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Calling X-Box fanboys

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Metal Fucking Gear Solid 2: Substance.


Nuff said.



Fuck Metal Gear Solid 2, and whatever substance Hideo Kojima is on these days.

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MGS2 is one of my favorite games ever. I've beat it like 12 times.



I don't like the Xbox controller because it's so fat. It feels sooo thick. What was MS thinking!?

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MGS2 is one of my favorite games ever. I've beat it like 12 times.

And that changes NOTHING!


I don't like the Xbox controller because it's so fat. It feels sooo thick. What was MS thinking!?


They were designing it with their own hands in mind and not a young lady's, I'd imagine.


I'm sure the Japanese just loved those first-run controllers, too. SERVES YOU RIGHT FOR ME HAVING TO FOLD MY KNEES TO FIT IN YOUR CARS!!


*Remembers about 20 Japanese people bought the X-Boxes at launch*


Ah, bloody hell.

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Yeah but not everyone is a hoss. The controller is like a bohemoth! It's insane. I don't understand why they didn't design it with everyone in mind, even young ladies or the Japanese. We play the thing too. It's dumb to design a controller with just your own hands in mind.


The Xbox controller is like the Jaguar controller. Both have that awkward fatness. Both are really wide, not just thick. So horrible.


Plus the buttons suck. I hate the layout on S and the original has weird shaped buttons.

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That's what it looks like to me too. Just sell the fucker if you don't like anything about it or for it. I'd throw recommendations out, but you don't strike me as a sports/racing game guy.

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I don't like the Xbox controller because it's so fat. It feels sooo thick. What was MS thinking!?

That's what the second one was for.


Andrew, I still reccomend Crimson Skies even if you're not going online, but you might want to think about it in the future. Imagine a bunch of planes flying around a battlefield in the sky playing Catch The Chicken (when you have the chicken, you literally see it hanging onto the wing of your plane for dear life.) :D

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Yeah but not everyone is a hoss. The controller is like a bohemoth! It's insane. I don't understand why they didn't design it with everyone in mind, even young ladies or the Japanese. We play the thing too. It's dumb to design a controller with just your own hands in mind.


The Xbox controller is like the Jaguar controller. Both have that awkward fatness. Both are really wide, not just thick. So horrible.


Plus the buttons suck. I hate the layout on S and the original has weird shaped buttons.

Thing is, the X-Box represents something much larger as the sole American entrant in the current console war.


It's the biggest and the most powerful, however it is also controlled by the most arrogant of developers, and like uber-patriots, its supporters are the most vocal and obnoxious despite their minority status.


Therefore, the developers of the system don't even consider the unwieldiness of their system or its controller, because they are so self-centered that they opt to cater to themselves and no one else.


The system itself is sadly not as pleasing to the eye as the others--it looks like a mock up of a fake game system that Sean Waltman might use to hide his stash.


So, what I've gathered is, you bought an XBox and hate everything that's out for it.


No, there are titles out and titles coming I'm interested in. I just happen to think that the X-Box's lineup of games is pretty overrated. If the system has a deficiency of certain sorts of games, that's their fault.

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There's a new Splinter Cell coming out, as well as a game based on Alias... Outlaw Volleyball is fun, it's like a comedic Virtua Tennis. Raw 2 is out there but I don't know if it's any good.

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MS claims they used "focus groups" to design the controller. I don't know how "focus groups" told them to make it REALLY fat. I guess it was a group of hosses.

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Max Payne 1 is fun. Max Payne 2 SUCKS. I played it for an hour, said to hell with these shitty controls and lack of a save and took it back to blockbuster.


Hitman 2 I'm just getting into and is a pretty cool game so far. I'd reccomend it.

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Raw 2 is out there but I don't know if it's any good.

I played it at a Gamestop--no, it isn't.


Thanks for the other suggestions, though.


MS claims they used "focus groups" to design the controller. I don't know how "focus groups" told them to make it REALLY fat. I guess it was a group of hosses. 


I don't think anything good in gaming came out of "focus groups."


I'd assume the problem is that the group was made up of MS' "target market"--which was probably 18 to 35 year old males.

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So, what I've gathered is, you bought an XBox and hate everything that's out for it.

After paging through this, it sounds more like he hates every game currently out.


Actaully, I second the nomination for Crimson Skies. I don't normally like flying games but the controls are great, the cutscenes are good, and the voice acting fits the characters very well (the lead has a definite Bruce Campbell influence going).


You want difficult, get Ninja Gaiden. I beat Normal a couple days ago and I was sweating in spots. Some of the boss fights really test your reaction time. Plus the unlockables are pretty fun. Ryu's alternate costume is weird, but you can keep the blue ninja costume he has at the beginning, The plasma saber is fun as well.


KotOR, despite your protests, is still worth a purchase. Better inalmost every way the the current dreck being produced by Lucas, it's a load of fun and eats up time. Besides, you can be a Dark Jedi and STILL get the girl! That's entertainment!


Buffy is good, although the learning curve is awful high at the beginning. I wasn't a fan of Orta, but I can see why others like it. Then in July comes Fable and hopefully all spare time I have will go away (I REALLY hope it lives up to the hype).


Oh yeah, if you don't mind cursing in games, look for a small sports game called Deathrow. Sport of the future type game, the game looks a bit rough but it's still fun. Bad day at work, throw the game in and beat up on some poor schlub.


That's all I've got right now. I'm going to see if my freind at Gamespot will let me burn ERRRR borrow MVP Baseball to see if it's any good, as I really want to get a baseball game this year (go Astros).

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After paging through this, it sounds more like he hates every game currently out.

Andrew is a bitter old man.

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After paging through this, it sounds more like he hates every game currently out.

Andrew is a bitter old man.

That's Damuraru.


I'm just the Anglesault of the VG set.


Can I just set this on top of a TV and it'll be alright? There's no other place for it.

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I guess it'd be ok. As long as there's space for air to get in so it doesn't overheat and explode.



"I don't like anything but old 2D games" = bitter and old.

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I guess it'd be ok. As long as there's space for air to get in so it doesn't overheat and explode.



"I don't like anything but old 2D games" = bitter and old.

Naturally, that's why I have 16 3D DC games, and over a dozen other 3D games for various systems. Makes perfect sense, Sakura.


Do "3D games" and "shitacular interactive movie games" have to go hand-in-hand, though?

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You said yourself you're biased against 3D.


What 3D stuff DO you like then?

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You said yourself you're biased against 3D.


What 3D stuff DO you like then?

3D platformers/action games (like the newer 3D Zelda games, Metal Gear Solid 1&2's gameplay, NiGHTs, the newer Marios and to a degree the Sonics), certain 3D fighters that manage to be fun and complex and actually move at a decent speed (Calibur, Project Justice, Virtual On: OT, Tech Romancer, Tekken Tag, Power Stones, Megamix), 3D RPGs that have battle systems that don't bore me to death or put in tons of annoying cinemas, whatever you'd call Metroid Prime (I usually hate FPSers), good 3D wrestling games (that doesn't include the Smackdowns), good arcade-style racers (Ridge, Rage Racer), platform-style shoot 'em ups and Beat 'em ups--which are sorely quite lacking in 3D (Cannon Spike comes to mind for the former and Dynamite for the latter).


I fail to see the reason that newer games almost completely abandon 3D on consoles when it still is extremely viable. Hell, a good bit of games still coming out are only pseudo-3D games anyway. Given the choice between them, I'll go with the traditional 2D style over some lame, stiff, polygonal beast anyday. So if you go 3D, there had better be a good reason for it.

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Okay, what genres do you like? Seriously, you hate Halo, so you must hate FPS's...


The worst part is you have no interest in Live. Live isn't just an add-on, it really is a part of the Xbox (that you have to pay for).


There's nothing like going onto Project Gotham Racing 2, with a friend, and you both turn on robot voices.


"In the future, robots drive fast, but not too fast, or you will go 2 Fast, 2 Furious."


It sounds to me like you're interested in console RPG's and that sector of the market. Xbox is never hitting that sector.

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It sounds to me like you're interested in console RPG's and that sector of the market. Xbox is never hitting that sector.


What gave you that idea?


Most of the console RPGs coming out on any of the systems do nothing for me. They bore the hell out of me.


However, a well done, action-oriented RPG will work for me. However, I don't want any part in MMORPGs.


Seriously, you hate Halo, so you must hate FPS's...


I like Metroid Prime.


The worst part is you have no interest in Live. Live isn't just an add-on, it really is a part of the Xbox (that you have to pay for).


No, I don't. I just won't get it.


Okay, what genres do you like?


See previous post.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Get EVERYTHING OR NOTHING... it's one of the tightest action games I've played in a loooong time, and the motorcycle levels are so much fun you'll want to relive them again and again.

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the newer 3D Zelda games,


Metal Gear Solid 1&2's gameplay

Beyond Good & Evil is a good Zelda style game.


Splinter Cell is like MGS but much harder and with a bigger emphasis on stealth. Not much talking or cutscenes either. Just straight up gameplay.

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It's the biggest and the most powerful, however it is also controlled by the most arrogant of developers

Actually, MS has been pretty good as a developer. When Freelancer was taking forever in development, Microsoft finally canned Jason Roberts and put development of the game in capable hands. That saved the game from medicority and might be the only reason it ever reached shelves.


MS Flight Sim has been made since the Tandy/Amiga days.


MS has actually been a good partner when it comes to games, although sometimes they wind up rushing a product. See Asheron's Call 2 for more of that.


, and like uber-patriots, its supporters are the most vocal and obnoxious despite their minority status. 


Actually, Nintendo fans who are clinging to their happy-go-lucky 80s gaming franchises are the worst to me. Nothing's more fun than seeing someone call you stupid because you think GTA is fun. Then comes the stereotype of "I bet if any game had whores and guns you'd love it even if it wasn't fun!" Uh, no, you bitch.

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I picked up Shenmue II (no swapping discs, praise be!), and the Exhibition disc (4).


I don't quite get why you would make a demo disc where so many of the titles are multi-platform. Hm.


Well, haven't played all the games, but here's my opinion of the ones I have played:


Grabbed by the Ghoulies: another bad Rare game, who would have thought?


ESPN--don't care.


Magic: The Gath--don't care.


TMNT-- Might go with the Gamecube version, actually.


Voodoo Vince: Great!


Prince of Persia: These controls seem rather clunky--I'll pass and go for Ninja Gaiden instead.


Metal Arms: Looks good


Oh, Metal Slug 3 is coming out May 5th on the Box! (adds to birthday list)

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