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I wanna try to start a constructive thread for this forum, since I do know that SOME TNA people definitely do read this board :)


What does TNA need to do to get ready for a national show on FSN? All indications are that the deal is closer than ever. I even heard that TNA is pretty much now banking it all on this deal going through. Once the deal goes through though, they aren't in the clear. Here are some questions to answer:


1) Fox has cut programming with good ratings in the past....what does TNA need to do in their first month to establish a big fanbase?


2) How can they make themselves a clear alternative?


3) Which workers currently on the show need to be released? In other words, which guys are too green, too embarrasing, and/or too campy to be on a nationally televised program (this is a big one).


4) Which guys out there on the Indies can be stars at a national level? Who has the most potential to hit it off big?


5) Where do you go with the title? Do you vacate it in the big cage match, leading to a title tournament to start TNA's new era? Or do you keep it on JJ?


I'll chime in with my thoughts later...just wanted to get the ball rolling on something like this. People "in the know" expect Daniels and Styles to leave RoH for TNA, just as I expect Sabin and others to as well. This can only be happening if a TV deal is iminent.

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Guest Coffey

Well, I don't know about releasing anyone. They need to quit bringing in people like Lex Luger though. They have to push their own people too. Don't have a bunch of former WWE midcarders at the top of your promotion. Market their own guys, like Abyss & AJ Styles. They're doing it, but they need to continue it to cable.


Truthfully, I think Tracy could help a lot too. She could be like NWA's Lita...only back when Lita was, you know, over and stuff. Tracy has shown that she can bump. She looks pretty good too. I don't know why, but I can see big things from her. Just don't try to make her wrestle full matches. Especially against men. Trinity too. Don't try to make a womens divison or try to book inter-gender matches. Just let the women hit a spot or too every month or so. If they hit it each show, it will wear out thin...like Lita's 'rana. Don't book them in full matches (like Trinity Vs. Kid Kash or whatever the fuck it was). Just let them be valets that have training and can look good...but they look out for their man too.


The X-Division most definitely has to be established again...like NWA:TNA first did when they were first on PPV. They have to do it again for the cable TV viewers. Even if that means letting Styles go back there for awhile. AJ Styles, Jerry Lynn, Christopher Daniels, Low-Ki, Chris Sabin, etc. You most definitely have to showcase them again.


As far as the title is concerned, I'd go with Raven. Why not? He's a decent name, been built up fairly well, and he could win the title from Jarrett in a Cage match on the first Sunday PPV. It would give them the FSN cable spots to lead up to the match.


I really think NWA:TNA need to bring in American Dragon too. Why isn't he there already? Daniels, Styles & Ki are. I'm sure Spanky will be showing up soon too. Hell, if WWE didn't snatch him up, London would've been fabulous too.


I don't mind Jeff Jarrett on top like a lot of people do. Especially at first. Yes, I know it contradicts my earlier point because he was a WWE midcarder, but he was the heavyweight champion in WCW too. After his WWE run mind you. He's a decent talker and worker, so he can't hurt things.


Basically, put on good wrestling matches, with innovative spots...like the X-Division matches usually give us. Keep the ranking system incorporated too. That's a big deal. They need to re-evaluate the tag team scene too. I know they just had the tournament, but they have to get the tag teams over so it doesn't just look like two guys thrown together.


I can see Abyss hitting it off real big. At first, a lot of people will probably just look at him like either a Mankind or Kane rip-off. Once they get used to his character though, he's a good working big man. Obviously I think AJ Styles has a lot of potential, along with the previously mentioned Tracy. I could see someone like Sonny Siaki or Johnny Swinger becoming break-out stars too. They have "the look."


Establish the belts. Establish the workers. Put two and two together. Good matches over belts that matter between two good wrestlers. It should sell itself...at least to wrestling fans. As long as NWA:TNA doesn't try to target non-wrestling fans with their product (I.E. cage dancers, midgets, etc.) then they should be fine. They need to rely on their wrestlers not people whom have made a name elsewhere. Most people would rather watch Styles have a good match with someone than watch Luger come in and squash him for no reason.

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I'll make a longer post tomorrow, but there are definitely guys that have to go. The Red Shirt Security are nowhere near the level of being on national TV. Any show with Erik Watts immediately lowers its status by about 5 notches, the same goes for Glen Gilberti.

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1. Production Values


2. Production Values


3. Better announcers


4. Production Values


5. I would say tour a little to the bigger markets so they can promote a show and you know how people love to be seen on TV but they are doing tapings so that is blown to shit... plus if people DO start catching on... how are they going to see the workers live? No one is going to go to a TNA house show.


There is little chance of a big fanbase in the first month due to basketball season, hockey and baseball going on so the schedule will shift vastly... unless its daytime Sundays or something stupid like that (there is no set "time" that I am aware of).


The reason I say production values is because while the workers are good... I personally sometimes have issues with things looking 3rd rate. I don't want to invite someone over to watch and they see a barnyard wrestling show shot by some highschool A/V club. It's okay if you are watching old WCW, NWA, etc shows but this is 2004.

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Guest Coffey

Well, they can definitely advance in the camera angle department. A lot of times you miss something because they don't have enough camera men or the right angles. I was complaining to my two friends about this just a few weeks ago actually.


The music that wrestlers come out to is trash as well. It just comes off as so generic and bush league. I actually think they'd be better off with no music instead of having ENTRANCE THEME 11...you know? It gets REALLY cheesy when they try to rip off a real song with the generic music too. Like Raven's entrance music.

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Guest TDinDC1112

Alright, here we go.


1. If they need to get great ratings in the first month, then they might as well quit now. It isn't going to happen. Anyone who knows anything about wrestling knows that it takes time to build. Look what happened when Russo tried to get quick ratings in WCW. It just doesn't work. Build, build, build. If Fox doesn't know that going in, things will end quickly.


2. With #1 being said, probably the best way to get ratings right off the bat is to have names that people know. I know we all hate that, and want them to build with their core and young guys with talent, but this is a serious issue.


I'll use my brother as an example. He watched a ton of wrestling in the late 90's and 2000, and then kind of stopped with 5 million other people. He'll go to a friend's house or something a couple of times a year now to watch a ppv, but doesn't really follow at all. If he's flipping through the channels and sees Road Dog and Konnan, he will stop and watch. If he sees AJ Styles and CM Punk, he will continue to flip the channels. The key is to put guys like Konnan, Road Dog, Raven, D-LO, Jarrett, Sting, Luger (ugh) Rick Steiner (ugh) against the guys we love - AJ, Daniels, Punk, Sabin, Lo Ki, et,c. So the casual fan is drawn in by the "big name," but sticks when they see how awesome the modern indy guy is. But really, don't we already know they should have been doing this 2 years ago?


3. In a perfect world, I'd ditch Road Dog, Red Shirts, and Konnan. I'd get rid of Don West and put Konnan on commentary with Tenay. Unfortunately, in our world, for name appeal, I think you need to keep Disco, Konnan, Road Dog, and all the other dead weight for a while.


4. Make Raven, AJ Styles, and especially Killings your stars. What the hell have they been doing with Killings the last year?


5. They need to put CRAZY X-DIVISION spot fests on their first few shows. They might be shitty wrestling, but most casual fans haven't seen that kind of thing.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

1. Make sure guys are doing spots that you'll never see in the WWF. They need to make the WWF ringstyle look even more out of date than it really is.


2. Push their stars like Raven, Styles, Abyss, Killings, etc.


3. Get Sting to make semi-regular appearances or just give up on having him.

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1) Add a mid-level title....I understand the logic behind limiting the number of titles, but I really think that a mid-level title would be great for guys who are quite ready to be main eventers yet, but don't work the X style (i.e Kid Kash, Sonny Siaki). I liked someone idea of bringing in the National Title.


2) Re-establish the X-Title and Division as something special, b/c that should definitely be something people identify with TNA.


3) Push the tag teams because right now, WWE doesn't seem to concerned with them. Make TNA the place to see high-level tag team titles.


4) Get Sting in full-time (I know, probably wishful thinking), or any other "name" person, give them a short run with the belt and then have them put over Styles huge at the first monthly PPV.


5) Bring back James Mitchell....he kept 3 guys over for a nice period of time based solely on his promo ability.

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They need to do what it takes to get Christopher Daniels and Low-ki on every show and not just make random appearances between Japanese tours. Juventud should come in weekly. 3 Live Krew should stay together as they are one of the most popular things in TNA(with fans in attendance). Keep pushing Raven and give him the damn title, since it is what the fans have been wanting since he entered the promotion. Don't hold back the X division and make them slow things down. TNA has said they are planning on touring in the future, but it is too early yet so no need to push them there yet. Their wrestling school should give them an available set of guys to bring up on call whenever they feel like to make into a big star that people haven't seen before. Once they get the national tv deal the videogame deal should come quickly. All of these things will help TNA succeed. TNA needs to update their merchandise more and open up an online store that doesn't suck. They could sell tapes of the weekly shows that air on FSN for an extra profit. Maybe $10 for a month of tv taping shows. Most of these things they should be doing for the weekly ppvs as it is now, but they really need to do it when they go on national tv.

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Two Words: Dupp Cup.


No, really, I think they'll be fine. The way they're focusing on making titles important and the focus of the promotion is an excellent base. The way they have rankings and every week, everyone's trying to qualify for a title gives the titles prestige and the promotion a sense of purpose, and dare I say even a "real sport" atmosphere. The X cup helps too, giving a wolrd cup type feel to things. They should continue every few weeks to make that a tradition.

Keep focusing on their own talent like AJ, Abyss, Truth, AMW, Sabin, etc. Along with more familiar names like Jarrett, Raven and Sting I think they have a very productive roster on their hands.

Microme: The Red Shirts are gone, Joe Legend was released and Northcutt hasnt been on the show in weeks. And Watts hasn't been on the show in weeks either (well posthumonously through Goldylox's horriblly bizzare cellphone sketches that still pop up). Gilberti's ok. I like him and Young together.

Anyway, they have the X division and it's a marketing machine. They need to promote Wrestling Reinvented as moves and wrestlers and fast paced action you can't see in WWE. The X division/X cup focus, combined with heavy emphasis on title belts and rankings will given them a very marketable identity.

I think the fact that they need to keep it "toned down" and just stick to the matches rather than SHOCKING~! crap, is good for them in the long run.

If I can quote Frankie Kazarian of all people "The future looks good". :)

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Guest Coffey
2. With #1 being said, probably the best way to get ratings right off the bat is to have names that people know. I know we all hate that, and want them to build with their core and young guys with talent, but this is a serious issue.


I'll use my brother as an example. He watched a ton of wrestling in the late 90's and 2000, and then kind of stopped with 5 million other people. He'll go to a friend's house or something a couple of times a year now to watch a ppv, but doesn't really follow at all. If he's flipping through the channels and sees Road Dog and Konnan, he will stop and watch. If he sees AJ Styles and CM Punk, he will continue to flip the channels. The key is to put guys like Konnan, Road Dog, Raven, D-LO, Jarrett, Sting, Luger (ugh) Rick Steiner (ugh) against the guys we love - AJ, Daniels, Punk, Sabin, Lo Ki, et,c. So the casual fan is drawn in by the "big name," but sticks when they see how awesome the modern indy guy is. But really, don't we already know they should have been doing this 2 years ago?


Not true at all. If they're trying to be an alternative, they need to direct their product towards WRESTLING fans...not big names with no talent. Otherwise, they'll always just look like a shitty WWE.


I don't agree with your statement at all. Not even a little bit.

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Guest TDinDC1112

The amount of wrestling fans who know who AJ Styles, Chris Daniels, Lo Ki, Sabin, Punk, Red, etc. are are enough to give them about a 0.2 rating. Most WWE fans have no idea who the hell they are.

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Production values are fine but they need better camera work and better transitions instead of cutting off some interviews like with the AAA one last week.


More X division would make them seem like a high flying fast paced company.

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