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The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

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Guest Dynamite Kido
George "the studios can't tell me what to do" Romero get funding?


The only reason George doesn't get funding is cause he doesn't move on his vision, which is great to have that stance as a director but bad when the studios see you as a bad influence.


I'll get to meet Romero in August but I'm not going to bother asking him about that film. I bet he'll be asked 1000 times over the weekend so I doubt he'll want to be asked again. So I'll ask Savani instead since he'll be there as well.


Plus as Savani once said, "even if we get funding, by the time the movie is finished the zombie crazy will be gone and it'll look like a sad late comer or imitation film"

I'll get a chance to meet him in at the end of March, but as you said I probably won't ask him that. Still though, he got the other three films made even with his "the studio's can't tell me what to do" attitude amongst other films. Plus, he wasn't pleased with the response that the public had to "Day" and the fact that it was unrated and at the time, it would have killed it in theatres. The reason he will get funded is because of all the fans of the genre that want it to come out. The studio's know there is money to be made here, it just seems like neither side(studios or Romero) will budge. Hopefully, the release of the "Dawn" remake and if it is successful with kinda give this process a kick in the ass.

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The Day of The Dead DVD has a great 35 minute piece where George, Tom, and others talk about the film. Everyone wanted to do the orignial script. But they couldn't get the money they needed for it plus it would have ultimatly got an X (now NC17 or unrated) rating.


The movie is a slow starter, I think that hurts it more than anything else. But the first hour is a little dull. I still love the movie, but I understand why fans put it below the other 2.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
The Day of The Dead DVD has a great 35 minute piece where George, Tom, and others talk about the film. Everyone wanted to do the orignial script. But they couldn't get the money they needed for it plus it would have ultimatly got an X (now NC17 or unrated) rating.


The movie is a slow starter, I think that hurts it more than anything else. But the first hour is a little dull. I still love the movie, but I understand why fans put it below the other 2.

Plus, to all the naysayers of Day of the Dead.....it's Romero's favorite of the three.

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Yeah, I have a special place in my heartfor Bub...but there's no doubt it's a slow starter. I just hope doesn't say "and Dawn of the Dead is my favorite" when it comes out on DVD...not just selling people on the one they're watching at that time

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The Day of The Dead DVD has a great 35 minute piece where George, Tom, and others talk about the film. Everyone wanted to do the orignial script. But they couldn't get the money they needed for it plus it would have ultimatly got an X (now NC17 or unrated) rating.


The movie is a slow starter, I think that hurts it more than anything else. But the first hour is a little dull. I still love the movie, but I understand why fans put it below the other 2.

Plus, to all the naysayers of Day of the Dead.....it's Romero's favorite of the three.

I agree with that sentiment. Day of the Dead was the movie that brought me into into the zombie genre when I was a kid. Plus, it's the one of the trilogy that the RE video games borrowed from most heavily.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I got a chance to watch the new edition DVD of Dawn of the Dead last night. I watched it once all the way through, and then I watched it about halfway through with the commentary(I had work early) and was impressed. Considering that I am from Pittsburgh and a lot of the stories are very familiar to me (with local people, and sites) that the movie is really cool.......considering I've been to most of the film locations.......still holds up as the best movie ever!!!!!!

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Is the 3-disc edition of Dawn of the Dead still happening? I remember rumors about it starting 2 years ago. I really want this flick on DVD and am tempted to buy the just released version but if the 3-disc version is still on, then I can wait.

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Is the 3-disc edition of Dawn of the Dead still happening? I remember rumors about it starting 2 years ago. I really want this flick on DVD and am tempted to buy the just released version but if the 3-disc version is still on, then I can wait.

I certainly hope there are plans for it. Is there even a "director's cut" out on DVD from past years?

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Is the 3-disc edition of Dawn of the Dead still happening?  I remember rumors about it starting 2 years ago.  I really want this flick on DVD and am tempted to buy the just released version but if the 3-disc version is still on, then I can wait.

I certainly hope there are plans for it. Is there even a "director's cut" out on DVD from past years?

They are planning to release the box set on Sept 7th(fangoria.com), so hopefully it doesn't get pushed back. Also there are "director's cut" versions out there, but the only place you would find them would be on ebay or amazon, and they are going for shitloads these days......

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Is the 3-disc edition of Dawn of the Dead still happening?  I remember rumors about it starting 2 years ago.  I really want this flick on DVD and am tempted to buy the just released version but if the 3-disc version is still on, then I can wait.

I certainly hope there are plans for it. Is there even a "director's cut" out on DVD from past years?

They are planning to release the box set on Sept 7th(fangoria.com), so hopefully it doesn't get pushed back. Also there are "director's cut" versions out there, but the only place you would find them would be on ebay or amazon, and they are going for shitloads these days......

I've only ever found VHS versions of the DC. All the DVD's I've come across have been the theatrical version. =\

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There is a Dawn of the Dead DVD uncut on Amazon, but I think it is out of print. Don't bother though it is just the standard US Uncut, rather then the Internation Uncut with original Goblin theme.


I am waiting for the 3-disc that is gonna have all three versions of the movie. Dammit it better happen.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Don't forget folks...


Sometime between 10:00 and 10:30 on USA!

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It's on now.


I'm debating whether to see this film.


Virtually no type of horror film actually scares me......except for zombie flicks.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Damn it, I fell alsleep for like 5 minutes.


What did I miss ? I caught it from where the little girl "Kills" her father.

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Damn it, I fell alsleep for like 5 minutes.


What did I miss ? I caught it from where the little girl "Kills" her father.

The little girl ran at the lady and the lady closed the door. The chick runs into the bathroom after Lewis(the husband-boyfriend-father dude) turns and goes after her. Lewis runs into the bathroom and the girl goes out the window. She jumps in her car and drives off. I'll let you see the other stuff for yourself.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

I saw that part.


What did I miss before that ?


Bleh, I actually sort of started to get into it. I can wait a few days, anyway.

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I liked that 10 minute clip. I'm going to go watch this movie on Saturday. But, before I do that, I'm going to rent the '78 thereatrical version on DVD. Can't wait.

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The Day of The Dead DVD has a great 35 minute piece where George, Tom, and others talk about the film. Everyone wanted to do the orignial script. But they couldn't get the money they needed for it plus it would have ultimatly got an X (now NC17 or unrated) rating.

Going with the different script didn't stop it from being unrated. I just watched that last night, from what I got in order to get the funding to make it the way it was in the original script he would have had to tone it down so it wouldn't get an unrated because the studio didn't want to put up that much money for an unrated movie, or keep it unrated but get a smaller budget. George chose to take the deal for less money and a condensed version of the script because he knew that it had to be unrated to get things across the way he wanted.


I also loved the part about the swearing, when they talk about getting the call about there being to much when they're already in production, LoL. Read the script first next time boys, heh.




Hopefully if this remake is successful enough A. George will be able to make the next installment, and B. maybe make a remake of Day with the original script.

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After watching Day of the Dead again...the acting is really bad, and none of the characters are likeable, but I still enjoyed the movie.


I didn't watch the 10 minute peice...I want to see it for the first time on the big screen

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I now realized Day of the Dead IS the next film to be remade if this does well.


I'm still treating this as just a film and not a remake. If I remember the original while watching this, I'll hate it instantly and spit on the floor. I know I'll laugh my ass off if I see a zombie do a flying leap.


This film is one step from "House of the Dead" however it's got a good enough cast so I will go see after "Eternal Sunshine"

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This film is one step from "House of the Dead" however it's got a good enough cast so I will go see after "Eternal Sunshine"

Not good enough cast? I don't remember the original being full of "stars" either.


You're really pigeonholing it by comparing it to House of the Dead, when you haven't even seen it yet.

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This film is one step from "House of the Dead" however it's got a good enough cast so I will go see after "Eternal Sunshine"

Not good enough cast? I don't remember the original being full of "stars" either.


You're really pigeonholing it by comparing it to House of the Dead, when you haven't even seen it yet.


I said it HAD a good enough cast, not that it didn't have a good enough cast.


I actually like this cast. Ving can sometimes act and something about Polley makes me feel funny.


And I meant it could fall into laughable "House of the Dead" with fast moving zombies if they start jumping like a track meet but I highly doubt that happens.


I have no problems with this film, it looks decent enough and has a GOOD cast.

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I will probably see the DOTD remake this weekend, but there is NO DOUBT in my mind that the first flick I am seeing this weekend is Enternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

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This film is one step from "House of the Dead" however it's got a good enough cast so I will go see after "Eternal Sunshine"

Not good enough cast? I don't remember the original being full of "stars" either.


You're really pigeonholing it by comparing it to House of the Dead, when you haven't even seen it yet.


I said it HAD a good enough cast, not that it didn't have a good enough cast.


I actually like this cast. Ving can sometimes act and something about Polley makes me feel funny.


And I meant it could fall into laughable "House of the Dead" with fast moving zombies if they start jumping like a track meet but I highly doubt that happens.


I have no problems with this film, it looks decent enough and has a GOOD cast.

Sorry dude, misread that. I'm sick today, leave me alone!! :P

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This film is one step from "House of the Dead" however it's got a good enough cast so I will go see after "Eternal Sunshine"

Not good enough cast? I don't remember the original being full of "stars" either.


You're really pigeonholing it by comparing it to House of the Dead, when you haven't even seen it yet.


I said it HAD a good enough cast, not that it didn't have a good enough cast.


I actually like this cast. Ving can sometimes act and something about Polley makes me feel funny.


And I meant it could fall into laughable "House of the Dead" with fast moving zombies if they start jumping like a track meet but I highly doubt that happens.


I have no problems with this film, it looks decent enough and has a GOOD cast.

Sorry dude, misread that. I'm sick today, leave me alone!! :P


Don't mention it, I'm battling the flu so I may have totally screwed up my wording anyway.

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Just got back from the screening.


"Holy shit!" doesn't even describe it!


All doubts have been cast aside. Dawn of the Dead was IN-FUCKING-SANE!


Regardless of all the "remake" bullshit, any zombie/horror movie fan who does not appreciate this film for what it is - is a complete and utter fool!!


To say it was intense just doesn't cut it... :D :D :D


It was like a dream come fucking true! All of the little things. And the big things. EVERYTHING!! Man, I can't wait to see this again on opening night, Friday!!! :) :) :)

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