Owen.

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In the new Raw magazine with Foley on the cover, they have an article on the Top 10 WM matches. I just looked at it in the store, and I don't believe they were actually ranked with numbers. Here's what I remember...


Bret Hart vs. Austin (WM 13)

Austin vs. Michaels (WM XIV)

Hogan vs. The Rock (WM X8)

Austin vs. The Rock (WM X7)

HHH vs. Undertaker (WM X7)

Benoit vs. Angle (WM X7)

Steamboat vs. Savage (WM III)

HBK vs. Razor Ramon (WM X)


And I think the remaining two were along the lines of Hogan vs. Andre (WM III), TLC 2 (WM X7) and Bret vs. Owen (WM X)

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Guest Choken One

that sounds about right with a blend of good matches and HISTORIC matches...of course HHH slips into it...

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Bret Hart vs. Austin (WM 13)

Austin vs. Michaels (WM XIV)

Hogan vs. The Rock (WM X8)

Austin vs. The Rock (WM X7)

HHH vs. Undertaker (WM X7)

Benoit vs. Angle (WM X7)

Steamboat vs. Savage (WM III)

HBK vs. Razor Ramon (WM X)


I just remember I still had my March 2003 issue of RAW Magazine so I looked it up and here is the list they had for the top 10 WM matches as well as honorable mentions: Hart / Piper, Hart / Hart, Undertaker / Kane (WTF?), TLC II, and Angle / Benoit.


And now the Top 10 according to RAW mag last year:


10.) Hogan / Warrior


9.) Austin / Michaels


8.) Rock / Hogan


7.) Hart / Michaels


6.) Savage / Flair (WOO!)


5.) Hogan / Andre


4.) Austin / Rock (WM 17)


3.) Savage / Steamboat


2.) Michaels / Ramon


1.) Austin / Hart

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

I don't think they will show any past matches where a main attraction for Wrestlemania XX jobs.

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Just so you know... according to my Tivo's description it will be the top 10 matches from Wrestlemania hosted by SCSA... set to today's greatest music hits.

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Just so you know... according to my Tivo's description it will be the top 10 matches from Wrestlemania hosted by SCSA... set to today's greatest music hits.

Unless they changed the host since Wednesday, that's wrong...since the commercial for it said Flair was the host.

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from the observer site:


--It's interesting, as I expected it would be, that the WWE's poll of its wrestlers on the greatest match at Wrestlemania, counting down from ten to one, in the Spike TV press release only lists two matches, Hogan vs. Andre and Vince vs. Shane. It is also interesting that in our own poll of wrestlers and officials that neither of those two matches even received one vote (Hogan vs. Andre did get one vote among those not in the business for best match in Mania history )

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from the observer site:


--It's interesting, as I expected it would be, that the WWE's poll of its wrestlers on the greatest match at Wrestlemania, counting down from ten to one, in the Spike TV press release only lists two matches, Hogan vs. Andre and Vince vs. Shane. It is also interesting that in our own poll of wrestlers and officials that neither of those two matches even received one vote (Hogan vs. Andre did get one vote among those not in the business for best match in Mania history )

Of course they're all going to tell Vince that Vince vs. Shane was the best match ever. :)

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--It's interesting, as I expected it would be, that the WWE's poll of its wrestlers on the greatest match at Wrestlemania, counting down from ten to one, in the Spike TV press release only lists two matches, Hogan vs. Andre and Vince vs. Shane


Those weren't even in WWE's own magazine list last year. Who books this crap?

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My opinion: These are the best matches in terms of workrate, NOT crowd response/money match(So now Hogan/Andre or Hogan/Rock).


1: Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat, WM 3: Greatest WWF match ever, number 3 on greatest match I ever seen(2: Misawa vs Kaweda from 94 and 1 being Steamboat vs Flair from Clash 6)


2: Steve Austin vs Bret Hart, WM 13: This match help save this card from sucking and inadverting helped save the comp.


3: Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon, WM10: Great match


4: Bret Hart vs Owen Hart, WM10: The intro for Owen alone makes it cool. This match almost stole the show and it was the opener.


5: Randy Savage vs Ultimate Warrior, WM7: The only reason to watch that PPV. Great match, great post storyline.


6: Steve Austin vs The Rock, WM17: Overbooking in the ending that killed this match from being one of the greatest. Alothough 17 chairshots is an easy way to kill a person long enough for a three count.


7: Randy Savage vs Ric Flair, WM8: Savage wins but still gets out booked by Hogan....AGAIN. Such is life, but this match ruled.


8: Hulk Hogan vs Randy Savage, WM5: Megapowers explodes and Savage carries Hogan to a good match. Savage was a god back in the late 80s to early 90s.


9: TLC2, WM17: Gimmick spot fest that worked. Plus enough overbooking to make it different and still good.


10: Benoit vs Angle, WM17(see I like this event?): Weird ending aside, the second best match these two ever had(Rumble03 being number 1).




Knowing the WWE, if half these matches make it I will be suprised.

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"I felt it was an entertaining brawl, the crowd reaction really helped, and I liked the ending, especially with the sledgehammer false finish. I'd go ***, maybe ***1/4. "


Wow, almost as good as Lyger/Ohtani. (rolls eyes).


"Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat, WM 3: Greatest WWF match ever, number 3 on greatest match I ever seen(2: Misawa vs Kaweda from 94 and 1 being Steamboat vs Flair from Clash 6)"



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"I felt it was an entertaining brawl, the crowd reaction really helped, and I liked the ending, especially with the sledgehammer false finish. I'd go ***, maybe ***1/4. "


Wow, almost as good as Lyger/Ohtani. (rolls eyes).

Yes, I felt Liger/Ohtani was ***3/4. OMG I'm an idiot, right? Grow the fuck up, so I didn't LOVE LOVE LOVE a match you felt was one of the best ever.

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"Hulk Hogan vs Randy Savage, WM5: Megapowers explodes and Savage carries Hogan to a good match. Savage was a god back in the late 80s to early 90s."


This actually wasn't a true carry job. Savage was the better worker, and it shows, but Hogan as always had a great sense of timing, and he actually feeds Savage a couple of good transitions here(the early Backdrop Suplex, when he dips his head for Savage's kick, the missed elbowdrop that sets up the Flying Knee).

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