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Ummm...wow, just had my first Story mode match...and I got my ass handed to me. This is actually hard as hell.


Just wondering, is there anyway you can reverse!? I know last one it was like..press block when the person hits the move, but yea, that definitely doesn't work on this one...can't even reverse punches...only block them..:(

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There are three ways...


1] Block a strike. Hold R1 to block an incoming strike.


2] Counter a strike. Press R1 and a direction when your opponent throws a strike at you. If you hit the correct direction [usually toward the enemy] you will grab his fist or leg, or whatever, and it'll leave him open for a move of your own.


3] Counter/Block a grapple. Just press Punch or Kick as soon as the guy lands his hands on your shoulders in the grapple animation. You'll either shove him off or kick him away.

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As a helpful hint, get your speed up quick. I was having a problem getting reversed (see above) so I spent a few development points and got 4 or 5 raises into my speed. It makes a HUGE difference. strikes land quicker (I hit 4 hit strike combos fairly regularly now) and I get fewer moves blocked or reversed.

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I'd like to know how to, oh I don't know, do DIFFERENT grapple moves.


It seems like my character only has four grapple moves, not including specials. The same goes for EVERYONE that I've faced. Everyone does the exact same move to me over and over in a match, it's almost so pathetic it's funny.

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I'd like to know how to, oh I don't know, do DIFFERENT grapple moves.


It seems like my character only has four grapple moves, not including specials. The same goes for EVERYONE that I've faced. Everyone does the exact same move to me over and over in a match, it's almost so pathetic it's funny.

..Most of the one's I've seen that the comp does on me have been different, unless they have the same style and even then they never tend to do the same ones. I actually like the grapple system and there actually more then four moves..especially when you get different styles.


As far as I know without L1 theres Tri, Tri + <or>, and Tri + ^ or v. Same with square...and then using L1 that's like six, plus when you add a style, at first I thought it changed the moveset completely, but it doesn't, my guy has actually done more the one move with teh same button combo so I guess it randomly chooses from a style. Plus with all the environment moves, it makes for a good match, ,so I'm happy. :)


Started on my second story today. It's actually a great story, and doing it with a whole new person...actually makes it seem totally different.

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Well I'm 20% through, and in every match the computer has done the exact same grapple move to me 90% of the time.


I only have one style, so for me there are only four grapple moves I can do, which totally sucks balls.

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Well I'll just say..unless your style is wrestling (it probaly is isn't it?) grapple moves dont really matter so much.


And even still...you have more then four grapple moves when you start out..you have at least 8. You have either 8 or 12...because I can't remember whether or not up/down does a different move from left/right, but I think it does.

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Wow, this is a great game.


I just beat the everloving shit out of Sean Paul with my CAW (250 pounds, wears a Zebra Capone hat and a Jesus Saves tattoo), but I had my first loss in 15 matches to WC (to my credit, it went 5:00 and it was VERY, very close at the end).


..and is it just me, or does Henry Rollins get a new tattoo every time I come back to train?

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Beat it last night and maxed out my CAW (6'1", 260. Close as I can get to me). Wrestling, with Kickboxing and Submissions as his other styles. By the end of the game I had my speed up to about 90% and was beating the everloving crap out of everyone. I'd hit my first Blazin' in about 30 second, blast the guys with whatever I wanted (still partial to Sean Paul's finisher, but Foot for Breakfast is fun too). Then when I picked them back up (health in the red) I'd fierce grapple, hit the A button, and go to town with a kick/knee series. The opponent is too weak to power out of it, fight's over thanks for stopping by.


After the last fight you get a series of challenges that led to one of my funniest gaming experiences ever. I hate coding spoilers so I'll just wait for a while for others to beat it and ask about it before I spoil it.


When the game is over you have a TON of development points built up (your last 4 or 5 points all come without a chance to power up BTW, so be prepared) and a lot of very fun Blazin' moves. Particularly the Balls to the Wall. Now I'm just doing random Arena fights to build up money and pimp my boy out with the best bling (still need to get the last necklace and the 6ct. earrings in diamond, got the best bracelet, watch, and ring). I still love it and play it a lot. Highly recommended.

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I'd like to know how to, oh I don't know, do DIFFERENT grapple moves.


It seems like my character only has four grapple moves, not including specials. The same goes for EVERYONE that I've faced. Everyone does the exact same move to me over and over in a match, it's almost so pathetic it's funny.

Depends on your style.


I've noticed, off the bat, that you'll only have three moves per button, times two for the strong modifier.. for a total of 12.


So, that's


Weak: Square, Square Left/Right, Square Up/Down.

Strong: Square, Square Left/Right, Square Up/Down.

Weak: Tri, Tri Left/Right, Tri Up/Down.

Strong: Tri, Tri Left/Right, Tri Up/Down.


But, I've noticed that after upgrading to two other styles - I'll end up with a different move for every direction and button, weak or strong, for a total of 20 moves. I don't know how it works with just one style upgrade as I've always waited to have enough points so that I can upgrade two at once.


Plus, it really is true about the wrestling style only mattering with the grapples. Most of the other styles you just get a strong "clinch" grapple that allows you to pull off strike combos from the grapple position, and their weak grapples will be the ones with more variety.

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Wow, this is a great game.


I just beat the everloving shit out of Sean Paul with my CAW (250 pounds, wears a Zebra Capone hat and a Jesus Saves tattoo), but I had my first loss in 15 matches to WC (to my credit, it went 5:00 and it was VERY, very close at the end).


..and is it just me, or does Henry Rollins get a new tattoo every time I come back to train?

Nope, they did his tattoos fairly accurate actually. Right down to the crimson ghost. ;)

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Maybe it's just me, but would anyone else appreciate subtitles for when Sean Paul and Elephant Man speak? I might catch a word out of the whole thing. I swear, I'm more likely to understand Masa than those guys. I mean, Solo's got the Jamacian thing going, but I can tell what he says.


Damn my white-ness!


But, good game.

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I'm still having trouble getting used to the engine. I made my guy a martial artist, but maybe I should've put him as a kickboxer or a wrestler, considering in games such as this I usually do a good bit of kicks and then a grapple.

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I've gone through the game, but haven't managed to max out every stat or learn a new style and there are no more locations for me to go to. Granted, this character is only lacking in upper and lower strength, but still, I'd like to have more styles.


And there's also the part about not having everyone (Jacob, Jervis, Starks and a few others) no unlocked, but I can always do that manually.


Or just wait and see if something opens up...

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You've gone through the game and haven't learned a second style? They only cost 2500 dev points each dude, you should've been able to do that by at least 40% through the story mode.


As for unlocking Jervis, Starks, Jacob, Stingray, Suspect, etc.. you have to do those ones manually, I believe. The only "shop" characters who show up in fights in story mode are Manny & Snowman.. well, Rollins too, but he's already unlocked from the getgo.

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Blarg, that's my fault, as I mis-read the amount as 25000.


Still doesn't explain why I couldn't max everything out (Or maybe it does, but I wouldn't know...)


I might go back with a new character to gain more than one style. And I'll also know to save my money on chains and the like, as I bought crappy pieces early on.


Side note: Blaze/Meth wears an ice pick? I thought it was a heroin needle or something...without a plunger...bort.

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I picked this up on a rental. Takes some time getting used to the brawl room settings, but I'm digging it. My favorite environment KO so far is the Yakuza kick smashing the guy's head into the side of the pool table. That's just friggin' brutal.


I've stopped playing for the time being because I'm absolutely pissed that Ice-T just no sold my Blazin', rolling right back up in a millisecond, running to the ropes and KO'ing me with an off the top rope move before I had a chance to recover. Absolute bullshit.

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Got this as a rental as well, and it's some good fun. The only thing I don't like is that you can only assign Blazin's. I hope AKI corrects this for the next edition. Also, they could've made Danny Trejo a bit more badass, but that's just my opinion...

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FYI - if anyone is interested - my review for the PS2 version of FFNY should be up at www.insidepulse.com at some point tomorrow. I'll post a direct url when I get it.

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Just finished story mode, took me just over 4 hours.


I started out like shit, going 3-11 because I couldn't get used to the controls.


But after I got used to them....I started kicking some serious ass. I went on a 77-8 streak to finish the story mode, and now I'm about to go back in to do the bonus fights.

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I just beat it with my second created wrestler. Now to go through again, at a higher difficulty, with TETSUO the IRON MAN!


...and the review is up:




I may have scored too generously... but I really do like the game that much, and it has pretty much renewed my faith in the fighting genre - so I think it's well deserved.

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Good review. Although you missed out on something about the gameplay. EA has already tried a "Fight Club"-ish game with wrestling "rules", and WCW Backstage Assault didn't exactly get high marks with reviewers or the general public, so the shift to more of a fighting game is understandable.


I also think you nailed it when you talked about the controls. The rental copy I had had no instructions, so when I popped it in I had a real hard time figuring out what the hell was going on. But the tutorial at the beginning of the game helped sort all that out.

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Good review. Although you missed out on something about the gameplay. EA has already tried a "Fight Club"-ish game with wrestling "rules", and WCW Backstage Assault didn't exactly get high marks with reviewers or the general public, so the shift to more of a fighting game is understandable.

Damn, I completely forgot that EA was developing WCW games back in the day. I never actually played that game, though, but something tells me that the partnership with AKI helped EA learn a lot about this kind of genre.

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Guest Crazy Dan

I dig this game. Much better than the first. Even on easy mode, you still get beat a few times. I love the create a wrestler aspect, as you can tat and bling yourself up. Also, love the three styles you can adapt. I also love that Henry Rollins is your trainer, which is real cool, because they got his back tatoo right and that is the tatoo I have on my shoulder blade.


So a good game, I am still working on story mode, but very addicting to say the least. If you like wrestling/fighting games, then this is the game for you.

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All in all, it's a pretty enjoyable game, save for a few select things.


1. I had a Streetfighter-Martial Arts-Submissions CAW that had the Tombstone Piledriver as a hard grapple. Cool huh? No. The move does absolutely NOTHING at all. No damage, no spirit boost, NOTHING. It's rather annoying that I have one completely useless move in my 4 move repertoire.


2. Kickboxing hybrids are virtually unbeatable. I have a small guy that has Martial Arts-Streetfighter-Kickboxing as his moves, and I have amassed a 185-3 record against Opponents (Hard AI's and Humans) His combo move is just impossible to break out of when your health is down below 60%, and it just devastates you to the point where I had my mild mannered freind (who is a very accomplished fighter in his own right) actually throwing his controller across the room in disgust after his 20th straight loss to my fighter.


3. My freind has a Wrestling-Kickboxing-Streetfighting fighter (who is just as unbeatable with the Kickboxing-strong grapples as I am with the Kick-Street combo) but what's dumb is that he only has ONE submission (back grapple) to use, basically nullifying the 3rd style completely. He is still pretty tough to beat though, but with my fighter's better speed (due to the fact that my guy is 5'7 178 lbs, compared to my freind's 6'7 250) I always beat him to the punch (no pun intended).


4. The height-weight restriction in this game is idiotic. If you want to make a big man, he should be at least 6'9, 300lbs... not the moronic 6'7 250 restriction the game puts on your CAW's.


5. For such an awesome array of purchaseable items, the selectable facial characteristics are rather lacking. This is only a minor detail though that I can live with.


Granted, that might look like a prime list for me to sell this game back to EB, but overall I absolutely love this game and will be keeping it for years to come. It would be better though with Online play, but meh... that's what DJ3 is for. ;)

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All in all, it's a pretty enjoyable game, save for a few select things.


1. I had a Streetfighter-Martial Arts-Submissions CAW that had the Tombstone Piledriver as a hard grapple. Cool huh? No. The move does absolutely NOTHING at all. No damage, no spirit boost, NOTHING. It's rather annoying that I have one completely useless move in my 4 move repertoire.

That's very odd. I have the tombstone as well, but it does do a medium amount damage.

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. My freind has a Wrestling-Kickboxing-Streetfighting fighter (who is just as unbeatable with the Kickboxing-strong grapples as I am with the Kick-Street combo) but what's dumb is that he only has ONE submission (back grapple) to use, basically nullifying the 3rd style completely. He is still pretty tough to beat though, but with my fighter's better speed (due to the fact that my guy is 5'7 178 lbs, compared to my freind's 6'7 250) I always beat him to the punch (no pun intended).

Well...he shouldn't even have that one submission really :s...Wrestling, kickboxing, nor streetfighter have a set of moves that should give you a submission..unless you meant to type one of those as submissions.


And, while I did and still do think this is an awesome game, I traded it in on the release date of ESPN NBA 2k5 to get that. It was good, but the replayability, while being good wasn't great. I at first thought I would be able to do the story multiple times, just with different people. But I was wrong. While it was cool seeing a completely different person in the cutscenes, it still didn't change the fact that it was the exact same thing..And the arenas...in a way got old to me. Because it's only so long before the 'HOly shit I just through his head through that car window' excitement goes away. So I said what the hell and just got 2k5. If it ever goes down, maybe 15$ there still might be a chance of me picking it up again, but if not, I'll just settle for DJV, SDvsRAW, and the Fight for NY demo I have from a Playstation magazine.

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