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The Eugene Character Was Nick Dinsmore's Idea

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Idiot. Doesn't he realize there is practically nowhere to go with or after this angle? What can you do after being a retard? You can't just stop being mentally challenged.

Bring back Dean Douglas and the Genius to help educate him

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This is just like everyone defending Eddie Guerrero whenever he attacks a fan, then the same people would post "FIRE HIM!" if someone like Triple H did it. I really don't give a crap what Nick Dinsmore's character is, if he can bring it in the ring like I've heard he can, he can be as retarded as he wants to be. And I'm pretty sure some of the people posting shit about everyone changing there minds about the gimmick are the same ones who kissed Eddie Guerrero's BUTT whenever he attacked those fans.

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Idiot. Doesn't he realize there is practically nowhere to go with or after this angle? What can you do after being a retard? You can't just stop being mentally challenged. Pretty sure it doesn't work that way.

Yet in the WWE you can stop being dead (Taker) and stop being hideously deformed and scarref for life(Kane).


There have already been numerous discussions around the board about how Eugene...or Nick Eugene Dinsmore (with Eugene being his middle name) ...can be using it as a guise to get a job (with Uncle Eric playing along with it), and Eugene can go from wrestling machine in the ring to mentally challenged out of the ring, confusing everyone until the truth is revealed and Nick can turn heel and get a nice push out of it.



If you can return from the dead, anything is possible in the WWE.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
Idiot. Doesn't he realize there is practically nowhere to go with or after this angle? What can you do after being a retard? You can't just stop being mentally challenged. Pretty sure it doesn't work that way.

You're right. But I tossed-around the idea of something like, ala film, the character slowly changes, until at the end, he's just your average guy.


But that won't work here - He's retarded, not hyperactive.


Knowing WWE, they'd probably elect for something as stupid as, or even, some form of surgery to increase his brain power.


And think about it - just think about the fact that WWE might not have to change his gimmick.

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This is just like everyone defending Eddie Guerrero whenever he attacks a fan, then the same people would post "FIRE HIM!" if someone like Triple H did it. I really don't give a crap what Nick Dinsmore's character is, if he can bring it in the ring like I've heard he can, he can be as retarded as he wants to be. And I'm pretty sure some of the people posting shit about everyone changing there minds about the gimmick are the same ones who kissed Eddie Guerrero's BUTT whenever he attacked those fans.

None of us would have problems with HHH chasing a fan who poured beer on him.


At least, none of us with 70+ IQ's.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
I cannot believe the 180 you are all doing.  He should be complimented for thinking of such an asinine gimmick? He got on TV? Did Dinsmore remember Goldust's tourette's gimmick? Does he remember Beaver Cleaver?


This is a gimmick that RUINS careers, not make them.


I think he is a fucking putz for even thinking there would be a positive upside to this.  He clearly doesn't have any idea whatsoever about the wrestling business.


EVETYONE on here has been pissing on the gimmick, and rightfully so.  Why all of a sudden is it good, or even tolerable now that we know Dinsmore created it? It wasn't smart, saavy, or anything like that.  It is, was, and forever will be stupid.


I pity you fickle and contradictory assfaces.  Like really.

So, someone that is actuallly, you know, a wrestler knows nothing about the business, yet someone with access to the internet is somehow more knowledgable of the business.

Please. You have as much knowledge of the business as anyone else here....fuck all.



PS. Stop flamebaiting.

Did I ever claim to be an expert? Everyone here is in agreeance that the gimmick is terrible. Also, the vast majority agree that it is a career killer. That isn't smart. He clearly doesn't know anything about what the fans want. We don't watch wrestling for retarded gimmicks. His idea was ridiculous. And he deserves to be called out for it.


And only in the WWE folder would a differing opinion be considered flame baiting. Like honestly, can someone tell me HOW I am flame baiting? Please please tell me.

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And only in the WWE folder would a differing opinion be considered flame baiting. Like honestly, can someone tell me HOW I am flame baiting? Please please tell me.

Your continuous posts of "hypocrisy here! Everyone look! Dinsmore sucks because he came up with it, but you idiot can't see it! Idiots!" even when others are agreeing with you about it being a bad idea.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

What is so terrible about his gimmick? I think that it will get over. I think that he can work. And I think that he can be a success.


And yes, think about that WWE may not even have to change his gimmick at all.


And also think about that it is his character, so if he felt that it wouldn't work in the long run, he probably wouldn't've picked it.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

And only in the WWE folder would a differing opinion be considered flame baiting.  Like honestly, can someone tell me HOW I am flame baiting? Please please tell me.

Your continuous posts of "hypocrisy here! Everyone look! Dinsmore sucks because he came up with it, but you idiot can't see it! Idiots!" even when others are agreeing with you about it being a bad idea.

You don't see any hypocracy in many of your opinions? Some of you COMPLETELY switched your opinion when you heard it was Dinsmore's idea. To defend him, you guys fooloishyl saw that he has a great mind for the business by using this gimmick to get on TV. I am saying that is WRONG, because this gimmick will kill his career. He'd be better off waiting a few more months/years to get an actual gimmick where he can thrive. I don't think he has a great mind for the business, and doesn't understand the ramifications of such an asinine gimmick.


Am I still flame baiting?

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Guest Askewniverse
What can you do after being a retard? You can't just stop being mentally challenged. Pretty sure it doesn't work that way.

Depending on the level of MR (mental retardation) and how early it's diagnosed, people may be able to lead a semi-normal life. While MR can't truly be cured, there are various treatments which can significantly help people with MR.


In my opinion, the Eugene Dinsmore character doesn't seem to be retarded. He seems more like a high-functioning autistic.


Either way, I think it's a stupid gimmick, regardless of who came up with it.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
What can you do after being a retard? You can't just stop being mentally challenged. Pretty sure it doesn't work that way.

Depending on the level of MR (mental retardation) and how early it's diagnosed, people may be able to lead a semi-normal life. While MR can't truly be cured, there are various treatments which can significantly help people with MR.


In my opinion, the Eugene Dinsmore character doesn't seem to be retarded. He seems more like a high-functioning autistic.


Either way, I think it's a stupid gimmick, regardless of who came up with it.

Are you just saying that it's stupid based on how he acts?


Yeah, I won't see until tomorrow night - but so far, it seems as if the main two arguments are "him turning back" and "how stupid it is".


You all know that Nick Dinsmore has experience with those type of characters. :D


Hey, at least there's something to look forward to on Raw (even if it has been better lately) - Nick Dinsmore.

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Guest Choken One

Rick Steiner pulled off the act VERY effectivly and was able to evolve...and he's a shitty worker...Dinsmore can evolve just as well.

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Guest Askewniverse
Are you just saying that it's stupid based on how he acts?

No. I'm saying the gimmick is stupid regardless of how he acts.

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And only in the WWE folder would a differing opinion be considered flame baiting.  Like honestly, can someone tell me HOW I am flame baiting? Please please tell me.

Your continuous posts of "hypocrisy here! Everyone look! Dinsmore sucks because he came up with it, but you idiot can't see it! Idiots!" even when others are agreeing with you about it being a bad idea.

You don't see any hypocracy in many of your opinions? Some of you COMPLETELY switched your opinion when you heard it was Dinsmore's idea. To defend him, you guys fooloishyl saw that he has a great mind for the business by using this gimmick to get on TV. I am saying that is WRONG, because this gimmick will kill his career. He'd be better off waiting a few more months/years to get an actual gimmick where he can thrive. I don't think he has a great mind for the business, and doesn't understand the ramifications of such an asinine gimmick.


Am I still flame baiting?

See, this post is better. You use "some" to identify that you realize not everyone is agreeing that it is OK. In your first couple of posts, you were calling us ALL fools and saying "you hypocritical asses". That was my problem, not saying how stupid Dinsmore was for coming up with it.

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And only in the WWE folder would a differing opinion be considered flame baiting.  Like honestly, can someone tell me HOW I am flame baiting? Please please tell me.

Your continuous posts of "hypocrisy here! Everyone look! Dinsmore sucks because he came up with it, but you idiot can't see it! Idiots!" even when others are agreeing with you about it being a bad idea.

You don't see any hypocracy in many of your opinions? Some of you COMPLETELY switched your opinion when you heard it was Dinsmore's idea. To defend him, you guys fooloishyl saw that he has a great mind for the business by using this gimmick to get on TV. I am saying that is WRONG, because this gimmick will kill his career. He'd be better off waiting a few more months/years to get an actual gimmick where he can thrive. I don't think he has a great mind for the business, and doesn't understand the ramifications of such an asinine gimmick.


Am I still flame baiting?

He's already waited a few years to get called up. When it became clear that wwe creative had nothing for him he made his own gimmick and then got called up. It's called creating an opportunity and seizing it. The man is smart.

And as for this gimmick being a career killer, I doubt it, and if it doesn't work he can simply change it. Simple. I also give the markish fans a bit more credit than to think they actually believe he''s a retard out of charaacter and should therefore be stuck in the same gimmick.

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Oh, the gimmick is unbelievably terrible. Regardless of whether or not it gets Dinsmore on television, it is still an amazingly horrible idea.


But, once again, I think it's the bias of people that are getting in the way of realizing that the idea goes beyond idiocy. When it was the writers they came up with this garbage, people around here couldn't stop throwing blame on them. Now that's it Dinsmore idea, automatically some seem to find it tolerable? No, it's still pathetic, regardless of who came up with it. However, some people enjoy Nick, so they're willing to actually convince themselves that it will work out in the end. If you thought the writers were stupid for coming up with the idea, then you HAVE to think that Nick's stupid for coming up with the same idea. It's only fair.


This is like the Brock Lesnar situation all over again. Some TSMers tried to pretend as if his walking out was completely justified, and there was no problem with it whatsoever. But they based that on the fact that they liked his wrestling BEFORE he left and on the basis that they enjoyed his character on TV. Yet, when someone like Steve Austin "took his ball and went home", it was unacceptable and some couldn't stop taking pleasure in badmouthing him. Why was it acceptable for Brock to leave the company that made him and sorely needs him, yet it wasn't acceptable for Austin to do the same thing? The bias of people get in the way. Same concept here.


I don't really see how this character can be defended. What kind of marketing is available? A shirt that reads "You're not retarded if you believe in yourself"? A large foam finger reading "I'm Special" that points to yourself? Who's going to buy Nick Dinsmore merchandise? Better yet, who's going to buy a PPV on the basis of seeing Nick Dinsmore wrestle. Who's going to believe that Dinsmore actually has a shot of becoming the Intercontinental Champion? It's a DEAD-END gimmick. It makes the new guy look like a complete joke, it takes away any credibility he could have in a serious feud, and his audience is based on hoping that middle-aged men and angsty teenagers will say "Hey, let's rally around the retarded guy and hope he wins!"


The angle is trash. It was trash when we thought creative come up with it. It's trash now that we know Nick Dinsmore came up with it himself. Anybody that changed their opinion of the gimmick along the way are just delusional.

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Guest TheArchiteck

I have no idea who this guy is besides having decent stats in EWR......

with that said, this is one of the stupidest characters i've seen yet.

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This is just like everyone defending Eddie Guerrero whenever he attacks a fan, then the same people would post "FIRE HIM!"if someone like Triple H did it.

I really hate this kind of logic and I've been seeing it on these boards more and more lately. If HHH, under the same or similar circumstances, actually attacked a fan and people on here started calling for his head, then you'd have a point. Neither of those things have happened, so it's not even worth making the comparison.


As for Dinsmore...I think that the Eugene character is stupid, but like someone else said, I do feel more comfortable that it was his idea rather than having it forced on him by creative. If it's his idea, he'd have a better understanding of how the character should work, and hopefully that'll come across well on TV. Also, assuming that he has more control over the gimmick, he might have the freedom to make necessary adjustments to the character in order to get it over with the crowd.

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Good argument NYT, but I disagree on one of your points...


Yet, when someone like Steve Austin "took his ball and went home", it was unacceptable and some couldn't stop taking pleasure in badmouthing him. Why was it acceptable for Brock to leave the company that made him and sorely needs him, yet it wasn't acceptable for Austin to do the same thing?


Well, Lesnar DID give three weeks notice to Vince McMahon, which was twenty days more than Austin did. Additionally, Lesnar still worked his last contractual match at Wrestlemania.

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This is like the Brock Lesnar situation all over again. Some TSMers tried to pretend as if his walking out was completely justified, and there was no problem with it whatsoever. But they based that on the fact that they liked his wrestling BEFORE he left and on the basis that they enjoyed his character on TV. Yet, when someone like Steve Austin "took his ball and went home", it was unacceptable and some couldn't stop taking pleasure in badmouthing him. Why was it acceptable for Brock to leave the company that made him and sorely needs him, yet it wasn't acceptable for Austin to do the same thing? The bias of people get in the way. Same concept here.

You know, I seem to remember most people on the board being behind Austin's decision to walk out.

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I never said it was a great gimmick.

I just said that he knew it would get him on TV, which is every wrestler's goal.

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Good argument NYT, but I disagree on one of your points...


Yet, when someone like Steve Austin "took his ball and went home", it was unacceptable and some couldn't stop taking pleasure in badmouthing him. Why was it acceptable for Brock to leave the company that made him and sorely needs him, yet it wasn't acceptable for Austin to do the same thing?


Well, Lesnar DID give three weeks notice to Vince McMahon, which was twenty days more than Austin did. Additionally, Lesnar still worked his last contractual match at Wrestlemania.

While Lesnar did give further notice before his departure, it still came off as abrupt and left the company scrambling to develop something as a replacement - i.e. the roster lottery.


He walked out on a company that needed him as the top new star of WWE for the next few years.


Austin walked out on a company that was hoping he could bring Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit up to his level.


While Brock did give them a couple of days to develop something, it still threw a wrench into the WrestleMania plans, changed the entire result, and didn't help out anybody as a result. Goldberg was already leaving after Mania so his win didn't mean anything, and Brock didn't give enough notice where they could have put a new guy like Cena over him and actually have had it mean something.


He gave them a few days notice, but he did it at such a point that there was no way for WWE to capitalize on it. That doesn't make him much better than Austin in my view.


You know, I seem to remember most people on the board being behind Austin's decision to walk out.


I doubt it......I don't specifically remember the thread, but I remember many people being upset over Austin walking out on an angle that could have done wonders for bringing Eddie and Benoit into the Main Event.

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All I can say about this is that if I was a wrestler riding around in the indies scraping together gas money and rent and someone offered me a chance on TV in WWE on any of their shows, my first words would be "where do I sign?". If the guy can get a year out of this gimmick, no matter how bad it may seem, he is still gonna be pulling a fair amount of money from it.


Harry Smith said the exact same thing in an interview when asked what his reaction would be if they asked him to do gobbledygooker 2.0. Dinsmore is on WWE TV and for the time being it looks like he's going to be there for a while. Power to him for figuring out a way to get his foot in the door and make a little money.

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This is like the Brock Lesnar situation all over again. Some TSMers tried to pretend as if his walking out was completely justified, and there was no problem with it whatsoever. But they based that on the fact that they liked his wrestling BEFORE he left and on the basis that they enjoyed his character on TV. Yet, when someone like Steve Austin "took his ball and went home", it was unacceptable and some couldn't stop taking pleasure in badmouthing him. Why was it acceptable for Brock to leave the company that made him and sorely needs him, yet it wasn't acceptable for Austin to do the same thing? The bias of people get in the way. Same concept here.

You know, I seem to remember most people on the board being behind Austin's decision to walk out.

Because at the time, Austin wasn't clearly acting as a hypocritical fuckwad.


He'd claimed he left because of the shitty direction of the creative team. He claimed he'd left because the booking sucked. However, that was just a lie to cover his ass and get some support for him.


It turns out he only cared about himself the whole time. As long as he's booked to look invincible and have angles built around him, Austin doesn't give a fuck how shitty the shows are. He doesn't care how counterproductive the way he's booked is.


Harry Smith said the exact same thing in an interview when asked what his reaction would be if they asked him to do gobbledygooker 2.0.


You could put just about anyone under a Gooker costume, and no one would be the wiser if that same person showed up a bit later in a different gimmick.


Now, compare the Gooker to the Red Rooster.

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Guest Anglesault
Good argument NYT, but I disagree on one of your points...


Yet, when someone like Steve Austin "took his ball and went home", it was unacceptable and some couldn't stop taking pleasure in badmouthing him. Why was it acceptable for Brock to leave the company that made him and sorely needs him, yet it wasn't acceptable for Austin to do the same thing?


Well, Lesnar DID give three weeks notice to Vince McMahon, which was twenty days more than Austin did. Additionally, Lesnar still worked his last contractual match at Wrestlemania.

While Lesnar did give further notice before his departure, it still came off as abrupt and left the company scrambling to develop something as a replacement

Right. Insetad of Undertaker squashing Brock all over the country, they had to use Booker T.


Damn that bastard Brock. Damn him.

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You know, I seem to remember most people on the board being behind Austin's decision to walk out.


I doubt it......I don't specifically remember the thread, but I remember many people being upset over Austin walking out on an angle that could have done wonders for bringing Eddie and Benoit into the Main Event.

People did respond to it in that way (just like there are people who responded negatively to the Brock situation), but at the time of the walk out, overall, I'd say most of people on the board supported Austin for sticking it to HHH and the creative.

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Good argument NYT, but I disagree on one of your points...


Yet, when someone like Steve Austin "took his ball and went home", it was unacceptable and some couldn't stop taking pleasure in badmouthing him. Why was it acceptable for Brock to leave the company that made him and sorely needs him, yet it wasn't acceptable for Austin to do the same thing?


Well, Lesnar DID give three weeks notice to Vince McMahon, which was twenty days more than Austin did. Additionally, Lesnar still worked his last contractual match at Wrestlemania.

While Lesnar did give further notice before his departure, it still came off as abrupt and left the company scrambling to develop something as a replacement

Right. Insetad of Undertaker squashing Brock all over the country, they had to use Booker T.


Damn that bastard Brock. Damn him.



Oh wait, the squashes could be because Booker T is having back problems as of late. Vince wants to give him some relatively easy house shows instead of keeping him off altogether and depriving him of some money. So they could be a way to have Booker T wrestle and make money, but preserve his back at the same time.


And it can also be argued that WWE probably wouldn't have their Golden Child lose in a minute squash to Taker around the country. I would think they would be somewhat more competitive, because obviously, WWE wouldn't be out to ruin Brock's career.



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Guest Anglesault

I personally think both man did what they had to do.


To this day, I think they were trying to make Austin quit. Brock kind of, bu Austin definately.

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