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Kurt Angle Mark

Notes from Smackdown:(*Spoilers*)

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Guest JMA

Speaking of names, shouldn't they add the "Justin" part back to Bradshaw's name? Not that I really care.


At least WWE is starting to listen to what the fans want, now. We wanted a heel, Wallstreet-type Bradshaw. Well, we've got it.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Bradshaw - Repo Man reborn.


You cannot be telling me that John Leyfield has been pushed to the upper-card...


Future reference: Using a wrestler's real name when not necessary doesn't make you look cool or knowledgeable.


I wasn't in the mood for calling him "Justin Bradshaw," or anything of the like.


Superiority complex, 'sault?

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Guest Nanks

Yes, I know I certainly have moods which prevent me from referring to wrestlers by their commonly accepted ring names.....

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Guest JMA

Just to clarify, I'm NOT a Bradshaw fan by any stretch of the imagination. Having him in a World title feud is just as ridiculous as Holly being in one.


That being said, it does show WWE is starting to listen to their fans. A heelish, Wallstreet Bradshaw could be entertaining. Now all they need to do is announce him as being from New York and change his finisher to "The Clothesline from Wallstreet." He'd get a bunch of heat in the south (especially Texas) if he claimed to be from New York City.

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Guest Anglesault
That being said, it does show WWE is starting to listen to their fans. A heelish, Wallstreet Bradshaw could be entertaining.

Apparently, they missed the "challenging for the US title" part.

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Guest Askewniverse

That being said, it does show WWE is starting to listen to their fans. A heelish, Wallstreet Bradshaw could be entertaining.

Apparently, they missed the "challenging for the US title" part.

Who wanted to see Bradshaw as a U.S. title contender?

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Guest JMA
That being said, it does show WWE is starting to listen to their fans. A heelish, Wallstreet Bradshaw could be entertaining.

Apparently, they missed the "challenging for the US title" part.

You're right. This would work better with Cena and the US title. Bradshaw could claim Cena isn't "American enough" to be US champ. Putting Bradshaw right into a World title feud is jumping the gun.

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Guest Nanks
That being said, it does show WWE is starting to listen to their fans. A heelish, Wallstreet Bradshaw could be entertaining.

Apparently, they missed the "challenging for the US title" part.

You're right. This would work better with Cena and the US title. Bradshaw could claim Cena isn't "American enough" to be US champ. Putting Bradshaw right into a World title feud is jumping the gun.

And we have a winner in the "Understatement of the Day" award...

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Guest Anglesault

That being said, it does show WWE is starting to listen to their fans. A heelish, Wallstreet Bradshaw could be entertaining.

Apparently, they missed the "challenging for the US title" part.

Who wanted to see Bradshaw as a U.S. title contender?

I don't see a problem with a fresh, heel Bradshaw winning a midcard belt at J-Day or a SD! before that.

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Guest Askewniverse

That being said, it does show WWE is starting to listen to their fans. A heelish, Wallstreet Bradshaw could be entertaining.

Apparently, they missed the "challenging for the US title" part.

Who wanted to see Bradshaw as a U.S. title contender?

I don't see a problem with a fresh, heel Bradshaw winning a midcard belt at J-Day or a SD! before that.

Eh, I guess I can see your point. After all, it might be pretty funny to see Bradshaw hit the CFH while Cena is doing the "you can't see me" hand wave.

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Opening recap of Monday Night's draft for Smackdown, as well as Heyman getting drafted and quiting.


Slightly new video still has a shot of Brock Lesnar, a shot of the Rock, but a lot of Eddy.


We are in Grand Rapids Michigan! HHH's music hits but he doesn't come out. Instead, Kurt Angle, with an offwhite colored jacket and black shirt/pants comes out to the ring. The person who will be the new GM has a last name synonimous with wrestling. He reveals that he is the new GM of Smackdown (Tazz thought for sure it would be Stephanie). He believes that he can make a difference and he wont back down or be intimidated by anyone. HHH came to him and demanded a rematch with Eddy tonight, but Angle told him no. HHH won't even be on Smackdown at all, as he was traded back to RAW. The two people he traded for HHH are the Dudleys (who get music but don't come out and will wrestle later) and Booker T (complete with crappy theme). Crowd actually popped a bit for him although it wasn't much of a reaction. Booker isn't happy to be on Smackdown, his life's been turned upside down in the last 72 hours. He liked wrestling on RAW, with the RAW fans appreciating and respecting Booker T. Compared to RAW, Smackdown is the minor leagues. He's better than every wrestler in the back, including Eddy Guerrero, John Cena, Big Show and the Undertaker. Angle says that Smackdown is the major leagues, but he agrees that Booker is bigger than the wrestlers in the Smackdown locker room, and that the Smackdown fans

down appreciate talent.


RVD vs Charlie Haas NEXT! Commercial #1


Wrestlemania Revenge Tour over in England. Hearing people with a british (I Guess) accent try to say Eddy Guerrero is priceless. John Cena wears a kilt in Scotland...


RVD vs Charlie Haas, but first, RVD cuts a pre-recorded promo "Call me Mr. Thursday Night" and "No one gets any higher than R---V---D" A bit into the match, RVD hurts his left knee after he is pushed off the top rope to the outside and Haas works on it. RVD eventually gets back to his feet and hits all of his kicking spots and the rolling Thunder. Haas gets a roll up 2 count with his feet on the ropes. Haas undoes the top turnbuckle pad and then walks into a rollup and RVD wins.

Not really that great of a match.


Video of the draft with Heyman drafting Rene Dupree..which leads us into Rene Dupree's debut on RAW vs???..Commercial #2


Red Shirts vs Blue Shirts at the end of RAW and some Smackdown "Propaganda" from Cole.


Billy Kidman vs Rene Dupree w/Fifi. The self proclaimed "French Phenom" has a blue robe on that looks a bit like something Ric Flair would wear (R D initials on the front in glitzy sparkly stuff). Unrobes to purple trunks and kneepads(??). Early on Kidman had the advantage, with Kidman even getting a 2 count on an inziguri. Dupree counters an iriish whip with a powerslam for a 2 count but then Kidman hit a dropkick and went for his SSP, but Dupree got up and pulled him off the ropes and hit a "modified sit out powerbomb" - Cole. It looked like he was going for a shoulderbreaker though and botched it or something. Another blah match. Cena comes out with a Michigan St. Jersey on (#33 Magic Johnson). Goes on about all the things to do (see one of the above recaps). He says he can "Choke on deez nuts" as he tosses him a bag of nuts..har har. Dupree goes back to waving the French Flag. Walking Tall promo..Commercial #3


Last week on Smackdown, Heyman gets tombstoned by Taker. Good news (according to Cole) is that Taker will remain on Smackdown.


Josh Matthews interviews Rikishi/Scotty. Teddy Long interupts and says that he is looking for that one great man or team. He says they are the champs, which makes them good but not great. Teddy long says they can email or fax him, better yet hes got a "Players Card" for them to have with his info on it.


Eddy in the back locker room welcomes RVD and Spike Dudley. He goes over to Booker T who ignores him. Booker calls Eddy a Champion of the Minor Leagues. Eddy talks about insulting all the Smackdown roster and all of the previous holders of the WWE title. Booker spits on the ground "Consider yourself insulted..sucka" and then they go at it. Commercial Break #4.


Moments ago..Booker T disrespects Eddy and they go at it.


Dudley Boys vs The Bashams. Bashams got an advantage early and then The Dudleys took over with DVon hitting his flying elbow and then a double team. Bashams pull a switcheroo as DVon went for a pin and then got up as he saw the ref was distracted and the Bashams took control. DVon counters an irish whip and hits a shoulderblock which leads into the tag to Bubba. Bubba cleans house, hitting a neckbreaker for 2 and a sidewalk slam for 2 on Doug. The Bashams then doubleteam on Bubba before he tosses Doug out. D Von hits the whasup drop and then Doug gets in and gets 3-D'ed for the win. Best match of the night so far which isn't saying much.


Backstage Booker talks to Kurt and says that Eddy disrespected him. Smackdown is all about respect according to Angle. Angle gives Booker T a title match vs Eddy Guerrero. Commercial Break #5.


Cruiserweight Title Match

Chavo Guererro vs Spike Dudley. Bubba and Dvon are still at ringside and Chavo Sr. is angry. Spike is without a shirt again to start the match off Spike counters a suplex and goes for a Dudley dog but gets tossed over the turnbuckle to the outside. Spike rolls in the ring and gets covered for 2. Chavo goes for a modified abdominal stretch but spike gets out. Few punches are exchanged, Spike hits an atomic drop for 2. Spike gets a small package roll up for 2. Spike to the top but Chavo hits him and goes up to the top. Tries for a superplex, gets tossed off, and Spike stomps him off the top and gets a 2 count. Chavo counters a "Gory Bomb" into a sunset flip. Spike goes for a dropkick of the top and misses. Chavo with a modified backbreaker for the pinfall. Spike actually has a good match in the cruiser division, very different from his usual RAW matches. But he needs either a tan or to keep his shirt on. Commercial Break #6




Last week, Bradshaw turns his back on his longtime friend Faarooq after he was fired.


Bradshaw comes out in a suit and tie, a cowboy hat and a copy of his book. His music is odd and his video has highlights of him being on Fox News. He has a lot more than wrestling going for him, like a portfolio that has beat the Stock Market the last 7 years.Hes writing another book, a radio show that starts on May 1rst. Hes the top financial analyst on Network TV. Fox News loves him. Everyone would have done the same thing that he did. People like him are people that run businesses and government. Hes always worked harder than everyone else. His picture is up at his High School and College. Hes never been scared of failure and although hes not succeded at Wrestling, he always tried to have a good time when wrestling, which never got him jack. Business is about to pick up..Commercial Break #7


Behind the Scenes of Walking Tall


Booker T runs into Bob Holly in the back. Smackdown doesn't want him here. After Eddy gets done with him theres a bunch of Smackdown stars that will rip him apart.


Last Monday Night, Eddy faces HHH on RAW. What is Eddy's condition after that brutal match??


WWE Title

Booker T vs Eddy Guererro. Eddy is sporting his new Latino Heat shirt. NEXT! Commercial Break #8


Lockup in the corner and Booker T breaks it clean and backs off. Eddy with an armdrag and backs Booker T back up in the corner. Booker charges but Eddy takes him down with a drop toe hold. Booker works Eddy over in the corner, Irish whip into a forearm for 2 for Booker T. Eddy gets back up and nails Booker with a forearm in the corner and then into a chinlock. Booker with a clothesline for a 2 count off the irish whip and then Booker with the chinlock into a knee in the back. Eddy counters with a side suplex and then goes back to the chinlock. Booker irish whips Eddy into the corner in walks into a boot. Booker T with his side kick for a 2 count. Eddy counters an Irish whip and hits a dropkick. Eddy goes after Booker but gets thrown into the top rope and to the outside. Commercial Break #9 (final)


Back and Booker T has Eddy in a chinlock again. During the break Booker throws Eddy across the top of the guardrail stuff. Eddy breaks the hold, misses a clothesline and then Booker locks in a Sleeper. Eddy to his knees and then Booker puts himd own for a pin but gets a 1. Eddy back up fighting out of the Sleeper. Eddy goes to the top but Booker gets up there and hits a superplex from the 2nd rope for a 2 count. Booker T with a sidewalk slam for a near fall and then works it into a sleeper on the mat. Eddy gets up and out if it but Booker catches him with a knee to the midsection. He chokes Eddy on the ropes and then works on him in the corner. Eddy counters and starts going on Booker. Eddy hits a headscisors counter and then goes for a suplex that Booker counters into the Book End for a close 2 count. Booker T with a kick for 2 count. Biijer goes for the Scisors Kick but Eddy ducks and hits the triple vertical suplexes.To the top for a frog splash and then Bradshaw runs in kicks Eddy in the face and then the Clothesline from Hell. Bradshaw dusts his jacket off and puts it back on, puts his hat back on and climbs to the top rope like he used to do with Faarooq before his matches. END SHOW.


Booker vs Eddy was actually a decent match. No one is gonna like the idea of Bradshaw being near the main event vs Eddy though.

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WOW, just wow...


Screw Southern Withdrawal/Stockholders...call them the Harlem Hangovers (Booker's hood + his finisher/what Bradshaw likes to do in his free time)...it'd fit them perfectly.


No, better yet...


The Harlem Hangovaz

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Bradshaw - Repo Man reborn.


You cannot be telling me that John Leyfield has been pushed to the upper-card...


Future reference: Using a wrestler's real name when not necessary doesn't make you look cool or knowledgeable.


I wasn't in the mood for calling him "Justin Bradshaw," or anything of the like.


Superiority complex, 'sault?

Well, you could very well have guessed they were calling him that now, too.


Besides, since when is Anglesault the authority on "cool?"

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Guest JMA

Not to nitpick but...why would Kurt Angle like Booker T? Shouldn't he consider him just as "bad" as Eddie because of his past problems (armed robbery)? I realize Kurt was using Eddie's past as an excuse for his jealous behavior, but it just seems a little odd.


Oh well.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
You cannot be telling me that John Leyfield has been pushed to the upper-card...

Future reference: Using a wrestler's real name when not necessary doesn't make you look cool or knowledgeable.

I'm glad I'm not the only one...except I bugged out about it in a thread several days ago and used Taker as an example...and called him by the wrong name. :lol:

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So Triple H was traded back to Raw for what reason exactly?


RVD & booker T had to drop the tag titles so they could individually be drafted back to smackdown!?!


Wow, could this be any worse? Oh yeah I only commented on the first two segments........UGH

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Guest JMA

I'm not too thrilled to see Booker as a heel. But I am glad he's finally getting World title shots again.

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You cannot be telling me that John Leyfield has been pushed to the upper-card...

Future reference: Using a wrestler's real name when not necessary doesn't make you look cool or knowledgeable.

AS needs to get with the times..


Bradshaw is now being refered to as


John Bradshaw Layfield


and shockingly, his new catchphrase is..




Business is about to pick up!

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Even though it's only in print I doubt it will change much on TV - it seems like Booker T is merely a setup opponent (for now) for Bradshaw to get the bigger heel push. There's nothing indicating something else.


Booker T will probably feud with Bob Holly: voice and conscience of the Smackdown locker room, judging by that pre-main event backstage segment. I remember Holly getting in the face of Booker before - in the first week or so of the Invasion back in 2001. What is up with that? Bucktooth as some locker room leader is fucking funny and sad at the same time. Contemplating a bleach-blond redneck and a nappy-haired former hood rat feuding amuses me.


Smackdown - in general - just seems rather pitiable from what I can see. Cena/Dupree looks interesting, that's pretty much all.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
Bucktooth as some locker room leader is fucking funny and sad at the same time. Contemplating a bleach-blond redneck and a nappy-haired former hood rat feuding amuses me.




SmackDown! (and Raw) could be a bit of a rat race for a while, but we can only hope that things smooth-out and start to make sense soon.

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You cannot be telling me that John Leyfield has been pushed to the upper-card...

Future reference: Using a wrestler's real name when not necessary doesn't make you look cool or knowledgeable.

I Second, or Third, that Mr. Sault.


Any chance Bradshaw will magically improve or at least get that "at least he tries"/"Bigshow" love? At least it would be something.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
You cannot be telling me that John Leyfield has been pushed to the upper-card...


Future reference: Using a wrestler's real name when not necessary doesn't make you look cool or knowledgeable.


I Second, or Third, that Mr. Sault.


No, you're just jumping on the bandwagon of someone with a high post count. Idiot.


I was calling him by his real name - if you have a problem with it, you can get fucked.

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If he plays this gimmick right. Bradshaw will get the smark love.


I can see the promos with him being HIL-AR-IOUS.


If they want a real good way to connect Booker and Bradshaw.


1. Booker is having financial problems with his store, Bradshaw lets him in on accounting and management secrets.


2. Booker is looking at his retirement fund and he sees that taxes have eaten away at his funds. Bradshaw teaches Booker about off shore holding companies.

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There's only way that this will TRULY work.


Bradshaw will need to have that guy talking about secret government funds wearing an outfit like The Riddler's from Batman.


I know the guy exists off of infomercials...

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