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The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

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They could always explain why the zombies are "alive" in a sequel; seeing as this one has done so well there is a good possibility of one being made. To me, the explanation doesn't really matter. Experiment gone wrong? Act of God? It isn't that important. I especially enjoyed the trapped and isolated feeling this film gave off.


Maybe in the sequel they could show what the world would be like after the dead have overridden it.


They all get jobs at Pennys and Starbucks.


You just know in a world overrun by zombies, there will still be Starbucks and the NFL.


The general feel I got from this is, no one is really left. Army bases were overrun and destroyed from the inside, the EBS is off the air which means the scientists are probably all dead and the only ones really left are the mall people and maybe some backwoods people.


Hey, this would be the PERFECT time for the South to rise again! Bunch of rednecks in pick-up trucks blasting Garth Brooks, now THAT is what the sequel needs!

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Just got back from the movie. Loved it.


Glad they put Scott Reiniger, Tom Savini, and Ken Foree in the movie. 3 guys from the first one.


Start to finish it was great action with very little let up.


Is this a spoiler thread now?

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Guest JMA
The general feel I got from this is, no one is really left. Army bases were overrun and destroyed from the inside, the EBS is off the air which means the scientists are probably all dead and the only ones really left are the mall people and maybe some backwoods people.

The surviving humans could be nomadic tribes that hunt and kill the dead. They could even use dogs to help them (since the dead don't attack them). The dead also need a source of humans to survive. Without living humans, they have nothing to eat. Even if the dead DID take over America, I very much doubt they would conquer the rest of the world in such a short period of time. Remember, they can't opperate machinery, let alone boats or planes. I would assume the dead swam to the island (they presumably don't get tired and can't drown)


If worse came to worse, foreign powers could always laugh nukes. Say, that may be a good idea for the sequel. Nukes would be launched to prevent the spread of the disease from infecting the rest of the world. Thus, a wasteland would be left. Even with this the dead would still be "alive," as well as some humans.

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I got the general idea though that the ONLY DEAD FOLKS COMING BACK TO LIFE, were people with the "dead virus" which is kind of WHACK. I mean in that case there would be an origin of the virus, unlike in most zombie movies where "it's just happening." Oh well it was fun.

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one of the best horror movies ive ever seen

















I loved the fact that everyone died..no BS happy ending like in some other horror flicks and remakes..i loved the fact that there were some real-life like consequences such as the driving too fast and the young blonde getting ripped apart..and mikhel phifier (sp?) character feeling the way he did through the whole birth..that whiole scene or scene gave me the heebie jeebies..i liked that there was no explanation because sometimes you dont know why something is happening..the makeup and special effects were top notch and they just did all the little things right like having a few comedy lines here and there and not overdoing it and just great shots like the thousands of zombies overrunning the vans and the shot before the credits on the docks the little clues that could have let polley's character know something was wrong in the beginning (the radio talking about it, the patient in the hospital, the news while they were in the shower)


i was shocked half the theater left as soon as the credits started it was just screaming for that second ending (i thought for sure it would close with them maybe hearing zombies then maybe you pick up a sequel right at that point..was half right on that one lol)

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I don't know if I liked the credits having its own ending. I'd rather that just be an alternate DVD ending.


I'm glad CJ got to make his hero's stand at the end.


Wish Andy could have made it out, but I know happy endings aren't really expected in horror films.


Like I said earlier. Great movie from start to finish, glad I got over that "remake" crap and saw it. It's pretty much it's own movie, didn't feel like a remake.


And it was a good idea for survivors to show up in the truck...meaning the bodycount could shoot up later in the movie.

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I also marked out in the beginning. The subdivision in total anarchy and up in flames.


And props for having "The People Who Died" by The Jim Carol Band in the credits at the end. And an "interesting" cover of "The Sickness" by Distubed earlier.

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Richard Cheese coming with his cover of "Down with the Sickness" ruled the planet.


The problem this movie suffers is the dead have already risen across the country by the time the film has started. And one thing I don't get is, are there still warships in the ocean? And Subs? Wouldn't they have launched the nukes when the cities became overrun anyway?


What I would like to see is just start from the end of 1, and have some SEALS rise up out of the water with machine guns and mow some dead boys down. Maybe take whomever signs on for a sequel out to a sub and just work from there. Go the different route with some good ole fashioned "Aliens" style combat. Naturally it backfires but it would still be fun to watch.


Also, if you had the choice wouldn't you have went to a EMPTY island? One void of human life to avoid the pesky dead rising thing? And why didn't that gun shop have any machine guns? This Andy fellow looked like he was a military nut but not one automatic machine gun?


And can anyone PLEASE explain how the hell they got into the mall??? I still don't get that.

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SPOILER, although I don't think it matters anymore by this page and I can't figure out what is inviso text.









To clear up, the island wasn't void of human life. It was an island in the middle of one of the Great Lakes so it was kind of like a community. The zombies didn't swim there, they were already there.












Also, the world was already being overrun. It wasn't just in America that the zombies were wrecking havoc. Odds are you still have places underground with military soldiers that are still ok unless they did what the army bases did.


I've been able to piece together everything except how they got into the mall.

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I'm guessing the getting-into-the-mall part was another thing that the director left up to the audience to figure out on their own. I'm thinking it's either as simple as a door being left open [let's face it, the security guards didn't come off as very competent ;p] or maybe they broke in? Picked the lock? Who knows.. ;p

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I think it's just a matter of getting in through a window or something. With no threat of cops there wouldn't be a problem forcing your way into a building like that.


Typical Mall Cops, think they're hardasses

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I don't know about anyone else - but aside from the zombie baby, the only other thing I was really hoping for was for the dog to turn into a zombie and kill the whiney red-head. ;p Yes, I'm sick, but admit it - you all wanted it too!! ;)

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Guest OctoberBlood

As I said in the other thread: I was surprised how good this was. One of those rare remakes of horror films that surpass my expectations. Good gore mixed with some comedy. Great ride of a film.


Great weekend for movies!

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Guest Dynamite Kido

<---also looking for the zombie dog to off the annoying redhead.


In all honestly I thought very highly of the film. It was exciting from beginning to end, but had it's plot holes. They ignored some basic zombie rules(you can amputate body parts to stop the spread of infection, etc.) But this didn't feel like a re-make at all. The first film is the greatest horror film of all time(IMO) and this one could never touch the original.....but it stands on it's own as a awesome movie.....

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I didn't mind the amputation deal. In Day of the Dead the zombies were under studies for months or so. And they were friggin scientists, so they knew that. In Dawn 2004 they were clueless on the whole thing.


And they never had a chance to get to any bites in time. The dude kept his wife's bite a secret. And Michael had to keep his quiet so they could make it to the dock

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I think it's just a matter of getting in through a window or something. With no threat of cops there wouldn't be a problem forcing your way into a building like that.


Typical Mall Cops, think they're hardasses


A window in the store of a mall??? I just need to accept the director didn't know either aren't I?

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Guest OctoberBlood

I thought it was funny how the mall had big glass doors but the zombies couldn't break through.

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I thought it was funny how the mall had big glass doors but the zombies couldn't break through.

Shatter proof. ;) One of the guys said it when they first entered the mall. But I guess that eliminated the train of thought that they broke a glass door to get in. So I'm going with that they either picked a lock, or shot it right off. ;)

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I thought it was funny how the mall had big glass doors but the zombies couldn't break through.

Shatter proof. ;) One of the guys said it when they first entered the mall. But I guess that eliminated the train of thought that they broke a glass door to get in. So I'm going with that they either picked a lock, or shot it right off. ;)


And the Zombies couldn't use the door they came in....because? Why?

I swear, Nightcrawler was in this damn movie somewhere, he just HAD to be.


The director and writer REALLY had no clue how they got into the mall, they just said, "OK! THEY ARE IN THE MALL! ACCEPT IT AND MOVE ON!"


So, I'll just have to accept the fact they found a phantom door that zombies couldn't enter into a store that had a shatter-proof glass window that could be broken with a chair.


Ok good, one plot hole filled...sorta.

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I thought it was funny how the mall had big glass doors but the zombies couldn't break through.

Shatter proof. ;) One of the guys said it when they first entered the mall. But I guess that eliminated the train of thought that they broke a glass door to get in. So I'm going with that they either picked a lock, or shot it right off. ;)


And the Zombies couldn't use the door they came in....because? Why?

I swear, Nightcrawler was in this damn movie somewhere, he just HAD to be.


The director and writer REALLY had no clue how they got into the mall, they just said, "OK! THEY ARE IN THE MALL! ACCEPT IT AND MOVE ON!"


So, I'll just have to accept the fact they found a phantom door that zombies couldn't enter into a store that had a shatter-proof glass window that could be broken with a chair.


Ok good, one plot hole filled...sorta.

Who knows man. Malls have more than one entrance, you know. ;p

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Guest OctoberBlood

Maybe they turned into slim, slid under the doors, and then turned back into Zombies!


Eh? EH?! :D

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Eh. I'm just saying. I'm not going to sit here and pick apart how they got into the mall. I liked the movie enough to not want to LOOK for flaws like that. Is it so hard to use your imagination? ;) Every mall has entrances in the rear that the general public don't use, and those doors are usually metal. Maybe they found one that was left open in the confusion. :P

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Guest OctoberBlood

Oh, yeah, I agree. I tend to leave my brain in the microwave when watching horror movies.


I was just saying.... ;)

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Damn you all for seeing this movie.


I haven't, and the closest cinema that is showing it is over a hour and half away, and I don't want to drive a total of three hours for a movie.

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Guest JMA
Also, the world was already being overrun. It wasn't just in America that the zombies were wrecking havoc. Odds are you still have places underground with military soldiers that are still ok unless they did what the army bases did.

Did they ever specifically say other countries were being overrun in the movie? It could've just been America.

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Also, the world was already being overrun. It wasn't just in America that the zombies were wrecking havoc. Odds are you still have places underground with military soldiers that are still ok unless they did what the army bases did.

Did they ever specifically say other countries were being overrun in the movie? It could've just been America.


Yeah, that one reporter guy was coming in over one of those sats they use in IRAQ plus if you watch some of the footage it's in China, the UK and places like that.


The whole world had been overrun which is why they didn't just evacute the USA. There was nowhere to run too.


The Dead had risen all over the world.

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Eh, humanity wouldn't have had its last stand yet anywho. You've got hundreds of military boats (battleships, carriers, submarines)etc...that were probably out on patrol and thusly no dead virus there, plus all the cruise ships. Their communication networks would still be working (satellites aren't gone). It's very concievable that a few decent military bases (51, Cheyenne) could survive. So there's plenty of living people alive for a sequel. All it would take is a bunch of ships getting together, clearing an island, and setting up shop there.


So eh, end of the world hardly. The society in chaos element in the beginning imho the only really worthwhile part. I wonder how quickly society would collapse faced with some crazy plague (not zombie mind you, but more stand-ish)

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I expected the ending to go like this.


They make their big run to the docks and everything, and when they get there all of the boats are gone. Michael looks at Ken and says something like "how much ammo do we have left?" Ken: "Not much." Then he loads his shotgun and they're just firing upon the thousands of zombies that are rushing them. Durring this time the camera just goes to a wider shot, untill you just heard the guns click, no shots. Then the zombie just take up the entire screen.


I thought that was how it was going to end when I was watching

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