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Excellent, Short call to Bush to stop Israel

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I respect Lyndon Larouche not just for being a man not afraid to speak his mind, but for a pioneer in seeking out and exposing the truth in the lies of this world. Here lays out clearly how "President" Bush is in the backpocket of Ariel Sharon's terrorist state of Israel and that every day Bush is in office, is another day of the brutal ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. Interesting read.


Sharon Suckers Bush

The essence of President George W. Bush's April 4 Rose Garden performance, is that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was given a one-week deadline to complete the Hitlerian invasion and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian population, and whatever may still remain of the structure of the Palestinian Authority. If Sharon has his way, the next week will also see the extermination of Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat.


Israel will now be driven to use that window of opportunity Sharon has been given, to provoke a general war in the Middle East, most likely through a provocation in Lebanon aimed at drawing Syria into the war trap. The basic facts on the ground are: Sharon cannot sustain the present genocidal operations against the Palestinians, either militarily or politically. Sharon's ethnic cleansing campaign, and his tenure in power, are rapidly reaching a break point, as evidenced by the international outcry against the Israeli Defense Forces' Nazi-like operations throughout the Palestinian territories. Sharon desperately needs a broader war to survive politically.


Sharon will, thus, be driven to keep the war against the Palestinians going, by changing the theater of operations. The past days have seen the Israeli government focusing attention on purported Hezbollah operations against Israel, and against international relief agencies operating in southern Lebanon.


Although it cannot be forecast with absolute certainty, it is highly likely, however unpleasant, that Sharon will use the brief window of time, before the arrival of U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell in Israel, to provoke the broader war, initially targeted at Syria. This defines the immediate days ahead as a flashpoint for a major destabilization of the already-smoldering Middle East and Persian Gulf region.


Sharon's larger goal is to provoke a war against Iraq, preferably a United States-led war. However, if the United States administration balks at an attack on Iraq to commence during the immediate weeks ahead, Sharon will likely launch such an attack on his own. Again, this is not a certainty, but it is an immediate danger that cannot be ignored, except at great peril. It defines the direction in which Sharon, his war cabinet, and his IDF co-conspirators are driving the situation.


The President of the United States and his leading advisors must recognize, that if Sharon goes ahead with his immediate war plan, this will mean the political doom of George W. Bush. In the hours after the President's Rose Garden speech, the entire neo-Conservative crowd of Sharon boosters in the American media, issued celebratory endorsements, characterizing Bush's blame-game rhetoric against Yasser Arafat as the Palestinian Authority Chairman's "epitaph." A spokesman for President Arafat declared that Bush's remarks were tantamount to a green light for Sharon to kill Arafat.


Bush apologists argue, that were the President to have sent Colin Powell immediately to the Middle East, or had Bush taken an appropriately harsh stance against Sharon's Nazi-like conduct of the invasions of the Palestinian territories, "Joe Lieberman would be the next President." These Bush defenders whimper that only 11 of the 435 members of the House of Representatives are not under the grip of the Israel Lobby, and that "political expediencies" argue against a head-on confrontation with Sharon.


This is a cheap excuse. If the President does not act immediately, the Middle East will almost certainly explode, oil prices will skyrocket overnight, the fragile global financial superstructure will crash, and his Presidency will be politically finished, faster than you can say "Read my lips."


But, then again, George W. Bush was not selected as the Republican Party Presidential nominee because of his genius.





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I was watching Fox News Channel one night and they had DemocRATS debating. Now, I don't care for that kind of thing myself because I'll vote for a Texan over a MA liberal anyday, but I understand they need to live up to their claim of Fair & Balanced so they televised this debate.


But, at four or five different points, voices rang out in the hall, interrupting the debate, shouting statements like "Where's LaRouche?!" It was awfully rude, and Mr. LaRouche should know that it reflects poorly on him.


Besides, 90% of the time they interrupted the most honest man on the stage, Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut. This is a shame as he was probably the best and brightest choice for the Dems.


I mean, he would have still been a loser, but he would have gone down with dignity, and not shout and holler like that one cretin.

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First of all, how else are we supposed to spread the word of the gracious, humble, brilliant Mr. Larouche if he's not even invited to the Democratic debates to begin with! This is why I have some reservations about supporting John Kerry but I'll do what I have to do, but it's clear even the Democratic elites want to silence the Truth. Howard Dean I believe was the only man to speak the truth.

Second of all, Joe Lieberman. Uggh. If there was ever more concrete proof of a Zionist conspiracy, he is it. War Mongerer that he is too. The government elites are probably thrilled Joe wasn't elected since, then there would be no hiding Israel's deathgrip like control on US policy. Let me just clarify I'm NOT anti-semetic and I have nothing against Jews (some of my best friends like my personal finance attorney are Jewish), so don't even go there. You would think, though, that for a people that suffered through the Holocaust (supposedly, but that's a whole 'nother thread), they would be the last people you would think to emulate Nazi policies, but sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction...

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You proably bought that Jenin "massacre", too.

I can't even fathom that this is sarcasm, so I won't.

I've previously stated my views that we shouldn't have jails at all, so I guess you know my feelings on that.

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Mr. No Spin?




All Bill O'Reilly does is spin. Do you even watch his show?


I don't know how anyone can take Fox News seriously. It's just horrible conservative drivel.


Saying that Bill O'Reilly doesn't spin is like saying that George Bush is a good president.


Anyone who supports Israel is obviously a racist who hates Muslims.


I wish Israel had oil just so Bush would bomb the shit out of it like he did to poor defenceless Iraq.


I wish I lived in France

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I just really can't throw my heart into these silly April Fool's Day posts.


....um......Bush is the real weapon of mass destruction?


.......see? Weak.


I got nothing.

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All Bill O'Reilly does is spin. Do you even watch his show?

He spins so much that Maytag is coming out with Bill's signature line of washing machines.


He'll be pimping these appliances on his show next week.


I won't be watching though -- I recorded Phil Donahue's old MSNBC episodes and plan on having a week-long bash at my house...

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