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Coffin Surfer

Losing matches

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Edit by Grand Slam: Since I had the finisahed match I thought I'd be a kind fellow and paste it in here...


A deep rumble like thunder breaks across the New Jersey crowd, as thousands and thousands of feet beat off the arena floor, the crowd ready for more as the show returns from a break. The ever present sea of signs and banners can been see all around in the crowd, including a four row high, full colour image of six man tag main even line up. Funyon climbs the ring steps and ducks under the ropes once again, making his way to the middle of the ring to announce the next match up.


Comet: Welcome back citizens to SWF Smarkdown. We’ve still got an action packed main event to come, but right now, we’re got the return of an old team.


Riley: I’m really starting to think Danny Williams is the next Terry Funk. He leaves after Va’aiga beats him for the World Title. He comes back for that match against Dace and now he’s back again.


Comet: Well, this is Pro Wrestling. Sometimes you just can’t leave it alone. Look at me, I’m back as close to the action as I can be.


Riley: Yes, and what a joy that is for all of us. Still, Danny will be covered in ring rust, and Dace has lost to Toxxic and Alan Clark back to back. So he’s not in the best of shape either.


Comet: Well, it’s the team with the experience and history, versus the fresh and ready up and comers. We’ll have to wait to see how this one turns out.


Funyon: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest will be a tag team match for one fall. Introducing firstly, at a combined weight of four hundred and forty six pounds …… JIMMY ‘THE DEMON’ LISTON AND TOXXIC …… PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE!


Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse screams into life as the ramp is lit up by a shower of white pyro and then a huge red explosion. A huge chorus of booing rumbles of the screams of guitars as Toxxic and Liston stand side by side at the top of the ramp. Striding down to the ring, playing to the crowd’s jeering, the two stand in the ring under a red spotlight, taunting the fans.


Funyon: And their opponents, at a combined weight of four hundred and ninety five pounds…… DACE NIGHT AND DANNY WILLIAMS!


The Jester’s Dance kicks into life as a massive roar explodes from the crowd and a near deafening chant of ‘DAN-E! DAN-E! DAN-E!’ Standing at the top of the ramp, Dace and Danny grin at each other then the crowd. Strolling down the ramp, the present and former leaders of the Unholy Trinity climb the ring apron and throw their arms up to the crowd.

Glaring across the ring at Toxxic, Dace draws a line across his throat, before point at Toxxic and then Danny. Stepping into the ring, Williams moves towards Toxxic as Soapdish rings the opening bell.




Upon getting a closer look at the lipstick wearing pretty boy that he will be facing, Williams face twists with signs of disgust. The fans are going totally crazy as they are continuously chanting, ‘DAN-E! DAN-E! DAN-E!’ over and over again with no signs of stopping.


Infuriated by the audience’s lack of faith, Toxxic shouts back to the fans, ‘Prepare to be proved wrong!’


However, the crowd is so damn loud that the catch phrase gets lost in the breeze. Lunging forward, Toxxic instigates a collar elbow tie up. The little guy wiggles and squirms all over the place, frantically attempting to gain an advantage. Despite Toxxic obviously putting forth a monster effort, Williams casually shoves him to the canvas with authority! Growling like some great beast, Williams shows off his muscles with an intimidating Hulk Hogan pose causing the cheers of the crowd to swell to ear bleeding volumes! Sitting in front of Danny on his ass, Toxxic nervously pulls his head back, almost as if he’s worried that it’s going to get bitten off.


Comet: This place is electric, never have I heard a crowd so loud! Thank heavens, I have ear plugs under this mask, otherwise their screams would be too much for my super human ears to take!


Riley: I’m surprised these brain dead idiots can even remember who Danny Williams is.


Red faced with a combination of rage and embarrassment, Toxxic jumps to his feet, and brushes himself off. Slowing things down, Toxxic stalls a little, aimlessly pacing back and forth, while Williams is forced to wait on him. Finally, Toxxic decides to inch his way back towards the powerhouse that stands before him. As he creeps closer to Williams, the straight edger carefully extends his hands for another grapple. Danny accepts the invitation, which proves to be a huge mistake! Exposing his true intentions, Toxxic boots Williams in the gut, knocking the wind out of the former World Champion!


Riley: That’s why they call ‘em, "Psychological Warfare!’


Comet: Much like Lex Luther, the most dangerous super villains are the ones who can outsmart you.


Sporting his trademark lopsided grin, Toxxic grabs a side headlock, and starts grinding away. However, Williams just shoves Toxxic off, launching the young punk into the ropes! Sure enough, Toxxic comes steam rolling back, but Williams smartly drops to the mat, letting the speeding straight edger hurdle over his body! Hustling to his feet, Danny leap frogs over Toxxic on his next run, allowing the punk to pick up even more speed! The next time Toxxic passes, Williams hooks his arm, flipping him into the air with a picture perfect hip toss! But in a shocking turn of events, Toxxic lands on his feet with cat like agility! Taking advantage of Williams’ stupefied state of mind, Toxxic hooks him up for a hiptoss of his own! The straight edger spits and strains, but Danny isn’t going anywhere. Swinging around his free arm, Williams wallops Toxxic with a neck snapping Lariat!


Comet: It would seem that citizen Williams has too much power for Toxxic to handle!


Riley: That’s what happens when you only execute half of the stick n move strategy. Toxxic stuck his head out, but Danny knocked it off before he could move it.


Jumping up and down, a fired up Danny Williams beckons Toxxic to get on his feet! Instead of walking into another blitz, Toxxic smartly rolls back to his corner, tagging in the world’s strongest junior heavyweight...The Demon!


Riley: Let’s see Williams try to muscle Jimmy Liston around like that.


Comet: It won’t be easy. After all, Liston is the power of this ‘Power and Glory’ pairing.


Confidently entering the ring, Liston flexes his biceps at Danny, earning himself a loud round of ‘boos!’. To a more positive response, Danny flexes his much larger biceps back at Liston, who can only respond with a shrewd smirk.


Leaning over the ropes, Toxxic screams, “At least his muscles are natural, you Roid-Monkey!”.


Getting down to business, Williams and Liston end the pose down, and clash together in an enormous collar elbow tie up. Both men tremble and shake, digging their feet into the canvas, violently battling for control of the grapple! Perhaps because he is stronger, Liston successfully muscles Williams down into a front facelock. But Williams stealthily hooks an arm under the Demon’s leg, making him vulnerable for a scoop slam. Snorting and spitting like a work horse, Williams labors to get Liston off his feet. The Demon resists with all his might, but in the end, he’s just not heavy enough! Letting out a fearsome howl of effort, Williams scoops The Demon off the mat,.....




planting him with a huge body slam! In that instant, Toxxic drops his head in disappointment, while the capacity crowd erupts with joy!


Comet: It’s not a good sign when the Glory of the opposing team outmuscles the Power of the other team...or something like that.


Riley: Bah, muscles are just excessive body water, they have nothing to do with strength. Just look at me, you’d be surprised to know that I’m an award lifting power lifter.


Comet: I know what you mean, would you believe that nobody thinks I can fly?


Clamping down on the Demon with a front facelock, Williams walks him back to his corner, where Dace tags himself in! The crowd goes ecstatic as Dace and Williams use their combine strength to hoist Liston in the air for the Double Suplex! The two powerhouses stall, holding the Demon over their heads for what feels like an eternity, before finally bringing him down!




Williams hurries out on to the ring apron, while Dace blankets Liston for the first pin attempt of the night.




The Demon energetically kicks out, momentarily quieting the crowd. Hooking Liston’s boots under his arm pits, Dace cheerfully turns him over for the Boston Crab! Leaning back, Dace can’t help but smile as he unnaturally bends Liston’s spine in the wrong direction. Ignoring Soapdish’s pleas for order, an impatient Toxxic comes bolting into the ring. Stomping over to Dace, Toxxic viciously punts him so hard in the arm, that the echo of boot on bone echoes throughout the entire arena! Recoiling in pain, Dace releases Liston to cradle his busted his arm.


Comet: What a despicable act of villainy, that's the same arm that Toxxic injured a few weeks back.


Williams protests to Soapdish, but the damage has been done. Toxxic does a cocky strut back to his corner, seemingly oblivious to the fact that everyone in the building is lowering their thumbs and ‘booing’ their asses off. Dace tries to protect his arm as a recovered Liston grabs hold of it and slams home a wave of clubbing right hands. Twisting around slowly, Liston drags Dace’s arm around into a top wristlock, wringing it out, torquing the injured limb to renewed booing.


Riley: And Psychological Warfare live up to their name again. Going after Dace’s injured arm is their best beat. Take the power away from the Power member. Keep both Dace and Danny frustrated, stop them thinking like experienced guys.


Still clinging onto Horrorcore’s arm, The Demon twists him around and launches him off into an irish whip, but sadistically slams on the breaks, yanking his arm out of the socket! Pulling Dace back into his clutches, Liston spins around, blasting him with a brutal Hook Kick! Dace goes down like a sack of bricks, prompting Liston to go for the cover.





Dace kicks out, but finds himself quickly secured in a kneeling armbar! Using a vice like grip, Liston gruesomely twists the arm without mercy. Growling through clenched teeth, Night tries to tear himself away from Liston’s attack as pain shoots down his arm with every movement.


Comet: The Demon is still going after that arm. Citizen Dace is tough, but there’s only so much he can take before that arm gives out completely.


Riley: This some brilliant tag team wrestling, they’ve got Dace isolated and wounded, cut off from the aid of his roid freak partner.


Lead by Danny’s beating on the top turnbuckles, a chant of ‘LET’S GOD DACE! LET’S GO DACE! LET’S GO DACE!’ starts to ring out from the crowds. Fighting through the pain, Dace battles his way to a vertical base.. Gritting his teeth even tighter, Dace snakes out his good arm, upon finding Liston’s leg, he quickly takes him over with a fireman’s carry!


Riley: Holy crap, Dace Night actually performed a wrestling move!


The crowd bursts into a small wave of cheers as Dace bails under the ropes to the floor and clutches at his throbbing arm, trying to make some recovery from the pain. But before he can do much, The Demon is back on his feet and on the outside right along with him. Furiously struggling with pain and to make some breathing room, Night cracks Liston with a back elbow to the temple. With one arm, Dace ramps the dazed Liston into the security barrier. Scrambling back into the ring while clutching at his arm, Dace tries to race towards his corner, but it’s for no good as Liston reaches under the bottom rope, catching Dace around the ankles! Liston trips Dace to the mat like a school yard bully as a huge wave of boos explodes from the crowd.


Comet: So close! Citizen Night manages to briefly outwrestle and out fox Liston with one arm, but gets caught before he can tag in Danny Williams.


Riley: See, Liston was thinking further ahead than Dace thought he was and that just shows Liston and Toxxic are the better tag team. It’s only a matter of time before that arm gives out on Dace completely and it’s all over.


Slowly rolling over on the mat, Dace feels his arm burn even more as the adrenaline rush fades and Jimmy Liston stands over him. Slamming a boot into Night’s arm for good measure, Liston drags him up from the mat like child.




Dace scores with a desperation elbow, but the strike sends tremors of pain running down his arm! Shoving Dace off in annoyance The Demon pauses for the briefest moment before charging forwards into a spear that lifts Horrorcore up from his feet and drives him all the way into the turnbuckles, where Toxxic waits with a grin across his face. From across the ring, Danny can only yell on with the crowd as Liston tags Toxxic in. Using the full five count, both men start to hammer away at Night’s arm with blow after blow even as Soapdish tries to force his way in and break the beating apart.




As The Demon finally sets out onto the apron, Toxxic hooks up Dace’s injured arm……


Comet: Toxxic and Liston are just mugging Dace in their corner! It looks like they’ve finally got their Power and Glory game plan worked out.


Riley: What did I tell you Comet? These two are going to cause a so called upset very shortly and there’s nothing Danny Williams can do to stop it.


……Diving out of the corner like a sprinter off the blocks, the Straight Edge Punk drags Dace along by his injured arm and leaping into the air, drops to the mat, snapping the arm across his shoulder with a crack that echoes with the crowds jeering and chants of ‘TOXXIC SUCKS! TOXXIC SUCKS!’ Punting a kick into Dace’s shoulder just as he earlier in to the match, Toxxic smiles as Dace roars in agony. Eagerly yanking Horrorcore back up by his arm, Toxxic doubles him over with a wristlock, and than leaps forward, driving Dace’s face and shoulder into the hard canvas! From there, Toxxic pins Dace’s bad arm back in a half nelson, latching on the dreaded Regal Stretch! Clawing at his own hair, Dace lets out a hideous scream as the move is painfully applied!


Riley: It looks like we might see the submission, Comet!


Comet: Not to many people submit to the Regal Stretch, but citizen Dace’s arm is in just horrid condition that it’s doubtful he can survive such excruciating pain!


Helping Dace with through this horrific development, the fans begin ceaselessly chanting...


“DACE NIGHT!” Boom! Boom! “DACE NIGHT!” Boom! Boom!


Making up for his limited strength with blood thirsty ambition, Toxxic growls and shakes as he adds as much pressure to the hold as he possibly can! Getting nervous, Williams sticks half his body through the ropes, debating if he should make a move or not. Refusing to quit, Dace epically crawls towards the ropes, dragging Toxxic along with him. The crowd gets louder and louder, as Dace comes closer and closer to his goal. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, Dace grasps the bottom rope with his free hand while the relieved crowd goes ballistic!


Comet: What a valiant display of courage from the Unholy Trinity leader!


Despite Soapdish calling for the break, Toxxic refuses to release the hold, and instead works it like a mofo! The fans demand Toxxic’s blood, but Soapdish has to give him a three count before he can disqualify him. Glaring sadistically at Soapdish, Toxxic playfully counts along with the official, further infuriating Danny Williams and the crowd.


Riley: Haha, I love this guy! The new Toxxic is alright by me.


Once the count down comes to an end, Toxxic releases Dace, and casually hops to his feet. While Dace agonizes on the mat, Toxxic busts out one of his infamous catalogue poses, damn near causing the angry mob in the stands to tear down the guardrail and charge after him! After having his fun, Toxxic tags in Liston, who quickly jogs over to Dace. Scooping Horrorcore up like he’s weightless, Liston brings him down with a nasty Shoulderbreaker! Pushing his weight down on Dace’s shoulders, The Demon immediately goes for the cover.










Using the power of his legs, Dace forcefully kicks out to a gigantic pop! Snatching Dace up by his victimized arm, the Demon cruelly twists the limb with a tendon tearing arm wringer. In one fluid motion, Liston suavely spins around, swinging out his leg for the hook kick!




Ducking under the Demon’s leg, Dace darts to the ropes! Regaining his balance, Liston twirls around, only to get his face liquified by a uber stiff Yakuza Kick!




Liston goes down in a cloud of sweat, while the crowd erupts with a riveting ovation!


Comet: Liston foolishly went to the well one too many times with that Hook Kick, and Dace Night made him pay for it!


Cradling his arm, Dace staggers to his corner, and collapses, but not before tagging in his pumped up partner! The crowd goes into hysterics as Williams comes storming into the ring like a bat out of hell! Bum rushing Liston as he climbs to his feet, Danny unloads a flurry of elbow smashes to his jaw and temple, driving the Demon back into the ropes! Launching Liston off the ropes with an Irish whip, Williams leaps to position in the center of the ring....




catching the Demon on the rebound with an earth shaking Belly to Belly Suplex! The huge suplex forces the fans to involuntarily jump out of their chairs with excitement!




Scrambling to the aid of his partner, Toxxic explodes into the ring at Williams...




…Only to get obliterated by a Belly to Belly Suplex himself! Jumping to his feet, Williams roars at the screaming fans, who are hopping up and down like lunatics! Jerking Liston up by his tights, Danny clamps on a rear waistlock, and snaps backwards!




Riley: And thanks to Danny Williams’ cheating, there’s no one to save Liston either!


Bridging on his tippy toes, Williams holds Liston in place for the pin. Overwhelmed with the joy, the thousands in attendance scream along with the count.
























“THRE-Ooooooooooooh!”, sighs the fans as Liston just barely kicks out! Keeping the heat on Liston, Williams hastily pulls the Demon up into a standing head scissors, further enticing the super hot crowd!




Riley: I know Toxxic’s hurting, but he needs to get his ass back in the ring!


One at a time, Williams latches his huge arms around Liston’s waist, tightly locking his hands around his underbelly. Taking a couple of deep breaths, Williams digs his feet into the mat, and lifts........


“Daaaaaaaaaaaaaah!”, groans Danny as he strains to get the Demon into the air!


Gathering his wits, Liston frantically sand bags, momentarily delaying the inevitable doom of the Powerbomb! Back on the side lines, Dace Night shouts words of encouragement at his partner, who can’t seem to get over the hump. Grabbing the Demon by his tights, Williams angrily pulls him back up, urgently re-positioning him for his finisher!


Comet: He’s got him now!


When all of a sudden, Toxxic comes soaring off the top turnbuckle, hooking Williams with a devastating Sky Diving Lariat! Like a dead cow, Williams lands on his back with his legs protruding in the air! Taking advantage of this pleasant surprise, the Demon eagerly grabs both of Danny’s legs, and flips forward, cradling him with a shocking double leg pick up!

















Not giving Dace the chance to save his partner, Toxxic blind sides him with a Discus Clothesline out of nowhere, knocking Horrorcore off the ring apron!










THRE-NO! Williams escapes the cradle in the nick of time!


Riley: Dammit, I thought for sure he had him!


In response to the nearfall, the fans wildly run in place, creating a rumbling that can be heard through the entire state of New Jersey! Restoring order, Soapdish forces Toxxic back into his corner. Meanwhile, the rabid crowd begins to religiously chant!




Taking a second to suck up the damage that Williams inflicted on him, Liston wobbles to his feet with a grunt. Grabbing Williams by his hair so he won’t go anywhere, Liston stretches his arm back to his corner, touching hands with his straight edge partner! Sensing that Williams’ days are numbered, the fans quiet down, watching Toxxic spring up on to the top rope in stony silence. Liston ruthlessly impales Williams on his knee with a Pendulum Backbreaker, giving Toxxic his cue to sommersault off the top rope!




Camera flashes go off like strobe lights as Toxxic crushes Williams’ exposed wind pipe with a beautiful Leg Drop, nearly tearing his head off in the process!




The fans have their hearts in their throats as Toxxic calmly sits on top of Williams’ chest, hooking one of his legs for a very cocky pin!





























NO! Somehow, Williams finds the strength to wiggle his shoulder off the mat! While the pop for the last near fall was big, it’s merely microscopic compared to this one!


Comet: Your not gonna pin a former World Champion that way!


Riley: Nonsense, he just needs to pound on Williams a little more than he can pin him anyway he wants.


Frustrated, Toxxic goes after Soapdish, insisting that the count was slow. The scrawny official holds his ground, maintaining that he called it right down the line. Getting nowhere, Toxxic sets his sights back on Williams. Making the “straight edge” symbol with his hands, Toxxic prepares to finish off the roid abusing waste of humanity lying in front of him. Mounting the former World Champion’s back, Toxxic twists his arm back into a hammerlock, while pulling his head back with a suffocating Dragon Sleeper!




Riley: He’s got him in the center of the ring too, this match is as good as over!


The situation is hopeless, the pain is unbearable, and Williams has nowhere to go. He extends his hand for the tap, when suddenly, Dace Night comes barging into the ring. Wearing a hateful scowl on his face, Dace brutally punts Toxxic in the side of his arm to a ear shattering ovation! Grinning from ear to ear, Dace waltzes back to his corner, while Liston shouts threats from afar. Releasing the quivering World Champion, Toxxic falls back to the mat, desperately rubbing the feeling back into his arm.


Comet: Citizen Dace, getting some revenge for earlier!


Riley: Now Soapdish could have stopped that if he wanted to, damn these biased officials!


Once the numbness in his arm wears off, Toxxic climbs to his feet, and spits in Dace’s direction! Staring down at Williams with a look of complete disgust, Toxxic reaches down to pull him up for some more punishment. In a shocking turn of events, Williams grabs Toxxic around the legs, tripping him up with a double leg takedown! Rising to his full height, Williams drops back, catapulting Toxxic into the air!




Toxxic crashes chest first into the turnbuckles, while the nuclear hot crowd continues to go wild! Rolling to his corner, Williams slaps hand with Dace, who is more than willing to get in there, and dish out some pain! Roaring with rage, Dace charges Toxxic like a bull seeing red!




Toxxic gets a leg up, knocking Dace into next week with a Superkick for the ages! Dace is out, flat on his back, the crowd now as dead as him.


Riley: That Dace never was much of a thinker.


Taking a second to shake the cob webs loose, Toxxic leaps up onto the top turnbuckle, carefully eyeing Dace’s carcass up.


Comet: Uh oh, could Toxxic be going for Inglorious! The same move that defeated Dace Night just two weeks ago!


Flash photography illuminates the arena as Toxxic takes flight like only he can! Spiraling through the air with unnatural athleticism, Toxxic completes a beautiful 360 flip just in time to kick his feet out for the leg drop.....




…But nobodies home! Screaming at the top of his lungs, Toxxic hurries to his feet, while shamelessly rubbing his sore ass. Rubber legged, Dace stumbles to his feet, which sends the sore assed Toxxic into a rage! Spinning at Dace, Toxxic throws out his arm for the Discus Clotheslin! But Dace swings up his leg, clipping Toxxic’s arm with a painful High Kick! His eyes alive with pain, Toxxic collects his busted arm, and makes a run for his corner.


Comet: And now the tables have turned!


Riley: Oh the irony!


Not letting his prey get away, Dace grabs Toxxic’s injured arm, scissors it, and drags him down to the mat! Realizing that Toxxic is in position for a lethal Cross Armbreaker, the crowd goes absolutely bat shit!




Toxxic locks his hands together, doing everything in his power to stop Dace from straightening his arm out! Sitting up, Dace pulls and tugs with all his might, slowly prying Toxxic’s fingers apart!


Riley: Toxxic needs to haul ass to the ropes as fast as he can! Even nut cases like Nielsen of the Jungle have tapped out to the JuJuwhatever!


Coming to the rescue of his partner, Liston comes rushing into the ring, but Williams is on top of him! Ducking behind Liston, Williams grabs an air tight Sleeperhold, using it to pull him away from the action! In that instant, Dace successfully breaks Toxxic’s death grip, locking on the dangerous submission hold! The Continental Airlines Arena transforms into a mad house with people literally dancing in the aisles!




You would think Toxxic was being killed, the way he’s screaming! Sporting a creepy smile, Dace can’t help but enjoy hearing the gruesome sound of the bones and tendons in Toxxic’s arm popping, cracking, and tearing under the strain! The move that's beaten so many people at the hands of Danny Williams looks ready to claim another victim.


Riley: Hang in there, Toxxic, Liston’s gonna shake free from Danny any second now!


Liston wildly sways from side to side, but he can’t seem to shake Williams lose. The only thing the Demon can do is helplessly sit back and watch Dace tear his partner’s arm off! Like a hyper active health freak doing sit ups, Dace begins flopping up and down with Toxxic’s poor fragile arm, threatening to tear it off.


Crazy eyed, Dace screams, “I’ll break it, I’ll break it right off!” like he really means.


Fearing for his arm and his career, Toxxic swallows his pride, and taps the mat with his free hand!






Releasing Toxxic’s mangled arm, Dace jumps up and down with joy, while the crowd proceeds to blow the roof off the arena! Williams frees the purple faced Demon from his crutches so that he can congratulate Dace on a job well done! Crowds mass at the guardrail like a forming army, holding their cameras in the air so that they can get a clear picture of Dace and Williams standing side by side in victory for the first time in almost a year!


Comet: It’s been a long road, but citizen Dace has finally gotten some payback for his ICTV Title loss.


Riley: Yeah, but he couldn’t do it on his own, he needed the help of a former World Champion to do it.


Comet: Yes, but it was Dace who avoided the move that had beaten him before, and it was Dace who made Toxxic tap out. This may have been Williams’ real welcome home party, but the night really belongs to Dace!


Ducking under Dace’s legs, Williams hoists the big man up on his shoulders so that all can bask in his glory! Soon, the sonic chaos takes the shape of a thunderous chant...



Edited by Grand Slam

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Guest Goodear

Hey, if someone can post our six man tag I would appreciate it as well since I never got to see the finished product.

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There you go, man...




Funyon struts into the middle of the ring surrounded on all sides by a horde of exhausted wrestling fans. They have seen so much tonight (like Blanka!) but there is one last contest of champions to be dealt with tonight, “Ladies and Gentlemen, this is YOUR main event for the evening and will be contested under six man tag team rules with a one hour time limit. Introducing first…”


The crowd darkens deeply as lights around the arena drops down to nothing as a low hymn starts to swell throughout the crowd. Through the darkness, it is clear that a number of people in blue robes are taking up position on the side of the ring much to the immediate annoyance of the crowd. It does not take long for the focus of the crowd to shift away from the gospel choir and to the three men and one woman now walking through the curtain. Flanked by The House of Todd and Megan Skye is the number one man of The Unnamed, John Duran. Ignoring the amount of praise that Landon Maddix and Skye are giving Todd Royal, John stomps all the way down the aisle and into the ring. Immediately climbing up to the middle rope, Duran lifts his arms up into the sky with his men still walking their way down the aisle. Finally reaching the ring, The Disciple of Todd hops up to the apron and holds the ropes open for his spiritual leader and his manager.


“They weigh in tonight at a total combined weight of 698 pounds and are accompanied to the right by the lovely Meagan Skye. From Huron, South Dakota is Landon ‘La Cucaracha’ Maddix and from San Diego, California it is Todd Royal. Together these two gentlemen compose THE HOUSE OF TODDDDD! And their partner… he comes to us from Champaign, Illinois, he is ‘The Notorious’ JOHN DURAN. Together all three compose the elite team in professional wrestling THE UNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAMED!”


“That right there Cyclone Comet,” calls out Bobby Riley, “is the best damn collection of wrestlers I have seen in a long, long time. These three men are not the about the present like some other guys like The Unholy Trinity or even The Magnificent Seven. The Unnamed is about the future. And these three will be the future over the course of the years to come. Just you wait.”


“I won’t have to wait long Riley,” replies The Comet. “These three are so good right now, that I have to wonder if they have any limits at all. But they have a big obstacle in their way tonight…”


“And their opponents…”



There'll be peace when you are done

Lay your weary heads to rest

Don't you cry no more


With the sounds of Kansas playing through the arena, the crowd looks to the ring entrance and catches an eyeful of two men coming through the curtain together. On one side is the SWF Cruiserweight Champion Alan Clark and on the other the newly reborn Coy West. Evidently united under some sort of banner the two men provide a contrast to each other now more than ever. While Alan is still dressed in his T-shirt and jeans, Coy is now wearing more traditional wrestling gear of black tights and boots with white kneepads pulled over his shins. Pulling a baseball cap off his black hair, Coy flings it into the crowd as they marvel at the transformation from the redneck Coy seemingly used to be.


“These two gentlemen weigh in at a total combined weight of 478 pounds. They are Coy West and the current reigning SWF Cruiserweight Champion ALANNNNNN CLARRRRRRRK! And their partner…”




With the sounds of Metallica pounding through the sound system, the crowd is greeted by the presence of the World Heavyweight Champion Charlie Matthews. Walking out through the curtain with the twenty pounds of gold strapped around his waist, The Grappler walks purposely down the aisle as the crowd continues to support their champion. Charlie nods to both partners with an emotionless expression as all three step up to the apron and into the ring. On the other side of the ring, The House of Todd immediately heads out to the ring apron and leaves only John Duran standing his ground in the face of these three men.


“He weighs in at 303 pounds and hails from Kansas City, Missouri. He is the current and WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, THE GRAPPLER CHARLIEEEEEEEEEE MATHREWWWWWWWWS!”


Pulling the strap from around his waist, The Grappler lifts his belt high into the air as every man in the ring looks at the title. Even Charlie’s partners show an obvious desire to be the man, but they make no move for him due to their contractual obligation to be his partner for this evening. Slowly, Royal and Maddix join their partner back in the ring fully as they are assured that the match will not be starting off with some sort of brawl. Together The Unnamed huddle together to discuss last minute strategy as the other side of the ring almost silently comes to the conclusion that Coy West will be starting out for their squad. Seeing this from the other side, the decision is made that Landon Maddix will be the one to begin the contest as both of his superiors head out to the apron.


“And we are set to go,” calls out The Cyclone Comet, “Both of these men came up short last week…”


“Landon got screwed though,” replies Bobby Riley before Comet can continue his thought. “He got totally hosed by The Grappler. On the other hand, Stryke just kicked the crap out of… can I still call him a dumb hick?”




Together both men meet in the middle of the ring in a collar-and-elbow tie up only to have Maddix dart right behind his opponent and snag him from behind with a tight waistlock. But Coy immediately sticks out his hips in order to avoid getting his legs swept out from underneath him and starts to work his hands into Landon’s grip. Breaking the hold with his far superior power, West takes his purchase and uses it to negotiate his way into a wristlock. Not wasting a second, West slams down on his shoulder with a right hand that knocks the Disciple of Todd down to a knee. Using his momentary command of the situation, West grabs Maddix by the back of the head and pushes him back into a corner. Completely ignoring the complaints of the referee to break cleanly, West immediately strikes his opponent hard underneath the jaw with a right hook that stuns Landon long enough for Coy to grab him by the wrist once again and send him across the ring with an Irish whip. Quickly charging in after his prey though proves to be problematic as Maddix brings knee up and into Coy’s chest and knocks him back into the corner. Immediately stepping out to the apron, Maddix waits for his opening as Riley starts to sing his praises.


“Ha,” laughs the color commentator. “For all this new man crap, Coy is just the same old loser he always was.”


Sensing the same thing, Landon springs up to the top rope in one fluid motion and flings himself at Coy with the flying clothesline only to have Coy catch him in the middle of the ring and jam him back down to the canvas with a hard belly-to-belly suplex! The impact of the blow seemingly knocks the air of Maddix, but as Coy pulls him off the canvas, the Disciple fires all of his weight into his opponent’s gut, sending Coy reeling backwards into his own corner.


“Citizen West thought he had the upper hand there, but you can’t count Landon down that quickly!” Comet calls out as Landon drags Coy out of his corner with a whip into the opposing corner, leaving West to bounce hard off the turnbuckle. Maddix tries to follow up, but Coy holds his hand up as if to tell the plucky cruiserweight to freeze. Landon does, looking a bit confused. Coy points over the Disciple’s shoulder to the other side of the ring, and as Landon turns around, his eyes meet with those of the Cruiserweight Champion, a smirk plastered onto his face. Maddix immediately begins to back away, looking toward the referee, who signals that a tag was indeed made.


“What? What tag?” Riley questions the referee’s actions, “I didn’t see any blasted tag!”


“Well, Robert…when Landon drove Coy back in the corner, it seems a blind tag was made and now Landon is standing in the ring with a man that I’m sure he didn’t want to cross any time soon!”


“What are you talking about? Landon has beat that guy from pillar to post every time they’ve faced each other…this will be just another feather in Landon’s cap!” Riley retorts as Landon continues to back up, completely forgetting that Coy West is standing directly behind him. Maddix backs right into Coy’s waiting arms as Clark sets himself in the center of the ring. And it is clear why that is as West lifts Landon off the mat and jams him down with an atomic drop that propels the member of the Unnamed right into the grasp of the Cruiserweight Champion, who immediately turns it over into a tilt-a-whirl Chartbreaker! Spiraling off the knee, Maddix tries to find a way out to his corner.


“Crap,” mentions Riley, “You don’t really see tag team maneuvers like that very often from a makeshift team.”


Comet agrees, “I’m not that sure that they are that makeshift. I think that they might have come out of their two matches with a rather odd bond. And now with both men at a bit of a crossroads, they might have really become a pair of wayward sons.”


But as the two announcers discuss the possible trademarks, Maddix continues to try and pull himself over to the waiting Royal and Duran. But he finds his path barred for the time being as Alan Clark latches onto his ankle and pulls Maddix back towards the center of the ring. Kicking the member of the Unnamed in the chest, Alan grabs his opponent around the head with a front facelock and looks to Get Amped right in the middle of the ring. But just as Alan has him in position to be driven into the canvas, Maddix gets his weight behind him and pushes him off and into the ropes. Grabbing the charging Clark on the rebound, Landon immediately sets him up and tosses him over his head with a textbook exploder suplex! Hitting the canvas hard, Alan immediately puts a hand on his back as Landon gets to his partners and makes the tag to the highly esteemed Todd Royal as Megan cheers on the entrance of her favorite wrestler in the whole world. But as he charges into range, Alan dips his shoulders and catches Royal! Carrying the struggling hand of Todd over his shoulders, the Cruiserweight champion takes a moment to recover his senses before swinging Todd right back to the canvas with a hard as hell Alabama slam!




Holding onto Todd’s legs, Alan immediately drags him backward and into his corner. Reaching back, Alan tags West back into the contest as The Grappler looks on with a mildly raised eyebrow at the idea of getting passed over in the rotation. But he raises no real argument as Coy and Alan pull Todd Royal up to his feet and each grab a hold of him by a leg. Acting in concert yet again, the two fan favorites lift Todd right off the canvas before dropping him down with a staggering double kneebreaker! Crushed by the pain of the impact, Todd flips over to his back with a hand on both of his shins as Clark heads back to the apron. Coy however is still a blur of motion as he pulls one of Todd’s legs off the canvas and makes an imaginary circle in the air. Immediately spinning about the limb, Coy strikes with his dreaded spinning toehold as Todd immediately starts to scream out in the pain of the hold. But Todd does not have long to be concerned with that as John Duran is in the ring in a second to knock Coy off with a hard clothesline to the side of the head.


“And Duran finally makes himself present with a HUGE clothesline!” Riley calls as Coy falls to the mat in a heap, his body falling next to the recovering Royal, but Duran is unable to make another move as Charlie Matthews climbs into the ring, interjecting himself right into the Unnamed business at hand.


“Here comes the Champ!” Comet yells as Matthews moves in on the Notorious One, but Duran steps off, holding his hands up and showing that he wants no part of the World Champion. The referee finally gets in between the two, screaming at them to get back to their corners as Coy and Todd both drag themselves into their respective corners. West reaches Clark first, who comes over the top rope like a flash, grabbing Royal by the ankle just before he can reach Maddix. Alan drags Royal away from his corner, causing almost a whimper from the House of Todd leader. Clark is finally able to get Royal into the middle of the ring, holding him by his right foot and falling down, dropping all of his weight into the knee of Todd Royal. Todd tries to fight away from the Cruiserweight champion’s grip, but Alan drives his elbow into Royal’s knee once more before getting to his feet and relinquishing the hold, taking a moment to soak in some of the cheers that have begun to echo down out of the crowd.


“Showboat…” Riley mutters almost under his breath, as Alan finally turns back toward Todd, who has made it back up to his feet. Royal tries to catch Clark off guard with a kick, but the quicker Clark catches the foot in his grasp Alan shakes his head before rolling his body down to the canvas, holding onto Royal’s ankle and whipping him over to the mat with a picture perfect dragon screw. Royal tries to grab at his knee once more, but Clark is still holding on tight as he stands to his feet, positioning his body away from the downed Royal.


“I think I know where this is headed!” Comet exclaims as Alan wraps Royal’s left leg around his own and looks to put Todd’s other leg in perfect position for the Cross Lightning. Just as he reaches back, Todd pushes his foot into Clark’s back with all his might, causing Alan to stumble forward and break the hold. “No! The Wrath of Clark was almost brought down right on Todd Royal, but he was able to counter out at the last possible moment!”


“The Wrath of WHAT? That’s BLASPHEMY!” Riley interjects, and as the two announcers engage in discussion over the nuances of organized religion, Royal is back to his feet – though noticeably limping – and heading for a tag with his partner. Clark tries to intervene, but Royal is able to get to Landon in time, drawing a chorus of boos from the crowd. Instead of entering the ring, Landon drops down from the apron and backs away, almost daring Alan to come to the outside. Alan makes his move, but swerves back at the last second to go after Todd Royal. The House of Todd leader is ready, however, and catches Clark off guard with a boot to the midsection. Clark doubles over and Royal immediately wraps his arms around the Cruiserweight Champion’s waist and lifts him up into a powerbomb, turning his body to use the turnbuckle to steady himself on his weakened legs. On the outside, Landon pops up to the apron and then to the top rope himself, leaping off and dragging Clark down with him as Royal completes the powerbomb, driving Clark straight into the canvas!


“Todd Royal and Landon Maddix just gave Alan Clark wings!” Comet yells as Landon instinctively goes for a pin, but Clark’s foot lays under the bottom rope, preventing any such thing from happening. Maddix takes this has just a small obstacle, however, and drags Clark out a few feet from the ropes before falling down into a cover…











Alan Clark kicks out, and Landon’s expression is halfway between ‘shock’ and ‘absolutely horrified’ that Alan would dare kick out of a powerbomb. At the announcer’s table, Riley is not fairing too well either.


“How did he do that? Nobody should be able to get up from that!” Riley screams as Landon snaps out of his emotional state and goes back to concentrating on Clark, dragging him to his feet and whipping him off the ropes, catching Alan with a picturesque dropkick right to the chin as he bounces back, sending Clark back down to the canvas. With Clark down, Landon seizes the moment and goes to the ropes, springing off the second rope and flipping backwards through the air, looking to bring all his weight down across Alan’s chest…and he does! Landon strikes with the Asai moonsault and goes right back in for another cover…












“That was barely a kickout! Ref!” Riley yells up toward the ring, but is unheard as Landon simply continues his assault, pulling Clark up…






“By Zeus did you see that! Landon Maddix almost peeled the skin of Clark’s face with that slap!” Comet yells, but Maddix’s expression turns from smug to scared as Clark turns his face back up toward his opponent, his smirk returned. Landon begins to back away once more, right into his corner, and Todd jumps right in, tagging Maddix on the shoulder and climbing into the ring, getting between Clark and his disciple.


Clark just keeps moving.


Todd moves in to Alan and gets in his face, screaming inaudibly. Clark finally stops, and Landon looks a bit relieved, but only for a moment as Alan explodes into Todd, shoving him back into the corner, sandwiching Royal in between himself and Maddix. The crowd pops huge as the House of Todd drops down to the canvas in a heap. Alan pulls Todd up and whips him across the ring into the face corner as Landon rolls out to the apron. Alan pauses for a moment to make sure Landon will not be making any sudden movements before making his way over to his own corner and tagging in Coy, who climbs into the ring as Alan heads toward the neutral corner.


“What are they doing now? Ref! Get Clark out of the ring!”


“He has five seconds to exit the ring and you know that, Robert.” Comet retaliates as Coy lifts Todd up to the top rope and hooks him in for a superplex. As Coy pulls Todd of the top rope and over toward the canvas, Alan climbs the neutral corner and dives off just as Todd is driven into the mat. Todd may think he the pain is over, but Alan is there, his right leg falling across Royal’s throat as Coy moves out of the way for his partner.


“No fair!” Riley once again protests as Alan rolls out of the ring and away from the action, leaving Comet to make the call.


“A Superplex followed by a huge guillotine legdrop…and a cover!”











Comet yells as Landon falls across Coy’s body, breaking the count for his team. This brings Alan back into the ring as well, and as the referee tries to detain him, Landon has Coy back on his feet, but only momentarily, before driving him back down with a DDT. Landon drags Royal over top of West and retreats to his corner just as the referee turns around!










“NO!!” Riley screams as Clark drags Todd of West, making sure to send a kick into Royal’s right knee before heading back to the apron. “That was uncalled for!”


“Your hypocrisy continues to amaze me, Robert” Comet remarks as West gets back to his knees, crawling toward his corner and making the legal tag to Alan. Matthews seems shocked once more that he can not seem to get into the match, but lets it slide as they seem to have regained their momentum. Alan comes into the ring and goes right back to work on Royal’s leg, dropping another elbow across the knee before yanking him up to his feet and whipping him across the ring and into the Unnamed corner. The referee signals a tag as Alan runs in, leaving Todd to drop down as Landon springs up and off the top rope, nearly decapitating Clark with a flying clothesline!




The crowd explodes in jeers as Clark falls to the mat and Landon hops back up to his feet, turning toward the crowd for a moment as if to say ‘turnabout is fair play’, but the audience continues their reckless boos, anyway. Maddix goes for another Irish whip, but the Cruiserweight champ reverses at the last second, and as Maddix comes back toward the center of the ring, Alan jumps up, trying for a hurracanrana. Maddix counters, blocking the attempt and catching Alan’s legs and standing steadfast, draping Alan down and wrapping his legs around Clark’s upper arms before falling forward, slamming Clark down into the mat.


“Disciple Clash!” Comet yells as Clark’s body is smashed into the canvas, but Landon does not seem to be through with his nemesis quite yet. Landon locks his legs around the back of Alan’s neck and rolls to the side, getting to his back and trapping Clark’s body, bending it in ways it was never meant to go.


“Yes! And now the Stretch Landon is on! This is over…WAIT!” Riley is erratic as Coy climbs into the ring and goes for the jugular, driving his elbow into Landon’s throat, causing the submission to be broken, but Landon calls for reinforcements as the referee fights to get Coy out of the ring. Todd, still limping, gets to Landon as fast as he can and Alan is pulled up and immediately dropped straight back down onto the top of his head with a double brainbuster – courtesy of the House of Todd!


“Alan Clark could be out cold!” Comet screams as Todd slides to the outside of the ring as Landon goes for the cover. The referee takes a moment to look over at Royal on the outside before making the count…













“Alan Clark kicks out and that is complete robbery! The referee took too long getting to that cover!” Riley argues as Landon, though shocked at the tenacity of the cruiserweight champ, is quick to pull him to his feet and try another whip into the ropes. Landon aims for a clothesline as Alan comes back toward the center of the ring.





Alan gets underneath the outstretched arm of the Disciple, and turns around quickly, trying to catch Maddix with a clothesline of his own…





The clothesline attempt sends Clark flailing, and Landon aims for a neckbreaker, but Clark holds his position and shoves Landon forward, sending him into the ropes and bouncing back at breakneck speed…






The two superstars collide with clotheslines and fall to the canvas, the crowd exploding in cheers as the two lay in the center of the ring, their partners standing on the apron, yelling and screaming for tags to be made.


“Both men went for clotheslines and they both hit hard!” Comet yells as Landon begins the long crawl toward his corner, but Clark has yet to move after being brutalized for the past few moments on the match by the House of Todd.


“Come On, Clark!” Coy can be heard screaming as Landon inches closer and closer to his team, and Alan finally begins to move, looking up toward his corner and starting to crawl.


“It’s a race for a tag!” continues Comet as Landon is only a few feet away from the outstretched arms of his partners, and the same can be said for Clark on the other side of the ring…



“…and Landon makes the tag!”



“…but so does Alan Clark!”



“…here comes Duran!”



“…and Matthews too!”





The fans chant rhythmically as the two behemoths finally step into the ring to face each other. Without hesitation, the champion and the number one contender rush at each other, finally looking to get it on in a non-gay way! Both men swing at each other, and start nailing each other with furious right hands! Finally, Grappler swings with a backhand fist, knocking Duran back a few steps. Matthews quickly takes a few steps back as well, but then charges forward, extending his arm out for a clothesline, but the Notorious One ducks! Charlie uses his momentum to carry him to the ropes, and John does the same with the opposite ropes, as both men rebound and charge back at each other! They both lower their shoulders…




…and collide! Duran and Matthews fall backwards, the force jarring them!


“Whiskey of Hirohito!” Comet exclaims, “Both men went for shoulder blocks and suffered the consequences! That was like a car crash!”


“All I want,” begins Riley, “is to see Duran give Grappler a Blunt Force Trauma. It should be the LEAST he gets for his blasphemous robbery committed last week against Landon.”


The men are shaken up, but they are still able to get back to their feet rather quickly. This time it’s Duran that swings his arm for a clothesline, but Matthews ducks this and, standing behind his nemesis, wraps his arms around him and lifts him up diagonally, before dropping him down ass-first across his knee with an atomic drop! The force stuns Duran, but he turns around just to have Grappler wrap his arms around him and lift him up, dropping him straight down across his knee with an INVERTED atomic drop! The crowd roars at the ingenuity, but since Duran is still standing, Matthews fires off a right hand! A left hand! Charlie kisses his left fist, and then spins around, connecting with a discus punch that knocks the Notorious One down to the mat!


“Hephaestus! I guess you can’t get much more old school than a discus punch, eh Bobbo?”


Riley can only grunt incoherently.


As Comet and Riley argue about the nuances and fundamentals of wrestling, Duran climbs up to his knees, and, as Todd Royal summons the referee over, Duran stands up, bringing his knee right into Grappler’s crotch!




The crowd jeers vociferously as Matthews doubles over in pain, and Duran stands tall on his feet. The Notorious One takes Matthews’ arms and interlocks them in a double underhook, before falling back and drilling the champion with a double arm DDT! John floats over into a cover as the fans continue to boo the hell out of the Unnamed!










Matthews shoots his shoulder up quite easily, and rolls onto his stomach. Duran, satisfied, tags in Todd Royal! Todd hustles into the ring and, seeing Matthews in a vulnerable position, runs forward and drops down with the tip of his elbow extended, nailing the back of the champ’s neck with an elbow drop! Royal gets right back to his feet and then quickly sits down, this time dropping a lightning fast legdrop (with the good leg) onto the back of Charlie’s neck!


“Citizen Royal obviously going for quick, striking attacks,” Comet points out, “which is smart, because he’d be no match for our world champion in a power wrestling competition!”


“Again,” Riley sighs, “your bias is just ridiculous, Comet. For once, show some impartiality!”


Todd lifts Charlie’s head up and drapes his neck across the second rope, before pulling up on the rope, choking the life out of the champion! The referee admonishes him, giving him the five count to break the hold. Royal, ever the opportunist, breaks the move at 4.89. With Matthews literally on the ropes, Royal charges to the opposite side and comes racing back, leaping into the air and straddling his back with a big attack! Matthews is able to get to his feet after Todd dismounts him, but as he staggers back, Royal ducks down and swings his leg around, sweeping the champion’s legs out from under him, flooring him!




Todd shouts to the fans that he does not perform fellatio, and takes Matthews by the legs, dragging him over to the Unnamed’s corner! Todd reaches over…and tags in Landon Maddix! Royal holds the world champion in position as Maddix scales the top rope and leaps off, kicking his legs out and landing back-first across Matthews’ chest just as Royal drops an elbow right into Matthews’ groin!


“Brilliant maneuver!” Riley cheers, “The House of Todd is the greatest tag team in the world today, and it’s things like that that gave them that title.”


“Well, technically they don’t have THE title,” Comet remarks, “but if it’s things like low blows that gave them that moniker, it can’t take much to knock them off that pedestal.”


Landon rolls off after the senton as Royal exits the ring, and drops down on top of the champion!














Frustrated but not surprised, Landon brings Charlie back up to his feet…and rakes his fingers against Matthews’ eyes, temporarily blinding him! The crowd jeers Maddix’s obvious cheating, but with Grappler incapacitated, La Cucaracha wraps his left arm around his head in a tight headlock, before running at a neutral corner, kicking his legs up, pressing off of the turnbuckle and spinning around, dropping to the mat with a BIG swinging bulldog that flattens Matthews’ face against the canvas! After the pop ’n’ fresh move, Maddix presses down against Grappler again, covering him for another pin!















Matthews fights out of the pinning predicament and crawls to the ropes, where he pulls himself up, slowly. When Maddix sees this, he runs to the adjacent ropes, and as Grappler turns to face him, Landon rebounds and leaps up, spinning around for an elbow attack…but Grappler catches him in midair and drops back, giving Maddix a backdrop suplex! The crowd EXPLODES as Matthews gets a piece of offense in, and after lying on the mat for a second, Grappler gets up to his knees…and ROARS!


“IT’S POUNDING TIME!” Comet shouts, a little too excited.


Matthews brings Maddix up to his feet and…traps him in a front facelock! The crowd goes nuts! Grappler swiftly lifts Landon up into the air for the damndest Wake Up Call the world has ever seen, but the fans begin booing, and then-




-John Duran attacks Matthews from behind with a BIG, BIG BOOT to the back of the head! Charlie drops Landon and falls to the mat, the blow knocking the life out of him. Of course, La Cucaracha isn’t much better for wear, and both men are out. Grappler recovers first, though, and on his knees, he shuffles over to his corner…and tags in ALAN CLARK! Maddix pulls himself up at just the same time, and the two cruiserweight enemies SQUARE OFF! Both men think fast, but the fresh Clark thinks faster, as he leaps into the air and shoots his leg around, catching Landon with an enzuiguri that drops the Unnamed member down to the mat! Clark grabs Maddix’s head and calls to Matthews to get ready to do a double team move. The champ simply nods, but on the other side of the ring, John Duran sees the potential danger in this, and drops off the apron, walking towards the face corner! Without Matthews even noticing, Duran, who is now behind him, grabs his leg and forcefully pulls him off the apron! Matthews turns around, only to get slugged down by a hard right hand!


“Chaos is looming!” Comet cries, “Chaos is looming and the apocalypse is now! All hell is about to break loose!”


The two men who will square off at Battleground start their grounded battle a bit early, trading hard blows on the outside. Meanwhile, Clark realizes Matthews is gone, and, using this distraction, Maddix kicks his nemesis in the back of the knee! Clark drops to the mat, on his knees, and Landon runs to the ropes, before coming back and pressing off of Alan’s knee, swinging his leg around and nailing him in the side of the head with the SHINING WIZARD! Landon falls down on top of Clark as the pin is counted!



















The crowd ROARS as the wayward son saves the…wayward son, but just as he does, Todd Royal enters the ring! Royal surprises West with a right hand to the temple, but Coy re-Coy-als with a low kick, right to Todd’s injured leg! Todd drops to the mat like a sack of bricks, holding his hurt leg.


“And the sky has opened!” Comet says, metaphorically, “as Duran and Matthews are duking it out on the outside, and the House of Todd and the Wayward Sons are having a huge fight of their own inside!”


“Idiots,” Riley calls out, “Grap, Coy, Clark, they’re making a BIG mistake just going in there and getting into an uncontrollable fight with, of all people, the Unnamed.”


JUST as Riley calls this, Duran ducks a wild punch by Matthews on the outside and hoists him onto his shoulders, in a reverse fireman’s carry! The crowd boos FEROCIOUSLY~ as Duran prepares for takeoff…but no! Grappler drops down behind Duran and turns him around, before grabbing him in a front facelock and falling back, taking him down with a DDT on the concrete!


As this is going on, inside the ring, Coy and Clark have Landon all to themselves. They pick La Cucaracha up and trap him in a double front facelock, before hoisting him up, draping him across the top rope, and falling back, hitting a DOUBLE SLINGSHOT SUPLEX!




The New Jersey crowd begins getting into this new tandem something fierce, as Coy tells Clark to ‘do his thang’. Alan nods and scales the top rope, still holding his head from the impact of the shining wizard. Nonetheless, he springs back, turning 180 degrees before spinning a full 540, pumping his arms and legs as he spins and comes down on top of Landon with the JOY TO THE WORLD! The crowd EXPLODES AGAIN at the sheer magnitude of the high-flying spectacle. Royal moves in for the kill to break up the pin, but Coy stops him by spinning him around, grabbing him by the arm, and leveling him with a short-arm clothesline! Clark remains on top of Landon as the ref counts the pin!























Thank you, come again.




The Continental Airlines Arena nearly loses its roof as the classic Kansas tune plays through the arena.




Matthews, fresh off of taking out Duran on the outside of the ring, returns inside and congratulates his two partners. All three men raise each other’s arms as the music continues.


“No, no, no, no, no!” Riley moans, “this isn’t happening! That freakin’ hippie! That freakin’ redneck! That freakin’…”


“…champion?” Comet fills in the blank, “Bobbo, whether you like it or not, this makeshift team has beaten the odds and overcome the Unnamed in a big victory! Of course, the Unnamed will live to fight another day, and citizens, we hope you’ll be there with us. For Bobbo Riley, I’m Cyclone Comet, GOOD NIGHT!”

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Yeah, like I told Rando, I wasn't too happy with what I came up with. I don't think I'm too great with six mans. Sure, I love *reading* them (see: Flesher/J&R vs. Trinity from last year), but writing them is a whole different story for me.

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Guest Goodear

No big deal. The way tag wrestling has broken down for the last... forever... its no surprise that a lot of people here don't have a firm grip on how to take modern back-and-forth action and intigrate it into the standard tag team formula of heat segments and hot tags since the two are somewhat contradictory. Honestly I think the Unnamed match had the same kind of problems with too many exchanges and not enough OOPAH for when they happened. But I have very old school standards of tag team work which I'm sure everyone is aware of.

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Sure, I love *reading* them (see: Flesher/J&R vs. Trinity from last year), but writing them is a whole different story for me.

A fan! :wub:


One of the rare times I helped write a winning tag match, though I've done most of my best work in them....see above. edit: Or am I thinking of the wrong match, wasn't this the one nominated for t.v. MOTY?


Anyway, to comment on my own match. Dace really out did himself with the intro and the face in peril segment and it's a shame it was in a losing effort. The guy's probably one of the most underrated writers in the fed.



"... its no surprise that a lot of people here don't have a firm grip on how to take modern back-and-forth action and intigrate it into the standard tag team formula of heat segments and hot tags since the two are somewhat contradictory. "


I didn't think tag team wrestling still existed, unless you consider six man clusterfucks with chairs and ladders tag team wrestling.


If people want to know how to incoperate modern wrestling into the classic tag format just check out the Dangerous Alliance stuff from early 90s and of course the late 80s and early 90s All Japan tag scene, back when they used the 20 minute sprint format.


Kobashi/Kikuchi vs. Can Am Connection is probably the best example of a face peril match pumped up on speed with modern move sets.


As is Windham/Rhodes vs. Austin/Zybsko.

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Guest Goodear

I didn't think tag team wrestling still existed, unless you consider six man clusterfucks with chairs and ladders tag team wrestling.


And I don't. Personally, I could rather watch five matches of Demolition showing off how to cut off a ring than one Hardy Boyz 'lets FLIP!' match. Everything I learned about tag wrestling I learned from the mid-eighties :)


If people want to know how to incoperate modern wrestling into the classic tag format just check out the Dangerous Alliance stuff from early 90s and of course the late 80s and early 90s All Japan tag scene, back when they used the 20 minute sprint format.


Still, I don't think wrestling like The Rock or (latter day) Steve Austin really translates into effective tag team formula as far as brawling into a transition as we discussed last week as far as just 'punching the other guy back' in order to take over. A lot of the tag matches I see nowadays try to push that into a tag match and it doesn't work so well because it lessens the heat for the hot tag which also happens way too soon. Heat segments that last only two minutes just aren't effective in my view.

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To be honest, I wasn't ecstatic about my match either. Considering I've only really liked three of my matches that I've ever wrote, that's not saying much. But I agree with the tag format being slightly off in both matches.


Still, I enjoyed your six man guys...and the Danny/Dace tag match too, which was very solid IMO.

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Thanks Danny. Tt's always a big worry of mine, writing if other people and keeping up with their standards and all.


We lost the Trinity vs Mag 7 match... I remember the two of us beat Flesher and Judge though.

The other big six man was Dace/Danny/Silent vs Judge/Ejiro/Janus. I'll have to go check on that.


I can cast my vote in with the old school tag team style as well. While I'll be the first man to admit I have a love of big flashy spots, they don't make good matches.

And having watched even just a few classic tag matchse, I've found them far more rewarding to watch.


Right, I'm going to check up on the tag match history.


EDIT: Unholy Trinity vs Mag Seven was nominated for TV MOTY. But the Mag Seven won that one.


The other tag match nominated was Dace/Va'aiga being Justice and Rule for the Tag Titles.


But it was always a great time writing tags with you Danny, and we had our fair share of wins I think. And just fell short of beating Justice and Rule, where you did the protecting leader with young student, which was an amazing read.

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Guest ToddRoyal

I think a lot of the problems with our match was my part (the middle). I hated the way it came out, but had to get it to Landon to finish it off on deadline. I'm still not terribly comfortable writing straight tags, so the six man thing really threw me off. Ah well.

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"And I don't. Personally, I could rather watch five matches of Demolition showing off how to cut off a ring than one Hardy Boyz 'lets FLIP!' match. Everything I learned about tag wrestling I learned from the mid-eighties :)"


Demolition were an underrated team, they were just in the wrong enviroment from an artistic stand point. Given their approach and style, it's pretty difficult to have good matches in under ten minutes. I would have loved to have seen what they could have done in the NWA or WCW. I do remember their matches with the Brainbusters and Hart Foundation as being pretty good. Very solid power team.


"A lot of the tag matches I see nowadays try to push that into a tag match and it doesn't work so well because it lessens the heat for the hot tag which also happens way too soon. Heat segments that last only two minutes just aren't effective in my view."


The modern WWE strikes me for the most part as being terrified of working heat segments. It's as if they are scared they are going to lose the crowd if they dominate for too long, when in my case they are failing to connect with me when they do that. Just imagine how much more effective HHH/Benjamin would have been if the Game properly worked a long heat/sympathy segment.


There's also nothing wrong with spot a thon sprinting tag matches that never slow down or go beyond very basic story telling. It's just they are very difficult to pull off. No one in the current WWE really has the move sets or timing to do it properly. I can only think of a handful of pure tag sprints that worked:


Steiners vs. Sting/Lugar 91, Misawa/Akiyama vs. Kawada/Taue 11/96, Ohtani/Beniot vs. Eddy/Sasuke 94.


"The other big six man was Dace/Danny/Silent vs Judge/Ejiro/Janus"


I remember now, this is the one that was the t.v. MOTYC. If I recall, Edwin really pimped it.

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That had your ending of the triple submission spot. Triangle Choke on Janus, Sleeper on Judge and Ejiro choked out in a Front Facelock.


I think we manage to atleast show something. In a big tag match, you might be reading 3K of heat sometimes if the match is built like that. That's a lot long when modern WWE stuff and we can manage to keep it interesting and have the readers interested.

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"The other big six man was Dace/Danny/Silent vs Judge/Ejiro/Janus"


I remember now, this is the one that was the t.v. MOTYC. If I recall, Edwin really pimped it.

Yeah, I did. I really fucking loved that match so, so much. I haven't kept too close tabs on the fed over the last year, but in the two and a half years I did, that one makes it into the Top 5 Finishes.


Wish I had time to read more stuff these days. Alas.

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Alright, comments for Rando/Grap/Coy, which Rando has been asking for over the last little while.


I'm gonna' come out and say that this was another one of those cases where one team was pretty clearly the best of the two, and no-one really 'lost' the match for themselves. I always feel the need to point out whether or not this is what happened, because it lets everyone understand what parts of their writing needs improvement. When you write something that ends up costing the match for you more than your opponent beats you, there are ISSUES that need to be addressed. If you're simply outwritten, it's a jagged little pill, but it's mostly a case of minor tweaks that need to be done.


I think the cheif thing that bothered me about the Unnamed match was... well... it didn't gel that well. I think it could've used a good once-over edit at the end, just to cover up the discrepancies between Coy, Clark and Grappler. This is always a big problem with tag matches, because if they aren't seamless, they don't read well, and if they don't read well, it's a huge blow to winnability. Outside of noticeable prose and commentary differences, the wrestling was pretty OK, but nothing really spectacular. It did have a problem where, at times, it just didn't flow like a proper tag match should, though. There was too much focus on the individual matchups (Landon/Clark, Grap/Duran), and there just wasn't enough tagging. That extremely long stretch of Clark vs Landon was just... bad. Overlong, and it definitely took away from the match more than it added to it. This is a personal opinion, but I believe when you're writing tag matches that feature singles feuds like this, you should work build-up and pay-off type internal storylines, which add a nice dimension to the match, instead of tossing Landon and Clark against each other at the first oppertunity and letting it ride for 2000 words. This definitely all echoes the sentiments that the match had a New Coke effect. You tampered with the formula for the worse, even if people thought it tasted good at the time.


Something else worth noting is that I didn't like the finish very much. Seemed generic and a little anti-climatic, all things considered, even if I felt that Grappler's was the best written third of the match. To me, the finish is the most important part of a match, and it can really win or lose something. A fantastic finish makes an average match into a good one, a good one into a great one, and a bad finish turns chicken soup into chicken shit, to quote Va'aiga. I also didn't understand why Coy and Clark were so comfortable teaming together--I know I've heard Rando talk about teaming up with Ejiro at some point down the line, but I had no idea anything had ever taken place in storyline. Seeing them come out together seemed a little out of place, unless I've missed something.


Anyway, there you go. My take, my reasons, and some notes for future stuff if I'm marking. Bon appatite.



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Guest Goodear

I know I've heard Rando talk about teaming up with Ejiro at some point down the line, but I had no idea anything had ever taken place in storyline. Seeing them come out together seemed a little out of place, unless I've missed something.


We tried to get over the bond of the two characters through those two matches were we went to draws and non-finishes. Establishing at the end of the match with the superplex double knock out 'mutual respect' and the Sesame Street Fight that showed the two guys were hanging out together. I also tried to cover that the teamwork was a bit 'unexpected' by the commentary, but that might have gotten edited out at some point.


Other than that I can agree with the rest of the commentary other than...


There was too much focus on the individual matchups (Landon/Clark, Grap/Duran), and there just wasn't enough tagging.


Which doesn't make sense to me since those were the two feuds going into the match up. I don't see why those wouldn't be the focus of a tag match with those guys in them. Maybe I'm not following your train of thought there.

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Right, I didn't word that correctly. What I'm really trying to say there is that the tag aspect wasn't focused on enough for those four guys. This is where the build up, pay off thing in tag matches that are based on singles feuds really should've been implimented, because there was just too much Duran vs Grap and Landon vs Clark (the latter more specifically) for a match where they weren't facing directly. The other guys in the match weren't mixed in well enough, so to speak.



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I'm just adding one little line of thought about Z's notes, because I agree with 95% of that now that I understand where the marker was coming from.


You said you think it was odd that Coy and Clark would seem so comfortable together... well I guess I was using a little WWE logic there, whereby two guys just start teaming and they click a little bit. Currently, I will use the situation between HBK and Chris Benoit. Michaels has stated that he is clearly protecting his investment, but they still damn near won the tag titles. Same thing goes with all those "drop two guys together" teams. They always seem to mesh a bit too well.


Maybe it could be added into my stats that during the Bloodshed days, Clark was mostly (75% of the time) a tag team wrestler. I'm not just making that up to appease this problem, because the Bloodshed character was not originally mine - but my tag partners - and we went through two feds tagging and after he disappeared I took the character and went through two other feds tag teaming and generally staying away from singles competition.


That's both a history of me as an e-fedder and of the character, and while it has no real bearing, it still gives Clark a good bit of tag team experience that he can draw from (even though during an SWF match I would never have the announcers talk about that kind of history, because it's mostly irrelevant outside of a quote like "It seems ____ has underestimated the team skills of Alan Clark, but that man has a history of tag team wrestling all throughout the independants!" or something similiar.


EDIT: The Landon/Clark thing was somewhat a problem I worked myself into, because me and Coy were trying to save the big Grap/Duran showdown till the end and spend the first big chunk of the match putting over the tagging between the other two teams and how, because of the House of Todd being a true team, Coy and Alan worked together to combat that. The big fact of SWF/JL history is that Clark has alot more backstory with both guys, and they haven't really met in the SWF yet, so when they finally get to - it's going to be a train wreck just between those three.


Yeah, six mans are really tough to write, and maybe if this was a tag match like HoT vs. West/Clark, then it would have been alot easier and made more sense to do those kinds of things. This was just a case of me trying to the make the most of Landon and Alan's first meeting inside a wrestling ring since January.

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Well, why not have the announcer's talk about it? Personally, there's logical grounds for a thrown-together team to tag and have it just 'click,' but it wasn't played up well enough in this match, I don't think. If you had layed on Clark's tagging history a little thick, and if the match had a stronger tag aspect overall, I think it would've worked. You could've even included the two of them botching something because of their inexperience together and using it as a point for building drama. That would've been kinda' cool, actually.


I think it was having Coy and Clark come out to the same music that threw me off a bit, though. That's pretty misleading as to how 'new' Clark and Coy are to tagging together, imo.


EDIT: So, this thread now has 19 replies. I think when the losing match thread has more than double the comments the show has, it's time for us to switch prioritieeeeeeesss... -_-



Edited by realitycheck

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That was my idea as well, and i'm now thinking that a promo definitely could have helped that cause. But i'm not disappointed or anything -- but you'll get a promo or a storyline that builds into that soon enough.

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Well, just putting in my comments on the Danny/Dace match. To my eyes, the first part had far too many exclamation marks, but that's more a problem with punctuation than the match. Regarding the match - Toxxic didn't cheat, which is bang on, but Liston didn't cheat anywhere near enough. I liked the whole "muscles" bit (and you got Toxxic's disgust for Willaim's roid-peaks spot-on) but it was kind of over-played, maybe? i thought the whole Power and Glory thing was done a bit too much as well, but maybe that's just me.


Oh, and Toxxic DOESN'T wear lipstick. Eyeliner and nail varnish yes, but not lipstick.


Meh, I can't really find much fault with the match. My guess would be that Danny did the first half, since that seemed less familiar with Toxxic's character, and Dace did the second (specifically because I tapped to the Juji-Gatame, which I put Dace in during our ICTV match not knowing it was a "legit immediate tap-out" move). If we'd lost to that match, i wouldn't have been that disappointed. My only thought would be that perhaps Dace using the Juji-gatame on me as a way to get the move over hurt him, since I don't recall it being in his movelist at all, and it could have come across as an attempt to make a point rather than remain true to the character. But that's just a guess.

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The opening spots where Danny's I started the heat segment and the end was his.


The use of the Juji-gatame comes from: Dace getting revenge for the arm work and playing off history. Both Dace and Danny has used the move before. Mainly Danny and he's won big matches with it.


If Danny can do it, Dace can do it. As noted by Dace using the Elbow Sucidia from time to time.

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