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The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

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Guest Anglesault
Well, this was one of the worst wrestling shows that I've ever seen, and quite possibly THE worse buildup to a WM ever.

Dog shit and Austin stepping on a guitar rank high.

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Tawren Posted on Mar 8 2004, 08:49 PM

  QUOTE (Thumbtack @ Mar 8 2004, 11:48 PM)














Yeah, so what have I missed so far? 



They said PIE but they meant VAGINA!


"Walking piece of crap!" OMG SERVED!





Should I just step out now then?

You probably want to.

Ok see you next week then.



*uncomfortable silence*

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"I think that guy almost forgot his lines towards the end there.

Thanks. "


Thanks for what???

Are you new to this drury kid?

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Guest JMA
That was so not worth me missing the first five minutes of Family Guy.

Damn right.

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Well, this was one of the worst wrestling shows that I've ever seen, and quite possibly THE worse buildup to a WM ever.

Had they gone with Lucy the dog, it would've been.

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Guest JMA

"Heh. Maybe he writes one of those dirt-sheets on the side!"





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Guest Anglesault

So, and let me get this straight.


The build up for Mania featured Jimmy Snuka having sex with an octogenarian.

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Guest Anglesault
How did the final RAW before WM last year end?

Austin stepping on a guitar.

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I didn't see RAW, but they'd be pretty right in assuming that this RAW meant shit, so what's the point in creating new stuff? The people who are going to get WM already decided that at least a week ago, so why bother coming up with some situation where the talent could get injured?

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Guest Anglesault
I didn't see RAW, but they'd be pretty right in assuming that this RAW meant shit, so what's the point in creating new stuff? The people who are going to get WM already decided that at least a week ago, so why bother coming up with some situation where the talent could get injured?



How is bad programming less likely to injure?

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Was I the only guy who liked the final segment?


I suggested it in the General Wrestling folder, and I'll suggest it here:


"Do You Realize??" as the Wrestlemania XX theme. Floaty and dreamy, perfect for a milestone semi-retrospective program.


And Johnny Spade/Blaze/Shammalammadingdong is the new best dressed dude on Raw since Matt's wardrobe looks odd on his fake-tanned self now and La Resistance seems to have lost their Sgt. Pepper outfits.

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So, and let me get this straight.


The build up for Mania featured Jimmy Snuka having sex with an octogenarian.


I absolutely hated this show but was amused by the Rock/Foley skit. I even got a kick out of Snuka's bit, he had some funny facial expressions. Yes, not the best build up to Wrestlemania but I was just watching the build up to Mania 1 tonight. This consisted of Paul Orndorf and Roddy Piper promsing victory over Mr. T and all his "porch monkey" fans (with Orndorf making monkey sounds and actions). Wrestling has never made sense, especially with the McMahons.


This was a terrible show leading into Mania. It started downhill with the Kane opening. I've liked the Undertaker teases leading into this but the casket and promo Kane cut was embarassing. They could have just had him squash Mideon or a "creature of the night" looking jobber and did the ring shakeup thing at the end of the match.


No earth shattering news here but Triple H has to go!!! People talk about Randy Orton having no heat. I'd rather watch two hours of Randy Orton trying to develop into a big time player than see this jackoff thinking he's Ric Flair and that people actually give a sh*t. I've forgiven HHH on more than one occassion by agreeing with a lot of his old school fondness and belief that longer reigning champions are more effective. However, tonight for some reason I just had enough.


Even my girlfriend, who can amazingly sit on the couch when wrestling is on and only look up at the screen two or three times (lucky her) asked, "Does anybody even care about this guy anymore, he's boring, has awful hair and looks bloated?" Think about it WWE. The Game was over with the quad tear.


Nothing says how terribly written Raw is more so than how Chris Benoit's pop grows smaller and smaller by the week since his debut. For God's sake, don't book this guy in a way to play to his strengths! Instead let's stick a microphone in his face each week and expose his biggest weakness. In addition to that, let's have him either get beat down or verbally ass kicked every week. I'm not saying anything that hasn't already been said but the build up to this match couldn't have been done any worse. It doesn't even feel like a Mania match. It doesn't seem like anyone gives a damn who wins. It should have been all about Benoit going into it, much like No Mercy was all about Eddie.


It's time to end the Hurricane gimmick. We had a farewell skit with him and the Rock but it's time to now let Helms loose and become a player.


How can Matt Hardy be one of the most entertaining and talented performers on the roster yet continued to be buried? Why couldn't we have been treated to a good old school match with Benoit and Hardy? I understand him going down to Benoit leading into Mania but could they let the guy showcase his abilities a bit? Oh, I'm sorry. That in addition to his charisma could actually get him over!!!!! We wouldn't want someone on our salary getting over now, would we?


Jerry Lawler shut the F**K up!!!!! Just go away already!


I don't even think Jim Ross gives a crap about this product.


Good work from Steven Richards. This is another guy the company needs to seriously take a look at. I'd like to think this was the beginning of something but I doubt it.


Nothing like a good old production error to remind you of WCW. Loved the guy running around on headset when they cut to Jericho backstage.


Give Cade and Garrison a mouthpiece. Get Jim Cornette a personal driver or something if we can't him anywhere because he doesn't like to fly.


Split Conway away from La Resistance, he has breakout potential.


Put Austin and Bischoff on commentary with JR. Why do we give a sh*t that he's going to get his ATV back? Who in this company thinks that a "sheriff" riding around on an ATV is bad ass and cool? It's not cutting edge, it's stupid. Let it die.


Todd Grisham is AWFUL! I'd rather see Mean Gene or Howard Finkely doing the backstage interviews than these clueless tools that they keep hiring.


This show needs revamped BIG TIME. I'm not saying that Smackdown is without criticism but they've promoted their portion of Mania much better than Raw. At this point, if someone told me they were putting Bischoff in charge of creative for Raw, I'd mark out. It's time to move on. Please let post Wrestlemania truely be where it all begins, again. I can't justify watching such non entertaining television.



Listen to the Pittsburgh music scene...

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Odds are nobody in that arena has ever seen a Snuka match.

I never saw a Snuka match...huh? Thats news to me.

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Guest Deviant

Wait wait wait... Johnny Blaze changed his name?!? Oh fuck this. Worst Raw since 1996.


And am I to understand that Drowning Pool's Step Up is the WM theme? I for one am very fucking happy with that, although I understand the "WMXX is too big for a theme from a band" mentality. And I can understand people not being too keen on DP as the live version of Tear Away at Mania sucked... But their new singer is great and I like the new song. I was hoping it'd be Backlash's theme...

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Even my girlfriend, who can amazingly sit on the couch when wrestling is on and only look up at the screen two or three times (lucky her) asked, "Does anybody even care about this guy anymore, he's boring, has awful hair and looks bloated?"


Foley or HHH?

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I can't figure out if the HHH/Benoit/HBK promo is supposed to make me think that HHH is winning or losing...


They've made the ENTIRE THING about how poor HHH isn't going to win because it's 2 on 1...


So he either overcomes like a face...or loses with an excuse...

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Even my girlfriend, who can amazingly sit on the couch when wrestling is on and only look up at the screen two or three times (lucky her) asked, "Does anybody even care about this guy anymore, he's boring, has awful hair and looks bloated?" 




Foley or HHH?


That would be HHH...

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Even my girlfriend, who can amazingly sit on the couch when wrestling is on and only look up at the screen two or three times (lucky her) asked, "Does anybody even care about this guy anymore, he's boring, has awful hair and looks bloated?" 




Foley or HHH?


That would be HHH...

If she said "Ugly, Grossly overweight, and digusting", then she meant Foley.

Thank You Please Come Again.

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Man I live in CA so I can't join up with you guys on the comments made while Raw is on in the east coast. I feel so left out. Ok I'm gonna try to make as much comments as I possibly can.



"this is funny. Thanks." Who are you thanking? The message board for letting you post? Just cut it out.


2. The ring moving to me was funny and I was waiting for Eddie to roll out from under the ring with a controller in his hand smilng and nodding.


3. So its Johnny Spade now?....Well I guess that makes sense a lot of people use Blaze in their name some way or another.


4. The "this is you life 2" was funny till the blad dude came out. Seeing Snuka in anyway is great. Espically the "brothaaaa". Really surprised that Randy didn't come out and RKO Snuka.


5. I didn't really watch Rock/Hurricane segment. But Rosey was funny as hell.

"I saw Confessions of a teenage drama queen" (thumbs up with a goofy grin on his face). Just funny stuff. I'll have to go back and watch it again.


6. Why is Flair wrestling still? HE'S F'N HURT!!! Is the WWE trying to make sure Ric doesn't make it past WrestleMania or something? Please, please just let Ric take some time off to heal up, or just let him manage for a little while.


7. Beniot gets 2 minutes of mic time, HBK gets 4, HHH gets oh about 6 and bores the hell outta me. And I'm telling my TV to shut up while forgetting I had a mute button. We all can disagree, to agree, to agree again that FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TAKE THE MIC'S AWAY FROM HBK AND HHH!!!! Notice through how HBK got a Jeff Hardy like pop...only girls screaming.


8. Besus or however it spelled. A high percentage of us hate Orton on here, me being one of them, and a good percentage of people on here hate RVD. Here's a tip, attack someone other than RVD when we as a group attack Orton. RVD as a comeback is sorta...well sucky sorta like Orton [zing]


9. Was it me or was Batista the only one who looked strong in the beatdown after "this is your life 2"?

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I didn't expect much due to WM this Sunday. I expected more storylines then matches. But, fuck! That Raw sucked and I never come out and say that. That crowd might as well have stayed home. They were pathetic.


Austin confronting Lesnar on Smackdown sounds interesting, though.

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Guest thebigjig

"worse raw ever" is just ridiculous and some of you look like fools saying it


It wasn't good... at all. It was horrible, yes. However, the Rock rockbottoming people into dog shit, makes for a much more horrible RAW. Chris Jericho fetching Nipple H's hand lotion, makes for a much more horrible RAW. Almost 8 out of 10 Russo scripted RAWs were much much much worse than this RAW, so come on, lets get serious


It should also be noted, that I've seen "worst... RAW... ever" about 200 times since I joined this message board

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Everyone screams worst RAW ever when it is bad. The one showing early last year when it had 56 mins of interviews before the first match tops this show easily.

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That has to be in the top five for worse pre-WM RAW.


The Rock/Foley segment was not funny, at all. It was painful. Another boring Evolution beatdown to end a RAW. The promo by HHH was laughable but that's not surprising since every promo he has cut lately has been laughable. Foley looks like he put on 40 pounds over the weekend. It's pretty sad they put a hair vs belt stip in a women's match.


Other things; why the hell did Jericho beat up Steven?? I thought they were both faces now?


Overall, this RAW was mind numbing in the boredom department. They couldn't have found worse actors for the Foley segment if they tried.


This show didn't make me want to buy Wrestlemania, it made me want to run as far away from it as I can. Maybe Smackdown can convince me to buy the webcast but it has a lot of hard work to convince me after the piss poor job done by RAW.

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